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anotherfansthings · 2 years ago
The Happy Couple
Neteyam x f!OmaticayaReader
Synopsis: Y/N’s father was once a fellow warrior to the Ole’eyktan Jake Sully, who died in battle against the sky people. As a dying wish, Sully promised he would take care of and protect his daughter, but what she wasn’t aware of was that they had dealt something of much greater significance. Becoming a future Tsahik to the Ole’eyktan’s eldest son: Neteyam.
Enemies to lovers | Minor violence | Big strong man crying 😍
'Y/N' Jake began 'we understand you're distraught from his forceful behaviour, but the boy is right. Much more commitment will be required from you to complete the partnership between you and Neteyam'
'Wow' Y/N scoffed 'I cannot believe you are defending such disgusting actions. I am sacrificing so much for you-'
'My Y/N' Neytiri interrupted with a tired groan
'No my Y/N. There is no Y/N anymore. My future has been stripped away and given to the people. I have absolutely nothing to achieve, everything I do from now on is planned or forced. All of my ambitions banished into the abyss, worthless and forgotten. Please,' Y/N begs 'if I am to give up on all my dreams the least I can have is some control between me and Neteyam, and the support of my family to correct this horrid mate of mine'
The burning tears streaming down your face had only now become evident; puffing your eyes and leaving your throat to be caught in the cold air. You knew by the gruelling looks upon Jake and Neytiris face that their hands were tide. You were stuck. Life now nothing but a force of reproduction and encouragement of the clan.
Jake cleared his tight throat, relieving the heavy tense air 'The Ole'eyktan training should level his stupidity, make him worthy of a leader and capable of acting like a family man, not this forceful nature you say he is acting out' he finished, but without adding an obvious sense of disbelief by widening his eyes at your previous accusation, thinking you were just being overdramatic
'My Eywa!' Y/N challenged 'you don't believe me do you. Can't believe that your perfect little soldier boy would be misbehaving. Wow. You know I had thought for a mere second that I would have the best in-law family, I couldn't have been further from the truth.'
Your words infuriated Neytiri 'Hey! You do not say that about my family. We didn't want this either, but it is sacred that a dying mans wish is fulfilled. You should know of this by now.' she cautioned
'My family huh? You can't hide the fact you both wanted me out of your responsibility. Two orphans too much for you to handle now is it?!' Y/N shouted
Jake was quick to grab your arm and stand tall before you 'Y/N you get that word out of your mouth right now. You and Kiri are just as much as family as we consider our own blood. Don't you dare pull that card right now'
His harsh gaze pained you, building upon the overflow of emotions that were building up inside of you. Instead of scolding you for being disrespectful, he let down his walls, slowly letting his affectionate manor appear before you. Jake's eyes become glazed, preparing to keep your eyes interlocked until he could no longer bear the sight of someone he cared for being this distraught. As soon as the first tear fell, he embraced you fully within his arms, nearly winding you. Neytiri stood with sheer disbelief from her husband actions; never seeing his emotions overtake his soldier mindset outside of their private conversations.
The beautiful moment was interrupted by your one and only, Neteyam.
'Oh my, what has she done to you?' Neteyam snickered 'what lies has she fed to make the dry man cry?'
Without a second thought Neytiri was by his side sending a flick to the side of his ear 'No my son, do not be insolent to your father with such low respect.'
'So, what nonsense has she really brought here'
Y/N turned to meet his eye line, with a face of pure wrath 'How are you even-'
You had subconsciously began to stalk your way over to the stupid boys position, being stopped by Jake.
'Y/N this is my job now' Jake declared, before turning his full attention to his eldest son 'boy we have heard of your behaviours, it should go without saying that we do not condone of these. Y/N now knows her expectations will be greater, but at her control. It's the least we can do. You read me, Neteyam?'
'No.' was all he replied
Y/N scoffed before allowing herself to come face to face with her mate 'No? Sorry poor soldier boy but this is not your decision to make.'
'No! I will not be humiliated like that. Every other worthy man here has the great chance to lead their family, there is no way I will have that taken from me!'
'Ohhhhhh, so it's okay for me to have my whole life stolen away from me, but as soon as Neteyam is asked to spare a small role it is not allowed?' Y/N remarked before spitting at Neteyams stance
The painful silence was quickly broke by Neteyams overly loud clapping in your face 'Well done my Y/N, you finally understand me. I will be in charge of our family as is every other man in the forest, and you shall be devoted in supporting that.' he finished with an endless smirk plastered on his proud face
You couldn't fathom any words to argue against his stupidity, rather choosing to launch yourself at him and just throw your arms at him in any hittable direction. He chose to extend tall and easily defend all of your attempts, but...
Neytiri and Jake were too slow to intervene with the fighting teens, that choice was now something of remourse, as you were laying blacked out unconscious on the floor.
