Anju Agarwal – Social & personal benefits of higher education
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Anju Agarwal, Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika chairperson,  have enthusiastically promoted the social benefits of education, especially, higher education. Though primary education is achieving remarkable success across the country after government programs like Sarv Siksha Abhiyan, higher education is yet to gain traction in small towns and rural areas.
Higher Education brings a number of social and emotional benefits that contribute to the overall development of an individual and make them responsible citizens. Colleges and universities offer an environment of social and emotional growth. Abundant social interactions taking place in college campuses help students learn effective social skills.
Individuals having a college or university degree are also more self-aware. Students develop a better sense of who they are and what are their likes and dislikes. Social skills and self-awareness further, enable the students to gain independence or personal liberty.
A well-educated youth community brings better professions and jobs to a society. In a city like Muzaffarnagar, it creates ripple effects, encouraging more students to pursue higher education. The rise in employment also makes remarkable contributions to the local and national economy.
Anju Agarwal, the chairperson of Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika Parishad, often appeals to the city's youth to sincerely pursue higher education. She says the city needs more learned people and skilled professionals to achieve long-term economic growth.
watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_0kKBkaz0Y
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Anju Agarwal – Positive outlook for living a happy, successful life
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Anju Agarwal, Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika chairperson approaches life with immense positivity and hope. This optimistic attitude has made her a successful and beloved leader among the residents of Muzaffarnagar. In fact, it's a universal truth about society, everyone loves people with a positive outlook and despises the ones with a negative attitude.
People with a positive outlook are happy, success and usually highly social. They are also the ones who get exempted from some unnecessary and trials and tribulations of life created by negativity. Optimism helps us form a positive orientation toward the present happenings and future possibilities. It is the practice of having the belief that our actions will result in desired and positive things.
We should understand the fact that the circumstances and events in our life mostly result of our collective thoughts and behavior. Whether it's one health conditions, state of personal finance or status of relationships, they all reflect our inner thoughts and beliefs.
If we maintain a positive attitude and keep making efforts, we will certainly succeed in our endeavors. Better yet, we won't have to face the fear of failure while making all the efforts to succeed. These efforts are definitely not easy in a complicated modern world. But positivity makes those efforts fewer challenges by influencing our psychology.
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Development efforts making Anju Agarwal a popular leader
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Anju Agarwal,  Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika chairperson, is being called the “Iron Lady of Muzaffarnagar” by many residents of the city. Through her tireless work, the municipal council chairperson has won the hearts of many people.
For the continuous beautification of Muzaffarnagar, with the complete transparency and relentless efforts, her popularity of the city has increased in the city. Every day, chairman Anju Agarwal inspects the Kanwar Marg, then takes stock of the city's cleanliness system.
The chairperson constantly strives to beautify the city and make it fully developed. This is the main reason why Anju Agarwal can be seen in the whole city due. Her hard work, determination, and enthusiasm have earned her the title Iron Lady.
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Recently, Anju Agarwal inspected ward number 14 and ward number 2, along with municipal council members and officials. She also went to Ramlila colony. There she oversaw cleaning work with JCB machine. She inspected the cleaning processes of several drains. She directed officials to speed up the drainage maintenance work.
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She also inspected drain clearing work in Ladhwala and Rampuri colonies. This was done to ensure the cleanliness of the main drains and avoid the problem of waterlogging. Cleaning work underway across the city to ensure a hassle-free rainy season.
Read more>> http://www.royalbulletin.com/category/e-newspaper-muzaffarnagar-news/news-184349?fbclid=IwAR0Y-dav4j08L1xkKk5x1IspjLPNmXKjYMotmBkuAn980SSdGSgXMHxnJN4
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Anju Agarwal – Why spirituality is important in our life
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Anju Agarwal, Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika chairperson, is known for her spiritual attitude towards life. With her conviction in the all-embracing role of spirituality, the chairperson encourages people to live a life enriched with spiritual well being.
The definition of spirituality varies depending on the person you are asking. Some psychology experts explain spirituality as a way of connecting to oneself, while others describe it as something bigger than the ordinary human life.
