So since the end of summer is here Toppo decided it would have been fun to have a sleepover (I got to be next to Cocotte, yay). Even Jiren appeared which was rare... in his uniform, why... Ok @conherofrost our uniforms are supposed to stop even bullets right? Toppo left the window open which was stupid. We just woke up, none of us are covered in mosquito bites. But guess who is walking with like 251 of them! Jiren... We counted... most of them. None of us would go below the belt. We had standards!! Anyway his entire face is this Red-ish purple. ENTIRE FACE! Frost how do we deal with that?? Also if Hit is laughing uncontrollaby then that's because of Jiren... trust me, that looks nasty... He keeps scratching too.
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Trust me, it looked way more vibrant in person. Anyway we are moving the new and my old furniture into apartment, took me the entire freaking summer to do but hey, at least we are almost done!
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I kept the dog
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I just woke up... who's dog is this!?
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Dyspo decided to actually check out the company, basically it was expensive as hell but good. So at least we know whoever bough it and works in that company is high ranked. Anyway Jiren was staring at the box questioning himself for good few minutes. I say he liked the training equipment quite a bit. we don't know what he did with the chocolates tho. also say hi to Frost from me!! Missed that guy.
Another package discovered
We decided to open it this time. Seems like someone knows what Jiren likes more than we do since there's some high class training equipment, some books about martial arts and chocolates with strawberry jelly filling?? This time we are closing it back up and leaving it on the table to see what he'll do with it. I mean I still want to find out who is getting him this stuff but that is a good gift! My main question is... why strawberry? That is weird as hell. @conherofrost really who in their right mind likes it??
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Another package discovered
We decided to open it this time. Seems like someone knows what Jiren likes more than we do since there's some high class training equipment, some books about martial arts and chocolates with strawberry jelly filling?? This time we are closing it back up and leaving it on the table to see what he'll do with it. I mean I still want to find out who is getting him this stuff but that is a good gift! My main question is... why strawberry? That is weird as hell. @conherofrost really who in their right mind likes it??
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Yeah, I'll look for the pictures still, tho it was very a funny idea that the one thing Jiren was almost defeated by is Algebra of all things! I wonder, what was Hit's score?
To be honest, people do say that only Universe 7 had to write it, they weren't correct. Not only yours but mine had to too. I wasn't there but Dyspo literally told everyone how Jiren was banging his head against the table because we had not only one but TWO *ALGEBRA* QUESTIONS THANKS TO VEWON! That guy is dumber than a rock and I wonder how he passed just to be stupid during the tournament. I swear if he failed maybe I would be on the team? That would have been quite funny. Still I want to get my hands on the pictures Dyspo took, so far I know they exist. Also we found what kinda was my cabinet, I suppose I need new furniture
Ah, so that silly little idea got traction in the other universes for the Tournament of Power? Or maybe your universe's God of Destruction is fond of cruel and unusual punishment.
Champa was insistent on not doing that test ever again- half of us had already been screened from last time and he didn't want to bother with it for the others because his blood pressure was already boiling (according to Vados at least). With this level of stakes, I don't know why any team would bother with taking time for that. It's a silly rule; you can measure the mental competency they were looking for without advanced mathematics that normal people never use.
...Oh, and good luck with your furniture... situation.
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Maybe I'll start posting some drawings here, it would be fun right?
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Hi! I'm new here so wish me luck!☺️
Sure!! It's nice to see a new person here and all. I hope you have fun on my blog while this is happening! Good luck dear friend!! If you ever want to find out more about working at Pride Troopers HQ just ask me!
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I mean I went to Vegeta's for some business (that being Toppo really wanted to fight him again after the Tournament, his fragile ego was hurt) and there I found my damn chair! Ask Bulma, I have no fucking clue how he found it! Yeah it was weird.
@anonymous-pride-trooper I noted your message and I don't think I'd be of much assistance on locating those items for you. You've got a whole separate problem if it managed to get lost enough to wind up in another universe.
Not that I can look far to begin with, I'm pretty much a shut-in.
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Eh it's fine, there are multiple reasons to attend different universes (Dude I saw you on the tournament a week ago, Yamcha was there too and do not tell Frieza, he doesn't know my blog exists). Found out one of the more known other ways to legally cross to another universe like partaking in a tournament, working for an organization specializing in shipping cross-universes (that is expensive as hell) or even having a relative in another universe. Anyway it's ok if you don't know more, I don't either and listen, it's damn worth it to still check for that. It's literally someone liking Jiren! JIREN!! You can ask anyone who knows that name and be surprised anyone even likes that coffee-addict alien! Also ask Frost if he saw some of my furniture at least (he should know how it looks like). Thanks and cya!
