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secretly a mermaid
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aniszulyka · 4 years ago
the way you look at me i ignored on purpose 
the way your eyes stare at mine hoping that i won’t go but i want to go far 
the way you hold my hand tighter than usual
till then
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aniszulyka · 6 years ago
30/7/2019: i went to Balai Seni Negara!! with Maria. she drove, by the way. can u even believe that?! the visit was fun and interesting. it was tiring too haha.
i woke up late and Maria had to call me about 13 times because i was cramped the other night. it is aaaaaaall because of that 3x extra spicy mcd's fried chicken ugh. i don't advice people to eat that. istg.
we had brunch at Bret's in Shah Alam. didn't even plan to eat there. it was our first time. the food is good!!
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ok we had this buttermilk chicken and just skyjuice. Maria ordered a float too!
after we had brunch, we decided to shop books. we wanted to go to book xcess. so we came up with this idea "why don't we go to gudang instead of the book store?" ok so kitaorg pun go je lah sebab dah alang alang dekat shah alam............ but then, the gudang closed. WE BOTH FEEL SAD AND STUPID TOO, IT IS A PUBLIC HOLIDAY B— I....
so we continued our trip to Balai Seni Negara to visit the Leonardo Da Vinci OPERA OMNIA. there had a very huuuuuge crowd just now. i was so hot in the gallery, fuh. i actually pernah visit leonardo da vinci's exhibition like this oncr before when they held it at Pusat Sains Negara if i'm not mistaken. i don't really take much photo when i was in ldv opera omnia because it was sesak and i can't take proper photo but i'll upload it in my album someday!
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these were in BSM.
after the visit, we went to Amcorp Mall, PJ just because for the book xcess. they got the book store in there. so i wasted my money for these;
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well, i guess that's all for today!! have a great day <3
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aniszulyka · 6 years ago
Advice on how to move on
There is something I have realised lately that I think a lot of people on this website need to know. There will always be people who hate the way you do things. There will always be people who judge others. There will always be people who feed off others misery and there will always be times where you feel you are to blame.  Losing great people can be tough and can make you feel as if you are the scum on this planet.  I honestly would sit and think of the best way to kill myself and recently, it seemed more appealing than ever. 
In the past 3 years I’ve made some stupid mistakes and stupid decisions. I stayed in a relationship that I was unhappy in because I craved affection, I focused on self pity and developed into someone that no one wanted to be with and I harmed myself everyday because I felt I deserved. In the last couple of months, I decided to take a break from life.  
In those months; I dealt with a bad breakup in a really unhealthy way, I prepared myself for the day that I would drive my car into a wall, I lost a good friend because of my own selfish ways and I drove everyone away.  The loneliness, isolation, pain and self hatred I felt was well deserved and I hated every second of it.  My friends didn’t speak to me much and I felt that was because they didn’t want me. I lost a lot of them because they had been waiting for me to speak to them first. My depression was at the lowest point it had ever been and I didn’t want to live with my mistakes and guilt anymore.  A small part of me still doesn’t. But let me tell you now that suicide shouldn’t have to be your last option. 
So, here are my top ten tips for moving on and loving life again. 
1. Take a break 
Whether this is by leaving social media, cutting back from social events or just going out for a walk. A break from the real world will help you put things into perspective and the time to yourself will have great benefits. It’s important to not rush the passage of time and to not rush yourself.  The recovery can take a long time. 
2. Evaluate your relationships 
If you are unhappy with someone, miss someone, or feel someone isn’t a good friend then don’t keep going at it.  If things aren’t getting any better, then maybe its time to think about who you’re real friends are.  Toxic relationships of any kind will only make things worse. 
3. If its not too late, reach out to those you really care about
Don’t let people slip away if you can help it. Express your gratitude, make them feel loved and cared about and keep the good ones around.  Whether it’s your parents, your best friend or your sibling.  Losing a great friend is the last thing you want to do. If they don’t reciprocate, then don’t work yourself up over it. 
4. Make a list of your qualities, strengths and the things you love
If you go back and add things to this list everyday then you will eventually feel better about who you are. Write down the little things then work yourself up to the bigger things.  Sometimes, we may feel like there is nothing good about ourselves.  Don’t set up standards or self expectations.  
5. Don’t hide your emotions 
If you want to cry, laugh or scream; don’t bottle things up.  It’s okay to cry and be happy. It’s okay to not understand how you feel. If you keep emotions inside then you will become overloaded and you will release your emotions when it all becomes too much.  This usually makes people feel tired and worse off in the end. You should know that it’s okay to be stuck in a slump.  You are not alone.  
