Qianyu Z.
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annieqianyu · 4 years ago
欢迎来到消费Z 时代 | Accenture
2015年全球 95 后仅零花钱总量就 高达 400 多亿美金,已与同一年 中国投资者向欧洲和北美市场的 投资额相当。
热衷于Instagram, YouTube & Snapchat
中国 95 后消费者的 七大新特征
右手实体店。在门店购物时非常看重数字化体验,会借助多媒体 / 多渠道,使用移动 设备比较价格,或通过社交媒体和移动 设备远程征求朋友家人意见。
不止社交聊天,也爱社交购物。95 后青睐更丰富多样的社交平台,比如直播类、视频类平台。网购频次和社交媒体购物的意愿远高于90,80后。微信的影响力随消费者 年龄的降低而减小,微博则相反。
不做比价狂,要当选货王。对价格没那么敏感,注重评价和反馈,喜欢征求朋友,家人和信任的博主的意见。95 后当中只有不到一成会认准一家商店购买其所需全部商品。34%的95 后在购买服装时会浏览至少4家线上或线下销售点,而当购买健康和美容产品时,这一比例会增加到48%。在选择服装、食品杂货时, 95 后会很快做出决定,而在选购日用品和健康美容产品时,往往会花费更多时间(60%的消费者花费大于一周的时间)。
随性购买,更易冲动购物。喜欢冲动购物,所以退货需求也高。如果商家没有令人满意的退货政策,接近2/3 的95后可能会因此而流失。
乐尝购物新方式。更愿意体验零售 商提供的新服务,比如语音下单、定期 购、精选订购、电器租赁等。
消费反馈更直接。72% 的受访者表示,他们经常或频繁提供反馈,接近半数会专门到生产商的网站上留言。
不要放弃门店。重新改造门店,打造数字化互 联互动、高度个性化的实体店购物体验(Amazon Go:通过感测器和移动技术实现无收银购物)。
聚焦“热门”社交媒体。更看重视频和图 片,而不是文字,而社交媒体渠道则扮 演着更重要的角色。
以体验和速度制胜。零售商应考虑与第三方公司合作, 以此改善客户体验。良好的体验加上快速的订单履行方式将会满足这一代的期待。
内容全渠道管理。95 后对网罗各种商品信息驾轻就熟:社交媒体平台、品牌官网、电商网站等搜索产品信息、商品推荐、营销活动信息等。零售商在积极部署销售全渠道的同时,也要将内容全渠道管理纳入考量之中,统筹规划线上线下全渠道内容,在各个接触点满足消费者的内容需求。
重视并增加反馈。虑收集消费者的产品推荐视频, 这种方法真实可靠且易操作,可极大地增加可信度。社交聆听能力将成为公关的重中之重。
运用新手段贴近客户。创造新的购物模式:Rebecca Minkoff 的智能试衣间,灯光可以根据顾客的需 要做出调整,顾客还能通过身旁的扫描 设备了解商品的材质、价格等信息,并 可随时寻求店内导购人员的帮助,甚至 在试衣间里就能用手机买单支付。
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annieqianyu · 4 years ago
恐惧疫情 - 昨天出去走路,虽然口罩都湿透了,但是因为害怕被传染一直没有摘下。
牙医 - 昨天在bestdressed上看到Ashley去看牙医。
白人女生&家人 - 前几日看照片时看到了之前感恩节去lane家的回忆。
Shannon - 她和Lane同样曾是我的室友,Shannon酷爱徒步和瑜伽。
海 - 和哥哥聊到曾去波多黎各的海���。
酒店公寓 - 之前看了悬疑剧摩天大楼,也是发��在诡异的公寓大楼。当然也可能是因为疫情期间我每天都被关在自家的公寓里。
公寓外就是海 - 我住在14楼,时常在家中坐着平视落地窗外时,可以看到Potomac River和广阔的天。
腐烂的尸体 - “谁是受害者”里面有焚尸,溶尸的景象。
遗忘 - 这当然就是我一直以来麻木自己对未来焦虑的拿手好戏。
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annieqianyu · 4 years ago
新商业要参  The following article is from 市界 Author 有趣有料的 市界
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1. 缺乏品牌定位差异。吉野家的品牌故事(‘吉野’ 之名的来历)并没有有效利用到品牌定位和凸显产品优势上。
2. 本土优势在海外市场不具备吸引力。吉野家的本土(日本)优势为正宗的牛肉盖饭,亲民的价格以及味道独特,然后这几个优势都没有在中国本土产生竞品的差异优势。首先,没有汇率差价,同为23元的牛肉盖饭价格,在消费力为1/3的中国(日本比中国为3:1)并没有体现低价性价比高的优势;而所谓的正宗和味道独特,也被国内琳琅满目的各地美食而显得平平无奇。
4. 天灾人祸不断。2004年美国的疯牛病风波导致日本政府连续4年���止从美国进口牛肉,导致惨烈的价格战。2008年的经济危机,导致当年世界上最大的失业潮波及日本,日本的GDP连续两年大幅度下滑。2018年,日本吉野家因为暴雨、台风和地震,导致旗下店铺营业时间大幅缩短/停业。2020年,新冠疫情。
文|林夏淅 黄莹
水土不服 在中国,吉野家正逐渐失去优势。合兴集团的数据显示,2012年,吉野家店均营收为600万人民币,而到了2019年,这个数字变成了481万元。门店平均回报率下降四分之一,单店收益已大不如从前。
