A little, little grave. An obscure grave.
136 posts
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 12 years ago
I'm starting my poetry blog over again.  If you're interested in following me you can find me as saltedseeds.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 12 years ago
you can sew up your lips but I see slips between the seams, you're no good with thread and needle and I'm great at tearing things.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 12 years ago
oh,  it's trite to say "I love you" when we're both so good at feigning, we are both beautiful losers with our hearts set on complaining and we're better off just floating in this bind so  unrestraining with our heartfelt set to stunned our love in all these empty spaces 
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 12 years ago
somedays are heavy the truth is
I'm hurting and long time been 
hurting the truth is I'm
pain is the
cure is the
pain is the
cure is the drug that I'm into don't
judge me don't judge my intentions or
ways that I see it or
ways that I mold it in
my hands they're my hands to hold out to
hold it out mold it and hold it before you and 
cradle the days that are
nauseating weak as
a stomach that turns all the
blackness I mold
inside out
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
now, now, now,
if i could give shape to the longing the 
shape would be
shadow of line in the
crease of the awning you
stretch up your eye when your
heart shivers right
next to mine and we stutter our
harrow to breathe now like blood
showing red on our sleeves.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
Some other things I write too often:
smoke here is so heavy that it hurts my eyes to read and all the words are
poorly spelled
and some are compounds of a couple strings
of words
impossible to read aloud without a constant stumble
over crude
dyslexic text
the product of some midnight rambling.
has no plot or topic not
the outcome a complex thought
but trite and trotting on the spot
a lax and lulling burnout.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
...I walk the bridge
unto expanded consciousness
with deliberate breath
drawn slow, deep and controlled until lungs are perfect full, then��a
graceful exhale of everlasting even gales, the grandest winds
from deep within
the common soul.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
rigid and unkempt so a jerk with the feel of it
taught is the skin in the stretch of a face-lift the
horror of smile pulled back beyond jaw
bearing teeth like a beastly young
mammal in heat and
eyes pulled so wide the lids tear sockets pried not a
tear like "I cry" but the 
splitting of sides.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
drench myself in sorrow this is my own
burden shallow but yet
deep enough to wallow in and not too thick to
swallow whole, ingestion I
allow and now knee
deep in this digestion steady process of the breaking down this
churning is too loud
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
excerpt from resolution.
The thought is fat and fuddled and it lolls about my throat and mouth but does not slip lip.  It grows and shrinks and twists.  My tongue is too thick and my lips are too swollen and though the words are little individuals they cannot escape.  They squish and slide through tongue and teeth until they are a sticky mass of sludge; my voice stalled by this mouthful of fat filth. And the thought, my tongue, it flicks and flops like a fish on dry surface, three feet from the shore.  It writhes with that same angry agony; the desperate plea of a failure when so close to vindication.  It is frantic.  It is pitiful.
And I am my tongue.  I am my thoughts.  Sticky, thick, frantic and pitiful.  I want to go home.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
loose chains lazy
So focused, a bead of sweat shivers, a
side-to-side slither and
slipping the noose, now the whole string is stripping and
beads flying loose, so like chain grinding chain or
tooth clinking tooth
they chime
unto a floor so up and below that the clatter of fall is
unheard through the uproar of taught 
string vibrations and deep angry rhythms now soft still abrasive the
heave of some weight.
although so unseen we can feel the beads
rolling round under feet 
in our soles they slide deep
wedge themselves in the creased rubber groove holes of our
dirty sneakers
and all of the
while our palms remain tethered by 
strings of our sweating now dangling bare and we
wipe them on jeans
hang our palms like loose chains
lazy aching for contact
and tracing some
phantom of
holding each other.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
see my love
I apologize because I know that
this is not your style, I've always
tried to bend to you
appeal to you
for sake of you
but over-bent I
folded through
I weakened me
became untrue.
my self besides, so long I drifted 
and letting simple little anger
turn to hatred couldn't separate from
senses left off common sense I turned away
I let escape
neglected all the ways you saved me
certain you caused all my failure
blamed you for my self derangment
sure that you tried to contain me
but I'm not weak like I was then
at least
I'm stronger than I've ever been and
I can know now my own faults
without ignoring yours as well.
once upon a time you saved me
raised me up from holes been digging
seventeen long years of suffering and
taught me how to manage living.
now I will do the same for you I'll
lead you to a concrete truth
to recognize your sheltered view as
inhibited and
and show you growth you can't deny
like child-bones that reach for sky
beneath your skin and
out of it
awaken your 
new consciousness
and get you closer
make you stronger
show you love that does not falter
give you the new heart in me
the heart it took to make me free and know that
it has now begun,  I 
see my love in everyone
and their love lives inside me too
and part of that is part of you.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
I'd really love to see the ocean
this will be another empty metaphor about
the ocean
waves and crashing sea salt water pouring slamming rocks
eroding, this
will be another useless narrative about
the ocean
lapping calm and soothing lull of
waves that snake across some shore but
I have never seen the ocean, that is solid truth
I can surmise what it might sound like from some
inland lakes and river currents
but my
metaphors are groundless, sealess you might say, and frankly
I'd rather not talk about it, but
I can't escape that taunting
imagery that's
haunting me to
let it free I'll have to just indulge in the
unforgiving contradictory assumption
that I could
contain the ocean
without ever knowing
not that I could just
contain the ocean
had I ever known it.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
pretty sure I shouldn't be
wrapped in any of this conflict heavy
burden weighty ready naught but
steady just about to be so
serious a situation
comedy, no
tragedy, oh gross
gratuitous and
self-indulgent circling
la la and
ring around our motives
eye contact a never and just hanging in these
open doorways
does this do a single thing for you?
I don't think that it does for me.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
splatter silent drip
censore and abridge, but don't feel bad it's just a 
cut above the lip, and though the
blood might spill a little stain to splatter silent drip
it will not fall
but seconds later 
meaning whole to me will slip through
red lined teeth and soiled shirt sleeves
armed with writhing heart to seep the truth
unknowingly released by you
when you attempt to beat it
from my speech.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
but I like your shoulders slouched, you
silly girl stop playing
victim of
yourself, it's getting old been
gotten old and it's been old since
years been gone and 
long before but
entertain me
in those ways
those same old ways just
different takes
--  we don't want heavy 
sad or
boo-hoo sorry for all your
from different angles scars are smiles and
deepest dimples
just beside, oh girl
you've known it all the live-long while don't
hide behind that
old rhetoric
lounging in forgotten holy
trapped and skinned and skimming in an
unknown idiom, I swear
you'll feel
better once you give up 
giving in.
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anobscuregrave-blog-blog · 14 years ago
No matter what, I'm beautiful
intelligent and worthy of
respect and love.  No matter what,
I'm strong enough to find 
freedom within myself.
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