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You have a great job with those fancy titles and corner office. ~ You have a huge mansion and helpers who keep it shiny clean. ~ You have Rolex, you have Ferrari, you have all those designer clothes and shoes. ~ As cliche as it might seem your most precious moments are defined when you are sharing, caring and being with the one's you love. ~ You better have the mind to accept it and be grateful for it before you start regretting. ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights
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This one is stopping you from being successful, do you know what it is? ~ Some people no matter the situation always find a way to block themselves, self sabotage and fail. ~ Some people find excuses no matter what. ~ Some people blame it on other people, blame that they are less privileged or they have lesser quality tools with them to succeed. ~ Then what's the difference between people who succeed and fail. ~ It is not what cards are dealt to you but how you play the cards which determines your success. ~ The one thing stopping you from being successful is your ability and skill to figure out things, to make yourself successful with your current situation. ~ It is saying to yourself "I am not successful, YET" and figuring out a way to be successful ~ It is as simple as that. ~ ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights
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This will give you power over your future. ~ Even if all are facing the same situation, you will have an advantage. ~ Even if other's conclude that it is impossible, you can make it possible. ~ This amazing thing is your ability and skill of how you view things. ~ In other words Perspective of a situation. ~ You can be optimistic, pessimist, opportunist, realist... ~ Your perspective determines the action you take which determines your future. ~ Do you agree? ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights
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Do you hear that noise? ~ The noise when you face a difficult challenge. That noise is called self doubt. ~ Every person on this earth had gone through it and as long as we love we will go through it. ~ Believe me no one escapes it. ~ But sometimes you hear a soft voice drowning under the noise and trying to raise above it. ~ Magic happens when you listen to this voice. ~ This voice might be soft but it can give immeasurable strength to you to face any challenge only if you listen to it. ~ This voice is called Courage. ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights
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It is only natural that a creature is worried about it's own survival and passing of it's DNA to next generation. ~ Humans have been given the power to rule over Earth only over few centuries back and when you consider the Universe's timeline it is a puny. ~ Yet, humans have made the most of it. ~ So much so that their greed have also destroyed mother Earth and other creatures directly or indirectly. ~ Humans are still doing the same thing and saying the same thing under different disguise. ~ A creature's true nature is known when it is given a position of high power. ~ It is high time we show that we are capable of being kind and considerate to fellow humans, other living beings and Mother Earth ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights
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It might seem to be one of the silliest quotes but achieving success is as simple as that. ~ You have a dream you pursue it. ~ You fail at things , you feel dejected but you pursue it anyway. ~ You fail at it again now you have all kinds of doubts whether to pursue it or not. ~ Success seems to be just that way, it is testing whether you really want it or is it just a wish. ~ When you refuse to all it's refusal to give in then you get it. ~ It is as simple as that but simple is hard and also fun in it's own way. ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights
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It is only natural that a creature is worried about it's own survival and passing of it's DNA to next generation. ~ Humans have been given the power to rule over Earth only over few centuries back and when you consider the Universe's timeline it is a puny. ~ Yet, humans have made the most of it. ~ So much so that their greed have also destroyed mother Earth and other creatures directly or indirectly. ~ Humans are still doing the same thing and saying the same thing under different disguise. ~ A creature's true nature is known when it is given a position of high power. ~ It is high time we show that we are capable of being kind and considerate to fellow humans, other living beings and Mother Earth ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights (at Philippines)
