Hi, this is Pete, one of Profeshinul-Wizurd's assistants, currently managing his Wizardblr. You've met my boss before, right? He can be pretty dumb at times, any tips for dispelling curses? Also, why are you standing in the middle of a pool of blood?
I have no idea where this pool of blood came from. I haven't murdered anyone lately, so I assume the beast ate someone recently. Dispelling curses is easy, all you need to do is let me touch you.
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How do you plan to eliminate wizards such as me and ace? You kinda got stomped in our fight.
1: I'm much better prepared now
2: I am forming a contract with the beast
3: I have the Unholy Grail
4: I don't stay down. With enough attempts, I will succeed
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@anti-anti-wizard-council I have discovered a strategy for defeating the anti wizard council. Paranoia. He is VERY paranoid. If you have any objects or anything else you want to defend, set it up in such a way that it seems to be unguarded, and has a couple slightly obvious traps. Then have the real trap be incredibly sophisticated, also make sure the trap itself is not magical, to avoid the anti-magic aura. Another option is if there is a certain thing you don't want him to do, present a trapped version of that thing and after that he will always suspect that anything similar is trapped. For example if you don't want him searching beaches send a mysterious message saying what he wants can be found on a certain beach, and setup a trap there. Then he will never go exploring beaches for fear of them being trapped.
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Yes, we are familiar with his abilities. Thank you for your information. We thought his base and decoy base to be destroyed, but have suspicions that it might have actually been his decoy base and decoy decoy base instead. It is still unclear how many people remain in his service. Has he been deploying personnel recently that you've seen, or is he alone?
@exra-ace-wizard Hello. Would you mind meeting us at your earliest convenience? There are things we wish to discuss.
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We meant not to inquire on your personal standing but rather call upon your knowledge of the current goings-on. Do you believe you have in any way dissuaded him from killing? Where is this country he intends to establish (or has he done away with the idea)?
@exra-ace-wizard Hello. Would you mind meeting us at your earliest convenience? There are things we wish to discuss.
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The matter of your arrangements with the Anti-Wizard Council. We have heard rumors that you have encouraged Mr. Millenis to attempt founding his own country in the stead of invading Wizard Island. Could you elaborate on this matter?
@exra-ace-wizard Hello. Would you mind meeting us at your earliest convenience? There are things we wish to discuss.
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@exra-ace-wizard Hello. Would you mind meeting us at your earliest convenience? There are things we wish to discuss.
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You 🫵 forgot to point to emphasize your statement, let's get a second take
This🫵 loser doesn't understand the importance of wasps to the ecosystem
This mf doesn't understand the everlooming threat of wizards.
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Then it seems our business is no longer obsolete.
Very well. I hope you enjoy the decrepit state of your base.
It seems the anti-wizard council has largely ceased operation... well, not entirely, mind you; but with its leader out of the way, I suspect it will be easier to prevent it from continuing with its plans to make wizard camps.
...Unless it gains a new leader, that is.
- @anti-anti-wizard-council
I say, I apologize for not replying earlier, old boy; still been a bit lost. Still searching for my ancestral estate; thought I'd find it quicker following my faithful homing pigeon Gallant, and that probably would have been a good idea if I'd stuck to it, but then I decided to send Gallant to scout ahead, and, ah, well, without Gallant's direct guidance I... seem to have lost my way a bit. Still doing all right; still keeping the chin up and all that; just... well, may have wandered a bit astray.
For the best that @anti-wizard-council hasn't been around, really, given that I'm not currently in a position to do anything. Still, I'm confident I'll find what I'm after eventually. In the meantime, good to know you're still there willing to put up the good fight.
Carry on.
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Is this once again afoot?
Anyone else ever misread small little details in ways that completely change the meaning of what you are reading? Because I keep misreading “-“ as “~” and it’s giving off a really fucking weird vibe.
“Do you mind filling out these papers~ it won’t take long…”
Please tell me that this isn’t just me.
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Have you seen my ex-intern? He stole a bunch if my stuff and ran off after I fired him. I saw him come this way.
Oh, sorry, me and horsey haven't seen any interns 'round here. I saw a jackalope. Is your intern a jackalope? If so, I'm very sorry. Horsey killed him. To death :•/
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*A shrouded figure appears behind the two Watts.*
And what then? This machine will have all the answers? How are we to trust that it's not leading us astray as well?
And how are we to trust that you will not simply go back to subjugating wizards the second M.M. is defeated?
*As soon as Watts disappears, he reappears in a different spot feet away, but now there are two? One is the one you've just seen blink from existence, and the other is...younger? Healthier looking, with both arms intact. The younger one is Watts as you remembered him when you first found out about his existence, and yet as he lays eyes on you, you see nothing but confusion and hatred. Older Watts has a hand on his younger self's shoulders, apparently keeping him from trying to lay waste to the station he is powerless to lay waste to*
Hello, Ahno. Your box didn't exactly work out the way I thought it would, first time using it and all.
You're here. And there's two of you. Temporal displacement? Thought so.
I'll give you the quick and dirty rundown.
Things have progressed very quickly. Or will progress quickly? With the state the station is in temporality is hard.
The station's about as closed as it can get. Dimensionally unmoored, nothing gets in or out. Except the UN-BOX but there are very few limitations on that.
I've been keeping as up-to-date as I can. For instance, I would not talk to Hummbirb. M.M. took over their body. Very tragic.
There's something that you should meet though. It's called the D.E.O.S. engine. It's the creation of some legendary war god or something, the ultimate strategist. It became active recently. It's sending transmissions from the psychic realm last I checked.
That's all I can give you.
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Humm just stares at M.M. amidst the ruins of Watt's archives.
*It stares back, that hideous grin never leaving its face, though silent for once. It beckons to you, as if inviting you to challenge*
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Alright, team. Since the anti-wizard council has been effectively dismantled... What is our current objective. Finding Watts? Distracting MM? The table's open for ideas.
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Forgive my unprofessionalism, but WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON???
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So, you are a lackey, you say? Tell me, what are the job benefits like?
I was sent on an all expense paid vacation to noodle hell that one time! Mostly there are no benefits. I was hoping to annihilate every other wizard and rule over all of creation, but now we’ve joined the council as magic cops and i just don’t know anymore… it has been nice to put all my components on his tab
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Quick question: what is the fae relationship vis á vis anti-magic? I am doing research for an article.
From what I remember from back in high school Honors Mortal Magic, we don't really care too much.
Anti-magic follows a few principles. One being a sort of battle of wits - most spells have loopholes or shortcuts when setting em up, and thus by learning and exploiting said loopholes (or learning and reversing the spell's processes, if it doesn't have one) you can negate em. Alternatively, if you whack a spell hard enough with a strong enough power, it kinda fizzles out.
Most Fae are safe from both of these options. Contracts can't be forcibly broken because a contract utilizes the power from both parties and thus neither party is stronger than it, and if we lose in a battle of wits then that's just embarrassing.
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