anorichan · 4 years
At long last, the time has come. Pre-orders are now OPEN for BNHA-borne & the Madman’s Knowledge, a BNHA x Bloodborne Crossover Zine!
With 5 different bundles and 100+ pages of that sweet, sweet blood-curdling content, you won’t want to miss this one-of-its-kind zine!
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“Moon-scented hunters of the Healing Church - of zealots and Blood Healing… never learn.”
Never learn of flashes of suns being birthed, glances of creatures shaped like the heart of stars, light that tastes like hoarfrost gleaming off of metal shifting as a loose-boned creature of the depths.
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Opportunists will soon make the most of the spoils, their twisted forms reflected in dead, unseeing eyes that are transfixed on something beyond sight.
“A hunter… must hunt.”
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Our Carrd // Twitter // Our Store
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anorichan · 4 years
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My first preview for one of my finished pieces for the BNHA-BORNE zine i’m part of! Keep an eye out and check out @bnhaborne if youre interested in seeing this when it comes out!
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anorichan · 4 years
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Welcome good hunters, have a WIP preview of my contribution for the BNHA x Bloodborne Zine @bnhaborne with Momo slaying some someone…!
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anorichan · 4 years
Meet Our Contributors!
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It’s time to give a very warm welcome to our esteemed hunters! We’re already so impressed with their proficiency in slaying both beasts and zines alike, and we can’t wait for the amazing works they’ll all come up with! May the good blood guide their steps on this strange journey. 
Page + Collaborative Artists // listed under the cut!
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Merch + Page Artists // listed under the cut!
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Writers // listed under the cut!
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anorichan · 4 years
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Preview for a piece I’m doing in @bnhaborne zine! 
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anorichan · 4 years
BNHA-borne Imagines - 1
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Introducing: the first spook-tastic work in our BNHA-borne Imagines series! This chilling collaboration features Hawks and Shouto “re-imagined” within the eldritch ‘verse of Bloodborne as Gehrman and the Good Hunter!
- Art: @tonesip​
- Fic: @keatsblue​
- Layout: @/ anori
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anorichan · 4 years
Returning from the death to share this wicked project that I am part of, excuse me as I go spam everywhere MUAHAHA.
BNHA-borne Imagines - 2
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You heard it here first, hunters - it’s time for another amazing work in our BNHA-borne Imagines series! This collaboration features Endeavor “re-imagined” within the eldritch ‘verse of Bloodborne as a beastly Laurence, the First Vicar!
- Art: @ /plutoniarts
- Fic: @thestarmari​
- Layout: @ /anori
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anorichan · 4 years
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a peep was asking for a TodoDeku version of the extrovert shield but I didn’t really see Izuku as an extrovert, and he didn’t quite fit in my brain as an introvert so ambivert he is I guess lol-
I had the MiriTama version bouncing in my brain so here they are too + KiriBaku in uniform to fit the theme haha
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anorichan · 4 years
thedragonwoodconservancy on ig
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anorichan · 4 years
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anorichan · 4 years
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Consuming less. Working less. Enjoying efficiency of labor. Saving the planet. Acknowledging climate crisis. None of these things need a higher GDP.
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anorichan · 5 years
TikTok has banned LGBT content
I think some people might not know, so I’m spreading this, but TikTok has banned LGBT content.
For that reason, I’m not going to be reblogging TikTok videos anymore, and I encourage you to do the same.
I know it’s hard. TikTok felt like getting Vine back, but they’re scummy homophobic poo-poos and I feel like we should take a stand against that.
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anorichan · 5 years
Artists Covertly Scan Bust of Nefertiti and Release the Data for Free Online
An Iraqi/German pair of artists just pulled off what might be one of the most digitally-enhanced art heists in recent time. They covertly scanned the Nefertiti bust (with an Xbox 360 Kinect sensor, no less) and released the 3D printing plans online. They did so as an act of defiance, as the bust was actually looted from an Egyptian site by German archaeologists.[x]
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[article by Claire Voone /Hyperallergic]
Last October, two artists entered the Neues Museum in Berlin, where they clandestinely scanned the bust of Queen Nefertiti, the state museum’s prized gem. Three months later, they released the collected 3D dataset online as a torrent, providing completely free access under public domain to the one object in the museum’s collection off-limits to photographers. Anyone may download and remix the information now; the artists themselves used it to create a 3D-printed, one-to-one polymer resin model they claim is the most precise replica of the bust ever made, with just micrometer variations. That bust now resides permanently in the American University of Cairo as a stand-in for the original, 3,300-year-old work that was removed from its country of origin shortly after its discovery in 1912 by German archaeologists in Amarna.