6. Surround yourself with things you love 
Replay that video game, watch that movie series, listen to your favourite music, relish in the things that once brought you joy. The happiness it once gave you will help you rekindle your love and the endorphins it will release will make you physically feel better too. 
7. Celebrate small victories 
If you manage to refrain from self harm, eat that healthy meal or go a day without seizing up. These small changes are a sign of better days to come.  Keep up the good work and feel good about yourself for it. 
8. Let yourself think positively 
Don’t be afraid to say to yourself that things are getting better, that you feel better in yourself and that the future is bright.  The more you say this to yourself and the more you believe in yourself, then the more likely you are to find what you are looking for. Whether, this is seeking redemption or earning self respect, you will achieve your goals and you will succeed. 
9. Self acceptance 
You may have made mistakes, bad decisions and lost good people; but they don’t define you. You are not your mental illness and you are not a failure.  Learning to accept yourself is the hardest step and it can take a very long time. It can be hard to look in the mirror and see someone you are proud to be. You must accept that these things happened and come to terms with what has come because of it. Learning how to heal and love yourself is key to moving on. Only you can do this, I can’t tell you how because everyone is different.  Go at your own pace and don’t let anyone else drag you down. 
10. Reconnect and live your life 
Once you feel that you can get back to the normal grind, make sure to go at your own pace. Reconnect with your loved ones and make new ones. Go outside and watch people go about their day. Learn from your mistakes, make new memories and let people in.  Realise that you are a better person now and that the people around you are happy to be with you. Live life to the fullest and take risks. You will soon come to realise that you are much happier and better off the way you are now.    
If you feel like you want to commit suicide, this is your reason not to; we care about you. Tomorrow can be better if we make it better. Its not easy and it can be hard to move on with life.  Living with mental illnesses is a daily struggle for many people.  If we all help each other and don’t judge others then we can save lives. I don’t want anyone to feel like I did. 
Please reblog for people who may need to hear this right now and for the people who feel like nothing matters anymore. Seek professional help if you need it and don’t hide anymore. 
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aniszulyka · 7 years ago
While you’re on a study break:
Paint your nails. Doesn’t matter if you’re good at it or not. It’s a quiet, calming, easy activity that takes up the perfect amount of time for a break and still requires some amount of focus. Put on a Youtube video or Netflix while you do it.
Watch a John Oliver video. If you don’t know him, he’s a comedian and host of Last Week Tonight on HBO. His pieces are hilarious, informative, and all around 15-20 minutes. 
Change the sheets on your bed. Changing your sheets often is good for your skin, still technically productive, and who doesn’t love snuggling up in a fresh bed after a long day? 
While you’re at it, clean your space. It’ll get you on your feet and again, still technically being productive. 
Make yourself something to drink. I hate to be that blogger™ but  Stay hydrated, loves! No energy drinks, if you need something more exciting. We are adults in this household, we get our caffeine like adults. Always go tea or coffee. 
Take a nap. There are legends that if you drink a coffee before you take a nap, the caffeine will wake you up naturally a little bit later and you’ll feel super energized. That sounds fake but idk knock yourselves out. 
Put on an RIP Vine compilation and dissociate for a bit. I’m not kidding.
Take a shower. Or just stand there under the hot water a bit. You’ll feel like a new being. 
Know that you are a boss
You got this and I believe in you 
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aniszulyka · 7 years ago
College Daily Routine &.. life there???
disclaimer: this daily routine down there only happens in semester one cs... i joined sport in semester two so the routine there terabur alrdy????? yea....
hello there! and Assalamualaikum everyone! HAPPY NATIONAL DAY, MALAYSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ah i’m so happy today. and that is why i have a mood to update this for y’all. well, actually, this post should be updated last year bcs lots of y’all wanted me to update about my daily routine in college (i made a poll on twitter) but i lambat update bcs.... malas. and lupa...... huhu.
some of u may not know, i studied accounting at Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah in Changlun, Kedah. it was the most tiring one year in my entire life. but i created banyak memories there eventho i didn’t enjoy my life as a student of matriculation programme. (this is what u should do despite... u know, things happen sometimes but try to creat a lot of memories ok!!) 
so, let’s start!!!!! i don’t know where should i start.
kita mula dgn pagi lah then hahahahahahahaha....