A number of practices are associated with spirituality, including yoga, meditation, and prayer. A number of studies have suggested that spirituality benefits both physical and mental health.
Let's discuss some major spirituality practices like prayer, meditation, and yoga.
Prayer may cause a relaxation response in your body. It triggers a feeling of hope, gratitude, and compassion. These feelings are said to elicit a profound emotional response in our body. In all, these emotions have a positive effect on our overall wellbeing. Another important spiritual practice is meditation. Meditation can induce intense feelings of calm and peace along with enhancing concentration and attention.
One of the most striking benefits of spirituality is its ability to effectively manage stress. Modern life is replete with diversity and activities. These create both dynamism and stress in our lives. Practicing spirituality through activities like yoga can dramatically reduce stress and anxiety. Meditation has been proved as a powerful tool for managing stress.
Researches have also suggested that people who regularly practice spirituality usually live longer with a healthy old age. Older people participating in religious prayers, meditation, yoga, etc, live longer than those who don't take part in such activities.
Yoga, meditation and other spirituality practices also reduce blood pressure and maintain a healthy physiological state inside the body. Also, high blood pressure is closely linked to stress.
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Anju Agarwal - CCTV cameras have reduced crimes in Muzaffarnagar
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Muzaffarnagar municipal council chairperson Anju Agarwal gives immense importance to the safety and security of the city residents. Her prime concern is the safety of women and girl. According to the Nagar Palika chairperson, safety is paramount for the long-term development of a society.
Anju Agarwal believes that safety and security in a city can be ensured mainly by two factors – law enforcement and awareness of citizens. The former is maintained by government officials and law enforcement agencies; the latter depends on the participation of residents.
Public awareness plays an important role in deciding the conditions of safety and security of a city. An aware community can prevent many crimes. People should be informed of all the possible crime prevention measures.
The responsibility of government and law enforcement agencies is more serious. They need to ensure that residents of the city can live a fully secure life. A number of security measures are constantly taken by government agencies in Muzaffarnagar, including the Nagar Palika Parishad. For example, the installation of CCTV cameras near school and college campuses has drastically improved security. This has also contributed to a reduction in crime in the city.  
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Anju Agarwal – Important benefits of planting trees in a city
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Anju Agarwal, Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika chairperson is an enthusiastic advocate of environmental protection. She strongly believes that urban population faces a growing pressure to be more aware and concerned about the environment. Trees best represent a healthy environment.
The Nagar Palika chairperson, therefore, puts immense emphasis on planting trees as a way of creating a healthy and beautiful environment. There are a number of benefits that are directly associated with planting trees. Some important ones are discussed ahead.
Large trees are great air purifiers – yes, they can naturally purify the polluted urban environment. The physiological process of photosynthesis enables plants to absorb particles like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide that pollute the environment. These particles are converted to oxygen which we breathe. Hence trees are also the most useful natural tool for reducing carbon emission.
A number of studies have shown that living near green spaces dramatically improve people's mental health. Such an environment can reduce stress, anxiety and blood pressure. Therefore adding green areas to urban spaces means contributing to the well-being of the community.
Trees also play a remarkable role in creating biodiversity in urban areas. Trees provide habitat to small and large animals. Trees also create a favorable habitat for smaller plants and useful microorganisms.
Anju Agarwal believes that effective urban planning should consider green spaces as a priority. Adopting greenery is a great step towards and sustainable and beautiful future. Muzaffarnagar Nagar Palika runs tree plantation programs. Several schools in the city have been involved in such programs.
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Anju Agarwal – Steel industry strengthens Muzaffarnagar's economy
Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika chairperson Anju Agarwal considers the local steel sector as one of the vital organs of Muzaffarnagar's economy. The steel manufacturing sector provides a diverse area for commercial activities.
From supplying raw materials to steel factories to the transportation of steel products, the industry creates a vast network of industrialists, factory workers, transportation businesses, and steel traders. This network of commerce brings immense financial and economic activities to Muzaffarnagar. Such commercial activities are crucial to the growth and sustainability of an economy.