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When first experience love and we are very proactive about it. We feel our heart and it seems to be filled with joy and happiness. ~ For some reason if the relationship fails we feel the pain real sharp, as though it is peircing us inch by inch. ~ Some of us, being the perfectionist's we are, want to eliminate all kinds of pain for our future self. ~ So what do we do? ~ We blame the pain on the love we felt and try to eliminate it from our lives. ~ When we numb ourselves of love to avoid any kind of pain then there is no fear of losing anything or anyone rejecting us. ~ So no one can hurt us. In other words NIHILITY. ~ This numbing also blocks the happiness and joy which can come into our lives through that love. ~ Yes, life can be painful but it is also beautiful. ~ Life without love is mechanical and we are not robots to live that way. ~ We are vulnerable and that is what makes us Humans and it is amazing. ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights (at Philippines)
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We expect everything to go as planned because we have put in a world of hard work into it. ~ We think we know what we want and try to put in the last piece of puzzle together to complete our life into a fairytail or so we would like to think. ~ Everything has to be perfect and so even the slightest margin of deviation feels like a rejection or a failure. ~ What's the fun in it? Really!! ~ If everything is perfect then there is no room for improvement, to connect or to work anymore. ~ If everything went as planned, it is almost saying that you know your future and there would be no surprises to your world. ~ We want surprises which we like but there will be surprises which might shock you but in the long run that is what you needed. ~ Life works in mysterious ways, just enjoy those little detours to your plans. ~ Sometimes some lessons are required for us to be humble, some deviations are required for us to go to the wonderland. ~ Hope you reach your wonderland. ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights (at San Francisco, California)
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There is a sense of belonging in the past, so we tend to stay there more often than we have to. ~ It is very scary because at some point we start to enjoy being in the past so much that we stay there even if it starts ruining our lives. ~ Being in the past- feeling the guilt, feeling the regret, feeling stuck there seems much more appealing than to face the present situation. ~ Unless we accept the scars of our past, forgive whoever is involved- especially ourselves and face the current situation, it is only gonna be worse. ~ Wear your scars with pride and let it be your reminder to be your greatest self. ~~~ ~~~ Follow @anime_insights for more. ~ Please turn on the notifications so that you don't miss any posts from @anime_insights ~ Credits- Image- artist Editing- @anime_insights (at Jakarta, Indonesia)
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We live in a world where schooling has made us into mindless robots. ~ We do things not because we want to, but rather because we have to. ~ Yes, discipline is one of the keys to success but it doesn't feel like success if it not what you want. ~ You complete the task when you are disciplined but you must also trust your gut and do some things based on your wants once in a while. ~ It is in those detours, those simple wishes, where you sometimes find the greatest moments of your life. ~ Trusting your instincts will get you far than just plain routine to a certain destination. ~ Following your instincts might feel scary and crazy but it is worth it - @anime_insights ~ What is the craziest instinctive idea you have had today? ~ #animeinspired #animeinsights #babysteps #slamdunk #slamdunkanime #hanamichi #luffy #hajimenoippo #inspirationalquotes #animeinstagram #animeinspired #otaku #lifequotes #captaintsubasa #haikyuu #kurukonobasket #eyeshield21 #princeoftennis #yowamushipedal #sportsanime (at Philippines)
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We have so many dreams and goals, but why don't we ever go after it. ~ Forget huge goals, even small things seems so scary and we chicken out so often than we would like to admit. ~ What makes us so scared to ask that girl/boy out, to give that interview, to stand on the podium and speak, to accept that we have huge goals which we would like to pursue? ~ It is very simple. As Yoda would say “Do or do not, there is no try” ~ Some people die before they are actually dead, don't be one of those people. ~ Work hard, take chances. Even if you fail, at least you won’t have any regrets about it. - @anime_insights ~ What is that you will take chances on? #animeinsights #attackontitan #aot #shingekinokyojin #erenyeagar #erenjaeger #snk #mikasaackerman #wingsoffreedom #surveycorps #naruto #animeindonesia #codegeass #fullmetalalchemist (at Indonesia)
