annimator-ocblog · 1 day
OC Story: Reunited
(I love both of them, your honour)
C immediately heads towards that familiar rooftop once he hears that Jadeyn’s waiting for them.
They must’ve been worried sick for him during the past week he’s been unconscious.
As C makes their way up to the rooftop with help from a floating platform, he looks around for his partner, quickly stopping in place as he hears them calling out for them.
“Hey, aesthete.”
C immediately turns to see Jadeyn as they call out his name.
There’s a gorgeous mural on the wall of another building, a lineless silhouette of C with his rod in hand was in the middle of different flowers and magical symbols ,spray cans of varying colours are spread out on the floor.
More importantly, Jadeyn’s sitting a little bit to the right of the mural’s silhouette, with a bouquet of bright blue & turquoise flowers, the goggles they were given from him perched on their newsboy cap, and a sincere smile on their face.
C instantly runs towards Jadeyn to embrace them, and in turn, Jadeyn stands up with the bouquet still in hand to embrace him back.
As they pull away from the embrace, they lovingly look at each other and C chuckles over the sight of the new goggles on Jadeyn’s cap,
“The goggles look really nice on you.”
“Yeah, I guess they really do.”
As Jadeyn says that, he cups C’s face using one of their hands, and by the time they finish speaking, they pull C into a long and soft kiss.
“So… what happened in the caverns while you were on your own?”
Both of them were now sitting in front of the mural, with Jadeyn holding C’a hand as they asked that question.
C exhaled, “I was basically just wandering the place before a bunch of entities attacked me. They were honestly pretty easy to defeat for the most part. But then, more and more of them started to show up out of nowhere.”
He turned to Jadeyn as he continued to speak, “They… ended up getting a bunch of good hits on me, and I used up some mana to heal up most of the wounds. But… even more of them started to appear. And by the time I defeated all of them, I practically used up all my mana, and-“
Before C could continue, Jadeyn tightly embraced them again, “You did your best in there C. I said it before, and I’ll say it again, I think your parents would be proud of you.”
C smiled over Jadeyn’s sentiment, “Y’know, speaking of which…”
He paused before continuing to speak, “… actually, I’ll just save what I was gonna say for when we meet up with the others. They’re probably waiting for us.”
As C stood up, Jadeyn replied to his statement,
“Well then, if we’re going now, I should probably give you this.”
Jadeyn pulled out something from their bag as they talked, with C immediately recognizing what the item was.
“Is… that a new rod?! For me?”
Jadeyn chuckled, “Yeah, we found out that your old one broke in the caverns, so Lance & Aaron decided to make you a new one. The rod being designed to look like a stylus was my idea if we’re being technical.”
The smile on C’s face grew as Jadeyn gave the rod to him so he could hold it.
“I love it!”
C immediately pulled Jadeyn into another kiss as he held the rod in his right hand.
The others will probably understand why both of them will be late anyways.
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annimator-ocblog · 3 days
Y’know those extreme christian people that think pokémon are satanic or some shit?
Yeah those are the types of parents Mercy & Geno had.
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annimator-ocblog · 3 days
OC Stories: Siblings
(Zac and Kumiho talk about a lot of stuff. Mainly their relationship with C)
(TW: Mentions of Death)
Zac and Kumiho would always be at close proximity to one another considering how they’d both consider physical touch to be their love language.
But they’ve been clinging to each other more & more after what happened last Saturday;
It’s rare to see them even a metre away from one another, they’d always be holding hands, and the both of them would sleep in a tight embrace during the night.
Then again, how would you feel if your significant other almost died in front of you? And how would you feel as your partner was worried of that being the case?
The two of them were currently walking hand-in-hand to the Academy infirmary to visit C. It’s been an entire week since he was knocked unconscious after fighting dozens of entities on their own and he’s bound to wake up sooner or later.
“Y’know, I just realized I never realized ask this… but how did C end up getting adopted into your family?”
Kumiho stopped walking to contemplate the question Zac asked them, eventually answering, “Well, my Moms helped at the orphanage he originally was in and they took a liking to them. They ended up adopting C after a couple of months of getting to know him, and he’s basically been my older brother ever since! But then again… they were kind of distant with me before we found common ground with animated stuff.”
Zac smiled as Kumiho recalled their story, “That’s sounds like C. I still don’t get how Jadeyn ended up falling for him when they first met, but I’m glad that they’re happy with them.”
“I still think the hoodie they wear looks pretty stupid. The goggles they recently put on their cap to match the decals on it do look cool, but the hoodie literally looks like it’s been stripped from the floor.”
Zac chuckles, “Well, they like the hoodie a lot by the looks of it.”
They both eventually make it to the infirmary, and book it to where C was resting.
But to their surprise he… wasn’t resting in the infirmary bed.
Instead they were sitting to the side of it, readjusting their goggles & putting on their now-fixed of jacket.
Kumiho shouts their name, getting his attention. Before C could respond their younger sibling tackles them into a tight hug, with him hugging back.
“Sorry I kept ya worried there. ‘M alright now.”
Zac similarly ran towards C to greet him, “Hey man, you doing good?
