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Akita, also known as Akita Inu, is a dog breed from the Akita province on the Japanese Island Honshow, considered a National Natural Heritage Japan. It is Spitz type dog, in other words, it has a triangular ears and tail tissue.
Since 1603, Akita dogs of Matagis species were used as fighting dogs. In 1868 this breed was taken Tosa and mastiffs, resulting in an increase of the characteristics typical of Spitz dogs. As early as 1908, breeds were banned, the breed was preserved and perfected as a large Japanese breed. In 1931, nine top dogs of this breed were designated as "historical monuments". During World War II (1939-1945) the skin of these animals was used to make military clothing, be the end of that period, the number of copies of the race was very reduced. After the war, it was the process of rebuilding the model, greatly increasing the number of breeders breed, raise its popularity.
The animals belonging to this breed are large, strong, proportionate and substantial, with well-defined sexuality. They have the appearance of a wolf, with women (58 to 64 cm) lower than males (64-70 cm); The weight range of 34 to 50 kg. They look noble and imposing; Muzzle tapered, with a short nose and short mirror; House of the hair is high at a certain time of year, is very important to brush to keep the coat shiny and beautiful. Its color varies from red fawn, sesame (red hair with black tips) brindle and white. Except for white, all copies of the species must have "urajiro", which is a whitish coat on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheeks, below the cheese, neck, stomach, tail and underside of the inner face of the limbs. The eyes are relatively small and triangular, dark brown in color. The ears are small, thick, triangular, slightly inclined forward and erect, slightly rounded at the tips.
The neck is thick and strong, as well as hull and loin. The tail is set high, thick and curled over the back. The limbs are strong and bony.
temperament This breed is loyal, determined, docile and receptive. They are protective and affectionate animals; Very little bark, never be unduly; Usually when you do something, it howls; Is possessive of their owners and territory, making this breed a great leader. It is believed that only animals of sleep, suffer greatly when abandoned. According to the book "The Intelligence of Dogs", author Stanley Coren, this breed is in 54th position among the 79 surveyed.
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Kangaroo is a mammal belonging to the family Macropopídeos series and marsupials that live in Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands. Kangaroo name has its origins in Australia language and means "do not know". The main feature of these animals are well-developed hind legs and the presence of a bag (any bag that has a female abdomen and your baby feeds and ends its development).
There are several types of kangaroos. The first group contains large kangaroos, including we can highlight the giant kangaroo, Kangaroo or gray and red kangaroo, these are two known types. There is another kind, a little smaller, with brighter colors called Wallabies (or ualabis) and arboreal kangaroo, whose main features are: robust format, long tail and similarity in size between the upper and lower extremities. In the second group, the rats kangaroo, small animals like mice. The third group is formed by Muskrat, marsupial, animals also as a mouse and have scaly, hairless tail.
Kangaroo cub was born undeveloped (blind, hairless and small size - 2 cm in length), after three weeks of pregnancy were born only a puppy. How are born very sensitive, live puppies in the first half in the bag, where they found warmth, protection and milk. Only from the seventh month is the puppy begins to venture on land after year creates will be completely independent.
Kangaroos are animals that have a small head and big ears, front paws are short and his five toes, hind legs are large and have four fingers and a thumb that animals have claws used to defend themselves. The largest kangaroos when erect and adulthood, can reach two meters in height, their weight reaches 85 kg.
It is a feature that distinguishes kangaroos other marsupials: Time jumps, kangaroos are able to connect the movement of the tail with the feet, larger displacement. When jump can reach up to 5 meters away. Habitat Kangaroos are sleek and forests. Their diet is made from fruit and vegetables, and Muskrat, also feeds for small animals. For small time slots kangaroo can reach up to 50 km / h. Age of the animals ranged between 12 and 25 years depending on the amount of available food.
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Camel (Camelus bactrianus) is a herbivorous mammal that lives mainly in deserts because of their resilience. Camel domesticated about 4500 years ago and is used mainly to carry loads and provide milk. These animals feed mainly on creepers and leaves of trees and shrubs, and can adapt well to various climates and different types of vegetation.
Create center and East Asia, the deserts of Arabia, North Africa and Central Asia. These animals are very smart in their environment, but few still wild where most were domesticated to carry cargo and people hunted or to obtain wool and meat. During winter coat camel that reaches the floor, which is great for creators who can take this wool coat.
