anthonyk44-blog · 5 years
Tutorial 1: 3 Fonts i like and Dislike.
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This font forces the general shape of the moon onto its characters. It does not sacrifice clarity in doing so either and a reader will likely not struggle to make out the otherwise strongly stylised type. There are no ascenders or descenders present in the font nor any serifs. This font is best used for decoration purposes as it does not posses lowercase designs for its letters.
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A very pixel like clear font that looks like something that would be used in a retro video game, but made for the 21st century. Its lowercase letters all slant very slightly to the right while the capitals do not. It is very bold and arguably fresh on the eyes. Similar to Luna Nueva it does not posses any ascenders/descenders or serifs at all. The overall blocky shape of the type makes it perfect for being coloured into something other than black for a change. 
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A clean, sleek, easy to read font that looks somewhat futuristic. It is very simple in its design. Utilizing no serifs or fancy ascenders or descenders. Quick and to the point, with a dash of style. This font works well for large blocks of text and for decorative purposes such as signs or posters.
Dislike: ====================================================
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The exact polar opposite of what i would want in a font. Every letter having some exaggerated serif or ascender and emphasized like mad. Lowercase even has these exaggerated serifs and decorations on the font. I find it very distracting from the main point of trying to convey me a message. Its almost as if the letters are trying to pretend to be art and sacrifice readability for it and this font seems to be intended for use in large blocks of text as well. Making my problem with it worse. I’d imagine this being suited for fancy venues however. 
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I dont really hate this font as much as Brandon Smith, but its pretty limited in what you can use this font for. You wouldnt use this font to advertise your cafe or clothes shop. In fact you can only really use this font for one industry; electronics. Anything else and this font looks so out of place. Oh and Good luck using this for any sentence bigger than 4 words. I know its a decoration font, but it seems extremly limited in what you can use it for. Though i guess the same can be said about Luna Neuva but i like that one and not this one. :/ each to their own i suppose. 
Maze Line: =============================================
I couldnt even put that title in the font, no seriously you wouldnt of been able to read it. Cool idea, but holy gawd you cant even use this for decoration let alone for big blocks of text. Good luck trying to read this: 
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Dont know what that says? 
Mean either!
Cool font, But i wouldnt use this for anything. I can barely even read this at all. Some of the letters dont even look like letters at all. 
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anthonyk44-blog · 5 years
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