C quickly responded as Kumiho pulled back from the hug to be at Zac’s side,
“Yeah for the most part I guess. Besides the new markings all of my body and the fact that more parts of my hair are cyan. The medics are saying that they’ll both be permanent, but they look pretty neat.” C look at his right hand, now filled with light turquoise patches.
Zac sighed, “We’re both glad you’re awake again C. There’s actually gonna be a group meeting soon since a lot of things happened in the caverns and while you were unconscious for a week-.”
Kumiho quickly calmed their brother down, “Yeah I know, it’s pretty crazy. I bet you’re prooobably asking about how Jadeyn is, and they’re doin’ good. They actually wanted to see you at the place you first kissed once you woke up. Whatever-.”
C quickly sat up from his bed, “Alright, thanks for that! See you at the dorm for whatever we’ll be talking about!”
Zac and Kumiho looked at each other as C quickly ran out of the infirmary to see Jadeyn.
C > Yo guys I’m awake. How’s shit?
Liam > not much has happened rlly.
Liam > besides the fact that two certain motherfuckers accidentally snitched
Parker > o/
Mercy > oh ye u weren’t here when this happened. So uh we made a big group chat for 2-4 and 2-7 and it’s going great :D
Geno > just ignore the fact that Edan & Marcus beef with each other every day here lmao
Skadi > it’s entertaining!
Edan > my fingers hurt from typing so much
Kai > (」°ロ°)」
Lilith > Iris think of the blackmail potential
Ro > ^^^^
Nova > POST IT! >:D
Iris > hmmmmm maybe later
Brio > can we stop all this nonsense? Are you doing ok C?
Orion > yeah you rlly missed a lot in the week since you been out cold.
C > ‘m doing good :D
C > heard we’re gonna have a big convo or smth, but Jadeyn said they wanted to meet up w/ me beforehand!
C > I’ll see you guys soon! o/
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annimator-ocblog · 4 days
OC Story: Reassurance
(C’s currently in the void.)
(TW: Mentions of Death)
C feels like they’ve been falling for the past… well… they lost count after 4 minutes.
To his surprise, he doesn’t feel himself hit the ground. It’s almost like gravity slowed for a little bit once he was a meter away from hitting it.
As much as they want to know where the heck they are, C first got a good look at himself in a mirror from his quick creation;
Considering the fact that they quickly created a mirror to get a look at themselves, it’s quick to note that they still have mana in them despite being in some kind of void.
But despite that, he still had marks all over his body signifying that he’s running out of mana. Guess that’s probably be permanent, they aren’t bright and glowing anyways.
Their hair’s messed up, but their goggles are still perched atop their head, and their jacket is nowhere to be seen, with the only thing he’s currently wearing being a white t-shirt & gloves, and black cargo pants.
With that out of the way, C stands up to get a good look of his surroundings, immediately recognizing where he is.
It’s his childhood village, a place he’d never forget thanks to all the memories they made there. Even if everything was primarily in a white colour.
“It’s a nostalgic sight, isn’t it?”
C quickly notices the voice of someone, turning around to look at the stranger face to face, immediately being astonished at who it is.
“Your… the Creator. I…I have so many questions right now. Is this the afterlife? Am- am I dead? How are all-.”
The Creator immediately calms C down as they placed one of their hands on his shoulder.
“Don’t be worried, all your friends are safe C. They’re all waiting for you to wake up.”
“Then why am I here? Like it’s nice and all to see my old village in a good albeit void-like state, but what’s the point of all of this?”
The Creator smiled over C’s question, “There’s two people here that want to see you. I’m sure you have a lot to talk about with them, but rest assured, there’s an exit in the form of the portal around the village’s entrance when you’re ready to leave.”
C has a good feeling as to who the Creator’s talking about when it comes to two certain people here that want to see them.
Either way, it still doesn’t change the fact that he starts to tear up once he sees those two in their sight.
C immediately ran to give his parents a hug. He hasn’t really gotten the chance to do so for a long time, so he’s cherishing the chance to do so.
The Creator was right when they said that their parents have been watching them. They gladly accepted Chloe C for who they were and gave him their full blessing to be with Jadeyn. And on top of all that, they were grateful for the way C honoured their memories.
And yet, they still had a lot to talk about before C ultimately woke up.
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annimator-ocblog · 4 days
“Uh Anni, it’s the 16th-”
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So yea! It’s Aaron’s birthday :D
Tweaked their design a bit ever since the last time i posted art of them, but the same can honestly said for most of my OCs lol
(extra Aaron facts under the cut :D)
- Honestly “cyberpunk fairy” sounds like a cool concept. Sci-fi fantasy writers/artists should create more things like that
- Aaron’s fairy wings are loosely based off of a dragonfly; which symbolize stuff like joy, courage, love, rebirth, having the wisdom & resilience to adapt to change, and a bunch of other stuff I found on Google.
- That whole “dragonflies represent adapting to change” thing goes pretty well with the fact that Aaron had his right arm forcibly ripped off, and had to quickly get used to having a cybernetic arm.
- Also Aaron losing an arm is actually the second worst thing to happen to them
- When figuring out Aaron’s nationality, I made them Indian because of vibes, but I also made them half-Welsh recently since fairies do have origins within Welsh mythologies alongside a bunch of other countries.
