Film name: Gullivers Travels
Date: 1939
This one is fun. It’s cool to see the difference in styles between Disney and Fleisher. The animation is much more cartoony than Disney feature films. A lot more squash and stretch and exaggeration on the little people. Gulliver was much less stylized which provided a nice contrast and showed their differences.
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Film title: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Date: 1937
I haven’t seen this one since I was a kid. Looking back on it the story is weak but the animation is pretty. I love the water color backgrounds. The use of the multi plane camera is obviously revolutionary and it works really well. Fun fact when they were painting the cells they couldn’t get the color of Snow White’s blush just right it was always too dark and comical looking. One of the inkers used her blush to color her cheeks and it worked just right so that’s what they used for the whole movie.
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Film title: Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons
Date: 1937
This was was released to promote Snow White. It’s a collection of Disney cartoons.
Silly Syphony Flowers and Trees: pretty standard for this era Disney cartoon. No dialogue, just music. Strong arcs and squash and stretch. The sexualized a tree and there was a tree sexual assault attempt. But that’s just how these old cartoons were. They murdered the sexual assault tree. Some trees got married.
Three Little Pigs: again very standard for this era of cartoons. There are lyrics to this one which is nice. Lots of exaggeration
Silly Symphony Country Cousin: this one is very cute. I may be biased because I adore mice but I love this one. A country mouse goes to visit his city mouse cousin. Country mouse doesn’t understand fancy things and gets drunk it’s so cute but also how was this for kids
Silly Symphony The Old Mill: this one is much more elegant. They’re clearly preparing for Snow White in the production.
Ferdinand the bull: pretty cute, not much to say
The Ugly Duckling: standard story, nothing special.
Lend a paw: Pluto saves a kitty it’s adorable
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Film title: The New Gulliver
Date: 1935
This one is weird. It starts out live action then a kid falls asleep while Gullivers travels are being read and wakes up in the book. The puppet animation is creepy and in uncanny valley. The translation is weird. I couldn’t follow it.
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Film name: Le Roman de Renard(The Tale of the Fox)
Date: completed in 1930, released in 1937 due to soundtrack problems
The only video online is broken, stops halfway through and has no audio. My college has a dvd copy in the library so I will come back to this when the library is open again
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Film name: El Apóstol (The Apostle)
Date: November 9, 1917
Status: lost
Film name: Sin Dejar Rastros (Without a Trace)
Date: 1918
Status: lost
Film name: La República de Jauja
Date: March 8, 1918
Status: lost
Film Name: Die Abenteuer ded Prinzen Achmed
Date: February 1926
I was able to find this one on Vimeo. It was a silent film with music performed live. The title cards are not in English and I couldn’t find any translation. The film is animated with paper cut out silhouettes and is pretty to watch however not being able to understand the story I was very confused. If you know German I would recommend it but if not skip.
Film name: Peludöpolis(Peludo City)
Date: 1931
Status: lost
Film name: Le Avventure di Pinocchio(the adventures of Pinocchio)
Date: unreleased, finished in 1936
Status: lost
Film name: The Tale of the Priest and his Workman Balda
Date: 1936 never completed
Status: lost
Film name: The Seven Ravens
Date: 1937
Couldn’t find this one online and it was made in Nazi Germany so I’m not going to look further
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Okay so quarantine sucks and I’m a bored animation student so I am going to attempt to watch every single animated feature film ever made. Yup. Using this list https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_animated_feature_films I will make this attempt. My rules are as follows
1. I must be able to watch it online (legally or illegally)
2. I must be able to understand it so it must be in English or have English subtitles.
3. I will not watch anything from Star Wars as it is triggering for me due to ptsd. I’m not sure if there are any on the list because frankly I gave up looking through the list in advance when I hit the 70’s
4. I will write a post about each movie I see. I will rate them.
That’s about it, I’m not giving myself any timeline or needing to do one a day or whatever cuz then I will loose interest. We’ll see how this goes
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