[Sorry this seems a bit rushed and all over the place, for some reason growing up means having stupid responsibilities 🙄. Would much rather write and read Avatar all day 😍]
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anotherfansthings · 2 years ago
are you still active girll
I promise I'm not dropping off anytime soon 😂 Too many ideas to stop just yet. Hopefully should be posting sometime this weekend so look out for part 4 🥰
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anotherfansthings · 2 years ago
Hello, how are you? you haven't appeared for a long time, so i'm just dropping by to say that your fic is one of my favorites here, and i hope you can get back to updating it soon, i hope you're doing well 😊💗
Ahhh thank you so much! School and work ofc have stolen all my time recently, but I may or may not have 2 drafts in the working so new posts soon hopefully👀🤞
Hope you are doing well too 🥰
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anotherfansthings · 2 years ago
The Happy Couple
Neteyam x f!OmaticayaReader
Synopsis: Y/N’s father was once a fellow warrior to the Ole’eyktan Jake Sully, who died in battle against the sky people. As a dying wish, Sully promised he would take care of and protect his daughter, but what she wasn’t aware of was that they had dealt something of much greater significance. Becoming a future Tsahik to the Ole’eyktan’s eldest son: Neteyam.
Enemies to lovers |
After furiously running the lengths of the forest, leaving your feet feeling beyond numb, you found yourself approaching The Tree of Voices. You rarely came here, being unable to bare the flushing memories of your late Father. But it was known to be an extremely private area, mostly for couples, but that did not slip your mind when you decided to settle beside it.
The night had fully settled by the time you felt recharged to argue again: not willing to let anything go down without a fight. It was your right.
As you were about to collect your final thoughts and start the long trek back home, you heard heavy footsteps slowly approaching. Thinking it was just a couple coming to show off their happiness, you hid away to avoid any embarrassment of catching them in the act.
'Y/N, is that you?' the voice questioned
Thinking you had been hunted down by your parents, you stood now in-view, but kept your head down to avoid anymore scolding.
'Y/N' Lo'ak whimpered, before throwing himself at you, holding you tightly against his chest
'Lo'ak' Y/N warned 'you can't do this'
'Do what? But Y/N we are friends, better friends than anyone in this whole clan. Please don't let this ruin our time together' he begged, now cupping your face trying to find your gaze which was anywhere but on him
Your eyes began to fill again 'You know that we can no longer be friends. All my time will be devoted to my mate, your brother-'
'This is stupid. You will be given spare leisure time, a time where we can still venture into the forest, and suffer from fits of laughter from our ridiculous jokes. Please, Y/N.' Lo'ak pleaded
'No' Y/N whined 'You of all people should realise how time consuming ruling the clan is. We are maturing now, there is no space for silly little trips around the nature. You have to remember we will still talk to one another: at family events and ceremonies, just not at the capacity as friends but as my mates relation.'
Neteyam had caught this moment between Y/N and Lo'ak, being too far to hear their words but close enough to witness his brother in close contact with his future mate. The mere thought of you two together infuriated Neteyam, as Lo'ak had once again chosen to avoid the direct orders from their Father.
He began storming over to where you two sit, with Lo'ak still holding into your face whilst you continued to inform him that your future was going to change, leaving all of your game nights and inside jokes behind.
Lo'ak was late to realise his older brother was charging towards him, unable to think of his next move before Neteyam removed his grip on Y/N and shoved him into the ground.
'What the hell are you two doing here?! Y/N has he done anything to you?' Neteyam demanded as he quickly scanned over your body before returning to hardly handling Lo'ak
Your heart began beating beyond your control from the undeniable overstimulation, leaving you to grip your chest in a desperate motion to try and control your panicking state.
'Brother we did nothing close to your imagination. Stop accusing, you're scaring her' Lo'ak challenged, and tried to assist you in calming down.
'Hey!' Neteyam shouted 'don't you dare touch her again. For once in your life obey the rules you have been given, it is for the greater good of us all.'
'But they can't-' Lo'ak began, becoming more frustrated by the second
Neteyam covered his eyes, giving a low sarcastic chuckle towards his brother 'No Lo'ak, no buts. You heard Father, everything that has been decided is final. Trust us we have argued otherwise. Don't be selfish about loosing your precious time with Y/N, she will still be here, still in your presence, in our family. Understand that what we are doing is to carry the Omaticaya people through many wars to come, battles with those around us, the struggles of Pandora.'
Lo'ak stood sloped in his stance, looking at his awkwardly placed feet at the ground, not wanting to acknowledge the truth that he was being told.
'Boy do you understand me' Neteyam cautioned
He then met his brothers eyes, who was sending a piercing glare towards the future leader 'Yes'
Lo'ak then slowly moped away from the tree, contemplating everything that was going on and wishing for anything but this.