- Also speaking of which, Aaron’s hairstyle is loosely based on Pavitr’s hairstyle. (Side note: Pav’s my favourite Spiderverse character alongside Peni. They both deserve the world fr fr)
- literally all 10 of my original OCs look ENTIRELY different from when I first conceptualized them. Like Aaron originally had orange hair, and his primary colour was green. Also they didn’t have the whole “cyberpunk fairy” aesthetic going on.
- I feel like now’s a good time to mention Aaron uses he/they pronouns. Also he’s omnisexual
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annimator-ocblog · 4 days
OC Story: Dragonfly
(Happy belated birthday Aaron!)
Aaron always took a liking to dragonflies.
Sure they were really small bugs, but they were fast fliers and good omens!
It’s said that they symbolize a lot of stuff; joy, love, growth, transformation, courage, a bunch of stuff really.
If only he still had his wings to fly just like them…
Every time they asked their parents about why they didn’t have wings like them, they would just shrugged him off saying things like “you were born without them!” or “yours will grow eventually!”
That was one of many things that led him to ditching them to pursue learning at Arcana Academy in the first place.
“You’re a light fairy? Where are your wings?”
Aaron sighed over Lance’s question, “I honestly don’t even know at this point. My parents keep answering with differing answers. But I keep getting back pains, so the chance that I actually had wings is probable.”
Lance surprisingly smiled, and put a hand onto Aaron’s shoulder, “Well, maybe they might grow back! I heard that a kiss from a loved one could help them fully grow back anyways.”
Aaron blushed, but quickly smiled back, “Yeah… maybe they might.”
It all culminated in his and Lance’s first kiss.
Everything felt like it all fell into place once they figured out the soulmate bond they shared.
As the two of them pulled away, Lance smiled at him, and Aaron quickly smiled back.
Whilst Aaron smiled at him, Lance looked to what was behind Aaron, noticing what was there with an astonished look on his face as his smile grew bigger.
“Hey, do you remember that old saying I told you about fairy wings?”
“Oh, yeah. About how they might grow back when you-.” As Aaron answered them, he looked onto his back to see what Lance was talking about, immediately widening his eyes over what he saw.
A pair of fairy-like wings were now sprouting from their back, coloured in an extremely bright yellow, all made even better by the fact that their new wings were shaped similar to those of a dragonfly.
The smile on Aaron’s face grew as he fluttered them, overjoyed at the sight of their wings returning to them.
Lance smiled over the sight of Aaron happily looking at his wings, almost taken aback as Aaron pulled him into a tight embrace.
“Thank you. This means a lot to me Lance.”
Lance quickly returned the favour, and embraced them back,
“You’re welcome Aaron.”
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annimator-ocblog · 5 days
OC Story: Recollection
(Marcus & Liam are doing fineeeee)
(TW: Mentions of Death)
Taking to what Parker said, Lance & Aaron want to try their best to hold their group together.
Both of them share the title of being Group 2-7’s leader after all.
Naturally they both think to start slow and simple… for the most part.
Everyone’s noticed that Marcus & Liam, aren’t exactly doing great.
The circles under their eyes are extremely dark, neither of them seem to be taking care of themselves, and they’ve been clinging to each other more than normal.
But then again, so has everyone else after what happened.
Marcus & Liam have a good feeling as to why Lance & Aaron brought them to their room.
Compared to the first time they went into their room, it looks remotely the same; various storage compartments which are probably filled with materials, weapons & other miscellaneous gadgets on display, a high-tech workbench with an operating table right beside it, and a large bed for two right in the corner beside the mirror.
Aaron took a deep breath before starting their intervention, “You two haven’t been doing okay ever since last Saturday, have you?”
Neither of them answer Aaron’s question, looking nervously at them before turning to each other.
Lance reassured them, “Look we’re not asking that in a menacing-ish way, we’re starting to get worried for you two, and so has everyone else after what happened in the caverns.”
Marcus looks at Liam before he responds, and with a nod from him, he starts talking, “Every time we fall asleep, we get the same nightmares. Before the caverns, they only happened once or twice a week, and they either involved us getting constantly bullied by our old classmates or when… we both died back in our past lives.”
“So after the incident in the caverns, you two have been getting the same nightmares everyday. And I assume that besides what you mentioned, you also get nightmares of what happened in there, right?”
Aaron was surpassingly understanding about what he & Marcus have recently been going through, so Liam responds to their questoin, “Well, our nightmares have recently just been the entities that attacked us in the caverns. But compared to what actually happened, we don’t have our weapons with us in those nightmares. And we wake up once an entity delivers a killing blow.”
“So your minds keep going back to bad memories from your past and present. If they can do that, maybe you can replace those nightmares of bad memories, with dreams of your good ones.”
Marcus was simultaneously confused and curious about Lance’s idea, “That sounds like a good idea, but part of me doesn’t feel like it’ll work. Did something similar happen to you two?”
Aaron replied, “Yes, it actually has. But there’s some context for it. The soulmate bond Lance & I had was temporarily broken for a couple of years after we similarly got attacked by entities. Lance was also injured to the point that they were rebuilt into an android with their soul & organs still intact, and my wings were ripped off from by back. On top of that, any and all memories we had of each other were lost to time.”