weekdays we all have classes and lectures from 8am to 4pm. that is for my college, ada college yang ada classes til 5pm. mmg penat cs dia straight til evening. lucky for me, i’m an accounting student so i have a lot of free time. so, from 8am to 4pm, if i tkda class, i’ll spend my time in the library, finishing my homework or doing my assignment. if dah masuk waktu zohor, i’ll be at hostel la. i was a total loner back then in college, so it was so easy to find me  if i’m on my free time. masuk je library dkt study carrel, confirm ada ahahah. this one i still did in semester two.
after habis class at 4pm, i’ll straight to library to continue finishing my homework. but before that, i’ll buy snacks at coop first. sometimes, i bought ice cream only so that i won’t ngantuk la. at this hour, normally, i’ll do calculation ONLY. such as, math, account or let say, econs question yg ada calculation sahaja. i’ll siapkan half... or everything sampai library tutup. library tutup around 5:30pm. i will manage my time there earlier.
next, after i balik from library (nak balik hostel la ni), i’ll straight to cafe c to buy my dinner. cafe c je petang petang ada nasi berlauk ni. then terus naik bilik. at eve like this, i’ll eat my dinner, pray, checking out my socmed, basuh baju & shower. p/s: i washed my clothes pakai tangan so it took time and i spent my time a lot in the toilet. after azan maghrib, then baru i masuk bilik to pray and continue my homeworks and assignments. 
at this hour, i mean at night i’ll do yang banyak tulis. for example, econs essay questions. if takda, i’ll continue with any calculation questions or assignments. sometimes, kalau i feel really rajin that night, i’ll walk to library to sambung buat my kerja bcs i don’t like staying in my room. (by the way, saya sebenarnya someone yang tak boleh study dalam bilik. sebab ada katil. rasa nak baring nanti. sebab tu saya suka spend or buang masa dekat library. mana mana library pun boleh, as long as it calls LIBRARY.) sometimes la ok sometimes. 
after that, i pray for isya’ then nak tak nak, i’ll force myself to sleep at 10pm. if kerja banyak, i’ll extend my time til 11pm. then, kena tidur. i’ll make sure i bangun tidur around 4:30am to 5am. mesti ada yang wonder tak takut ke bangun awal sgt, nah because whenever i bangun at that hour, automatic my roommate, athirah, bangun sekali. we will go to bathroom together (or just by myself la), mandi all. 
while waiting for subuh, i’ll continue back with calculation qs or maybe, i’ll read for quiz. because pagi pagi mcm tu only, everything i baca masuk and igt. then, solat subuh, touch up muka sikit and i’m ready for classes! kalau i awal and takda kerja sgt, i’ll take my breakfast first then baru pergi kelas. (sebab saya kena makan awal pagi. lps tu, sakit perut HAHAHA)
so, that is all for my daily routine on weekdays! hahaha 
weekends on weekends (kedah cuti on friday and saturday), i won’t say that i spent my time study 24/7, that is so not anis la hahaha. sometimes, i study, buat hw, outing or watch movies. but that happens only when i tak banyak kerja. this is my weekends rountine;
so, our beloved roommate, nazira akan kejut semua for subuh. she memang senang bangun pagi, we all tak sebab dah mindset esok cuti so susah bangun. after subuh. i............................................ tidur balik.
hahahahaha, it’s true. but then, i’ll wake up again at 9am or 10am. terus mandi, kalau rajin, after that i’ll make nescafe. because, u know, me.... i can’t live without drinking a mug or a can of coffee. (ya, saya ketagih dan saya tahu tu). i will continue studying while drinking until 11am, then i will siap siap turun beli lunch (yes i used to buy lunch earlier because i really love cafe b’s punya lauk rather than cafe c’s, sebab tu cafe b punya foods cepat je habis) as soon as habis je makan, i akan basuh baju til zohor. sis suka kumpul baju gak kadang kadang. dah la basuh tgn uolls. by the way, before lunch, i’ll do any writing questions. 
after zohor, i’ll do calculation.. sampai habis. then again continue writing sampai malam. in between tu, i akan take a break, main ml or tgk movie sejam before i continue siapkan hw/asg. i can’t study under pressure. malam akan continue study mcm biasa, like normal days. i don’t know why or maybe u guys pun sama, on weekends, i can’t study siang, bila malam baru mcm semangat study dia mai.
after 12, kalau tak boleh tidur lagi, i akan tgk movie or main ml se-round dua then baru tidur. hehehehehe
well, that is all for weekends!