Neteyam then stooped to your level, praying that you had overcome your pain, and were ready to talk.
'Y/N' he pleaded 'Please talk to me'
You then revealed your tear stained face 'Neteyam, I don't think I can do this, any of this.'
He then moved to carefully hold you into his side, which you finally accepted.
'We are in this together, I can help and support you whenever you need. Not everything is to be done straight away, we can plan everything to ensure we are both comfortable' he advised
'It is all too much. It has barely been a day of just learning of the news and its hurting so many of those around us' Y/N declared 'And even after that, the whole possibility of me pursuing the roles of a wife and mother: I don't think I am able'
Neteyam gave you a confused look 'How do you mean not able?' he questioned
'My mother, there is a reason I have never spoken of her existence to your family. She left me and my father soon after my birth: not wanting to take the responsibility of motherhood and marriage. It disgusted the people greatly. If she couldn't even do that, how am I to handle a family and leading? What if I am destined to imitate her actions, and be left with nothing?' Y/N confessed, quickly beginning to hyperventilate again.
'No Y/N, you cannot think like this. Rid yourself of those evil thoughts. You have done nothing but prove you are a great attribute to this clan. You will do them all proud one day, I know it' Neteyam insisted, but noticed you were distracted by something in the distance.
It was Eywa, sending woodsprites directly to where you and Neteyam were. They landed on you both, bringing a peaceful silence.
'Oh my' Neteyam grinned 'it must be a sign'
'A sign of what' Y/N responded, now wiping away her finished tears
'The same happened to my Mother and Father when they first met. It must be a confirmation of a beautiful future.' he concluded before looking at you with a look of complete relief
He then moved his hand to hold your face, and went to lean in.
'Neteyam what are you doing?!' Y/N gasped and back away
He looked somewhat hurt, but more so annoyed at your retaliation.
'Y/N we are future mates. You cannot be opposed to something as little as a kiss' Neteyam asserted with a sly laugh
You scoffed loudly 'So you think you can just make advances immediately? Neteyam we have just received this news, you can't expect anything of me now. And especially not find something humorous within it either.'
'Y/N you are mine, it is official. It is expected that you provide me with a line of heirs to the Omaticaya leadership. You have to realise that much more is required from you that a small touch of affection' he threatened
You felt violently sick from the words that you were hearing, and the volumes of disrespect that followed them.
'Excuse me, I fully understand the outlines of what is now expected of us to provide for the people.' Y/N corrected
'You are excused, my Y/N' he responded, and suddenly felt a powerful hand slap across his cheek.
After returning his head in your direction, you were caught by an indescribable look from Neteyam. His eyes seemed to show some form of sadness and regret, whilst his stance radiated a furious state.
'So saying before that everything that needs to be done can be done in a way in which we were comfortable, was that just a lie? Is that your way of luring me into the thought of you being the perfect partner? Great. Neteyam, your wondrous lies have made me see the utter beauty that shines through you, I am weak in the knees for your gracious essence and presence. Welldone you. Who knew you were so pathetic that a rejection to a kiss would force you to be disrespectful and ugly' Y/N conceded, letting out a heavy breath after talking for what felt like an entire essay
Without allowing Neteyam to even attempt an apology, you were off back to Jake and Neytiri, praying that after your lengthy rant they would banish him from ever speaking again. Or more realistically, a painful beating from his warrior parents.
[If anyone has some ideas to spice up the story, do tell. I'm all for a bit of Sully drama 😉]
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anotherfansthings · 2 years ago
The Happy Couple
Neteyam x f!OmaticayaReader
Synopsis: Y/N’s father was once a fellow warrior to the Ole’eyktan Jake Sully, who died in battle against the sky people. As a dying wish, Sully promised he would take care of and protect his daughter, but what she wasn’t aware of was that they had dealt something of much greater significance. Becoming a future Tsahik to the Ole’eyktan’s eldest son: Neteyam.
Enemies to lovers | Slight violence
Once Neteyam had began comforting you, your parents had quietly left the hut in the hopes that it would allow you and your new mate to spark upon the new relationship. They couldn't have been farther from the truth. The moment Jake and Neytiri had gathered Lo'ak, Tuk and Kiri from the ending party, a roar of shouting erupted from the family home.
'No Neteyam, I can't do this, WE can't do this. It is beyond disgusting that we should be forced to continue like this.' Y/N exclaimed, now arguing through boiling tears
'Can't you see sister, [clears throat] Y/N sorry, that we don't have a choice' Neteyam reasoned, quickly becoming frustrated 'you either prove yourself well for this clan, or leave with a great shame and weakness to your name'
It then became clear that rebelling against this would not only hurt your image, but also that of your families, who are already frowned upon with the sharing of demon blood.