They reach sexual maturity 3-5 years and the gestation period lasts about eight months. Born usually one young at a time, but can occur multiple births. The puppy is born with a soft coat, but has no humps. So the puppy can not be long without food or he dies of malnutrition. Chick rises about two hours after birth to feed milk.
Camels are 2.3 meters wide, 2 meters high and reached 900 kg. This type of camel (Camelus bactrianus) has two humps on its back. It may be 2 to 3 weeks without water and without food 1 or 2 coat allows it to absorb less sun and sand in the desert not penetrate the skin does not allow a big increase in your body temperature which helps him not sweat and so do not miss water.
These animals take even 200 liters of water once. This type of camel is widely used in border crossing desert.
Camels have a special feature in most species, they can be long periods without drinking water that is thanks enough fat and muscle tissue and stored humps (previously thought to Humps water). This fat is stored before leaving the desert, they are offered food and drink at will. The camel eat as much as you can. They can lose about 100 liters of water from the body without side effects. This is the only animal that can be a great time without drinking water and still retain full functionality, and can reach 50 years.
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African Buffalo (Syncerus caffe) is a mammal, Herbivore, which belongs to the family Bovidae. There is a large animal capable of measuring up to 3 m long and 1.7 m high. Its weight can reach 900 kg. The African Buffalo is wild and is native to the savannas of the continent. While much larger, Buffalo cattle are similar in appearance. Unlike other types of buffalo, African buffalo have black skins. His vision is not the best, but his hearing and smell are determined. their corners are wide and returned.
Although of the same family, the African buffalo differs from the domesticated buffalo, which are designed to cut and milk production. Domesticated buffalo are native from other regions, such as India, the Philippines and Italy. The African buffalo has never been tamed.
Buffalo create sub-Saharan Africa, namely all regions of Africa except the northern region. These animals live in savannas, forest or open plains and forests. Drinking water twice a day, morning and evening, and near the water who prefer to rest. Graze day and night, usually when the temperature is lower.
They live in herds, which can be small or large. Older men, for example, living in small groups, from 2 to 5 persons. Larger herds can collect thousands Buffalo, although the most common groups of 50 to 500 persons. Hierarchy in the herd is always respected by the group between them, often quiet and silent.
Playback has no special time, though born more chicks in most food times, ie the period of greatest frequency pairing is the time from the start of the rains. Gestation lasts about 340 days. Each pregnancy comes just a cub, weighing nearly 40 kg. Women are fierce in protecting their young. Buffaloes reach sexual maturity, on average, to 4 years.
Buffalo natural enemies are lions, leopards and hyenas, which have to form groups to kill adult buffalo. Usually launch of puppies for whatever reason, are exposed or injured animals. Lions meet Buffalo, so hardly lion, alone, attacks a buffalo. a group of lions is necessary to launch a buffalo, even as Buffalo are always protected by his flock.
Buffalo is considered one of the five most difficult animals to hunt in Africa Safaris. Still, the population of these animals has decreased year by year. The poaching and development of agriculture by savannas are mainly responsible for the decrease in the number of these animals.
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The crow is a bird of the family Corvidae, representatives of larger orders passerines. They have broad geographical distribution in temperate regions all continents, living in groups with well-defined hierarchical structure and form generally monogamous pairs. Their food is not adversely and includes small invertebrates, seeds and fruit; They can also be a scavenger. These birds appeared in Asia but all temperate continents and several islands (like Hawaii) representatives type. In mythology, crows are often seen holding a bad omen, because of the black eagle and a scavenger habits.
Research on the intelligence of crows have shown that such animals are endowed with cognitive devices capable of providing the various functions that can be understood as a sign of intelligence. For example, it has been the discovery by scientists at the University of Auckland crows have the ability to use three tools in order to be able to reach food. [1] Some crows eat hard seeds to break often throw the seeds on the streets of a big city and let the car break. The New Caledonian crow (Corvus moneduloides) is known for its ability to make and use small instruments that help in food. In a separate test, animal intelligence, often achieve a high score. The difference between a crow to another scavenger is that it kills the hungry.
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O CaO (Canis lupus familiaris) é um mamífero quadrúpede da Família dos canideos. Acre Dita-Se Que Cao or descends ende do Lobo asiático Que Foi domesticado high 10,000 Anos. Provavelmente E o mais ANTIGO expensive domesticado.