9年后的2018年,日本吉野家因为当年7月的暴雨、9月的台风和地震,旗下店铺营业时间大幅缩短,更有大量店铺停业,导致当年发生合计60亿日元的亏损,多灾的“体质”再次凸显。但仅仅过去一年,吉野家又遇到了2020年的新冠疫情。最新公告显示,疫情期间,日本吉野家在全球有1700家门店受到影响,全集团在3月、4月和5月分别缩短了94%、78.7%和77.4%的营业时间。相对应的,日本吉野控股2020年一季度亏损金额达到40.87亿日元,预计全年亏损90亿日元,不仅在亏损���额上高于前两次,离前一次亏损也只有1年的间隔,可以说是元气大伤。 日本的财务年度为3月1日至次年2月28日,例如2018年指的是2018年3月1日至2019年2月28日财务数据业绩急转直下的同时,日本吉野家的债务还在不断攀升,2020年5月末带息债务合计576.27亿日元,同比增幅高达44.73%,资产负债率也提高至67.5%,达到近五年来的最高水平。
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annieqianyu · 5 years ago
Acting Questions
-Who is your character? Are you an animal? A person? A concept?
-How does your character walk? Is their movement different than your own? 
-How does your character talk? Is their voice different from your own? 
-What has your character experienced in their past? 
-Where is your character from? 
-What relationship does your character have with others?
-What matters most to your character?
-What does your character think about what is happening in the show? What do they think about George?
-What is the most important thing you want the audience to know about your character?
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Article 7/2
I’ve Had a Cyberstalker Since I Was 12
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Law enforcement is often lack of cyberstalking-related knowledge and may give out false information.
Apple and Google are often unable to help with cyberstalking
“There is a very long history of trivializing the harms that are done to women specifically,” Franks said. “That includes everything from domestic assault to rape to stalking.” 
Stalkers are divided into five different types.
“I was never physically afraid of Danny and never will be. That fact does not negate my experience or make his actions any less damaging. I don’t need the law questioning whether I feel scared enough.“
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Article 7/2
Surprise! Huawei Can Actually Innovate—and Win Fans
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Huawei ranked Top 5 in R&D investment, achieving 87,805 patents, according to the EU report.
After Trump-Xi meeting, Trump has agreed to let Huawei purchase and sell items that are not related to national security concerns, including chips and software.
Huawei had been sued for IP Infringement for the past years by Cisco, Motorola, T-Mobile and more.