'Please, there are many believable stories that mother and father can share to the people to excuse me from this whole deal. I could migrate to another clan, far into the skies, no one would figure the lies being told. Then we can both be left to peace and freedom.' Y/N pleaded, practically begging her supposed mate to consider her offer
Neteyam hung his head low 'My Y/N, you know that is not an option'
'There in no your Y/N!' Your screamed, hoping that if you were distraught enough this nightmare would end and you would wake into sanity
Neteyam was quick to cross the hut and carefully grab your arms, trying to calm your ever growing anger, to which he thought was going to make you implode at any second.
You then tried to push him away, wanting to escape and be alone from everyone, but he was adamant on holding you together. Without any thought, you pushed him from your arms and shoved his chest, leaving him to fall against the wall with a loud crash.
The piercing noise sounded well out of the hut, alarming your family who were now running towards where you two were, with Neytiri being the first to find the pair and demand the reason for their noise.
'Mother, sorry I just struck out and-' Y/N mumbled, clearly now being tired from the challenging day
'No Y/N' Neteyam interrupted 'I am to blame Mother, she was upset and I was consoling her in an inappropriate manner'
Neytiri sighed at the growing situation 'Both of you are to blame, you are adults, future leaders of Omaticaya. This childish behaviour needs to stop, you have the joint responsibility of the people now to think about: all that will come with your future roles.'
You and Neteyam shared a quick guilty look, before finding your father and relations join the hut.
'Lo'ak, Tuk, Kiri, please sit' ordered Jake
Your siblings all look up with a sense of confusion, feeling the tension that was overshadowing the air.
Kiri was unable to contain herself any longer 'What is with the freakish looks on you pair of skxawngs' she teased, but settled her giggles after she was met with unsettling looks from both her parents
'We have news' Jake announced, and then looked at his eldest son, indicating for him to finish
'Yes... news' Neteyam repeated 'myself and Y/N are to become the next Ole'eyktan and Tsahik'
Lo'ak began laughing profusely 'Wow brother, you are a funny kind, this joke is very good'
Y/N let out a little snicker 'I wish'
Jake shot a stern look towards you, 'Watch it child' he warned
Now Kiri and Lo'ak had come to the realisation that everyone was being extremely serious.
'Who decided on the matter, do they not know Y/N and Neteyam are relations to each other?' Kiri questioned
Jake was hit with saddened past memories, before concluding that 'It was decided when they were young, younger than Tuk even, when Y/N's father had passed in battle'
You turned around to face the wall, wanting to hide your face that was now puffy with tears spilling. Neteyam was reluctant to come to your side from your past reactions to his comforts, however Jake pushed his son to your direction. You heard the commotion just as Neteyam reached out to you, but you immediately removed yourself and swiftly left the family in an attempt to collect your ungodly thoughts.
Your exit made Tuk shoot up and run to her mother 'Where did sister Y/N go', beginning the fret
Neytiri held her youngest, 'She has just gone for a little walk in the forest, for some fresh air, that is all sweet girl' she insisted whilst Tuk nodded happily
'Do you understand what is going to happen baby girl?' Jake quizzed Tuk
She was clearly lost in thought, but went on to exclaim 'Yes Father I do!' bringing a smile to her parents faces 'Brother is going to rule all our friends, and then Y/N is going to have a turn'
Neytiri and Jake amused her attempt at what was going to happen, but Neteyam took the initiative and bowed to his sisters level, in order to correct her ideas
'Yes Tuk Tuk, you are very close. Me and Y/N will rule all of our friends, but we will do it at the same time, like mother and father are'
Once Neteyam related it all to his parents, she seemed to understand, but still insisted on pulling her brother so she could whisper something in his ear whilst giggling.
Neteyam met her eye level with a subtle laugh at her excitement, 'Of course, we will have babies just as perfect as you sister'
'Yeyy, more friends to play with Tuk Tuk' she proclaimed, before skipping off with an endless smile on her face
'At least someones happy' Jake uttered
Lo'ak and Kiri had been quietly sharing whispers between one another since Neteyam had confirmed about the idea of you two having children.
'Brother' Lo'ak started 'were you just humouring her when you said about Y/N bearing your children?'
Neteyam felt forced to lower his gaze to the ground to avoid the affliction coming from his younger brother.
'But no-' Lo'ak tried
But Jake was quick to intervene 'Boy don't you dare start, everything we've said is final and that is the end of it'
Not even a second had passed before Lo'ak had stormed off to the entrance of the hut, weighing up his options of whether to convince his parents otherwise or to attack his brother.
'I'll show you great warrior' Lo'ak growled before pouncing full force onto Neteyam
'You guys this is pathetic, if you want to fight get weapons' shouted Kiri, who was searching for anything to make their battle more entertaining.