Existe mais de 400 Racas de Caes classificadas em Groups e Categories. Os Caes TEM Excelente olfato E audição (Bem mais avançados Que dos Seres Humanos) o que é de Grande utili Dade paragraph as pessoas. Eles aprender Bem E rápido, podendo Assim como exercer tarefas caca, pastoreio, Guarda Casas de Guia Cegos, puxar Trenor, rastreamento de Drogas, Armas E até de pessoas desaparecidas.
Eles itself alimentam principal mente de ração. Algumas Vezes eles Comet alimento dos Seres Humanos, o Que Nao E indicado. Os Animais São Cachorro Que Comer Quaser Qualquer Coisa, porém or indicado Dar-E lhes ração particular, para que ele Tenha uma boa digestão.
Atinge food Dade sexual About Ano em. Geral Mente a reprodução ocorre 2 Vezes no ano. A gestação da Femen Dura cerca de 2 meses E Nascer, dependability endo da Raca do Cachorro, Aproximadamente 10 filhotes de uma só vez. A amamentação Dura cerca de semanas E 7 OS dente surges nos filhotes APOS 5 meses.
Diferente do que pessoas algumas Pensala, os Caes não tem Visão em Preto e Branco E sim uma Visão bicromática (Ser diferente do que humano web Visão tricromática). Essa Visão Faz com que eles Distin guam Bem or Amarelo, Azul, Branco E Preto or. Pore, whose essence verde, rosa laranja e não São distinguidas Pelos Caes, Que as veêm em Branco e Preto.
Existe muitas Racas de Caes espalhadas pelo Mundo Sendo as Principal:
Basset Hound: Essa Raca surgiu na Inglaterra No Sec. XVI, Sendo USADA Para caca de Coelho. Seu peso Varia de 18 a 27 kg, Seu é Pelo Fino, podendo Ter absolutely De Fogo, Preto ou Branco.
Cocker Spaniel Inglês: Teve origem na Inglaterra No Sec. XIX E é utilizada a paragraph Caca. Tem Peso de 12 16 kg E about Pelo liso E sedoso Sendo about Cao Muito Doci E companheiro.
Dalmata: Esse Cao Teve na origem Iugoslávia, E Foi Muito Usados paragraph Cacau. Animais Dessa Raca pesar de 20 a 23 kg, TEM Pelo Macios E sua coloração Pode Ser Branca com Manchas pretas ou só Branca. Esse é expensive Doci E Muito Agitador, precisando Assim de Muito Espaço.
Pastor German: Teve origem na Alemanha E É Usados como companheiro E também como Cao de Guarda. Seu peso é de 35 a 45 kg E Precisa de Grande Espaço Viver paragraph.
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Domestic cats are wild cats evolutionary adaptation. Crossings between different models make them smaller and less aggressive to humans. Cats were first domesticated in the Middle East in the first agricultural villages fertile crescent. The earliest evidence of the relationship between men and cats date back to 9500 years and were found on the island of Cyprus.
When groups of people no longer nomadic life, people came to rely significantly on agriculture. Production and storage of grain, however, proved to attract rodents. It was then that cats came to be part of human life. Because they have a strong hunting instinct, these animals began spontaneously to live in cities and strategically important role in society: to eliminate rats and mice that attack grain silos and other places where food was stored.
A figurine of a cat, made in ancient Egypt, representing the goddess Bastet, on display in the Louvre. Records Found in Egypt prints, paintings and statues of cats, indicate that the connection of this creature with the Egyptians date from at least 5000 years. Factors found in excavations indicate that at the time, cats were revered and considered sacred animals. Bastet (Bast or fastest), goddess of fertility and happiness, considered the patron and protector of man, was represented as a woman with a cat head and often seemed to follow some other cats in the environment.
In fact, Egyptians love for this animal was so great that there was a law prohibiting cats were "transferred". Every tourist who was peddling a cat was punished with the death penalty. Who killed a cat was punished in the same way, if the natural death of the animal, owners should be mourning clothes.
Not long ago some animals were illegally transferred to other areas, causing increased popularity of cats. When they came ancient Persia also began to be venerated and had faith that when abused, ran the risk of being ill with friends spirits, specially created to make company to man the way to the ground. Thus, to harm a cat, man was hitting himself.