Huawei licensing it’s IP has been deem as “using US legal system against the US companies”, but Huawei CLO (Legal) responded with: “If some governments selectively strip companies of their IP, it will break the foundation of global innovation.”
With Chinese tight market regulation, global competitors have not been able to expand as fast and broad as Huawei.
Huawei’s chip has been very competitive in the market, charging 30-40% less than competitors. The quality of the product is also premium, with no failures throughout the years, “which is unheard of”.
US companies are willing to remove all Huawei products if the national security concern is real, but the government is sending mixed messages with political tactics, which makes them confused. 
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Acting Notes 2/25/19
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Acting Class Notes 2/6/19
Konstantin Stanislavski (Moscow Art Theatre)
- everything in the script is “given” --> truth, given circumstances
- everything else is an actor’s “choice” 
The pull and push between these two factors are what make a performance
Realism (Lee Strasberg): 19th century, theatres focus on the nuance of motions instead of the dramatic style from romanticism 
7 Questions from Konstantin Stanislavski 
if you are playing in the play, these are questions you should be able to answer → what your paper will be based on.
1. [Circumstance] Who am I ? social status, what people say about me, age...
2. [Circumstance] When am I ? place setting, what time of days, the period of the time (an afternoon? or the whole month?)
3. [Circumstance] Where am I ? geographically, the significance (talking in a coffee shop vs. talking in a dark alley)
4. [Objective] What do I want ? desire (conflict of interest between actors) the stronger the desire, the stronger the conflict 
5. [Tactics] Why do I want it? 
6. [Tactics] What is preventing me from what I want? barriers
7. [Tactics] What will I do to get what I want? 
Affective Memory: we as people through our own experience have experienced a lot of emotions. we store them, unlock them and associate them in the play.
(Sense Memory)
Stelle Adler → research! actors cultivating their own character. everything you need is from the circumstances, the deeper you dig, the more you can get out from it. What was the person’s day like in certain historical period? Research on that!
Sanford Meisner → repetition & improv. (repeat the same line over and over, until the line lose its meaning, the all actors do are just adjusting and responding to the subtext/connotation from its partner and give genuine responses)  
A lot of things above are PSYCHOLOGICAL → getting into character’s mind
Stanislavski: from PSYCHOLOGICAL to PSYCHOPHYSICAL (Meyerhold, biomechanics) 
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
其实蚂蚁都是一种生命的细胞,我命名为“松散生命”。蚁后就是大脑,兵蚁就是身体的防卫组织,工蚁都是细胞,也是嘴,也是手, 用来找食物,用来传递,用来让大脑维持。蚁后作为大脑,还得兼顾生殖系统。工蚁聚在一起运输的时候,其实就是血液在输送养分,工蚁兼顾好多种功能,还得培育新生的细胞---就是幼蚁。蚂蚁之间传达信号是靠化学物质,对吧?人也是啊,你不用指挥你的细胞,细胞之间自己就解决了!明白吧?其实蚂蚁是生命形式的另一种,不是简单的昆虫。你养过蚂蚁没?没养过吧。你养几只蚂蚁,他们没几天就死了,就算每天给吃的也得死,因为失去大脑的指挥了。你必须养好多只,他们才会活,就跟趋下一篇人体组织培养似的。
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Acting Class Notes 1/28/2019
Storytelling Feedback
1. Standing vs. Sitting
Sitting: limit your option, low energy, comforting and personable
Standing: ability and choice to move around
2. Ending of the story is as important as the beginning, if not more.
3. Construct a story: pinpoint the high points, plan the seeds and expectation (subvert, e.g. First time kissing a person (he? her? who?)) What’s the “money moment” for your story? 
4. Change the breathing rhythm of the audience
5. Hand gesture of moving further in the lake (turning the story into a 3 dimension world) How to energize and use the space.
