annaarndal-xx · 2 years
"I just think that you are what you love." - Jim
Anna didn’t know how she ended up talking with Jim. It was a safety net, her blanket, and Anna’s heart was nothing buy sand. Hans ripped every piece of her to shreds and the start of the cracks on her heart was now sitting next to her. Nodding she gave a half smile. “So I’m chocolate, sunflowers, jumping in leaf piles, and Ice skating with a pocket full of peppermints? Or something like that i suppose.” Tilting her head she looked at him. “You’d be the galaxy..” Shrugging she picked at some lose fabric on her sweater.  || @starboyjim
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
"I would be complex, I would be cool." - Dee Dee
Anna nodded softly. When everything hit the fan all she wanted was a new sleep over every night with her closest girls. DeeDee being number one. Seemed the other was always there when needed, and tended to always have the best things to say to keep her mind from reaching the bottom of the ocean again. “Oh, you would be the coolest! I mean , running the whole. operation with an amazing name and catch phrase. I can’t imagine anyone that wouldn’t want to work with something like that. Not to mention the complex part? People would think they have it all figured out, but not in the slightest. You could sign me up, I’d be there cheering you on the whole time.” || @deedeeslaboratory​
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
Continued from here for @annaarndal-xx​ . 
All Hans wanted to do after his long day at work was go home, maybe pop open a bottle, and destress. He didn’t want to think about the stress of his engagement, despite knowing Anna was at the house right now. He had no issue putting on his happy face and pretending his life away, but it had grown exhausting. Hans knew Anna was likely either cozied up and enjoying some form of media or baking up a storm in the kitchen. When he arrived home he didn’t smell the sickeningly sweet scent of chocolate so he headed to the other room and there was still no sign of her. Then he heard it. The sound of a faint sob and Jim’s name rolling off of her tongue coming from up the stairs. Hans smirked to himself as he glanced up the steps. 
After making his way upstairs he was sure to have a devastated look on his face. There she was, in his bed, crying over another man. A man that Hans had barely even heard of. Hans wasn’t a stupid man. He knew, despite how much of a puddle Anna was at his touch, she would never truly be his. He didn’t love her, nor would he ever. After Hans had uttered the words he listened to Anna’s rambling and sobs. He sat on the edge of the bed beside her and with a sad expression he muttered out an, “oh, Anna.” He leaned closer to her and placed a gentle hand on her face, his lips curving up slightly into a sad smile. “If only there were someone out there who loved you.” His expression shifted, something sinister replacing the ‘heartbreak’ in his eyes. He stood from the bed and let out a bitter laugh. “Did you think from the start our engagement was traditional? I never even got your sister’s blessing. Did you really think we were ever going to get married?”
Hans turned around to face Anna. It was clear as day he wouldn’t bat an eye over this or lose any sleep. “Elsa was always so unobtainable, but you. You were so naïve you thought not only I loved you, but another as well. This is betrayal at it’s best. What is the world going to do to you the moment it finds out you’ve broken my heart and I’m left inconsolable by your actions. So, you kissed another? As far as I’m concerned that’s means for the end of this engagement.” Hans wasn’t fulfilled though. He feared though his plans hadn’t unfolded like he’d intended he knew he could move onto better things. “Besides, what’s the young Arendelle girl ever going to do for a man like me? You and your sister are doing nothing but dragging your parents’ names through the dirt. They left you both a legacy and you guys have done…what exactly? At first this was perfect. We could have gotten married and I could have given you the life you always dreamed of. No, you fucked that up at the perfect time though. I realized that your time in my life would only be temporary. You’ll never be the person I achieve my goals with. You’re not good enough for that. You’re not good enough for me.” 
There was something maniacal about the way he said things and the look in his eyes. It shouldn’t have been so easy for someone who was so ‘madly in love’ to be able to look their fiancée– ex-fiancée in the eye and tell them they never loved them. For Hans it was simply just another day. He had no issue crushing her spirits after all this time. He knew he’d gain enough from this experience as is. He would paint her as the villain and himself as the kind, but heartbroken, young man who could have given Anna so much opportunity. He could play this off just fine. He knew everything would work out fine. Besides, who would ever believe her over him? “I have never loved you and I never will. Do you really think someone like me could ever love you? You’re far more foolish than I thought, Anna.” 