Because they are excellent hunters and assist in pest control for many centuries cats had a dominant position in Christian Europe. However, in the early Middle Ages, the situation changed: cats were accused of being associated with evil spirits, so often burned together with the people accused of witchcraft. To date, there is still a way to have a black witches pet cat, and this animal associated with various charms; depending on the region, however, they can be considered animal that brings good luck. It is very common to hear stories of chance associated with animals color.
In the late Middle Ages, the approval of the cats in the home had a new impetus, a phenomenon also extended to vessels where browsers keep them as pets. Known as cats ships, these animals also assume the role of controlling the rodent population in the vessel. Over time, many cats are now considered a luxury animal, gaining a good position from a social point of view, even be used as an "accessory" of social events with the ladies. At the time, the cat began to go through genetic improvements for exhibitions, thus beginning to create pure breeds pedigree. One of the first races created for this purpose, the Persian, which became known after its introduction in Europe, conducted by Italian traveler Pietro Della Valle.
The first major exhibition of cats took place in 1871 in London. Since that time, interest in exposing cats developed within certain standards has spread throughout Europe.
Currently, cats are very popular animals serve man as a good pet, and are still used by farmers and browsers from different countries as a cheap way to control the population of certain rodents. Because of its domestication is relatively recent when needed easily convert it to wildlife, going to live in the wild where they form small colonies and hunt together.
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The Cat (Felis silvestris catus), also known as cat domesticated, Urban cat or domestic cat, the door of the family Felidae, Very popular as a pet door. Occupy Eda Top food chain is the natural predators of various animals, such as rodents, birds, lizards and some insects.
The first related to the Human What OS itself web news came about 9,500 years ago, during the period Better previously estimated, oscilleras between 3500 and 8000 years. The Felinae subfamily, which groups domestic cats, appeared about 12 million years, a growing SE from sub-Saharan Africa to achieve without Terras current Egito.Acredita cat-wild African (Felis silvestris lybica) period immediately .Your ancestor, no other genetic evidence suggests that the current domestic cats share a direct source of wild cats living Middle East.
There are about 250 species of domestic cat, the Peso categories of types of domestic small and medium door. That suit with these issues, lives between twenty and fifteen years. Independent personality, became Company door in many homes around the world, to people of the most diverse styles of life. In culture, mythology figure as superstition, passing Nott cartoon characters, newspaper strips, films and adventure. Among the best known are his interpretation cats: Tom, Sylvester, Manda Rain, Felix the Cat, Gaturro, Puss in Boots and Garfield.
The domestic cat named Felis catus Nott Carolus Linnaeus in its work Systema Naturae, 1758. Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber called Felis silvestris Wild Cat, in 1775. According to phylogenetic criteria, are considered household cats one subspecies living wild cat. And not unusual, alias, or cross between domestic and wild cats, form a hybrid specimens.
The rules of priority lives International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, or type name should be Felis Catus. No. However, in practice, most biologists use Felis silvestris fable without wild species, Felis Catus only for non-domesticated image. The opinion No. 2027, published No Volume 60 (Part I) possesses Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature (31 Marco 2003), without the International Zoological Nomenclature confirmed the use of Felis silvestris fable called Wild Cat Felis silvestris catus and see as domesticated subspecies. Felis Catus says Being valid fable as domestic animals, if this counted for a special type.
Johann Christian Polycarp Erxleben named the domestic cat Felis domesticus in his works Anfangsgründe der Naturlehre and Systema rain Animalis, 1777. This Name without variants catus domesticus and Felis silvestris its domesticus not valid scientific names are no rules according lives International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
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Zoology is the science devoted to the study animals with respect to their biology, genetics, physiology, anatomy, ecology, geography and development. In short, it is responsible for collection of animal diversity, the preservation and expansion of zoological collections and literature, and identification and dissemination of scientific and popular.
The Zoology the necessary expected to understand and maintain the ecological balance of a particular environment. The animal diversity on our planet is much larger than we know.
In terms of Brazil, for example, research conducted in 1982 estimated that insect diversity in the Amazon forest covers about 30 million species.
For the execution of this study used multiple methods of collection, and not always certain animals are caught in the same way. This makes data sometimes can not be compared. Hence the need to find methods that can be compared between the environment within the same environment, so that it can detect different degrees of sensitivity of different taxonomic groups in connection with environmental changes.