6. Projection: adjust “how big you are” according to the room
7. ***DNIP (DownWard Inflection Pattern): going down towards the end of each sentence
8. Use the whole range of your vocal expression.
9. Questions left in the story: could answer them or leave them unanswered and keep the audience thinking
10. We have a lot of ingrained pilot program in our movement, be conscious of them and utilize them because each character may have a different way of movements.
11. Eye Contact: don’t look down, and adjust your eye contact based on audience’s feedback: when they have more response to your performance.
12. When you are distracted on stage, your audience is also following you to see what else is happening
13. How big your box is? Your movement in a box. The size of your box
14. Stage presence: how much of the stage can you occupy.
Rule 1: “Yes, and...“
Rule 2: Don’t need to be a good story
Game 1: create a random story going down the line of people
Game 2: create an object, do something with it, pass it down to the next person, then the next person needs to do something with the same object, and do something with it, then change into a new object, interact with it and pass it down.
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Acting Journal #1
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These are great goals.  Your comment about presence is vital to an actor's work. Interestingly, I think of an actor needing to simultaneously be in and outside of their experience all the time.  One part of the brain needs to be immersed in the character, experiencing her emotions and reacting to what is happening in the scene.  But another part of the brain must be separate from the action, remembering what comes next, hitting the right marks, and responding to the tiny variations from one performance to the next.
As far as your singing goes, I was trained as a singer in high school, and my teacher always insisted that a good singer was a good actor. Like you say, connecting with the emotion in the song is what sells it, rather than exquisite vocal control or tone color. So, hopefully, what we do in class will be relevant to your singing; I certainly believe that they're largely the same.
Professor Mulford
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Articles 1/19
Prevalent payment apps like Ali Pay and WeChat Pay has allowed Chinese citizen to make purchases through their phone in the most convenient way. The purchase history collected from these apps is now used for calculating users’ credit score. 
Apps like Zhima Credit can also assess users’ credit score based on users’ payment type, purchased product, network’s score and more. Higher scores can result in perks and rewards to the users, which grant more access to people. Tough claiming that there’s no third-party connection with Zhima Credit, it did collect a list of people who have defaulted their court fine into their system with the Chinese governmental. 
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Reading: Man in Black (9/22)
Disclaimer:All texts below are quick summary/excerpts from the book and related website.
Preface: Man, not Gods
A series of supreme court judges that have not done their duties due to bad health condition, poor judgment and more.
Chapter 1: Radicals in Robes
The constitution should govern the judges when rendering constitutional decisions.
Judge's’ role is to search for answers to the issues presented to them based on what the Constitution and Law compel. Their decision carries the weight of law and can have far-reaching consequences. When a judge strays from this obligation, he undermines the very structure of our Constitution, disenfranchises the people, and answers into law subjective opinions that often lead to an inconsistent, illogical, and flawed result. The Consitution defines and establishes the distribution of authority, the structure of government, and the process by which national decisions are to be made.
Originalist: judges who look to the text of the Constitution and the intent of the framers when deciding a constitutional question, and believe they are bound by them.
Activist / Non-originalist: Judges who consider the constitution a document of broad principles and concepts, one that empowers them to substitute their personal beliefs, values, and policies for those enumerated in the Constitution. They see their role limited only by the boundaries of their imagination.
The 5th Amendment: (Related to both of the cases below): No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
David Scott v Sandford (1856)
-Case Summary: Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri. From 1833 to 1843, he resided in Illinois (a free state) and in the Louisiana Territory, where slavery was forbidden by the Missouri Compromise of 1820. After returning to Missouri, Scott filed suit in Missouri court for his freedom, claiming that his residence in free territory made him a free man. 
-Taney (The judge): the 5th Amendment prohibited people from being deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process, and because slaves were property, any congressional ban on slavery in the territories of the Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional because it would be a denial of property without due process.
-Conclusion: Taney presumed that “a statue can be unconstitutional because it violates unenumerated rights”, in which this case and unenumerated right to slavery. Taney overruled Congress’s power to ban slavery and imposed his judgment on the nation.