Jake sighed with his hand over his face 'Kiri don't you even think about it'
After blood was drawn from both opponents, and bruises were beginning to sting, they separated but remained in position, ongoing with their dispute.
'You little skxawgn, just had to steal Y/N didn't you, just like you scared off all of my other friends' Lo'ak complained 'can't stand to see anyone else with something you want'
Neteyam felt shook and upset that this was the reason behind his brothers pouncing.
'Brother I am not-'
'YES YOU ARE, MY BEST FRIEND, AND NOW I HAVE NO ONE` Lo'ak scolded before running off to find you
Neytiri now had a dark feeling of guilt creeping up, being at cause of the 2 shattered and distressed children.
'Oh Neteyam' his mother whispered
The parents decided to allow you and Lo'ak to cool off within your own company, maybe focus your thoughts and realise the greater good that will come of this.
Yet Neteyam felt a need to go out in search of you, less so his brother who he deemed would need more time to come to terms with the new relationship. But what he never expected to find was the two of you closely together... under The Tree of Voices.
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anotherfansthings · 2 years ago
The Happy Couple
Neteyam x f!OmaticayaReader
Synopsis: Y/N’s father was once a fellow warrior to the Ole’eyktan Jake Sully, who died in battle against the sky people. As a dying wish, Sully promised he would take care of and protect his daughter, but what she wasn’t aware of was that they had dealt something of much greater significance. Becoming a future Tsahik to the Ole’eyktan’s eldest son: Neteyam.
Enemies to lovers | Mentions of death | Mentions of pregnancy
It was Y/N’s 18th birthday, which means a great deal to the Omaticaya clan: it was the age at which a child is officially matured as an adult and respected to fulfil their duties. They are now recognised as either a warrior or healer, in order to give their own efforts within the clan. Y/N had been interested in being a healer for as long as she could remember, wanting to save other families from losing their loved ones and going through the same pain she once did. As she was part of the higher family, a large celebration was in action across all the people, who beared gifts and prayers to the fresh adult. Y/N was excited to finally become an independent Na’vi, find her own path and destiny.
Nearing the end of the celebrations, Y/N was directed into her family hut by her adoptive mother and father.
‘Y/N our sweet child’ Neytiri started ‘we are so proud of you for all your accomplishments, you have made us all extremely proud’ she said gleaming with pride whilst coming to hug you.
‘Thank you mother, nothing we party of tonight would be possible without the support of my parents, for that I am extremely grateful’ you replied with tears beginning to form in your eyes.
Jake quickly pulled you into his chest ‘no baby girl don’t cry, this is a time for sheer happiness and euphoria’ he assured you, without being able to contain a slight chuckle at your reaction, but Neytiri was quick to hit her mate.
Once you had calmed, your parents sat down in front of you, both with now changing serious expressions. After mere seconds, you realised this sudden drastic change and went to question, but was quickly dismissed by your fathers voice
‘Y/N, since you are now of mature age, we need to speak of your future within this family’
You gave them both a confused look ‘my future?‘
Neytiri then reached to hold your hand ‘yes my child, there has been an existing deal made at your fathers passing: regarding your safety and protection within the clan’
Your parents shared an uncomfortable look between eachother, before your father stood ‘At your late fathers request, you are to be made a Tsahik of the Ole’eyktan clan’, then going outside he brought back another presence
‘Father what is with this great rush, you are worrying me’ Neteyam question with a sense of dull anger within his tone
Slowly, you began piecing together what your parents were saying ‘wait, I am to be leader with Neteyam, mated with my own brother?’ you question with a raised and disgusted voice
You and Neteyam were quick to begin somewhat shouting at your parents, trying to reason with their ridiculous ideas.
'Hey, children that is enough now, it has been officially decided and there is no amount of arguing that can change this. No more is to be said against it' Jake said, diffusing the shouting between you and your brother, but being ignored by Neteyam who immediately followed
'Father, you cannot be serious, this would be seen as incredibly wrong. We are relations-'
Neytiri was quick to but in 'adoptive relations, no biological blood ties'
Y/N felt an uncomfortable strike to her heart, being separated from the family she considered to be the most important people in her life from mere blood ties.
A heavy silence was left within the hut for a few lengthy minutes, as the parents watched their children comprise all of their wild and raging thoughts, preparing themselves to be hit again with a wave of shouting. However, Jake thought it would be best to take the silence to elaborate on the whole plan
'Y/N, Neteyam, we do understand the frustration but nothing as of now can be changed. It is to be done for the benefit of the people, keep the Omaticaya clan worthy and strong. Please reason with that at least?'
'Yes sir' they both replied in unison
'As following with our traditions, you will mate by The Tree of Souls and produce at least 3 children to continue with our families legacy' Neytiri followed, finding a struggle to voice her words
'WHAT' you called, 'being recognised as a mated couple is one thing, but to share children with one another, no, to that I certainly do not agree'
You began pacing around the hut with yours arms crossed around your chest, whilst Neteyam sat in a state of shock with the idea of arranged mating, never mind becoming an actual father.
