<”((wrong assumpt*on Stryss.((><
<:3(* have to agree w*th that *nformat*on though…)~
<:3(*t’s not easy leav*ng there. *’m lucky to have gotten off as well as * have.)~
Somth1ng 1 don't see a 1ot of peop1e ta1k about 1s how hard 1t 1s to 1eave a congegat1on, or even the c1own fa1th 1n genera1.
1 on1y even know because of a fr1end, 1t's rea11y 1so1at1ng to 1eave, 11ke you 1ose every connect1on, usua11y 1nc1ud1ng your 1usus, and have to e1ther repent and return, where you'11 a1ways be even more of an outcast than before-- 1f they even 1et you back 1n-- or try to make a111es w1th other apostate h1ghb1oods, 1f you can f1nd any, or hang out 1n warmer hued c1rc1es, hop1ng that your b1ood co1or doesn't scare tro11s off.
1t's pretty norma1 to be /rea11y/ wary of a h1ghb1ood, after a11 w1th the who1e... everyth1ng about h1ghb1ood cu1ture, not even cons1der1ng everyth1ng re1ated to the fa1th.
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What is your favorite lusus naturae?
<^..^>(That *s a good quest*on…)_S
<:3(*t’s…for sent*mental reasons, * suppose, but aquat*c-furred noodlebeasts mean a lot to me. Not a favor*te, though, * th*nk.)~
<^..^>(* also have have a cur*os*ty for a var*ety of purrbeasts and d*fferent sorts of feathered songbeasts. They have a lot of var*ance.)_S
<“((Maybe * do not have a favor*te.((><
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<^..^>(No need to apolog*ze. You seem to be do*ng very well for, what * am guess*ng *s, only having known about Grumblr for a short wh*le.)_S
<“((You are correct. And thank you. Please do reach out *f you have more quest*ons that Goregle’s answers won’t suff*ce?((><
Hello, did you ever discover what that odd trunked beast was? Its visage discomforts me and I would like to understand it. @unlikelyultimatum
<:3(* d*d not...)~
<:3(*t’s v*sage greatly unnerves me as well.)~
<:3(* am assum*ng *t may be a lusus of some sort or var*ety. *t does not look r*ght though…)~
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<“((There *s bas*c *nformat*on that may be garnered from a qu*ck Goregle search. Though there are many books that center, or s*mply ment*on, lusus var*et*es. You may have more luck w*th try*ng the*r plural of lus**, or the broader and more sc*ent*f*c term of lusus naturae.((><
<^..^>(* assume you are from someplace *n wh*ch lus** are absent?)_S
Hello, did you ever discover what that odd trunked beast was? Its visage discomforts me and I would like to understand it. @unlikelyultimatum
<:3(* d*d not...)~
<:3(*t’s v*sage greatly unnerves me as well.)~
<:3(* am assum*ng *t may be a lusus of some sort or var*ety. *t does not look r*ght though…)~
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Hello, did you ever discover what that odd trunked beast was? Its visage discomforts me and I would like to understand it. @unlikelyultimatum
<:3(* d*d not...)~
<:3(*t’s v*sage greatly unnerves me as well.)~
<:3(* am assum*ng *t may be a lusus of some sort or var*ety. *t does not look r*ght though…)~
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<“((*t *s apprec*ated, * bel*eve.((><
<:3(…* dare to ask, what…*s your banner…?)~
<:3(what *s that? *s *t a creature…? *. what…?)~
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<“((you’re welcome. * th*nk.((><
<:3(…* dare to ask, what…*s your banner…?)~
<:3(what *s that? *s *t a creature…? *. what…?)~
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📺 <^..^>( <:3( )~ )_S
<:3(…* dare to ask, what…*s your banner…?)~
<:3(what *s that? *s *t a creature…? *. what…?)~
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<:3(…* dare to ask, what…*s your banner…?)~
<:3(what *s that? *s *t a creature…? *. what…?)~
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<:3(…* dare to ask, what…*s your banner…?)~
<:3(what *s that? *s *t a creature…? *. what…?)~
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<:3( )~
<:3(…* dare to ask, what…*s your banner…?)~
<:3(what *s that? *s *t a creature…? *. what…?)~
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<:3(* don’t…th*nk that clar*f*ed anyth*ng…)~
<:3(…* dare to ask, what…*s your banner…?)~
<:3(what *s that? *s *t a creature…? *. what…?)~
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<“((* have not seen *t before, but that does not mean they’re not supposed to. *t may s*mply be uncommon.((><
-> heylo ! im like your 2t ar2 in your pinned po2t !
<^..^>(thank you)_S
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<^..^>(* d*dn’t know lus** could have t*tles)_S
-> heylo ! im like your 2t ar2 in your pinned po2t !
<^..^>(thank you)_S
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<^..^>(hm. cur*ous.)_S
-> heylo ! im like your 2t ar2 in your pinned po2t !
<^..^>(thank you)_S
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<^..^>(that *s unusual. *’m guess*ng you named your own lusus?)_S
-> heylo ! im like your 2t ar2 in your pinned po2t !
<^..^>(thank you)_S
#<‘’((regol*th reblog((><#ooc: don’t mind that this was reblogged thrice. typos and the internet my abhorred
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<^..^>(*t’s a general term for creatures *n the genus mus.)_S
<^..^>(fuzzy w*th furless ta*ls.)_S
<^..^>(do they not l*ve where you are?)_S
-> heylo ! im like your 2t ar2 in your pinned po2t !
<^..^>(thank you)_S
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