This work feeds maintenance zoological collections, valuable heritage of organisms of the nature of our planet. In Brazil, these collections have been formed since the mid-nineteenth century, and the National Museum, based in Rio de Janeiro, the largest repository. Nevertheless, there is still the possibility of a database, as many taxonomic groups still have very few species identified.
As in any area of study, the presence of a bibliography is necessary to the progress of knowledge obtained in Zoology. As a constant reviser in the history of higher knowledge, Zoology must have not only the current bibliography, with the latest research publications, but also by the study of nature from the first higher studies, referring to bibliographic information about middle of the eighteenth century.
The information provided zoological collections and bibliographic depart identification signs centers, agile methods to transfer information on biodiversity in the scientific community. This makes it faster recognition species, as well as facilitating access to identification services from other agencies and researchers, and abroad, as a bridge between taxonomists and community.
Taxonomy is the branch of biology concerned with the classification of living things, grouping them according to the similarity. This group is gradually following hierarchical order: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. It may be sub-divisions for these classes, subgenera and subfamilies as such.
Such animals plants that are commonly known as highly variable names goes from one place to another. In an attempt to universalize the classification, researchers have long been trying to create a global name for all living things. That was taken as a rule, the scientific name, the names must be in Latin or Latinized.
Each Party shall be recognized by Binomial name, where the first time appoint her tribe, and the second of its kind. The name for the type should be simple or compound noun, written with capital, but the species should be written in lowercase adjective. This rule does not apply in cases where the name pays homage to a famous person.
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Zebra (Equus Burchell antiquorum) is a quadruped mammal belonging to the family of equidae and Perissodactyla order. They are herbivorous animals that live in large groups from the center to the southern tip of the continent, where they are native. This is expensive, for food, only needs grass, abundant plant in the African savannahs.
There are three types of zebras, they are: zebra-the-plains or common zebra, zebra-the-mountain and Zebra-of-Grevy. Today, five known subtypes of the Common Zebra: zebra-of-Burchell (Equus Burchell Burchell) who lives in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe; Zebra-of-Chapman (Equus Burchell chapmani) who lives in South Africa and Zimbabwe; Zebra-of-Damara (Equus Burchell antiquorum) living in Namibia; Zebra-of-Selous (Equus Burchell selousi) living in Mozambique and Zebra-of-strength (Equus Burchell boehmi) living in Ethiopia, DRC, Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania.
Zebra mountain known are two subtypes:. Zebra-the-cable (Equus zebra zebra) that inhabits South Africa and Zebra-of-Hartman (Equus zebra hartmannae) living in Namibia.
Finally, the third type of Zebra, as has been said, is a Zebra Grevy (Grevy Zebra), the ears are wide and round and is easily recognized thanks stripes Its distance is reduced between one and the other, or by white his stomach.
Its weight varies from 250 to 320 kg, its length reaches 2.4 m, height of 1.5 m on average 25 years old and lives when run, can reach up to 70 km / h. This animal is known for her coat with black and white stripes arranged crosswise on a light background, which allows them to conceal themselves well in their natural environment.
When driving camouflage of zebras causes a kind of "optical illusion" of predators, which are: Lions, hyenas and bush dogs. Within herds of zebras organization is done as follows: puppies, some women and the dominant male, completing a total of 8 members. Usually a group of women are related to each other, aunts or sisters, for example.
Unfortunately, thanks to the action of man, be there in 1883, a zoo in Amsterdam, the last copies species of zebra called Quagga Quagga, which of course was extinguished.
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The wolf (Canis lupus) is a mammal, wildlife, Phylum Chordata, Order Carnivora and family Canidae. There are 67 sub-species of wolves.
The wolves are close relatives of the dog, which differ because some features such as eyes arranged in an oblique line, and some differences in the skull bones. This species has a bushy tail, is carnivorous, and have very strong jaws with very strong and sharp teeth. 1.60 meters measure the overall length (counting the tail, which has an average 40 cm). Wolves can weigh up to 60 kg. The wolves adapt to different climates. The coat color of various wolves according to place of residence. They live in different regions of the northern hemisphere, and are found in greater numbers in Asia and North America. They live in savannas, swamps, forests, deserts and icy regions in the north. In Western Europe, wolves are nearly extinct.
They feed on deer, elk, sheep, birds, fish and snakes. The female offspring averages 6 in one born blind and defenseless. The smell of these animals is very accurate and can smell prey tend to just under 2 km away. To capture prey, reaching speeds up to 45 km / h. It feeds according to the area you live. Even eat up to 6 kg in one meal, and the most common prey of small mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, crustaceans and carrion and some vegetables. When they hunt in packs, wolves can do more victims as elk, deer, sheep, among others.
