new account for multiverse/ship/cannon here
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Anybody want a starter?
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"Can't remember how long it's been since anyone has told me anything. " He retorts, as he begins a lesiurely float down the glassy hallway, leaving Magnolia to to tread on her feet behind him as he towed her towards the window. "What? Don't tell me your afraid of heights Snowflake."
Frozen Ever After ||Magisaac!AU {Jackfrost/Elsa}
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   Didn't want to. No. But apparently his body was done. He all but drags himself to his bed, tipping over like a deadened tree, cut down by a log man. "I've got to tell...Scott about--is he home?"
  Too tired for the time being to remember that if his alpha was in fact around, that he most certainly would have known if he'd put his sensitive hearing to use. "He needs...if he goes out there--I've gotta tell him."
keeping your heart safe ||Magisaac!AU {guardian angel}
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  "T'was placed underneath here, long before your arrival," he responds, eyeing the front cover. It is simple, far from engraved or decorative. But it's pages are thick, mostly blank towards the back, waiting for more re accounts of his adventures. "Ya are aware, tha' my bad o' men are the special divisons...but I have yet, ta tell ye wha' tis we do. E'erythin' we've done, is in this book."
Sicut Lupus Esuriens||Maggie & Isaac
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"Mm." That was his verbal agreement to her prospect, and he only shifts for a moment to press himself even farther into the damp and warm body underneath him. His bones liquid in the husk of his flesh, and his eyes shut tight. Sleep. He needed sleep.
translation: house party ||magisaac!au {hateful counterparts}
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  "Tonight, huh?" It was repeated with more than a decent amount of interest, the ghost of smile seemingly tugging at recently moistened lips. "Should I ...get a babysitter, or...?" The alpha finally reaches up to loosen his god awful tie and directly after pop open the first few buttons on his dress shirt. Better.
Honey I'm home|| Magissac
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  His steps back are slow and stumbling, as though he was greatly hesitant to separate himself from her, and once she's standing before him, Isaac reaches his hand around to grab the little paper lunch bag up off the counter. "Mm--there's a coffee place across the street, we can go there if you want? They've got pretty good ambiance.You can get a drink, on me." 
Special Delivery||Magisaac {rockstars!au}
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  Well, she wasn't wrong. Perhaps if he had been someone else, he would have needed more time to think about this--but if they were both confident, as they often were, then they should be able to juggle another baby. "You're right,--lets just...well, when do you want to start trying?" Isaac inquires of her, head inclining to the side to look her over. Not to say they had any trouble at all with their intimacy.
Honey I'm home|| Magissac
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   His co-worker gives a nod to confirm his name, but Isaac can definitely see the gleam in his eye. He's hatching plans, but as of yet, it's hard to tell what it is, that's going through his head.  "Looks like it," he replies, nipping at her bottom lip. "We can share what you brought me--uh, maybe we can go someplace else."
A little alone time from prying eyes would be nice, that was for sure, he really didn't need anyone walking in here and bring the press to ruin their make-shift...date{?}.
Special Delivery||Magisaac {rockstars!au}
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   Letting out a heavy gust of air, Isaac finally relaxes against her, spent and foggy headed. "Good.--I know this might be...really, fucking lame, but I'm--" Isaac has to let out a ghost-y sounding laugh. "I'm exhausted."
translation: house party ||magisaac!au {hateful counterparts}
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Still don't know why the fuck any of you are still here lol. click this.
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    "One more?" Brows raised upwards at the inquiry as he thinks this request over. Of course he doesn't mind, a big beautiful family had been something they decided on the day they'd swapped I do's. However......"I think that's a great idea," Isaac finally replies, chewing on his lip for a brief moment. "But I thought you were planning on going to school this year. Did you change your mind?"
Honey I'm home|| Magissac
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"Shoot." He replies, just as both chilren wiggle out of his hold, and makes a beeline for the living room. "All ears, especially if it's good news." He could really use some, work had been annoying, but he had suffered worse days. Isaac could not wait until he could get his shit together and start on his career of choice.
Honey I'm home|| Magissac
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"S--sorry, I didn't mean for--" him to blow fucking everywhere like a fourteen year old? 
   "Yeah." Well, at least he was too tired to be awkward, too tired to remember that tomorrow he'd still hate her guts. Especially too tired to remember that what he was feeling couldn't possibly be real. "Are you...okay?"
translation: house party ||magisaac!au {hateful counterparts}
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PSA you guys do know
that if you're looking for my multiship blog or my cannon it's curlycujo
Not that I wont roleplay with you here but it seems to me like thats where you'd wanna be.
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  The sound of screeching that only communicates joy from his children make Isaac burst out into laughter, immediately bending down to scoop Camden up off of the floor, and as though it's nothing at all, also scoops up Trinity.
   Child on each hip, marches over to his wife to plant a kiss on her cheek."Yeah, I'm feeling pretty welcome right now. How was your day? Anyone I have to kiil or maim?"
Honey I'm home|| Magissac
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