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If you watch the news channel then you will feel as though the world is a dirty and disgusting place where only bad things happen. ~ Yet, if you notice carefully. You will see that most of the good things happening in your city, the humanity, the warmth, the compassion around the world is not being captured by the media. ~ The media only focuses on the negative and sensational news because that is what will get your attention and that is what as humans( as hunters- gatherers) we are wired to see more to ward off dangers. ~ So it is all a matter of focus. What you focus on is how you will see the world. ~ How you see the world is how you will respond to the world and how you will respond each day in your life.- @anime_insights ~ Is world a disgusting place or a beautiful place to live in? What do you think ~ #anime #ichigo #tokyoghoul #onepiece #otaku #sao #snk #dbz #fairytail #fangirl #kaneki #lucy #cosplay #cosplaygirl #blackbutler #bleach #naruto #attackontitan #natsu #kawaii #shingekinokyojin (at Philippines)
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People die and that is a fact we need to accept. ~ We usually think that, not fearing death will somehow make us invincible, but it what makes us weak in it's own right. ~ How so? That is indeed a good question. ~ If we don't fear death then there is no need for us to work hard for our dreams, to love the people with all our heart, to be our best as much as we can. ~ Fear of death makes us accurately aware of all the wonderful things we have right now and it makes us humble and grateful at the same time. ~ Fear of death can make us feel alive and the power which comes with it only few can handle it. ~ Humans die and death is inspirational to live our life with more love. ~ Live, Love, Be Grateful, Be Humble. - @anime_insights ~ #animeinstagram #animeinsights #tokyoghoul #attackontitan #fullmetalalchemist #narutoshippuden #deathnote #psychopass #mirainikki #shingekinokyojin #kenichithemightiestdisciple #lifequotes
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You do things as you are told, then what, then do some more of what they tell you. ~ And then? ~ When you are not working to achieve your dreams, then you invariably work to achieve someone else's dream but never yours. ~ At each point of your life you are given a choice by life. Either do what you think and feel is right or do what other's tell you to do. ~ The choice let's you live your life or live someone else's life through you. ~ Either way it's your choice. ~ When you are aware of your values, stick to it then you will stay true to yourselves otherwise you do things as other's tell you to do. It is as simple as that. - anime_insights ~ What do you think? ~ #animeislife #animeinsights #beck #animemusic #lifequotes #otaku #barakamon #naruto #luffy #zoro #natsu #onepiece #narutoshippuuden
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You do things as you are told, then what, then do some more of what they tell you. ~ And then? ~ When you are not working to achieve your dreams, then you invariably work to achieve someone else's dream but never yours. ~ At each point of your life you are given a choice by life. Either do what you think and feel is right or do what other's tell you to do. ~ The choice let's you live your life or live someone else's life through you. ~ Either way it's your choice. ~ When you are aware of your values, stick to it then you will stay true to yourselves otherwise you do things as other's tell you to do. It is as simple as that. ~ What do you think? ~ #animeislife #animeinsights #beck #animemusic #lifequotes #otaku #barakamon #naruto #luffy #zoro #natsu #onepiece #narutoshippuuden
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If you do observe the people around you, yourself included then you will see that it is hard for us to accept change and ironically that is the only thing which is unavoidable. ~ But somehow it is strangely logical to avoid change. ~ We would have been comfortable with the way we are dealing with our current environment, with the people around us and more importantly with ourselves. ~ Life happens and we are made to face something new, maybe something unknown to us, something we have never experienced before and it makes us scared, the fear in us magnifies and we just don't want to come out of our comfort zone. ~ We know that we have to change whether we wish for it or not. ~ Instead of running away from our fears, let us give it a spotlight, give it some meaning, let it be a action signal to better ourselves and to take initiative, to be our best. ~ Let us face our fears here and now instead of sometime later when we have very less control over it- Anime Insights. ~ Which is the fear you want to face here and now? #animeinspired #animeinsights #slamdunk #slamdunkanime #hanamichi #luffy #hajimenoippo #inspirationalquotes #animeinstagram #animeinspired #otaku #lifequotes #captaintsubasa #haikyuu #kurukonobasket #eyeshield21 #princeoftennis #yowamushipedal #sportsanime
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