antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
"If they don't know it already, they shouldn't be here."
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"Well, for people who don’t know anything about medical attention, you’d imagine it’d be a good idea —— or, uh, something like that.”
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
The medical ward is offering classes? What -- am I in school again?
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
Auva averted her eyes for the briefest of moments before shrugging up a shoulder. "It was my brother's," she muttered, extending a hand for the lighter back. 
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  "I don’t think I’d ever be in a situation where I’d have to say that," He took the lighter anyway, lighting one cigarette immediately before inhaling, closing his eyes, "This is engraved. Where’d you get it?"
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
Auva dug in her jacket and tossed Cecil the small lighter with a flick of her wrist. "Don't say I never gave you anything."
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  "I know. I’m a Jesus incarnate who’s got a healthy addiction to nicotine. Do you have a lighter?"
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
"So generous."
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"You got a light? I forgot mine back in my dorm and I really need a fucking cigarette right now. You don’t even have to sit around to hear the melodramatics; take it as my gift to you."
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
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  "So a bunch of 20-somethings fit in with a 13 year old? Cool.”
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
"Likes to complain, incredibly apathetic, the embodiment of teenage angst... I wouldn't worry your little head too much -- you'll fit right in with the rest of these idiots."
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  "I don’t even know why I’m here. Like, I get that I’m supposed to be all pissed because the government did some shit, but who the fuck cares? I don’t fucking care if I’m an Alien or whatever. It’s all fucking stupid.”
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
"Not news to me, kid. You're asking the wrong person."
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  "That’s fucking boring. Why haven’t more of you assholes killed yourselves, yet?"
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
"Stare at the walls until something interesting happens, generally."
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"What the fuck am I supposed to do in this shithole?”
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
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"How are you enjoying Pluto? It's my favorite vacation spot."
  "—Oh. Thank you. ——Who are you?”
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
"Breath. It was rude, but I'll overlook it."
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  "——Oh! Sorry, uh — my name is Niko. Sorry — I forgot to introduce myself, and I know that’s completely rude, but — uh, sorry? Hi. Hello.”
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
"----and you are..?"
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  "One of them was bound to go, anyways. Someone was leering over him a few days ago, and he was begging for his life — it was pathetic. I think people don’t understand the nature of Pluto — dying is only easy if you’re stupid enough to still be scared of dying.”
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
"It's about time we lost some people. I was beginning to wonder if Pluto would ever live up to it's expectations."
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
Auva scoffed dryly, looking over her shoulder at Elodie's question. "No, we're looking for puppies," she retorted, eyes facing forward once more, "of course children." 
If they could actually be called that. There wasn't really much time for a childhood on Pluto, Auva knew that better than most. You had to grow up and fast if you wanted to stay alive. Most of the kids on the planet were probably more deadly than half the recruits combined -- Auva looked back at Elodie. "How quick are you with that knife?"
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  Elodie arched an eyebrow as she started walking off, quickly catching up to the woman. Auva wasn’t exactly the most agreeable—then again, neither was she—but the Plutonian was her best bet at staying alive. She probably knew this planet like the back of her hand, while Elodie could only guess at what was to come. 
"Looking for kids?" she asked, glancing around for any sign of a child. When they were given the task, Elodie was less than pleased; she wasn’t necessarily bad with kids, but she wasn’t good with them, either. But considering how fucking scary Auva could be, the woman was probably worse than her. What wonderful teamwork.
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
Auva didn't really listen to whatever it was that Elodie was saying, but she got the idea through the sarcastic tone. Her attention was back to scoping out the area and returning to the task at hand. The goal was to find children and somehow get them back -- not exactly easy to accomplish on Pluto. She'd grown up here, and she knew how she had dealt with adults. She'd never be able to lure one of them herself, that much she knew. She wasn't trustworthy. 
She shot a look back to Elodie and shrugged up a shoulder -- the girl was small, not nearly as intimidating. "Alright, come on," she snapped, not waiting around for Elodie to answer her before she began stalking off. Auva needed somebody who could deal with children, so this girl would have to do. 
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  Glancing down at the card, Elodie let out a sharp laugh. She’d seen the same on the streets of Jupiter, and while sometimes she thought her home planet couldn’t get any worse—rumors said it was split between the extravagant and the rotten, after all—Pluto just proved her wrong. The stakes were so, so much higher here.
"Charming," she drawled, kicking the flimsy card away. "Oh, I think it’s quickly rising to the top of my list of favorite planets. At least the making sure you don’t get fucked over part isn’t new."
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antares-rebel-blog · 9 years
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