'Sir, surely there is no reason to force Y/N to bare my offspring' Neteyam supposed, looking for a glimpse of hope within his parents eyes.
Unfortunately, both Jake and Neytiri were unable to vocalise any argument against this, as there were no possible loopholes in aid of their children.
'The clan is expecting an announcement regarding the mating of our eldest, therefore you and Y/N shall be mated and hopefully with child by this time...' Jake affirmed, with 2 sets of wide eyes following his words 'you have 3 months'
'3 months' you whispered to yourself, releasing a strong breath that you were unaware of holding
Neytiri noticed you're subtle struggling, and nodded towards her son to go and support you. Neteyam then found your side and allowed you to to fall into his chest, with stray tears now escaping your eyes.
AHH first Avatar post 🥰😅
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anotherfansthings · 3 years ago
The population of Bob fics just needs to grow 😅
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anotherfansthings · 3 years ago
Hangmans secret 
Pairings: Hangman x F!Bradshaw reader
Warnings: fluff | mentions of pregnancy | mentions of sex (in a joke) | angry Rooster
Summary: When Hangman stopped leaving the Hard Deck with a woman on his waist every night: the group became worried. Weeks went by and Jake would always leave in his own company, striking many questions as too what had changed in the egotistical character. One night, Hangmans reason was brought to the bar, and changed everyones outlook on the man. All except Rooster, to who it hit rather close to home.
The closing routine of the Hard Deck had always consisted of Penny shooing out the Top Gun clang before they called the tables home for the night, and of course Hangman showing off his new possession of the night with a flashy grin for all to see, only to be replaced by another the following night. Even with all the teasing and some lecturing from Bob and Phoenix, he still continued to woo women with his charm and then leave them high and dry (living up to his all so mighty call sign).
Until one night, he left on his lonesome, and early, which many thought was completely impossible due to Jakes dire need to have his ego (along with other things) stroked on the daily to assure him of his greatness.
'Guys, did you just see that...' Phoenix almost whispered in utter disbelief
'Oh my god, is he okay?' Bob questioned with a true concern within his voice
This made the remaining group suddenly turn their heads towards his unexpected comment, all staring longingly.
Coyote finally broke the amazed silence 'If that was enough to make Bob speak, then it must be serious'
In the hanger the following morning, the team all sat preparing for their training session, waiting for Maverick and some late aviators to turn up. As expected, Hangman made his appearance after the others to quotably 'steal the attention' of all his fellow pilots. But this time, he was different, of course the endless smirk was still plastered upon his lower face, but he never greeted Rooster with the daily clip to the head before laughing at himself for the running joke he had going on. The absence of this action led to Rooster turning around to face him, with a puzzled look.
'Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer' Hangman said as he winked at Rooster
'Okay so your irritating self is still there, but... you seem chipper. Why? Hangman that is worrying why are you looking happy.'
'Man I have no idea what you are saying right now, I haven't done anything. But please, close that mouth of yours before you start catching flies'
Those who eavesdropped on their conversation were full of the same confusion as Rooster, the slight change in personality wouldn't normally strike any concern, but with Hangman? No, that meant something was up, and the chances of it being something bad was high.
After the formalities of the classroom training had been completed, Maverick ordered the group to begin to gear up for a practical session, which sent the suspicious Hangman straight to his feet and towards the locker room, instead of waiting around to tease everyone of how he was going to do better than everyone that day.
Maverick pulled Pheonix to the side, concerned for Hangmans wellbeing and asked 'Is he okay? Did something happen at the bar last night?'
'No sir, he was his obnoxious self all night. Well actually, that was until he left early... and without a girl.'
Maverick nodded to dismiss Phoenix after he had fell into a silence, expecting her to admit to it being a joke.
The following night, they all found themselves drinking and singing in the Hard Deck once again. After the alcohol has eased a more comfortable sense out of the group, they began to become competitive in their games of pool. It then came time for the suspense building game between the reigning champions Rooster and Hangman, who eyed each other from across the table as a threat to the other, earning a few 'ooo's from those watching from the tables.
As the pair began to speak, those surrounding the table began somewhat at ease when Hangman continued his overly dramatic attitude and cockiness towards his opponent: leading them to believe that he had just had an off night.
'Well, well, well Bradshaw' Hangman spoke with a high head 'looks like you're about to lose your win here due to my amazing skills'
'No Bagman, that's what I wanted you to think so you'd let your guard down for just a second sooo... I could do that' Rooster explains as he pots the winning ball
An eruption of cheers was found around them, with Rooster being patted on the back by his teammates whilst Hangman stood in silence with an almost blank expression.