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Anna held her breath, her eyes focused on a spot on the floor that seemed to whole her whole world. Last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt Hans, the way her heart was hurting. No one should feel this betrayed by someone they loved. Hearing her name fall from his lips just brought in another wave of sadness that seemed to take her to the bottom of the sea. How could she do this to him? How could she become this awful of a person. Though as she felt his warmth come closer, her heart quickened. Finding his eyes she frowned slightly as she watched something snap within him. Anna had spent a great deal of time looking into those eyes, but these were of a stranger. And his words were nothing but a ton of bricks that completely shattered what was left of her heart. A small gasp let her lips before it felt like all the air in her lungs slipped out. Anna watched him with horror as he completely flipped a switch that must’ve been hidden deep within him.  “I... what? I understand behind hurt, Hans. but you’re taking this way to far, and don’t you dare start speaking a word about Elsa like you know a damn thing about her.” Sure Anna wasn’t... close enough with Elsa to know what exactly she was doing. “And as for speaking of my family anything, shut up. Be hurt, but keep them out of your mouth. This is about us.. or.. what was.... You’re sick.” She spat out standing up as she felt her whole body tremble. Within a span of five minutes Anna felt as though she had felt every emotion and she was too blown away by what was in front of her to even put the piece together. “If this is your true self, I would never want a second of your love. You’re h-heartless.” She sobbed out. One thing that stood out the most though that felt like a knife in her chest was... who really could ever love Anna.. Hans was right, it clearly wasn’t Jim. Anna was ready to bolt out of here weeks ago, and all it took was to tell him how she felt, and Jim.. was gone. “I.. I did think so, Hans. I did, but I’m glad you don’t. What kind of man would be so cruel to someone. And you’re wrong. Someone will love me. I just have a bad habit for falling for those who are completely heartless, cruel, garden snakes of the world.” Shaking her heart she found herself pacing trying to just understanding what the hell was going on. “This .. this was all just a political move for you? Because if this is how you play, you certainly won’t be making it far. The assholes are normally weeded out and seen for their true selves eventually.” Anna knew nothing coming out of her mouth was even close to insulting him the way he completely tore her to a million pieces but she wouldn’t back down. she wouldn’t let him enjoy this moment if it’s what he’s been waiting for. 
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
"I guess all the rumors are true." - hans
When it came to whatever was... wasn’t... maybe.. whatever with Jim, Anna had given up. The redhead offered her whole heart on a table. Risking her reputation, her family name, her engagement to a good man - for him. And Jim had seemed to vanish like smoke on the wind. Every word he sad about how he was feeling, and wanted really didn’t mean much. The heartache was there nearly daily, but she did her best to just hide it away from Hans. In time everything would blow over, and amazingly she had stayed under the radar. Gossip blogs had their favorites to talk about, and for once she was thankful to have been skipped out on. Still it didn’t stop people from talking, nor did it prevent this moment. 
Hans had been home early and caught her crying. It wasn’t like she could just blame it on anything, she was alone in bed without a movie or book to say was sad. So there she was, spilling her heart out to it’s fullest on everything she felt for Jim. When she realized she felt something. How he felt back. How her heart was filled with hope. How it was easy to feel those things for someone she knew more then Hans. How they had kissed at the party, and she unleashed her deepest feelings, but also how she was now alone. No explanation just one day she was sneaking away when she could, and the next he was practically a stranger. 