Plessy v Ferguson (1896)
-Case Summary: Louisiana enacted the Separate Car Act, which required separate railway cars for blacks and whites. In 1892, Homer Plessy – who was seven-eighths Caucasian – agreed to participate in a test to challenge the Act. He was solicited by the Comite des Citoyens (Committee of Citizens), a group of New Orleans residents who sought to repeal the Act. They asked Plessy, who was technically black under Louisiana law, to sit in a "whites only" car of a Louisiana train. 
The railroad cooperated because it thought the Act imposed unnecessary costs via the purchase of additional railroad cars. When Plessy was told to vacate the whites-only car, he was refused and arrested. 
At trial, Plessy’s lawyers argued that the Separate Car Act violated the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments. The judge found that Louisiana could enforce this law insofar as it affected railroads within its boundaries. Plessy was convicted.
-Conclusion: The court failed to invoke the plain language of the 14th Amendment, and instead, inserted its own segregationist version of what was just...The doctrine of “separate but equal” was the law of the land for the next 58 years, until the Court reversed course in the 1954 decision Brown v Board of Education
“When the judiciary utilizes outcome-determinative reasoning, rather than adhering to the Constitution, the result can be catastrophic.“
“Judicial activists are nothing short of radicals in robes - contemptuous of the rule of law, subverting the Constitution at will, and using their public trust to impose their policy preferences on society. In fact, no radical political movement has been more effective in undermining our system of government than the judiciary.“
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Day 3.1 News Articles (9/10)
How social-media platforms dispense justice
1. Decision made by big tech platforms like Facebook, Twitter on whether to take information down or leave it has enabled them to become the “ministries of truth” for a global audience.
2. Accuses has been made towards these big tech platforms on “anti-conservative bias for suppressing certain news”. One major critics is the president Trump.
 3. “Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 treats them (these tech firms) as intermediaries, not publishers—to protect them from legal jeopardy” However, this was established during the early stages, in which nowadays it no longer apply (but still applicable) to the situations with billions of users compared to 100 million users.
4. Companies like FB and Twitter have sharply increased their effort and human resources (algorithm has not yet reached the ability to run specific content monitoring) on content monitoring according to hundred-pages of guidelines.
How each firm deal with fake news and sensitive contents?
a). Facebook: do not take down fake news (checked by external fact-checker), rather they down-rank it, let fewer people see it, and at the same time include real news next to it.
b). YouTube: automated detection of sensitive contents, flag them, then the final decision are being manually made.
c). Twitter: uses “AI to sniff out fake accounts and some inappropriate content, but it relies more heavily on user reports of harassment and bullying.”
5. The extra cost of hiring people for content monitoring may cause some or more stress on the company depending on their financial status.
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annieqianyu · 6 years ago
Day 3.1 News Articles (9/10)
Can young blood really rejuvenate the old?
1. Scientists have run trials on animals to see when the blood of the young mice infused into the old’s, it has rejuvenating effects.
2. How they run the trials? They make cuts with the two mice, stitch the two cuts together, and after it healed, two mice will have a circulating system with both hearts bumping into both bodies.
3. Results? Reverse effect: The old mouse has a better functionality to repair muscle injuries and the young mouse has worse functionality. 
4. Why? One explanation is that the young blood could be proliferating the broken tissues, another explanation says that “the old animal benefits from access to the organs (kidneys, liver and so on) of its young companion”.
5. Experiments in which animals are given quick transfusions, rather than being stitched together for weeks, even though less, but still show benefits.
6. Human trials are in process: Alkahest (company) plans to do trials on 18 people with Alzheimer’s disease through transfusion, and Alkahest (another company), charging people over 35 with $8,000 to take participate in the trials in which they will receive blood from under 25
7. Even if the trials turn out to be working, shortage of blood will still be prioritized for surgeries and emergencies instead of anti-aging treatments (if there is any).
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