Pheonix is the first to dwell on his loss 'So Bagman, how does it feel to actually lose for once and be a failure some might say?'
'Well, all I can say it congrats to the second best aviator here, you deserved it. Now, guess I need to go buy the next round'
Hangman then walks off to see Penny at the bar and stay true to his word on buying the groups next round, leaving everyone gobsmacked and Rooster almost passing out from disbelief.
The cockiness in Hangmans behaviour dimmed over the following weeks and months, leaving behind a bearable personality that only allowed a few of his sly remarks to sneak through every now and then. It got to the point where the Admiral and Maverick pulled him for a meeting to check on his recent progressions, and see if anything was going wrong with him. What they didn't expect was to be left with stunned faces from the reason he gave.
[Whole group group chat]
Hangman 🤴: You guys know how I've been becoming such a nice person over these past few months
Fanboy: Yes, it's been quite scary
Phoenix: Oh god it's all going to come to an end isn't it, some master plan you have to ruin everything
Hangman: Oh Trace don't think so little of me, I have my reasons. I will be bringing said reasons to the Hard Deck tonight 😉
Rooster: That doesn't sound any better
Coyote: Should we bring any weapons just in case?
Phoenix: Yes, everything you can fit into a duffel
Everyone is now in the Hard Deck trying to enjoy their beers in the setting sun, with an unsettling amount of anxiety within the air from Hangmans previous words. The bar is overall rather quiet for a normal bust evening, adding to the idea that something bad was about to go down. Just as Rooster left for the bathroom, Hangman appeared... but not by himself.
'Guys' Bob frighteningly started 'he's here'
Unable to speak anymore, the group decided on an uncomfortable silence until the man himself and his companion made their way over.
'Tough crowd to please huh' Hangman questioned as he scanned the group for any means of life from the complete silence they had found.
'Wow babe I can see why you like them so much, just staring right back, how flattering, I bet your ego is through the roof' Y/N said with a slight chuckle before Hangman pulled her closer and kissed her jaw.
'Only when you're here'
'Erm hi, I'm Bob, sorry I don't usually talk but this silence is getting really uncomfortable'
'Oh wow Y/N you got Bob talking, you must be a special one' Hangman began to sense the awkwardness and decided on trying to get you more settled into a conversation.
'Here let me take that' Hangman spoke as he offered to take your jacket for you, earning a gasp from the quiet crowd in front of you.
This made Phoenix finally speak up 'Wait, are you, like, pregnant?'
'Yep I am, little mister Seresin in there' Y/N smiled as Hangman protectively stroked her round stomach.
'So that explains why he's been so nice to all of us recently, it was getting really concerning' Coyote admitted
'Awww my little softie husband' Y/N said as she squeezed Hangmans cheeks whilst he turned a bright shade of red
Pheonix sent her fellow aviators a confused look, mirroring pretty much everyones faces after yet another shocking statement.
'Oh did he not mention that either, Jakey you really don't sound like the most appealing colleague right now' Y/N stroking his arm as he laughed quietly
Bobs head had perked up again 'Jakey, I like that one. Hello Jakey'
This finally seemed to ease the mounting tenseness of the group, bringing on a few light chuckles, and allowing for Y/N to begin with a proper conversation with the amazed aviators whilst Hangman went to get drinks at the bar.
As Rooster arrived back from the bathroom, he rejoined the group around the pool table and questioned 'Y/N is that you?
'Oh my god... Bradley?'
They both quickly enveloped each other in a tight hug and endless smiles.
'I haven't seen you since you left for the navy, it's been years' Y/N said as she playfully hit Rooster in the chest
'I'm sorry, I didn't want to be around any reminders of Dad anymore. I did try to get in contact but no one would give me your number.'
'Well you could've tried harder. I've really missed you you know' Y/N then pulled him in for another hug, but Rooster was quick to pull away and look down to her larger stomach.
'Wait... are you pregnant?'
'Yes I am uncle Brad, and married actually' Y/N admits as she sniffles slightly.
'So, what are you doing here anyways, this is a navy bar?'
Hangman had now re-entered the scene and heard Roosters last question
'She's with me Rooster, this is Y/N'
'Yeah Bagman I know she's my sister, wait how do you know her name?'
Y/N then moved to link arms with Jake as the group watched over eager eyed at the fast developing scene before them.
'Brad, this is your brother-in-law, and father to your nephew'
Rooster let out an unsettling laugh as he looked back at Hangman and his sister.
'Please tell me this is some weird joke. There is NO way that Hangman is married to my sister, never mind done... those bedroom things to get pregnant'
'Well Rooster, you see actually I think she got pregnant in the back of my car after the dogfight training session at the beach' Hangman said with his all-time smirk whilst Y/N smacked his arm with a glare.