oh and... not to mention that i’ll take a break, which means tak akan buka buku langsung on thursday night. yela kan, after byk hari tidur tk cukup or tk dpt tgk movie, main ml etc, that night will be the night for me to have a break from studying. u shouldn’t stress urself too much bcs ur body and mind need a rest too. hehehehehehe, okay so, that is all from me; my daily routine in college. yang baik, boleh ambik. yang buruk, jangan ambik. okay? <333
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(this photo was taken at my college, from my hostel to be exact. the sunset view there was spectacular)
so, this is an additional thoughts or questions that juniors must be tertanya tanya. like “betul ke matrik susah?”, “susah sgt ke matrik?”, “how’s exactly life in there?” etc.
hahahaha, ok, i don’t know if i should give answers for these because i’m not one of the deans. but i’ll try okay.
to be very honest, matriculation is not that hard. maybe la maybe, it feels difficult and hard because u have to learn so much in a year. two semesters, ten months to be exact. not to forget, u only have to focus for four subjects. only. 
my advice is u just have to change ur attitude. that is all. u have to be hardworking, tinggalkan benda benda tak perlu, u perlu struggle for ten months je. then, u dah cuti balik tau, rasa mcm baru je habis spm. matrik ni sekolah pun tak, uni pun tak. but i would say dia mcm sekolah je. learning way je mcm uni. serious. u can’t be lazy, can’t tangguh kerja. if u someone mcm tu time sekolah, change. actually, mmg la u akan ada thought mcm “ala aku bukan boleh belajar under pressure  pun, aku kena belajar rilek rilek.” so do i. and i survived. til the end. u see, i had thoughts like that before. ytjt, how pemalas i was back then in school and in matric juga. but i change myself slowly bila masuk matric tau. at least i ada perubahan sikit bila masuk matrik rather than takda langsung right? plus, bila u tgk kawan kawan semua study, u automatic nak study. believe me. pieka once told me this before. guess, she’s right ;)
sebenarnya, matrik tak susah. ubah perangai, ubah cara study. insyaAllah, boleh. don’t be like me, i focus benda tak perlu and alhamdulillah, i realised earlier and study hard last minute. i was very last minute and i regret things. but i’m good now, i finished my matriculation, i alrdy entered uni last sunday. the most important thing is, i survived.
so, that is all from me today. thank you to those who made it til the end. y’all r the best! hahahaha hmu if u have anything to ask.
til next time, Anis.
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aniszulyka · 7 years ago
that day
that week
i was alone
alone for the whole week
my friend wasn't there
with me
and i shut the whole kmc down
by listening to some random songs
that i downloaded from joox
as usual
that day
that week
i was alone
sitting at my so-called-special seat in the lecture
shutting the world down as always
but i feel something
and i caught u
staring at me
in the lecture
were u trying to tell me something?
something that u see thru me
or was that a need-a-help look?
that day
that week
i caught u
—wonder with love, Anis.
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aniszulyka · 7 years ago
30 Facts About Me
Assalamualaikum & hi! happy fasting & have a bless Ramadhan everyone!
well, it's actually 2:42am local time here in my place and i can't sleep so i decided to write this for u guys. i've been thinking abt doing a 20 or 50 facts and i decided to do 30 instead. HAHAHA, so here u go!!
1. firstly, my name is Anis Zulaikha. Zulaikha with a h. no Nur, Nurul or Siti.
2. i was born on 29th October & i'm a scorpion!!
3. my favourite colour are black and gold. but i have different favourite colour for my clothes or scarves hek. for example, i like all my scarves in cream or like something soft pink or soft grey. yes hee
4. i speak two languages. malay and english. but i can understand a little bit of mandarin. i'm still learning.
english: hello everyone! thank u for visiting (???) and spending your time here reading my boring posts haha.
malay: hello semua! terima kasih kerana meluangkan masa kamu semua di sini dengan membaca "posting" saya yang membosankan haha.
mandarin: (i shld give it a try haha let me know if i'm wrong) dajiao hao! wo jiao Anisí. wo jinnian shijui sui he wo feichang ai nimen!!!! <3
5. i have a crazy addiction on instant noodles. i have no idea why.
6. i'm the eldest in my family.
7. i can play three instruments, i guess. no, actually it's only two. a guitar & ukulele. i can play piano but sikit sikit je. for now, i spend most of my time playing ukulele cs it's suuuper easy.
8. my favourite beverage from starbucks are chocolate cream chip & java chip. but i like the java chip more hee
9. i love to spend my money on make ups and fake flowers. haha
10. believe or not, i love to read books. not a bookworm but i love to read. currently, i'm reading side effects may vary by julie murphy.