Besides, the iron and steel industry is an important part of the circular economy. Circular economy means an industrial system in which products are designed for the ease of reuse, disassembly, and refurbishment, or recycling.
In many parts of the world, society is shifting toward a circular economy. To make the circular economy a mainstream phenomenon, a lot needs to be done by the government at various levels.
The steel industry is also associated with economic development through another major sector – transportation. Transportation is linked to iron and steel production via two major processes – transportation of raw materials to steel manufacturing facilities and transportation of steel and its products. Transportation of steel products also includes export through containerization.
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Anju Agarwal – optimism will help you achieve difficult goals
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Anju Agarwal, Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika chairperson, is known for her positive attitude toward everything. When it comes to dealing with a challenging task or plan, she maintains a great level of optimism. This attitude has remarkably helped her achieve many goals in both personal and professional life.
We should take hardships or challenging times as learning experiences. It is strongly believed by optimists – people who see positivity in everything – that even the most miserable day brings the hope that tomorrow will be better.
If you always look for the positive side of a thing, you will eventually find it. This will not just help you face challenges but will also make you mentally stronger and more positive. Positivity makes you less stressed, happier and good in social life. All of us should try to follow a path of optimism that leads to our personal or professionals goals.
Optimism or positivity is closely lined with hope. The world runs on the fuel of hope – that's what they say. This adage is true to a great extent. Without hope, the world will be grim and meaningless. Optimism offers you another valuable gift – confidence. When you combine hope with confidence, there's hardly anything that you cannot achieve in life.
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Anju Agarwal - why sugar industry is important for Muzaffarnagar
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Anju Agarwal, Chairperson of Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika, firmly believes that Muzaffarnagar has great potential to become an industrial hub for the state of Uttar Pradesh. The district is known for its sugar industry that involves a network of sugar farmers, factories and traders. This business community plays a major role in the region's economy.
As demand for sugar across the globe rises, the sugar industry in Muzaffarnagar seems to have a good future in the global market. With a significantly high production capacity, the sugar industry in western Uttar Pradesh alone makes a significant contribution to the global sugar market. This is mainly due to the consistently high production rate of sugarcane farmers in the region, including farmers of Muzaffarnagar. The areas have the advantage of an extremely fertile belt of soil between the rivers Ganges and Jamuna.
The natural and geographical advantages of sugarcane production can be further enhanced by modernizing agricultural methods. The factories and industrialists should also improve their production and management strategies.
With a more efficient and modern sugar industry, people of Muzaffarnagar can have better business and employment opportunities. Anju Agarwal has instructed the Nagarpalika officials and members to properly take care of the business community of the city. The chairperson is confident that with honest intent and efficient administration process, the desired economic growth of the city can be achieved.
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Anju Agarwal works for a clean & beautiful Muzaffarnagar
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Anju Agarwal has a vision for Muzaffarnagar – make it a fully developed and impressively beautiful city. In order to make this vision a reality, she has been working on wide-ranging projects and initiatives.
Some of these projects are focused on the construction and repair of roads across the city. It is important for a city to have good roads. They not just makes the transportation system hassle-free, but also visibly contribute to the beauty of the place. That's why Anju Agarwal has put enormous emphasis on road construction projects as they serve a dual purpose.
Cleanliness is no less important when it comes to making a city visibly attractive. Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika takes this as a priority – to make the city cleaner by efficiently managing waste.
However, this has been a big challenge faced by the administrative body led by Chairperson Anju Agarwal. Improper waste disposal, lack of awareness among people, and shortage of government funds have been some of the most prominent challenges associated with cleanliness.
When we talk about the beauty of any city, gardens, and parks immediately strike our mind. That's obvious. Every city resident loves to sit, walk of at least pass by a beautiful garden. Muzaffarnagar Nagarpalika is well aware of this fact. Chairperson Anju Agarwal has proposed a project to build a musical fountain at Gandhi Vatika park in the city.
Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20qj72ijboc
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