“I was stupid. I was foolish. Maybe scared of the whole engagement thing to someone who I knew was so far out of anything I ever expected. Maybe we were just stupid, and jumped into things all too quickly before even asking my heart what it was feeling..” Covering her face she let out a long sigh as she nibble on her bottom lip. “I do care for you, Hans. Every sweet small moment with you has meant so much to me. I doubt you can look at me now and see someone that could ever be your wife.. I mes...I messed up everything, and ended up losing the both of you. All I ever wanted was to know love and be wanted. And I had that here.. with you, and I’m sorry it took so long to see the real deal , and not some playground crush with a boy that’ll just break my heart apparently.” || @thirteenthwestergaard​
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
//closed starter @annaarndal-xx
Anna was one of the people Kit could relate to. She was engaged due to their birth status, and was also a topic of controversy in the gossip blog’s post. Naturally, Kit was inclined to talk to her, to see how she was handling affairs on her end. The Arendelle family, particularly, Anna, was one Kit had been frequently acquainted with, enough so that she got on the list of his possible brides. “Hey.” He greeted her, tapping her shoulder gently as he offered her a drink. “I’m glad you’re out and about again. How are you and Hans?” He asked, though Kit knew there was always something more to her story. After he had met Jim, a frequent subject in Anna’s narrative, Kit had grown curious about what was truly happening behind the scenes. “In all honesty, I’m quite done talking to the people here. We’ve got a lot to catch up to.” He added with a smile. ​
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A familiar voice caught her attention and she turned around with wide eyes as she finished the cookie she just shoved in her mouth. “Sowwy...” She grumbled with a hand over her mouth before grinning to great him with a small hug before taking the drink. “Well thank you! I like when my company knows what a need.” Nodding she took a sip to wash away the cookie in her mouth. “We’re wonderful, thank you. How.. uh.. you know.. royal engagement and such treating you?” It was a lie, but she was certain Kit and her hardly ever told the truth when it came to these sort of affairs. They’d been condition from the start on what to say, and how to say it all. “Oh! Would like you like to go take a walk? We wouldn’t have to be sitting here yelling at each other over the crowd always.” That, and well it was probably safe they talked somewhere without a million ears if they started to get honest. 
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
“And when did you get all feisty, redhead?” Jim chuckled, moving away from the bushes and finally showing his face to her. It was late at night, well after midnight. He was late for the party and was waiting for Morph to come pick him up. He wasn’t going to donate a single thing, even if he wanted to. Thus, the chances of getting into this event were simply close to none. “Where are you headed, and why is the princess all alone at this time?” He teased, walking toward her. It was always so typical of Anna to do things so carelessly. Jim could only wish he was there all the time to save her from some of her choices, but it seems like there are just some that he couldn’t pull her out of. “Do you want to take a walk with me? I can’t come in. It’s for your people, not my kind.” There was a sting in the words he had just said, and yet it somehow made sense. “I’ve tried to contact you, but it seems the Arendelle estate only sends me to voicemail.” He confessed, though he truly understood the situation Anna was in.
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The voice registered with her almost immediately. A soft chill rolling down her spin as she relaxed a little more. Even if she couldn’t fully see him yet, it was alarming how at ease and calm she could become at just the sound of his voice. Their last conversation rolled through her mind and she felt the tug of her heart stings. “ Since my self defense class told me to never let my guard down. Scare them before they scare you. Why are you hiding in the bushes, Jim?” She asked with a small laugh. The alcohol running through her was certainly going to make this that much.. interesting. “I just needed some air, and then the cool breeze felt ... I don’t know like I was really stepping into a new year of new adventures, and people, and who knows. Just refreshing out here.” His words felt like a jab and her perky smile softened a little. “You act like I wouldn’t run away from them all to be your people.” She responded softly as she nodded. “Yeah. I’d love to take a walk with you.” Anna bit her cheek as she let out a soft sigh. “Here I thought you just gave up on me. Run away blanket or something.” 
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
Dee Dee covered her face at her friends comment, shaking her head from behind her hands. “Stop it, you’re making me blush,” she said with a giggle. If there was one thing she was most excited about it was getting to spend at least a little time with Anna. Since she had gotten engaged it felt like she’d been busy more and Dee Dee was trying to not miss her too much, imagining it was time consuming to plan a wedding and have a whole fiance to work around. “You are literally a bombshell, as always.” She stepped back to get a full look at her, giving a little twirl of her finger for a spin. They always seemed to have a good time no matter how long it had been. “Just me, myself, and I. Where’s your guy anyway? I haven’t seen him around, did he come? He better have.”
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Anna grinned hearing DeeDee. “Blush looks wonderful on your cheeks!” Giggling she took a step back and stuck a small pose before giving her a little spin. It didn’t take long for Anna to be right back at her side ready to just unload everything and anything with DeeDee. There was a guilt over her that she’d been making the people who were most important to her the background of everything. Almost how Elsa had always made her feel growing up. And well, still to this day. “Of course Hans is here. He’s just off socializing with some friends. I’ll hunt him down before the big countdown.” 