11. i don't like long nails. i get very annoyed with long nails. i will always make sure that i will cut my nails every week haha.
12. this is a secret. to be very honest, i really really hate injections. i'm kind of scared of it. well shiz it's not a secret anymore. LOL at me.
13. i hate high heels. i cant wear high heels. u see, whenever i put on high heels, i mesti terseliuh. MESTI. so, no high heels. haha
14. when i was 15, i pernah gain 9kgs in a week. how or why? u can personally ask me.
15. the first ever song i play on a guitar was all of me by john legend.
16. i like spicy foods. oh actually, love. i love spicy foods. i suka ask for more pedas whenever i order any foods.
17. my favourite local make up brands are NITA cosmetics and Zhuco cosmetics.
for NITA, i love all of their lipsticks and eyeshadows. i have two lipsticks and two eyeshadow palletes. from tropical collection, i got the redang, i mean the shades, and from the turkish collection, i got the istanbul. for the palletes, i got the grand palace & turkish delights.
for Zhuco, they are selling only matte liquid lipsticks, i selalu pakai pergi class. the shades that i got are Move On, Milky Way, Diva, TOP, Coffee & Choco. among all of these, my favourite is the Choco one and thats the one i selalu put on bila pergi class.
18. i can't swim. uhm yes. i can't BUT i can do the mermaid one. u know that kind of swim right...
19. i have a huge crush on Dua Lipa.
20. i'm a big fan of Doraemon.
21. my lucky number is 9.
22. my favourite accessories store is Lovisa.
23. my favourite disney princesses are cinderella, mulan and merida. they inspire me a lot.
24. i'm 5'4 (165 cm).
25. i'm both messy and neat. is that even possible?
26. the only salad that i can eat is potato salad. OMG I CAN EVEN FEEL IT IN MY MOUTH WHILE WRITING THIS GOD
27. i have sharing problem. i have no idea why but i really dont like to share my things. i can only let my friends use my things IF i'm in a good mood
28. my current favourite movie is THE KISSING BOOTH!!! cmon who doesn't like that movie??? it's soooo freakin adorable
29. i'm addicted to ghost stories. i mean, i suka baca cerita hantu, i have so many of ghost/horror books & i will always get so excited whenever ada cerita hantu baru keluar dkt wayang. shoutout to james wan for making good and the most terrifying ghost movies!!!!! (tp i tk boleh dgr misteri jam 12)
30. i'm someone that easily get depressed and whenever i feel so depressed, i will draw, sketch or doodle. that's how i try to calm myself.
so, that is all for now. pardon me for my grammar hahaha. till next time!!
love, Anis.
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aniszulyka · 7 years ago
ok, i don’t know how to start this post’s intro but hellooooooooo my people!!!!! it has been awhile since my last time writing for my tumblr. the last time was the turkey journey if i’m not mistaken. so, this post will be a very long post with photos of me and my friends at college. i guess not everyone knows that i studied at Kedah Matriculation College aka Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah in Changlun, Kedah. i was in the programme for at least 10 months, it was a very short study period everrrrrr.
the journey ended a week ago. what a relieve. well, the spam starts now.
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ok, i present to y’all, my roommates (hanisah, athirah & nazira). we spent only 3 weeks je dgn hanisah before she moved out and pursue her studies at IPDA.
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rukun tetangga aka RT. i have no idea how can they came out with that group name haha! selangor, kl, kedah, kelantan, terengganu semua ada dalam ni. my room akan jd tmpt kumpul semua ni pstu memekak mcm aras tu kami yang punya. (diy, nazira, aty, iman, hanis, dee, izzah, athirah & mia. MIA: hanisah)
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geng banyak gelak aka GBG. so, they were my classmates when i was in modul 2. geng ni paling kuat bahan org dlm kls masa asimilasi. pstu asal masuk library je mesti nak gelak yg tak boleh chill padahal tkda apa pun. semua jenis terhibur but we aren’t that close anymore (but still keep in touch ok!!) after me and najihah decided to change the course. i changed to accounting course sbb nak lari dari chemistry and najihah changed to modul 3 sbb nak lari dari physics haha. they are super fun.
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KMK’s Softball Team(s)
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Resident Media. 
random photos:
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before i end this post, my grid is finally updated! u guys can check em all up here. i think that’s all for this post, till nxt time.
love, me.