It is extremely rare to find a wolf that lives isolated, one, the wolves usually live in packs (Wolves community). Each package is controlled by one breeding pair remain together for life.
In spring or summer, the pack is divided into small groups within the designated areas for mating. Gestation lasts two months, and in each litter born puppies 5-14. The female usually give birth in previously worked with leaves and place under a tree or near rocks. At birth, the cubs weigh 0.5 kg. Born with fine hair, floppy ears and eyes closed, and only open them after 12 days. During this period, the female allows only male approaching, just to bring food. Small wolves grow rapidly, and by 6 months are already able to catch.
The organization of the packs are great. Each wolf has its duties and obey strictly hierarchical. They play each other, and do not take outsiders. They communicate over howls. They are very expensive combined. They live 16 to 20 years.
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Turtle's terrestrial reptiles of Chelonoidis family. Worldwide, there are over 40 species of tortoises. Some of these species live in the Galapagos Archipelago, such as the giant tortoise (Geochelone nigra), covering 1.80 meters long, weighing about 200 kg and can live for over 150 years. Are prehistoric, rustic and very resistant animals.
The tortoises are very slow and docile. It is mentioned that the turtle is slow in vertebrates. They are terrestrial, the main feature that differentiates turtles. The turtle legs are straight and stiff, like elephant feet, only smaller. Shirt turtle is convex and well arched. When it feels threatened, turtle collects legs, tail and head of the shaft, and is dead. Animal daily, tortoises live in herds in forests, forest edges, savannahs and fields.
The power of these reptiles is varied. The tortoises are omnivorous, meaning they feed on animals (insects, snails and even mice) and vegetables (fruits, leaves, vegetables), especially yellow or red. Turtles have similar bone plate with blades instead of teeth.
Only when the turtles are four years old and it is possible to differentiate between men and women, to monitor the breastplate, ie the bottom of the shaft turtles. The plastrão women is flat or slightly convex, while the male plastrão is concave, which helps a man fitting the woman, and copulation. After two months, the female digs a hole in the ground where the eggs boot. Between 6 and 9 months later, the little turtles are born.
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The giant Anteater (scientific name: giant Anteater), also called iurumi, jurumim, Anteater-ACU, Anteater-horse, anteaters, giant bear-tingling-giganteé one xenartro mammal family mirmecofagídeos, found in Central America and South America. It is the largest of four species of anteaters and sloths along, is included in order Pilosa. It has largely terrestrial habit, unlike their close relatives, the anteater and tamanduaí are arboreal. The animal is between 1.8 and 2.1 meters long and weighing up to 41 kg. It is easily recognized by its long snout and characteristic pattern of the coat. It has long claws on the toes of the front legs, causing him to walk with nodopedálica posture. Oral devices are adapted to their diet specializes in ants and termites, detention but it can be powered with ground meat, eggs and food, for example. The long coat predisposes to parasitized by ectoparasites such as ticks.
It is found in many types of environments, from grasslands to forests. Will foraging in the open environment, but uses more forests and wetlands to rest and regulate body temperature. It is possible to swim in large rivers. predators are large cats such as jaguars and puma, and predators can abuse young. Although individual regions often overlap with others, they are essentially one of those animals found with others only in situations of courting women or agonistic encounters between male and female puppies care. Mainly feeds on ants and termites with its claws to dig and tongue to collect insects.
The Giant Anteater is listed as "vulnerable" by the IUCN. It was extinct in some parts of their geographical distribution, as in Uruguay, and runs a high risk of extinction in Central America. The main threats to the survival of species are hunting and habitat destruction, and the animals likely killed hit by fires and road kill. Although extinction, it can be found in many areas of conservation, where it is often enough. His peculiar morphology attracted the attention of many, as in the Amazon basin, and is still described by many cultures, is charismatic and terrifying way.
Anteater "comes from the Tupí tamãdu'á time." Anteater-Açu "means, translated from Tupí," great Anteater. "" Iurumi "and" jurumim "comes from the Tupí yuru'mi time, which means" small mouth. "Popular name" Anteater "refers to the huge tail full of countless long hair, so if connect its resemblance to" flag " . This feature of the tail is one of the most attention-grabbing of the traditional communities in Brazil.