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
Anna wasn’t sure where Hans was, or really even what time it was at this point. She’d been having an amazing time, and truthfully just needed some fresh air. Giggling a bit to herself as her body was still buzzing with the feeling of a new year she made her way outside, letting herself walk off her alcohol. “Oh darn .. little...” grumbling she reached down and stepped out of her heels as she let out a content sigh. It was rather dumb to just leave the party and start walking, but it felt too refreshing. Like her body was just really stepping into something new. Hearing a shuffle she stopped and held her heel up with a frown. “These are actually very sharp so I’m warning you now!” || @starboyjim​
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
Hans had been spending most of the evening with his fiancée. He’d danced with her, had a few glasses of champagne (perhaps a few too many,) but his mind was elsewhere. As much as he tried to seem like he was enjoying himself he wasn’t. Not very much, at least. When Anna looped her arm through his he smiled down at her and wrapped his arm around her waist. “That sounds amazing,” he said, leaning a bit closer to her. “Do I get a sneak preview beforehand?” His grip on her waist tightened. “If that’s alright with you, that is.”
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It really wasn’t fair that he was so good looking. It just made getting caught up in everything that much easier, and the ability to roll with the waves of the engagement. It wasn’t like it was horrible, if anything it was always a dream. As his arm wrapped around her, Anna gotta more comfortable against him, her arms untangling so her hands could rest on his chest. As he came closer she bit her bottom lip, feeling the heat of her alcohol and him rising to the apples of her cheeks. Nodding slowly, Anna had to blink a few times to come back to Earth for a moment. “I mean... really great movies start off with really great commercials so I.. I think it’s worth having a bit of a sneak peek.” 
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
“Well, well well! Someone get a bucket of ice water or something cause you look smokin’!” Anna let out with a laugh as she greeted her friend with a warm hug. “Seriously though, you look amazing. Not that you don’t always look amazing, and maybe it’s the lights and music, but you look a little extra amazing.” Grinning to shut herself up she just hugged her friend again. “So, you ready to dance our way into next year or what?” She let out as she grabbed the others hand and started to drag her out to dance with her. “Also, how are you? Anyone special you’re meeting up with to kiss the year goodbye?”  || @deedeeslaboratory​
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
Of course the red head loved any sort of party. What was to hate about them? Everyone got together, celebrated something, and had a reason to dress up. New Years just happened to come with lots of shiny sparkly things, and Anna was on cloud nine with it. Making her way through the dance floor she kept her champagne glass above her to keep from bumping it around too much to spill. The end of the year had her a bit emotional as she really had a moment to reflect on everything. The only thing recently that felt like she managed to hold on tightly too was the man at the end of her destination. Even if her skin was crawling with guilt. “Hans!” She giggled as she looped her arm around his and smiled up at him. “Do I get the honors of meeting you at midnight? Maybe sneak out of here.. to get a chocolate cake or something! Start the new year off right” She was only teasing, a little , the idea of just running off at midnight to do something completely off the walls did grab her attention nicely. || @thirteenthwestergaard​
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
Jim pursed his lips, placing her head gently on his shoulders as the two looked at the far horizon. He wished he could get an answer from the stars above—a sign that they were about to do what was truly best for them. He could take her away from the castle, strip her of her title, and simply run away from all the responsibility that was of Anna. However, that would leave Elsa alone as the sole heir and the only one keeping things afloat. He sighed, rubbing his hand on her arm. “You know you have me. I’ll take you away from this marriage, Anna.” He’d do anything to save her, but he couldn’t be a hero in her story. “But I can’t offer you what Hans can. I can’t get married, now right now I think… ” The moment he stepped away from all of his previous affairs, it led him to a place where the only noose around his neck was alcohol and weed. Jim admittedly was trying to put himself back together, and Anna deserved so much more than a broken vessel who had fire in his eyes but ash on his hands. 
“I was never lucky in love. I mean, look at us, I wish this could have happened sooner.” He chuckled slightly, finding humor in the sting on his chest. “All I know is marriage is a difficult thing. The most important decision of your life. You must find someone who you truly trust, someone you know will never leave.” It was personal for Jim, who had been abandoned by his father at a young age.  He had come from a broken marriage and knew how important it was to be cautious in such sacrificial events. If all else fails, it leads to a lifetime of resentment and broken hearts. Anna deserves so much more than that. “I could save you, but I’m not sure I could stay.” He admitted, his lips pursed. “So tell me, will freedom be enough for you?” 
