Day 2: making friends.
Day started with a heavy rain on the outside, that was kinda depressing. I looked for Gio but he wasn't at home, so I assumed he had to left earlier than my usual waking up time. As usual he did not left a note or anything. Lately I never see him, and when we're together he doesn't talk to me or even look at me, is like living with an stranger... An stranger that I still love.
I decided not to think about that, it was too early in the morning to even consider thinking about that, my morning would be ruined if I started to focus my attention into Gio and how quick he was loosing his hummanity.
So I decided to go to the kitchen and make myself a breakfast with fruits and all the treats I love, but there were no food at home, so I decided to go to the fruits market that is in the forest. It was not too far away and I still had enough time to go before work. I was walking when I saw a couple, I believe she was a demon and he was a vampire, they looked so cute together, so in love. I couldn't resist to feel jelousy of them. I had that once, I had everything once, and I lose it all.
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I stopped looking at them and keep walking between the dirty road until I made it into the fruit market, so after getting all I needed I came back home and started to cook my breakfast, I was focused into that when the front door opened and Gio walked in. I waved and gave him my best smile, he just ignored me and went to the bedroom. I turned off the stove and followed him.
''Hey you, stranger, we live together but I don't see you anymore'' - I said at him trying to joke.
''Yeah, I know'' - He said without event looking at me, I was invisible to him. Or at least that's how he made me feel lately. I tried to get closer to him but he avoid me and walked away, I followed him again and this time I was ready to get an answer, even if that answer could kill my soul.
''What's going on with you? I though you loved me, you told me that, you asked me to move here with you, what the hell is wrong?'' - I remember being crying while I was screaming at him, craving for attention, craving for his hummanity.
''That was before, I don't feel anything, anymore, that's it, that's the true. I don't remember you, or my feelings, or anything.'' - Gio left the room leaving me crying like a little child in the ground. I was in shock, I heard the front door closing and I knew, in that moment I knew, he wasn't coming back, he was leaving me, abandoning me in this weird city. All by myself, all alone.
The alarm started to make noise, and shaking I turned it off, I had to go to work, it was my second day, I couldn't miss it. I don't know how but I got ready and walked under the rain until I get into the library, luckily for me there wasn't much to do. So I sit on the window watching the street, the rain, the people, the life that I did not want to keep living anymore.
Gio's words where hunting me. There were there, like a dagger straight to my heart. He left. After all the pain, all the love, all the incredible moments we had together he left. That man I used to love, no, that I still love is gone, Gio is gone, and I'm here, trapped in Dreadvile, alone, all by myself.
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Day 01: a new beggining.
Moving to Dreadville was the kind of decition that one person makes after one thing: loosing everything you ever loved. Dreadville is one of those places that could dissapear from Earth and no one will notice, but I knew that it was gonna be my new home, every bone inside my body suggested me to go there as soon as Gio told me about his new asignment at work.
I did not have another reason to stay at Fox Hollow, all my friends left me after I decided not to be a warrior and study at college. And my family simply couldn't take the shame of having a daughter who wanted to grow her brain instead of her muscles. But I knew this was gonna happend, nothing good lasts forever, and at the end of the day, it's my life, and I am person in charge when it comes to what will make me happier.
Gio told me that he rented a tiny apartment next to an strip club and that it was enough space for me to live with him if I wanted to. I don't like to put labels between me and Gio, and I'm not gonna do it now, but he's my everything: friend, bother, family, lover. He is my island in the middle of this storm, and I know I'm the same thing for him. We met when we were children, back in that time Gio was still human and I was still inocent.
We grow up together and then everything changed. Gio should be death, but he is not. He sacrified a piece of his humanity to survive, and his family was agree with that, he is the only male left with his last name, and the bad part of being a prince is that you must carry the family's lastname through the end of times.
He joined the special forces shortly after becoming half machine, half human. And I must admit that from time to time I get really jelous of him. He is so happy and plenty with the lifestyle he choose, I wish that was my case too, but right now, it is not.
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As soon as we arrived Gio went to talk to our landlord to make the payment of the first month of rent, meanwhile I went to visit the town and get us some food, since we were starving. Dreadville is not beautiful, at least not if you don't pay attention under the general spell. The streets are pretty dirty and the buildings looks abandoned, but under that first impression you can see the vibrant green colors from the plants, and then, under that, you can see the tiny sparks of magic, here and there, everywhere, hidden under every rock. Magic is all over Dreadville, and that's what made me choose this place to start over.
On my way to our apartment I noticed what I like to call: ''my safe place away from my mind''. Or how humans call it: A library. In the old and dusty front sign it says: Crescent Moon Bibliotecha, and next to it a tiny paper praying: ''now hiring''. So that's it, easy as that, the faith telling me that I'm in the right place. What were the odds? I just moved here and I found a place that always conforted me and they are hiring. Now I'm sure that Dreadville is for me, this city is gonna become my home, and I'm gonna have the life I always wanted, here, in this dirty streets full of death and magic.
So I come back home running, all excited and I tell Gio about what I found, he smiles and encourages me to not lose anymore time and go there to present mysel. So that's what I do, I leave the grosery shopping at the island of our kitchen and I ran to the library. Luckily for me is early in the morning, so the librarian is there putting together some books. That woman looks like someone easy to love, the kind of person that looks rude and hard but in the inside is all love and hope. Yes, she looks like my kind of person.
I presented myself and she told me that her name is Lillien, she's the owner of the place and after a long talk she decides to give me a change. The payment is not the best thing in the world, but to be honest I don't care, I know that Gio has enoug money to never have to work again. This is not about the money, this is about me, escaping the future that my family put together for me and creating my own faith. One that will make me happy and full. One that I can live proudly.
This is all for today, it's pretty late here and I'm really tired, between the moving, the travel and all the emotions I had today I only want to go to bed.
Oh, and one last thing, I want to attach this picture I have with Gio, it's the only one we have since the other ones were lost in the big fire. But that's something I'll talk in another post.
Goodbye strangers.- 💜
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