Before they continued to speak, Aaron smiled, “After we met again and rekindled our soulmate bond, my wings miraculously grew back. And after a couple of weeks, we both had the same dream; but in reality, it was an old memory from before we got attacked. Because of that memory, we found out that the goggles & the headband we wear were actually gifts from each other.”
Lance continued to speak for Aaron, “Our old lost memories have been returning to us ever since, but we get them every other couple of days. I know both of you probably don’t have much good memories from your past compared to us. But if you get the same bad nightmarish memories, maybe try to replace them with the same dreamy memories; like when you first met, your first confession of love, or maybe even the day you two reunited after reincarnating.”
“And maybe don’t forget to take care of yourselves everyday. You two look pretty worse for wear if I’m being honest.”
Liam chuckled over that last comment, “Alright then Lance, we’ll try it out tonight. Nothing seems wrong about dreaming about the time Marcus gifted me our matching spears.”
Marcus gently hit Liam’s arm over what he said, “Aw, what about our first kiss? You really loved that.”
“Well, getting a boyfriend was nice. But the spear was pretty freaking awesome.”
They start to lovingly bicker over that lovely memory, completely ignoring what Lance & Aaron were saying about them flirting.
“I think I’m starting to see why Jadeyn didn’t like to see us flirt, priy.”
“They’ve been through a lot love, let them have it.”
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annimator-ocblog · 5 days
OC Story: Friends & Family
(I’m a sucker for found families. Also BATCH 2 BONDING WOOOOOOO)
(TW: Mentions of Death)
Mercy and Geno found themselves hanging out with group 2-4 very often ever since they joined Arcana Academy.
Sure, both of them already had 10 other close friends from the group they were assigned to join when they enrolled, but the more the merrier after all.
Nova & Ro had similar senses of humour & morals to them, and they usually went on double dates with them during the weekends,
Dylan & Kai were sympathetic, since they also had little to no knowledge of the middle grounds, or as they called it; the surface,
Parker had a lot of wisdom to offer, and basically held the whole group together as their leader,
Brio & Orion had archives worth of history & geography stored within their minds, which they gladly told to the both of them, fully confirming that the war between Angels and Demons ended centuries ago once the two races made a peace treaty.
And Edan & Skadi similarly told stories of fascinating and unique creatures alongside those who’ve come across them.
They were all currently hanging out in 2-4’s dorm floor, having just spent 2 hours visiting and buying a multitude of items from Arcana City’s shopping district.
“So how’s everyone else doing?” Parker asked.
Geno responded, “There doing alright for the most part. But, they’ve definitely changed after what happened in the caverns; Lance & Aaron have been clinging to each other more than usual, and the same thing’s true with Zac and Kumiho, Jadeyn’s still mostly secluding themselves in their room, but they’ve only been coming out their room to get food & do some other thing they won’t tell us about, Iris & Macy are mostly fine, but they’re definetly worried over everyone, Marcus & Liam have been having trouble sleeping for the past couple of days, and C’s still unconscious.”
Orion sighed, “I could see where those two are coming from. Getting attacked by an Entity and even dying to them’s definitely something that’ll stick with you. Brio & I have personally been attacked by a bunch of them months prior to arriving to Arcana City, and we still get nightmares of it from time to time.”
“They were pretty easy to defeat, but there were a LOT of them. We were in a village when they attacked us, and there weren’t much people in it that had experience in combat.” Brio said.
Lilith responded to what the two of them said, “Gee, you guys have gone through absolute shit. I mean, I’ve nearly died in the past too, but I rarely think about that.”
“Yeah, I personally don’t like staying in the past since I don’t like to remember some… things, but there are some memories that I cherish a lot, like meeting Lilith!” Clover added on to Lilith’s reply.
Nova’s face saddened over everything that was said, “It’s hard to believe you guys’ve gone through shit. None of you genuinely deserve to gone through hell.”
“I agree with Nova, we’re all still young. And death is not something all of us should have to worry about even considering all the dangerous shit that surrounds us. Don’t you two agree?” As Ro said that, she turned to Mercy & Geno.
Mercy replied, “Yeah, but neither of us really know about whatever the other went through besides Marcus & Liam’s reincarnation. Except Iris & Macy, they’ve had a chill upbringing from what we’ve seen.”
“Yeah, and even though they told us about that, they rarely bring it up. They’re glad that they got a second chance with being reborn, but they clearly didn’t want anyone else to know since they’re worried about how people would think about them. It’s kinda like how Mercy & I don’t really like bringing up our families since we left home.”
Kai lightened up the mood by replying to Geno, “Well, your birth families might’ve been bad for the most part, but you have us and the rest of 2-7 as a new one!”
Dylan smiled as he heard what Kai said, “Yeah, you have the 21 of us a family you two. Jury’s still out on whose might be the patriarch.”
“Y’know, even if he’s gone through shit, but Marcus still puts a hell of a fight. Same thing with Liam considering the fact that he pulled out his spear to join in on me & Marcus’ fight before SOMEONE broke it off.” Edan glared daggers at Parker as he said that.”