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aniszulyka · 7 years ago
Heart tings
In the end you will only have yourself. Maybe this sounds selfish but the people who loves you will leave, or just not love you anymore. I know it sounds scary. But i dont want to let anything be the reason I stopped fighting for myself. Its impossible for me to find someone who loves me more than i love myself. Impossible.
 Just no.
 Really impossible. 
Maybe actually i should not say that-then i will probably let the time decides.
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aniszulyka · 7 years ago
DAY 1 - landed in Istanbul around 3pm to 3:30pm (local time). we don’t really do anything on the first day. we just walking and hanging around Sultanahmet, taking photos, having dinner, shopping around Beyazıt Square (someone left her sweater at home) etc AND SOMEONE BROKE HER CAMERA LENS ON THE FIRST DAY (good job adik)
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Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
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DAY 2 - we visited and prayed for Subuh at Eyüp Sultan Mosque. we also visited the Military Museum/Askeri Müze and Hagia Sophia. other than that, we just walking around i guess?? i don’t really remember. at night, we just lepak at this cafe (or restaurant im not sure) near the apartment where i met “someone”
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Eyüp Sultan Mosque
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he wanted to, so okay haha
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favorite turkish breakfast i guess? it’s delicious
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Military Museum/Askeri Müze
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Beyoğlu Festival
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this one… well… i tried to take photos with the birds but… they aren’t interested…. 
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Hagia Sophia
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video call with bavani! 
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Şar Restaurant
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…….lol that’s where day 2 end
DAY 3 - we had a long journey to Ankara in the morning and visited the Anıtkabir & Kocatepe Mosque
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Highway Outlet in Bolu
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Anıtkabir. by the way, meet Idil!
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Kocatepe Mosque
DAY 4 - Pamukkale!!!!!! (i don’t know what else shld i write)
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DAY 5 - touring around Bursa~~~~ (oh my God, i’m so lazy to type)
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cmon guys! sing with me! let it go~~~ let it go~~~ (continue for me pls)
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don’t ask me, this time (skiing) is the worst!!! beijing’s better (lmao)
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this is me. bertahan cs uludag is so cold and my face is alrdy freeze
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creepin around (actually, i’m freezing)
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Osmangazi Belediyesi Karabaş-i Veli Kültür Merkezi
DAY 6 - back to Istanbul! we visited Topkapi Palace, Bosphorus… what else? i think that’s all.. oh! we went to Spice Bazaar for the first time! (i guess..)
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(i will go back i will go back i will go back)
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saw u and u just walked away, that’s okay… (lol i’m just kidding, i’m so drama by the way haha)
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DAY 7 - (the last day) we visited the Panorama 1453 Tarih Müzesi, Spice Bazaar… what else i don’t remember haha . &….. we go back to Kuala Lumpur
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ootd, i guess? haha no…. it’s not
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Panorama 1453
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Spice Bazaar
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what we do with our (my sister and i) first ever money in Turkey? scroll to know
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so, i guess that’s all for now. more photos are on my instagram and vsco account! both are aniszulyka. go check em out if u want! vsco got my photos (i’m not finish editing and updating yet so… but there’s few i guess. go check em all out. don’t worry, its public). both instagram and tumblr are my sister’s photos
til nxt post.. love, me
credits: aleeyazaf
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aniszulyka · 7 years ago
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I’m begging you to look at this.
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aniszulyka · 8 years ago
school mindset
essays - make each essay you write better than the last

 small assignments - aim for 100s, expect 100s, get 100s

 homework - pretend they’re assignments

 homework that’s not graded - pretend! they’re! assignments!

 tests - study for 100s, expect less

 long term projects - act like it’s due in four days -even when it’s not- until you’re done with it

 group projects - do not get angry

 presentations - pretend you’re obama
disclaimer - this works for me, it may not work for everybody, do not push yourself too hard!!
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aniszulyka · 8 years ago
short post
i’m finally made my vsco account!! i’ve been thinking of signing up to vsco for like years bcause i don’t like spamming my instagram with lots of photos in one time. so i made the account. yay.... it’s here.
oh and, the chainsmokers finally release their first ever album!!! i’m so happy!!!
ok byeeee.
find me; twitter, facebook, pinterest, instagram
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aniszulyka · 8 years ago
What is your best advice for young girls?💁🏻
Don’t take any judgement from bullies. Most judgement of bullies tend to be their own insecurities.
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aniszulyka · 8 years ago
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aniszulyka · 8 years ago
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aniszulyka · 8 years ago
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Gayah’s Clan
find me!!!; twitter, instagram, pinterest, facebook
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