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One second Anna felt safe. This was her blanket, her rock, the guy she was willing to risk everything for and then the next the rug felt like it was pulled out from under her feet. “I don’t even think I’m ready to be married and here I am.. I’m not asking you to run away with me and get married, Jim.” She stated firmly. Anna felt like he was slamming the door in her face and for the first time she pulled away from him. Pulling her knees close to her chest as her arms wrapped tightly around him. Cause Jim... didn’t feel like like something she could hold on to. Shaking her head she felt the warmth of her tears streaming down her face. “But it didn’t... it’s happening now. It’s happened now. I am willing to throw everything away for you. I am willing to make a whole mess, for you. But why does it feel like it’s not enough for you. If you’re not in this ,just say it. Stop asking me what I’m wanting when I have done nothing but show up and spill my heart on the floor for you. I can get out of this marriage alone, but don’t... don’t think you have to pick up those pieces if all you’re going to do is change your mind.” She said softly as her heart broke. Wiping at her cheeks she just hugged herself closer, hiding her face in her knees as her shoulders shook with each sob. “I know you, Jim.. I know what comes with this choice.. and I’m still making it. What choice are you making?” 
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
//closed starter @annaarndal-xx​
Jim needed a moment—a time to collect his thoughts and strategize his plans. The day of Anna’s revelation to him came as a surprise, and he didn’t even know what to do, especially since it came to him on a day when he knew he was losing himself. He had been drinking, staying up, and consuming most of what could make him ‘feel’ alive. When Anna told him she loved him, he was relieved and confused—overwhelming in its entirety. He didn’t know whether she was true with her words, because he knew that if he had to act upon his desires, there was no going back to anything normal. Jim would free her from Hans, even if it caused him the biggest trouble of his life.
He had asked her to meet him at their usual spot at their usual time. Jim was sitting on the grass, cross-legged, staring at the dark canvas with stars splattered across it. It was a magnificent view, a thrilling picture that allowed him to calm his senses and relax his nerves. A few moments later, he could hear the footsteps, and he turned around to see the redhead coming up to him. Jim smiled, patting his side for her to sit on. “You remember this place?” He asked her, placing his arm on her shoulder as the two settled down. “Do you think you’d want to give up everything for this vast unknown?” Jim was curious, speaking in metaphors of what he had truly in mind. Leaving Hans would, in some way, ruin her relationship with everyone she knew. Was she ready for it? Was he about to do the right thing? “Are you comfortable with the unknown, Anna?” He turned to her, feeling her breath as he leaned in close. “You’re an Arendelle. You’ve got eyes looking at you in every turn. Whatever your next move will be, I’ll be there… but I need you to know, it’s not going to be easy.”
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Anna was surprised to hear from Jim. Even if she felt she had to let everything go in the silence, she couldn’t ignore his call to see her. The time between her confession to know played in her head nearly every night before she feel asleep. The feeling of him pulling her closer, his lips against hers, it was forever burned in her memory. As she got to their place she held her breath for a moment seeing him. Truthfully she as scared to get closer to him. The words she had to stay away from him were echoing in her head in his plea to save his heart. Anna knew this was wrong. All of it was extremely wrong on a million different levels, but she always had to follow her heart one way or another. Hugging herself she made her way towards him. her lips parted but his voice rang out before she could say anything. A soft smile covered her face and she felt her shoulders relax a little as she made home beside him. “Of course I do. It’s our little corner of the world.” She stated with a soft laugh. Which is exactly what it felt like. One place they could just be without the rest of the world around them. As his arm went around her shoulders the rest of her guard crumbled down as she snuggled up into his side. Closing her eyes for a moment as she took in his warmth. As his questions hit her she just feel into him more as if he could shield her away from it all. “I’ve always been a curious person. Looking for a place I felt welcomed in without questions, and it’s all leads to your world, Jim... leads to you.” She stated softly. When he turned to her she looked up at him and just nodded softly. “Is.. is it even something you want from me? I -- I you never even said it back, a-and. I know who I am, but I also know what I want.. The easy way of things is just that.. easy. But I’m more then a cookie cutter I think. If I wasn’t ready for this, didn’t want this.. do you think I’d be here right now? What do you want... it won’t be easy for you either, do you think it’ll even be worth it for you?” 