They quickly replied as Edan stared at them, “Ok y’know what I do not want to verbally kick your ass again over this. You guys are gonna have a rematch once C wakes up & we talk more about what happened in the caverns. Skadi’s gonna be supporting you by fighting alongside you this time anyways.”
Skadi chuckled, “It’ll be fun! We’ve rarely gotten chances to fight side-by-side anyways.”
Hearing them all talk about everything in a positive & optimistic way makes Mercy & Geno smile over where they both are right now.
Leaving their respective “homes” brought them to an even better one in the end.
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annimator-ocblog · 8 days
OC Story: “Fallen” Angel
(Mercy has a talk with her mom)
Mercy looks drastically different compared to the last time her mother saw her.
Their wings and halo have darkened, her clothes now have pops of oranges & yellows which were both colours that her parents despised, their hair transformed from a neat bright blonde to a messy penumbra brown.
But despite all that, the Angel in front of Mercy still recognized her daughter.
“You don’t want to return back home to the sky, don’t you?”
Mercy sighed, “Yeah, I’m not going back…there.”
Her mother was surprisingly understanding about all of this, nodding as Mercy finished what they were saying. “Well then, I guess I can’t change your mind now can I? From what I’ve heard the Academy’s faculty and your new friends all helped you to readjust here and I’m grateful for all of that.”
She paused before continuing to speak, “Your father’s still angry that you left, and he’s even more angry over the fact that you did it all for a demon.”
Mercy frowned as they heard what their mother said, looking down at the floor over the thought of her father.
To her surprise, her mother puts a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
“Look, I know full well that Geno makes you happy, and the love that both of you have is true and genuine. All those lessons about the demons must’ve led to you leaving in the first place… didn’t it?”
Mercy took a deep breath before answering,” Yes, it was exactly that. The war ended centuries ago, but you and Dad spoke of it like it’s still ongoing. I didn’t feel any animosity towards Geno when I first met her despite them being a demon. I still don’t even get why you forced me to memorize all those biblical scriptures and teachings about how it’s wrong to befriend or fall in love with other species or other people of your gender.”
They paused for a moment. A small smile appeared on Mercy’s face as she continued to speak, “I honestly think becoming a fallen angel was the best thing to happen to me; me and Geno are together, we met a bunch of cool friends, I get to learn more about the magic and creatures from the old stories you let me read, and I’m really glad that you’ve actually come to accept this.”
Their mother smiled at her, “I understand that what I’ve done in the past wasn’t… the best for you, and I truly am sorry for that. You truly have my full blessing to be with Geno. And I’m honestly surprised that you’re able to wield one of my old scythes so easily.”
Mercy chuckled over what her mother said, “I honestly thought you’d be a little angry over me stealing it, but I guess it’s the opposite.”
Her mother smiled back, “Well, I technically was for a while. And as much as I hate to say it, I have to head back now. I’ll be a call away if you need my help. And one more thing,”
She once again put one of her hands onto Mercy’s shoulder, “Say hi to Geno for me.”
And with a flash of light enveloping her. She disappeared.
Mercy honestly didn’t expect her mother to come around to… well everything, but it’s a welcome surprise.
That, and Geno coming up to hug her from behind.
“That was nice and all, but are we gonna go now? I’m pretty sure we kept the others waiting for like 15 minutes.”
“Oh yeah! Almost forgot! We’re hanging out with 2-4 today!”
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annimator-ocblog · 8 days
The more I think about my OCs the more I get sad
Like imagine living with loving parents that encourage you to pursue your talents.
On top of that, you live in a small village filled to the brim with friendly people. There aren’t much kids around your age, but one of them’s your best friend.
And then all of a sudden, the village you live in gets destroyed and your parents also die in the process. It’s difficult for you to process this and all while this is happening you realize the only things that you have to honour their memories are the goggles you constantly wear that originally belonged to your father and the dreams your mother encouraged you to pursue. Your best friend’s mom also died right in front of them.
But at the same time, mourning for them won’t get you anywhere. You eventually have to move on and accept their deaths.
As you grow, you improve your talents and learn more about your true self. Your best friend has to move away to head to a new city. But before they leave, you come out to them as trans, with them accepting you with open arms.
You eventually get adopted into another family that accepts you with open arms. It feels different, but it feels like home. The people that adopted you also had another kid that’s coincidentally your age, and they quickly consider you to be an older brother to them.
After finally becoming old to enough to enrol into the Academy of your dreams, you meet more friends that you start to consider a part of your family.
You meet someone else at the Academy too, and by the looks of it, they don’t seem to like talking with anyone except you. You get more & more close to them to the point where you get feelings for them.
You decide to get them a gift for their birthday, and also finally ask them out onto a sort-of date. Unbeknownst to you, the feelings were mutual, and you have your first kiss with them a top the rooftop as the sun’s setting.
Only a month later, your partner gifts you a beautiful vapourware-esque jacket as a thank you for what you gifted them on their birthday. You immediately take a liking it, immediately putting it on, and doing whatever you can to wear it as much as possible to go along with your father’s goggles.