The Giant Anteater is included in Myrmecophagidae family and the only living representative Myrmecophaga type that is related genus Tamanduá, as evidenced both by molecular phylogenies, as morphological. It was described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, and its scientific name is derived from the Greek: Myrmecophaga means "ant-eater" and tridactyla, "three fingers". Three subspecies have been proposed: M. t. tridactyla (occurring in Venezuela and Guyana to northern Argentina), M. t. centralis (native to Central America, northwestern Colombia and northern Ecuador) and M. t. ARTA (native of northeastern Colombia and northwestern Venezuela).
During development, anteaters and sloths apart about 55 million years ago, between the Paleocene and bottom, and the enthalpy of Lingua, the Cyclopes genus apart around 30 million years ago (in ólígósen) and Tamanduá and Myrmecophaga apart from each other about 10 million years ago, late Miocene.
The fossil record is sparse anteaters. The gender of the Miocene, Neotamandua, is more akin to a giant anteater, and it is difficult to distinguish the structure of the skull and Neotamandua Myrmecophaga. Neotamandua was big, bigger than Tamanduá but less than Mymercophaga, and not have prehensile tail, but seemed to have legs in between the giant anteater and the anteater. Probably Neotamandua borealis, fossils found in Colombia, paleontological site of La Venta, was the ancestor of the giant anteater.
The Giant Anteater is the most terrestrial of all anteaters, and their ancestor was probably arboreal the straps anteater: expansion of open areas in South America and consequently increased supply eusocial insects led to the emergence of this kind which are already at the end of the Pleistocene and early Holocene.
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Sharks are belong to the class Chondrichthyes. This means they have the bone structure formed of cartilage (such as strokes).
Sharks can be marine, carnivorous pelagic species, almost exclusively, they will create coastal and oceanic crust characteristics of water also, from the bottom to the surface. Nektonic are expensive, made with the environment in which they live and develop.
Adjusted, occupy different ecological niches, both in the Arctic environment and tropical environment. distribution occurs worldwide and can be called (group) as a cosmopolitan. Throughout the world it is known about 400 species (88 in Brazil), where size is different between species and can be 0.10 to 18m full-length body.
Sharks have their rise to about 400 million years, the person cartilagionoso body fossil record is difficult to preserve. A fossil record found is very similar to sharks today, one ancestor, is Cladoselache, individuals who have had a lot of features sharks today. It was cartilaginous fish with about 1 to 1.5 meters, which have gill slits, caudal fin, spines located forward of the dorsal fins (two) and many teeth with central training. This eating on small crustaceans and fish.
reproduction The sharks playback through internal fertilization. During the process of copulation, the male individual is associated with the female body and maintains this position by biting her on the back or pectoral fins. Then enter the sex organ, called Clasper the female oviduct through the cloaca and then comes the expulsion of sperm.
Developing embryos may in their ways, inside or outside. Therefore sharks can be oviparous, ovivíparos and viviparous.
anatomical shape Sharks will present the caudal fin of heterocerca type. The body coat will be placoid scales, which helps the body hydraulics. The skin consists of dentin and enamel high strength, have scales placodes, opposed teeth, central cavity which contains nerves and blood vessels.
They may have 5 to 7 pairs of individual gills with openings. Unlike these teleosts will not disclose operculum, which is the bone structure that protects the gills of bony fish.
Because sharks have no swimming bladder spots they use very oily liver to aid buoyancy. Blue shark (Prionacea glauca) corresponds, for example, about 20% of the weight of the animal. This buoyancy of the liver is very effective.
Sharks can perform large displacements for reproductive migration and search for food, which creates a great energy loss and to minimize the food is always, when food is available. This voracious appetite mean that some species carry detritivores function (evaluation in phase decomposition). They are carnivorous by nature, feed the teleost (Thunnus thynnus, Xiphias gladius), birds, and even marine mammals, such as white sharks feed on sea lions.
The shark stomach is very short gut expands the spiral septum called the spiral valve, whose function is to assist and increase the surface absorption and slow the progression of the food.
To find the food is very sensitive sense of smell and also has sensory structures in the back and stomach in the head called ampullae of Lorenzini, which emits electrical signals from prey to a shark (the heartbeat of fish, for example).
A curiosity sharks teeth is replaced by the body when they are lost. From time to time, the entire row of teeth is divided.
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