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Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles with the 3D bust in Cairo
The project, called “The Other Nefertiti,” is the work of German-Iraqi artist Nora Al-Badri and German artist Jan Nikolai Nelles, who consider their actions an artistic intervention to make cultural objects publicly available to all. For years, Germany and Egypt have hotly disputed the rightful location of the stucco-coated, limestone Queen, with Egyptian officials claiming that she left the country illegally and demanding the Neues Museum return her. With this controversy of ownership in mind, Al-Badri and Nelles also want, more broadly, for museums to reassess their collections with a critical eye and consider how they present the narratives of objects from other cultures they own as a result of colonial histories.
The Neues Museum, which the artists believe knows about their project but has chosen not to respond, is particularly guarded towards accessibility to data concerning its collections. According to the pair, although the museum has scanned Nefertiti’s bust, it will not make the information public — a choice that increasingly seems backwards as more and more museums around the world are encouraging the public to access their collections, often through digitization projects. Notably, the British Museum has hosted a “scanathon” where visitors scanned objects on display with their smartphones to crowdsource the creation of a digital archive — an event that contrasts starkly with Al-Badri and Nelles’s covert deed.
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3D rendering of the bust of Nefertiti
“We appeal to [the Neues Museum] and those in charge behind it to rethink their attitude,” Al-Badri told Hyperallergic. “It is very simple to achieve a great outreach by opening their archives to the public domain, where cultural heritage is really accessible for everybody and can’t be possessed.”
In a gesture of clear defiance to institutional order, Al-Badri and Nelles leaked the information at Europe’s largest hacker conference, the annual Chaos Communication Congress. Within 24 hours, at least 1,000 people had already downloaded the torrent from the original seed, and many of them became seeders as well. Since then, the pair has also received requests from Egyptian universities asking to use the information for academic purposes and even businesses wondering if they may use it to create souvenirs. Nefertiti’s bust is one of the most copied works from Ancient Egypt — aside from those with illicit intents, others have used photogrammetry to reconstruct it — and its allure and high-profile presence make it a particularly charged work to engage with in discussions of ownership and institutional representations of artifacts.
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“The head of Nefertiti represents all the other millions of stolen and looted artifacts all over the world currently happening, for example, in Syria, Iraq, and in Egypt,” Al-Badri said. “Archaeological artifacts as a cultural memory originate for the most part from the Global South; however, a vast number of important objects can be found in Western museums and private collections. We should face the fact that the colonial structures continue to exist today and still produce their inherent symbolic struggles.”
Al-Badri and Nelles take issue, for instance, with the Neues Museum’s method of displaying the bust, which apparently does not provide viewers with any context of how it arrived at the museum — thus transforming it and creating a new history tantamount to fiction, they believe. Over the years, the bust has become a symbol of German identity, a status cemented by the fact that the museum is state-run, and many Egyptians have long condemned this shaping of identity with an object from their cultural heritage.
The heist: museumshack from jnn on Vimeo
Ultimately, the artists hope their actions will place pressure on not only the Neues Museum but on all museums to repatriate objects to the communities and nations from which they came.
Rather than viewing such an idea as radical, they see it as pragmatic, as a logical update to cultural institutions in the digital era: especially given the technological possibilities of today, the pair believes museums who repatriate artifacts could then show copies or digital representatives of them. Many people have already created their own Nefertitis from the released data; the 3D statue in the American University in Cairo stands as such an example of Al-Badri and Nelles’s ideals for the future of museums, in addition to being one immediate solution that may arise from individual action.
“Luckily there are ways where we don’t even need any topdown effort from institutions or museums,” Al-Badri said, “but where the people can reclaim the museums as their public space through alternative virtual realities, fiction, or captivating the objects like we did.”
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3D-printed bust of Nefertiti
[source: Hyperallergic, emphasis mine]
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anorichan · 5 years
Can’t believe Bram Stoker once sent a 2000-word fan letter to Walt Whitman which included his exact height, weight and how much he loved his poems and wanted to be friends with him, and that Whitman wrote back saying he liked his letter and hoped they could meet some day, how cute is that
And then he finally got to meet him and Stoker said “I found him all that I had ever dreamed of, or wished for in him” HOW CUTE IS THAT
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anorichan · 5 years
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anorichan · 5 years
quick protip: if someone is crying or freaking out over something minor, eg wifi not connecting, can’t find their hat, people talking too loud, do NOT tell them how small or petty the problem is to make it better. they know. they would probably love to calm down. you are doing the furthest possible thing from helping. people don’t have to earn expressions of feelings.
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anorichan · 5 years
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White Supremacists/Gamergate getting upset that a black character went back in time to end the Atlantic slave trade.
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