You eventually open up to your partner about your past. They’re sympathetic for what’s happened to you and they believe that your parents would be proud to see the person you become.
As a new school year comes, you meet four new people that join your Academy group found-family. All four of them immediately take a liking to you, with them all seeing you as an older-brother figure in a similar vain to your adoptive sibling.
You find out your childhood best friend also attends the same Academy as you. You reunite with them and it seems like nothing’s changed. They’ve told their other Academy friends about you, and they all consider you to be a talented & smart person. You can feel your found family grow as you meet their new friends.
You’re only 17 years old.
You’ve been through a lot.
But you’re loved by so many people.
And you would do anything to keep them safe and make them happy.
Oh yeah btw I have like 23 OCs. This entire post was mainly dedicated to ONE of them.
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annimator-ocblog · 9 days
OC Story: Bittersweet
(C’s out of commission for the next week and Jadeyn’s doing fineeeeeee)
(TW: Mentions of Death)
Jadeyn hasn’t left their room ever since yesterday.
They’ve barely slept or eaten anything, they haven’t talked to anyone, and they’ve just been listening to the same songs over an over again on their walkman for the past 12 hours.
Even with everyone trying to get in touch with them
Zac > Jadeyn! u doing ok?
Kumiho > can u at least reply??? u haven’t left your room since we got back from the caverns :(
Macy > Bro you gotta come out of your room. you can’t just stay in there like a hikikomori over what happened with C
Marcus > sorry
Marcus > but srsly tho Jadeyn u gotta leave ur room sooner or later
Iris > At least get out to get some food!
Lance > cmon Jadeyn! reply!
Aaron > we’re all worried for you!
It’s nice that they were all concerned for them, but they still didn’t feel like leaving their room.
They honestly didn’t know what else they should do besides-
There’s someone knocking on their door. It’s probably just Zac, Lance, or Aaron trying to get them to leave their room.
“I don’t know who the fuck is knocking on my door, but I’m still not leaving my room! I’m doing fine!” Jadeyn’s starting to get irritated over whoever’s knocking on their door.
Their irritation gets to a breaking point once whoever’s outside their room goes from politely knocking their door to outright banging on it.
Jadeyn quickly strides to their door to open it to greet whoever’s on the other side, “WHAT THE FUCK IS YOU PROBLEM-.“
They immediately stop whatever they were going to say as they’re met face-to-face with someone they weren’t expecting to see, “Oh, uh, hey Parker…sorry about that. I just thought you were someone else.”
Parker chuckled, “It’s alright. I get why you might be going through some stuff because of what happened with C. You got a minute?”
“Um. Yeah, I guess so.”
Jadeyn lets Parker into their room, it’s been in better shape, but they neglected to clean it for a while.
Both of them sit on Jadeyn’s bed to have a conversation. “So, did C tell you about the origin of their goggles?”
They sighed, “Yeah. It’s a gift from his dad. They also told me that both of their parents died alongside their old village.”
Parker’s face saddened over hearing that, exhaling before they replied, “Yeah, it was a rough for them to accept that happening. I lost my mom during that incident too and I really miss her a lot.”
“So you’re basically telling me this because….”
“Well, I realized we never really had a one-on-one conversation. Especially considering that we both have ties to the same person in a way. But I’m glad that C has someone like you. They wouldn’t stop talking about you when we met again months ago, and he had a big smile on his face during it.”
A smile crept onto Jadeyn’s face, “That’s sounds like them, and I could honestly say the same for you. He did say that you’re the inspiration for his hairstyle after all.”
Parker smiled and sat up, “Welp, I gotta go. I have a pheonix hybrid to discipline.”
“Already? You’ve only been here for like 10 minutes.”
Parker sighed, “Yeah, I know.” They pulled out a small rectangular box as they said that, “But I almost forgot to give you this.”
Jadeyn was confused over the package that was know in their hands, “What’s in here?”
“C commissioned me to craft something for you. I finished it a week ago, but they wanted me to keep it as a secret from you. He was probably saving it as holiday gift, but considering the circumstances, I feel like giving it to you now to boost your spirits over everything.”
Before continuing their monologue, Parker slowly walked to the room’s door to leave, “They told me that ya gifted them the jacket they love wearing 24/7, so this is basically him giftin’ you something relating to him for you to have in turn! Cya!”
As Parker exited the room, Jadeyn started at the box for a good minute before finally opening it.
Inside the box were a pair of goggles similar to C’s. But instead of the goggles being grey with light cyan lenses, it was coloured to the same pinks and blue from their hoodie, with white straps & lenses.
The goggles looked absolutely beautiful, Jadeyn barely noticed himself crying over tears of joy over them, quickly wiping them to place the goggles onto the brim of their cap.
As they put the cap back on, they seem less lonely with a part of their boyfriend with them.
And they’ve got to do something to thank them for this.
So with newfound motivation, they finally decide to leave their room.
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annimator-ocblog · 9 days
OC Story: Repeat
(Aw shit, here we go again)
(TW: Mentions of Death)
Marcus and Liam have shared nightmares for a while.
Usually it would involve them constantly getting bullied with no end in sight.
Sometimes it would involve that fateful day in the flower field where they both died together.
But, this one was different.
