animationfromzero · 5 years
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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I found this exercise genuinely enjoyable. I am used to trying to either draw with harsh outlines or a lot of shading to define the shapes. However in this instance (picture left, my drawing right) there really isn’t a lot of either, so it took a lot of planning and working out on how to make this work, and I am very happy with the outcome.
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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Having no previous experience drawing animals I found this exercise to draw a horse from 3 different angles very challenging. I attempted to follow the instructions to construct it from simple shapes whilst also following the rules of perspective, however the results were rather funny looking. I think something as complex as nature deserves a lot of time spent researching before devoting oneself to trying to recreate it, however I feel that our timeframe of a week wouldn’t allow for that. I plan on further developing my knowledge in my free time to re try this task in the future.
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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Following the instructions on the photo (left) provided by our teacher I started out by drawing a very simplified version of the finished objective. Whilst I understood the concept behind this, it actually resulted in me getting me more confused as to what had to go where and I had to keep reaching for my rubber, this proved most difficult in the beard area and the frilly edge on the forehead. In the future I will continue to draw in my usual way by correctly quickly sketching out the general shape rather than substituting them for shapes. Overall though I am happy with the outcome.
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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Unfortunately even though the detail in this piece came out quite well, the proportioning is obviously incorrect. Because of initially quickly sketching the arm out incorrectly without realising, once I got to actually properly drawing it out I realised I had run out of space on the page for the elbow and the forearm turned out too big. In hindsight I should have worked out my proportions better in the sketching out stage. 
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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Matte Painting
For this assignment we had to create a matte painting completely up to our creative ideas. I went for a classic monster scene. I used multiple layers of forest scenery as well as a small house and lake  to allow for a size comparison to the monster (Cthulhu). I used a downloaded fog brush to add depth and atmosphere, as well as to fix some harsh lines between the layers of tree landscapes. Overall I am happy with how this came out, and for future improvement I would like to do some personal research on matte painting.
Reference list:
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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Some anatomy practice (original pictures provided by tutor). I feel most comfortable doing these sort of exercises as my favourite medium is pencil drawings, especially ones that take a lot of detailing.
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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For one of our first exercises to develop our perspective skills we were gives images of a door, sofa and wardrobe. Our task was to chose whether to use 1st, 2nd OR 3rd perspective and then draw the objects from 3 different angles. Due to me having not had much perspective practice before this, I chose to do 1st perspective which I find to be easiest since the vanishing point can be placed on the page and I am not required to imagine it being off the page. I found the sofa most difficult, trying to redraw the pattern of the backing without it looking flat, but I found the end result to be good overall.
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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This exercise required us to use all of the furniture/items given to us only once within the scene, however they had to be used in a way that makes the audience look at the fish bowl. I attempted to do this by drawing the potted plant at the forefront as I wanted the leaves to point in the fish bowl’s direction, but I think that because it is the only item that I shaded  it takes away from it’s purpose and became the more dominant item. Other than that I placed the chair so that it faced the fish bowl, and the lamp tops are askew to tilt towards it as well. I think my work could have definitely been improved further, especially if I had more time to added additional shading, so that there was the most light found around the fish bowl and lessen the further away you get from it.
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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Reference drawing (1) and my alternate angle version (2).
This perspective exercise was a repeat of having to redraw a drawing from a different perspective (just like the forest scene). I found this easier than some of the other exercises but due to a lack of perspective knowledge my version of the room ended up being fairly squashed vertically, this can especially be seen where the round window is. This part of the picture had been drawn once most of it was finished, and at that point I had realised that there wasn't enough wall space (like there is in the original drawing), so the window is placed a lot closer to the mattress than it is meant to. Otherwise I am very happy with how the end result came out.
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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For this assignment we were required to research dental surgeries in a specific time frame. We received some images for reference. I decided to do an old fashioned dental clinic, and to make it look older I made sure to focus on shading and attempted to make everything look worn out and aged, however in my opinion this wasn’t achieved enough. I feel that I achieved a look that lines up with the a 1950-1990 feel, but it could have been further developed to create a more appropriate look.
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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Another task we were given to develop our perspective skills was to select 3 random objects and then draw them all in 1st, 2nd and 3rd perspectives. I chose to draw a water bottle, a confiture jar and a lamp. The main thing I struggle with when it comes to perspective is imagining where the vanishing points are without them being on the page I draw on, and to avoid distorting the object the vanishing points cannot be on the page unless I were to draw the objects very small. Therefore to overcome this I used some sticky tape to stick extra pages around the main page to be able to draw the vanishing points. This unfortunately turned out to be very fiddly and took a lot of time, which resulted in me having to rush some of the drawings to reach our deadline. Another issue I came across is that when drawing the circular portions of the item it looked correct, however when I would go over my lines to make the item more visible, I squashed the circles, making them look convex which disfigured the true shape. I aim for next time will be to work on being able to picture the vanishing points without having to use extra pieces of paper which will simply require practice.
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animationfromzero · 5 years
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The burgled office assignment was simply that we were given some images of offices and we had to draw it as if it was burgled. My idea was that the burglar would not have wanted to spend a long time going through all the shelves on the right so I emptied just the right most one. As well as that most of the cupboards were opened and emptied as I think that items in there would most likely be more expensive and worth checking by the burglar than the ones displayed out on the shelves, therefore those would have been the burglar’s choice to access. Obviously the electronics (printer, laptop, keyboard) have been taken as most likely to be more worth it and closest to the broken window. I would have liked to give more detail to the books on the shelves as they look flat and not as detailed as they are in the image, however I ran out of time. I think the drawers on the desk should have also been opened, and the swivel chair could have had more attention paid to it as it looks too simplified in my opinion.
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animationfromzero · 6 years
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Forest Drawing (1) from a different angle (3), and initial sketch (2)
For this part of our perspective exercises we had to redraw a drawing of a forest from a different angle of our choice. This meant we had to try to make sure the images looked similar, and not as if we just drew a completely new forest. Due to my lack of knowledge on how to draw nature I found it difficult to draw the trees within the scene, therefore after some research I ended up with a very simplified and unfortunately flat looking representation of the trees. However due to the use of many layers I reached a personally aesthetic look of the foliage in the forefront and the background, also having made sure to include some fog and sunlight rays within the background, similar to the original drawing. If I were to have a chance to re-do this piece, I would definitely take more time to research how to better achieve the appropriate look for bark on trees.
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animationfromzero · 6 years
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Reference: line_of_action.com; Betsy and David Art Models, Lee, and Markus J Ranum
Some additional life drawing. To improve I should do more anatomy revision to be able to shade the models appropriately, however I find it difficult adjusting to different body types and adjusting the anatomy in a way that fits the models individually. More practice required.
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animationfromzero · 6 years
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Reference: Anatomy - Illustrated with the original drawings from the classic GRAY'S ANATOMY by Christopher Joseph
Some anatomy practice of the triceps, pelvis and thigh muscles. For future drawings I will need to draw bigger to ensure more detail could be included. Also next time I should shade the muscles to show the flow and the shape.
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animationfromzero · 6 years
In life drawing today we focused on having just 1 pose for the whole 90 minute session, unfortunately I feel I still greatly lack skill in shading as well as anatomy knowledge, and will definitely need to improve muscle in drawing arm, as I am continuing to find it difficult holding my arm up and keeping my pencil steady.
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