'You're telling me, my baby sister was getting fucked by your ugly ass whilst we were tidying up on the beach'
Payback is overcome with realisation 'ohh, so that's what all that screaming was'
This earned a proud smile from Hangman 'Yes Payback it was, I like to leave my women breathless and satisfied'
'Seresin, my sister is not your woman, so you can back off right now before I leave you with a bloody nose'
Y/N then moved over to her brother to give him a supportive and distracting smile.
'Hey Brad, don't please its not worth it. What's done is done. And he really loves me I promise I'm not just another woman. Everything over the past few months has happened very fast but I wouldn't want it any other way. He really does treat me well, you should be happy... please'
'Fine, but if he ever harms a hair on your body, it won't be long before a body is found floating in the river'
Jake is quick to intervene with a snide comment 'I'd like to see you try' which caused Rooster to launch himself at Hangman and the group to dive up in defence. However, Bradley just pulled him in for somewhat of a suffocating hug.
'How about we call it a truce hey Bagman, or should I say brother now'
'Brother it is' says Hangman as he pats Rooster on the back before returning to his wife and caressing her stomach
Pheonix broke the new silence and questioned the couple upon what the baby name was going to be.
'Well, we were actually stuck on a middle name, but I guess we have one now' Hangman said as he gave Y/N a knowing look
'Jack Bradley Seresin'
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anotherfansthings · 3 years ago
Rooster doesn't like to admit
Coyote: Rooster just admit it, it's obvious that you like them
Rooster: Pfft, you guys are ridiculous. Y/N is nothing more than a close friend
Hangman: I guess you won't mind if I go ask them out then
[Hangman starts walking over to where Y/N is sitting]
Rooster: NOO STOP *dives on Hangman and tackles him to to the floor*
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anotherfansthings · 3 years ago
We had a good run?
Pairings: Rooster x Mitchell F!Reader
Warnings: mentions of sex | being caught | semi-public | bad writing 👀
Summary: You and Rooster have been sneaking around for the last 5 months: purely as friends with benefits. With it becoming more difficult to secretly meet up, you find yourselves on a worktop in the hanger... and get an unexpected visitor.
Y/N and Rooster had been close friends since childhood due to their fathers being close before Goose's death. Neither had admitted their feelings to one another, rather allowing the sexual tension to build until it was no longer attainable. It only took one frustrating training session to push them both over the edge, forcing them into Roosters bed after a dragged fight. It was then agreed that a FWB relationship would be formed, strictly sex and no strings attached. They both knew that wouldn't last long, but decided to have fun with it whilst they could. Rightly so... it was a VERY good stress reliever.
The longer it went on the harder it took to keep their meetings hidden from others, especially with Hangmans nightly female companions and Bobs routine of staying up to read in the communal kitchen.
One night, the urge to be close against each other was quickly taking over their senses, deeming them that it was okay to give the worktops in the hanger a new purpose.
Rooster led Y/N to the back corner behind his plane, making sure to show off his second beauty, which inevitably left her more turned on. Grabbing her hips, Rooster holstered Y/N onto the counter and moved the dirty tools out the way.
'Very strong, Lieutenant' Y/N said as she gripped onto Roosters biceps, earning a smirk from the man himself.
'You think that was strong baby, just you wait and see' Rooster growled as he was quick to remove her shorts and his newly tight pants.
Just as Rooster has positioned himself, the moving of a door handle was heard from the opposite side of the hanger.
'Shit' both of them whispered.
As they were both rushing to try find a place to hide, a frustrated Rooster questions 'Who on earth would be coming here this late, training finished hours ago'.
'Who knows, all you aviators are crazy when the sun goes down' Y/N laughs at herself whilst giving Rooster a knowing look.
'Oh yeah? I wonder why we're going crazy when you walk about in these tight shorts all day, Hangman was really enjoying your show' he exclaimed whilst pulling her waist close and kissing her jaw.
This led them to be oblivious to the closing footsteps behind them.
'Bradley Bradshaw get your hands off my daughter right now!' Maverick shouted and eyed Y/N with a sigh of disappointment.
Rooster tried to get the upper hand 'Sir, we can explain. I was just comforting Y/N as she was uh upset from a bad date'.
Y/N tried to send her dad a convincing smile, but was interrupted by Mavericks overpowering voice 'What, with your tongue?'
At that moment, they both knew no amount of excuses would get them out of this mess.
Rooster quickly kissed Y/N on the cheek saying 'we had a good run didn't we, bye now' before running as far away from Mav as he could.
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anotherfansthings · 3 years ago
(Bob enters red-faced and flustered)
Rooster: Woah Bob you been getting some action back there?
Pheonix: Shut up Rooster he's probably just hot
Bob: Yeah no I was just doing my laundry
(Hangman follows also red-faced)
Rooster: Ahh look here comes laundry
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