They’re back in the caverns. The same one they just escaped hours prior.
Why are they back here? Why would their minds retreat to this place?
Either way, they know what a nightmare like this would involve. But as they reached out to pull their weapons, both of them realized they didn’t have them equipped.
Meaning the only thing keeping them “alive” was their magical skills.
Both of them unfortunately couldn’t last as long as they could compared to when they used their spears against the entities, getting gravely injured as more entities swarmed them.
They know full well what’ll happen next.
But right before an entity could land a killing blow,
They wake up
Marcus immediately shoots up from his and Liam’s bed as he wakes up from the nightmare, tears are streaming down his face as he hyperventilates over what he just saw within his nightmare.
Liam similarly wakes up with tears already on his face, quickly turning to greet Marcus who’s quickly gone from hyperventilating to full on crying.
They both quickly embrace, trying their best to comfort each other through what just happened and reassuring to one another that they’re still here.
Both of them still have a lot to overcome, but at least now they fully know they’re not alone.
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annimator-ocblog · 10 days
Jadeyn would definitely make 9/11 jokes
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annimator-ocblog · 10 days
OC Story: Aftershock
(Leader’s Guilt™)
(TW: Mentions of Injuries, Mutilation, and Death)
Lance, Aaron, and Parker are all sat in front of the Dean of Arcana Academy.
To all of their surprise, he was sympathetic over what they all told him.
“Okay, I see where you’re all coming from. Lance and Aaron wanted to explore what the caverns had to offer, and Parker was contacted by two other members of 2-7 to help them out. But, that still doesn’t change the fact that multiple members of both of your groups have gotten injured; C Lumikha’s still unconscious from all the injuries they sustained & the mana they used up, Kumiho Xiyue, Marcus Ailes, & Liam Ouranós all have a majority of minor injuries, everyone else got small cuts and bruises, and Aaron, you yourself lost an arm.”
Aaron looked at their now cybernetic arm with guilt on their face. Lance immediately comforted him by putting a hand on his shoulder.
The Dean sighed, “Classes and all Academy activities’ are going to be paused for the week because of what you all found within the caverns. We’ll have more experienced fighters going in there to exterminate any and all entities left in there, but you all fought valiantly within there. I suggest you all take the week to rest and recover from what happened.”
The three of them all look at each other before responding to the Dean’s request, “Yes sir.”
He chuckled, “You three don’t have to be that formal. Either way, enjoy the week break.”
There’s no one else in the hallways as they return to their respective dorms. And with that, Parker takes the chance to talk,
“You two are surprisingly taking what happened to you back in the caverns pretty well.”
Aaron sighed as he heard what they said, and eventually replied, “Losing my arm honestly feels tame compared to what happened to me when I was younger.”
Aaron looked at Lance before he continued to talk, with him nodding to signal that they can talk about their shared past, “I was already attacked by an entity in the past, and Lance coincidentally was attacked around the same time as me too. Lance was injured to the point that her father decided to rebuild her into an android with his soul still intact and my wings were actually torn off from my back.”
Parker was mortified as they heard about what the two of them had gone through in the past, stopping in their tracks, “Dear Creator, I did not know that you two went through shit before- I just wanted to-.”
Lance cut Parker off to reassure them, “Well, I mean Aaron’s wings ended up regrowing when we rekindled our soulmate bond. We’ve mostly been recovering for lost time ever since.”
Parker sighed and crossed their arms, “That’s nice and all, but guess it seems like we both went through a lot in the past. I’m assuming you probably don’t know about what happened with C when they were younger, don’t you?”
Lance & Aaron look at each other before shaking their heads, and Parker took a deep breath before continuing, “We both lived in the same village in our childhood… and it ended up getting attacked and destroyed in the process. Both of C’s parents died in the process, and my Mom also died right in front of me.”
The two of them were both shocked over what Parker just said. Their hands were already clasped together, but they can feel them tightly gripping them more as Aaron responds to them,
“I- we’re really sorry for what happened to you back then Parker. Guess we all have a lot to carry with us don’t we.”
Parker was grateful for what Lance said, “Thanks guys. But… it’s not just me either, most of the others have a lot of skeletons in their closet too; Brio, Lilith, & Orion also had near-death experiences, Clover was raised by terrible parents, and Dylan & Kai had to leave their cherished home to come here. It’s probably the same thing with most of the others at 2-7, right?”
Lance sighed, “None of them really like to talk about their pasts, but from what we know; Jadeyn was bullied to the point of their self-esteem being outright terrible, Zac’s father passed away and that has a lasting effect on them, Mercy & Geno willingly left abusive households to attend Arcana Academy, Marcus & Liam… well y’know, and by the looks of it, Macy & Iris haven’t gone through any traumatic thing at all.”
“Well, as the leaders of our respective groups, we gotta do our best to hold them together, don’t we?”
Aaron chuckled, “Yeah, guess we do. Well, we gotta head back to the dorms now. Our weapons and tech need to be fixed up a bit after what it went through in the caverns. We’ll meet up again once C wakes up!”
Parker waved them goodbye as they walked together to their dorms, “Cya!”
