anitadutoit · 2 years
Hey Ladies, I’ve been so so busy with life but I’m ready to start posting again! I love Tumblr because it allows me to express myself and why i absolutely adore being a woman and share that among other amazing woman all over tumblr. So with that being said thank you. I hope my post may empower woman in a certain way or even inspire them to embrace there own life as a woman and all the amazing things it comes with!! So with that being said here are 18 reasons why I love being a woman! 🥰🙍‍♀️💄💅
The 18 best things about being a woman
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1. We live longer. Got to love that higher life expectancy, eh?
2. We use handbags. Sure, sometimes guys will treat themselves to a backpack, but I honestly don't know what I'd do without my ridiculous Mary Poppins style holdall.
3. We have so many more clothing options than men. You only have to watch any red carpet event ever to feel sorry for them.
4. The is no greater thing in this world than girl talk. It is everything and is 100% (fine, maybe 95%) worth the 40+ years of periods.
5. Drunken conversations with random girls in club toilets are extreme self-esteem boosters. You may wonder the next day why you took life advice from a stranger with loo roll stuck to her heel, but still.
6. Speaking of toilets, ours are always way fancier than boys'. I'm pretty sure I could live in a Wetherspoons bog if I really needed to.
7. Makeup is our jam. Obviously, makeup isn't gender specific (James Charles, the first male CoverGirl, can attest to that) but still, there's nothing some of us love more than a good eyebrow transformation.
8. We are crazy organised and shit hot at multi-tasking. Sometimes I even surprise myself when I'm talking on the phone, painting my nails and reading my horoscope at the same time.
9. We're so much better at giving gifts. No shade, but one time my dad bought my mum a blender for Christmas and he thought it was the most romantic thing ever.
10. We have a seriously high tolerance for pain. HELLO CHILDBIRTH.
11. We're more fluid in our sexuality. A Boise University study found that 60% of heterosexual women have been sexually attracted to other women - and who can blame us?
12. We are emotional AF, and we aren't sorry about it. It's so unfair that some men feel they can't be open about their feels, but we on the other hand give zero effs angry crying to our BFF about how the barista in Starbucks was rude to us this morning.
13. We always know the best camera angles for our friends. I'll be damned if I let my girl upload a subpar profile pic to Facebook.
14. We're insanely loyal. If you're ever in trouble, you can guarantee we'll have all the receipts to back you up.
15. We are the queens of pettiness. Sure, some people see this as a negative, but those people clearly don't have a 10-person deep WhatsApp group and a camera roll full of screenshots.
16. If you're lucky enough for your squad's cycles to sync up, you're basically all physic for a week. "Chocolate?" "Chocolate".
17. Multiple orgasms. That is all.
18. WE RUN THE WORLD. When you've got women like Michelle Obama and Beyoncé on your team, it's pretty hard not to feel like a boss.
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anitadutoit · 2 years
Wow! I really appreciated this post. Just wish I had entered Tumblr sooner because I’m feeling not too proud with an English essay of mine I’ve handed in today.
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writing an essay in college is very different from writing an essay in high school. personally, i write more research/history papers than literary essays (the liberal arts life and curse), so this is going to be a post on how a general research-y essay that has a thesis and arguments. 
don’t open with a quote and don’t be overly broad. 
avoid generalizations 
your intro should address the topic of your essay (ex. the significance of gardens in renaissance society), and then narrow down to what you want to talk about in regards to your topic (ex. the political influence of the Medici gardens during the renaissance)
thesis! it should include the argument you want to make about the narrowed down topic, and three (or however many your class requires) reasons to support it. I like to think of it as W = X + Y + Z. 
your thesis explains who, what and why in a concise manner. 
topic sentences should not be a word for word copy of your thesis.
the order of arguments in your thesis is the order of your paragraphs 
depending on the length of your essay, there should be at least two justifications to your argument. 
so, just as the intro has a formula, X = A + B, and so forth. 
A and B should be backed up with some sources/quotes. don’t forget that if you are quoting from class notes to put either the prof’s last name, or (class notes)
be sure to have clear and concise arguments, don’t be flowery
USE WORDS THAT ARE ACCURATE. thesaurus is great but if you use a word that sounds cool but doesn’t capture the meaning you want to convey then don’t use it, because it may just change the meaning of your argument
quote whatever isn’t yours. it is completely fine if 90% of your sentences are quotes. its weird to get used to, but don’t worry about it. 
the worst part in my opinion. 
synthesize don’t summarize. show how your arguments relate back to the thesis.
try not to copy paste your thesis into the conclusion, word it so that the readers understands that through XYZ, you were able to conclude and support argument W (referring back to the thesis formula)
do not add any new information, do not add quotes. 
your final sentence should tie up the essay in a pretty bow, but try to avoid clichés 
when writing the body paragraphs, your ‘weakest’ paragraph should be in the middle, strongest as your last, and the second best as your first.
if you’re stumped on the intro, skip it. write out the body first, then the intro and you’ll be able to concisely word your thesis
think of your essay as an infomercial. your intro is the loud and clear HERES MY PRODUCT, the body is blasting information on why the product is so cool, and the conclusion is the final push for the viewer to buy that product. make your teacher want to agree with your thesis! 
use a mix of paraphrase and quotes!
don’t forget your works cited lmao (the MLA Handbook is a gr8 tool, also OWL Purdue)
prime time for essay writing is in the morning or at night, but make sure you edit it meticulously 
stay humble, study hard 
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anitadutoit · 3 years
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Cities and Sketches on Instagram
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anitadutoit · 3 years
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Submit your makeup here | Source: https://bit.ly/3E2NZ5c
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anitadutoit · 3 years
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Jemlington on Instagram
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anitadutoit · 3 years
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Lea Yunk on Etsy / Society6
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anitadutoit · 3 years
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anitadutoit · 4 years
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Dead Poets Society (1989) dir. Peter Weir
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anitadutoit · 4 years
“Write quickly and you will never write well; write well, and you will soon write quickly.”
— Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
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anitadutoit · 4 years
“Write quickly and you will never write well; write well, and you will soon write quickly.”
— Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
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anitadutoit · 4 years
On this thread
“I’ve read hundreds of novels in my life, most of them claiming that love was the center of the universe. That it could heal any damage inside of us. That it was what we needed to survive. From Darcy to Heathcliff, I thought they were fools. That love was something fictional, only found in worn pages of a book. That it was just made up to keep humans full of hope, that it was a lie. But all that changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennett. I never thought I would find myself completely and utterly consumed by another until her. She took my hand and led me out of the darkness and showed me that, whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same. I’m sorry, please forgive me. You once asked me who I loved most in this world. It’s you.”
— Hardin
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anitadutoit · 4 years
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Rosie’s Sketchbook on Instagram / Etsy
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anitadutoit · 5 years
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Dmitri Aliev, Je Dors Sur Des Roses || 2019 Skate America
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anitadutoit · 5 years
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anitadutoit · 5 years
I’ve been getting messages every day on how to make money online. There are several ways that I have, but this has been most effective.
THIS app is an app that pays you to WALK (you heard me right, lol). As you walk, you earn coins, and once you hit a certain number of coins you can redeem your coins for: money, gift cards, and more. Make an account to get started (the app is available for android and iPhone, and is available in multiple countries).
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anitadutoit · 5 years
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anitadutoit · 5 years
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