Ok so hi Hit, me again. I asked the group you talked about in Universe 2 (forgot their damn names) and the ammount of work to even get to them was horrible just like you said! Never knew Dyspo was visiting there frequently but turns out well.. he was! Anyway, none of them admitted to sending the package, checked their handwriting too, nothing matched but I could get access to a database with a help of a "friend", turns out it was sent from an office at one of the richer planets in that universe, ran by someone who doesn't even have his name in the public database itself! Illegal organization perhaps?~ Anyway when I take care of the whole "my furniture went missing" situation I'll contact you with more info I find. Good luck with whatever you have going on at the moment!!
Can't say I have any other information that would help you here. No one who saw Jiren at the tournament struck a match, so it's possible gossip spread about him to those reaches. I'm not too surprised that Universe 2 has potentially sinister organizations like the one you're speculating about- every area has its crime, even the sickeningly saccharine spots.
Regardless, you may wish to tread carefully. You don't want to get into too deep of hot water with these types- not over something silly like a love note.
And keep your rabbit friend in mind with your cross-universe business. He may help you with info gathering if he's already well-acclimated to the second universe's inner workings.
...Perhaps he might have a date, since that seems to be the only reason aside from contracted murder for a person to spend prolonged time across universe borders according to Frost.
That was sarcasm.
~ H
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So, moving am I right? Everything is currently in boxes, hell it takes way longer than I thought since the complications are just there for some damn reason!!! The company that promised to move my stuff dropped it off somewhere and now I have to look for it!! Some people agreed to help and all, of course Dyspo and Cocotte but also Kahseral and Toppo? Never expected my boss to come and help me with my personal life but ok... They also dragged Jiren along, we are not telling him about the "gift" that was found for him, just no. Also the cameras are a piece of junk, only audio which didn't help us at all! PS: Hey Frost if you read this, how was your day? Also tell Hit we tried to get to where were the gift from exactly, because it was from an Office of all places!! So we lost our track for now (There will be more on Frost's blog when he gets the message, so check it out!: @conherofrost ).
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So small context, I still didn't move (yeah... complications-). I went to work today and everyone for some reason was gathered around a table. I wasn't really told why everyone was snickering and laughing. I mean... usually the atmosphere is a lot lighter when Jiren isn't at work so I kinda understood that but not why they were this happy. That was until I did get through to the table they were surrounding. It was a box of chocolates FOR GOD DAMN JIREN. Yeah, shocker. Thank god dude wasn't at work (neither can he see my tumblr so hallelujah) because WHAT!!? The only thing we know is from where it was bought and most likely sent, Universe 2. I mean this brand is only avaliable there, the card was from there, heck the services used are from universe 2!! I am SO questioning myself. @conherofrost Get Hit over here and ask him can he like... Trace an IP address? Dude we gotta know who sent it and there is no way in HELL it was anyone we know, the writing is fancy but not fancy enough to be Hit's (no offense Hit but your writing is like one of a doctor). Anyone who has ANY idea please message me. Anyway we are gonna put cameras in the main hall soon, since we gotta know if it's finally Jiren or someone else stealing from the donation box.
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So, Cult of the Lamb is getting an update huh? This will be hillarious! I saw Dyspo eyeing that game once. Playing with him would be hillarious!!
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Happy Pride Month everyone!! Don't worry what others say. No matter what I care about you!
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Frieza may have said no anyway but meeting Yamcha was kinda fun!! Plus of course had to take a picture with him and Hit (listen that dude was outside sitting on a bench, we had to, it would have been funny). Just had to quickly grab a notebook. Like I said I would rather stay anonymous (and yes my hair is dyed, said dye isn't comming off for some reason). It simply was fun tho. We kinda... aren't telling Frieza but @conherofrost I wasn't lying when I said I see Hit sometimes in Universe 11! Alright I'll get going. See ya!!
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Yeah I am kinda finally moving to my own apartment. Not really alone, I'm supposed to have a roommate! It should be fine right? Something within me is BEGGING for it to be Cocotte. Just imagine me, a low class warrior sharing a room with Cocotte!? The 5th strongest Pride Trooper!? This would just fulfill my dreams Well goodbye to my old apartment and welcome a new life way closer to my job! Yay...
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