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annimator-ocblog · 11 days
OC Story Arc: Convalescence
With classes postponed, everyone wants to recover from what happened back at the caverns.
Reassurance (C)
Aftershock (Lance, Aaron, and Parker)
Repeat (Marcus & Liam)
Bittersweet (Jadeyn and Parker)
“Fallen” Angel (Mercy)
Friends & Family (Batch 2)
Recollection (Lance, Aaron, Marcus, and Liam)
Siblings (Zac, Kumiho, and C)
Reunited (C & Jadeyn)
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annimator-ocblog · 11 days
OC Story: Connect
It doesn’t take a while for everyone to ultimately find each other after C was found.
All of them feel like they’re more unified as a large group of friends after everything that’s happened within the last couple of hours.
Everyone ends up heading their separate ways once they exit the caverns, but not before having to pay a visit to the Academy infirmary to get a clear analysis on all their wounds, and having one last role call within their new shared chatroom
Edan > bro I’m gonna be honest that whole reincarnation thing kinda demotivated from the fight.
Marcus > Yeah my bad lmao. Blurted that out in the heat of the moment
Liam > I still think we should postpone the fight to until C wakes up
Skadi > Such a shame. I could probably kick your ass lightning bolt
Liam > I’m sorry what
Clover > good thing parker isn’t here to disturb the fight lol
Lilith > This is already more entertaining than a physical battle
Orion > Clover you do realize Parker’s not here for an important reason
Brio > They’re having a meeting with the Academy Dean about what all of us just went through. Pretty sure Lance and Aaron are with them too since they’re both representing 2-7
Nova > srsly tho. I still don’t understand how those two are co-leading you’re group
Zac > Aaron was originally assigned to be the sole-leader, but Lance became their co-leader after they got together
Kumiho > They’re basically leading the team hand in lovable hand :D
Ro > That’s cute and all, but I’d also like to know how the hell Lance has a soul despite being an android
Iris > idk. never asked her tbh
Macy > Probably some FNAF bullshit idk
Dylan > what’s FNAF?
Kai > ^^^^
Jadeyn > Damn they don’t have indie games where u two are from?
Mercy > probably not. I don’t think the skies would approve of em in the first place since most of them are rlly dark lmao
Geno > So how’s C doing dude? Are they gonna be alright?
Jadeyn > They might be unconscious for a week at max. The nurses said they overused a lot of mana and he has a bunch of minor injuries
Jadeyn > We should all honestly take time to rest and recover from everything. Academy’s gonna have a week break anyways.
Orion > I agree with you. That and, we should probably wait until he wakes up to talk about… well y’know
Brio > I’m still shocked over the fact that Ori and I predicted the whole reincarnation thing
Liam > tbf you’re not the only one that thought that
Marcus > I actually feel more better now that I don’t have to keep that secret with you guys :D
Edan > No problem! I could still probably kick your ass in a fight tho :D
Marcus > yea no i don’t think so, asshole
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annimator-ocblog · 11 days
OC Story: Loved
(C’s definitely fine, dw guys.)
C’s thinking about a lot at the moment
1) They just defeated a bunch of entities
2) He did all that by himself
3) His parents would definitely be proud of them
4) He’s losing consciousness
C used an ungodly amount of mana when they fought all the entities that came their way. And as a Mage, it also meant he lost his stamina, the same thing that’s keeping them from blacking out.
At least he could still signal to them that he’s alright
C > Hey Jadeyn
C > Idk. are the others okay?
Jadeyn > Yea we’re all looking for you aesthete. Parker and the rest of 2-4 were contacted by Mercy & Geno to help out too
C > damn rlly? that’s great!
Jadeyn > are you sure that there’s anything to signify where you’re at rn?
C > no but now that u mention it. I hope you guys find me fast
Jadeyn > C what do you mean by that
C > I’m starting to get tired
Jadeyn > Wait
Jadeyn > wait
Jadeyn > C please don’t black out on my watch
Jadeyn > C????
“we’re all looking for you”
That’s sounds like a lovely thought to hear before you’re probable death.
C was dealt a mixed bag of cards, but in the end a majority of it was positive.
Losing their parents was something hard to ultimately accept, but every good thing that happened to them balanced it out;
discovering their true self, meeting more people that cared about them, making friends, being given the chance to fulfil their childhood dream, meeting and eventually falling in love with Jadeyn.
It was all worth it in the end.
It’s still a shame that he can’t-
C’s eyes immediately shot wide open over Jadeyn’s voice. Their face is simultaneously happy and distraught over the sight of him.
His hair’s roughed up, the jacket Jadeyn gifted them is tightly wrapped around their waist and has some tears around the sleeves, patches of his skin’s a glowing cyan colour that signify the low amount of mana he has left, and despite all that, the goggles atop their head show no sign of damage.
C immediately fell into Jadeyn’s arms, embracing them immediately, “Sorry about the jacket… it got a bit roughed up during the fight. But other than that, I’m glad that you found me.”
Jadeyn sighed, crying tears of joy as they responded to C’s apology, “I’m sure Parker could repair it. Just rest all you want C. You deserve it after today.”
With that assurance, C lets himself rest knowing that despite all the hardships they’ve gone through.
They really are loved, aren’t they?
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