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
Rapunzel hadn’t really thought about the implications of getting so close to Jim when the two had just been drunk together, but she heard one word out of the redhead’s mouth and her heart sank. She shouldn’t have felt guilty: it wasn’t like she had anything to tell Anna, just that she and Jim were friends. That’s all they were. People were allowed to be friends. “Anna!” she squealed, a little to excitedly to mask her fear. “I’ve missed you, too! I’m trying to get some decorations to spruce up our house a little bit. Cass and Flynn aren’t huge Christmas people, and I want to make the place feel more like home, y’know? How have you been? How’s Hans?!”
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It felt like a million years since she’d been around Punz. And so many things were at a race in her head to spill out to her best friend. There seemed to be a lot that had happened that was rather important, but now wasn’t the time to dive that deep. “Ooo! That just means we’re gonna have to find a green house. It’s always so fun to decorate with real pine, and plants. Makes the whole place smell like a Christmas tree! And the pretty red flowers! Oo! What if they have mini tree’s? They’re just so cute and just enough if they’re not the biggest on the holiday.” Smiling a little she tilted her head side to side. “I’ve been alright. Holidays are always crazy you know. Hans is good.. it’s good yeah. What about you!?” 
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
Hans had been distracted, to say the least. When Anna suggested to put the tree up in his house he wasn’t going to deny her. How could he? Hans was supposed to be the charming and loving fiancé he promised Anna would be. Yet, his mind was haunted with thoughts of Sabrina. He couldn’t help but think it was Sabrina he should be having a few too many cocktails with while putting up a tree. Yet, when he heard Anna’s voice yelling as she fell into the tree he was quickly snapped from his thoughts and jumped to catch her. When his arms were securely around her waist he tried to carefully lift her from the ladder. Maybe he really did have too much to drink because before he knew it he was stumbling backwards and falling onto his back with Anna still in his arms. He let out a small groan as his body made impact with the floor then looked up at Anna and smiled. “I saved you,” he said with a small laugh. “Are you okay, my love?” He pushed some hair from her face, but kept his other arm securely around her waist. “You must be more careful. I can’t have you getting hurt on my watch.” He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead but felt nothing as he did so. “I’d say this is the perfect time for a small break. What do you say?”
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It was odd. How she could easily fall into this role, after her heart was poured on the floor for someone else. Though, Anna truly did care for Hans. And after she poured everything out and there was nothing but static silence filling the broken grounds between her and Jim, Anna told herself to focus on this. On the one here with her, showing his love. At least she was trying her best. Moments like these though were easy to slip into her feelings for Hans and block the world out. Anna was a fit of giggles, and she knew that wasn’t helping Hans as he was moving so carefully to keep them upright. As he stated to stumble she held on tight. “Timber!” She yelled out as they went down. She did her best to not completely crush him, and as they landed she couldn’t help the roaring laughter into his chest. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry. Clumsy little feet or something.” Catching her breath she grinned down at him looking him over quickly to ensure he was alright. “Mhm.. I had a pretty solid landing. You’re the one we should be worrying about.” Anna’s smile softened as she lightly held his cheek, letting her thumb move over his stubble. Maybe the drinks were the key to letting her mind and heart relax further into this. “I think you’ll keep me safe just fine. And a break would be nice before I end up taking the whole tree down. What did you have in mind?”  
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
“Hi... sorry .. excuse me..” Anna was bobbing and weaving to meet the familar figure not far from her in the store. She knew better then to just grab her shoulder and made it to the others side before taking in a deep breath. “Goodness. Holiday rush started a bit early this year! It took me so long to catch up to you.” She added with a breathless laugh. “Are you Christmas shopping? What chya’ up to! Cause I have missed you, and I am here to keep you company through whatever. Helllloooo.” She sang out with a giggle. || @punzgothel​
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annaarndal-xx · 2 years
Anna was in her own world. Everything everywhere was decorated and ready for the season and she was just buzzing with excitement from her head to her toes. Once her holiday drink was handed to her she turned around and was practically dancing her way out till her body slammed into another at the exit of the coffee shop. “Ahh.. no....” Anna did every bend and twist around the other to keep the drops from landing on them without even looking up. “Ah-ha! I saved you! this would have bur..” Her words stopped when she looked up and saw Jim. Anna hand’t spoken a word to him since she poured her heart out. Biting her lip she only knew how to look up at him before laughing nervously to cut the tension in the air. “Hi.. sorry..” || @starboyjim​
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