angstygrapesoda · 6 years
ppl think DID (or OSDD-1a/b) is all fun and with a bunch of anime characters, evil alters, and extremely diverse alters but its really just
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
spread the word that DID (dissociative identity disorder) is a very real disorder and traumagenic systems deserve respect and compassion for their struggles 
ok 2 rb if you dont have DID
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
Neurotypicals: Wakey, wakey! Eggs and bakey!
Me: Waking sensation, waking sensation. Booting Life Simulation and dissociation
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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the bun of spoons, in various forms, for all your additional bun of spoons imagery needs.
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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I keep having to explain to friends what I mean when I say,
“I am super low on spell slots.”
So, I made a graphic to explain it better.
Feel free to reblog but please keep credit [@SolarExalt] if you use it. :) 
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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Or, as it was put elsenet by the friend from whom I yoinked the above image, “I spent all my spoons polishing my spoons.”
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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There was a post going around a few days ago with a bunny surrounded by spoons and captioned that this was the Bun of Spoons and would grant extra spoons to those in need. I thought that “Bun of Spoons“ sounded like a tarot card. And then I thought, well now I want to make one. So I did. This is loosely based on the Nine of Wands.
a print of the painting is available here 
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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Eman Khan @punnysamosa breaks down the battery theory, an alternative to the Spoon Theory, that’s easier to understand and relate to.
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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To all of you out there suffering with some form of disability, keep on keeping on :) credit - The Latest Kate
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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when you actually have the energy to do something for once
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
Me: I’m disabled
Society: oh your body doesn’t work, but your mind does!! Just look at Steven Hawking!
Me, who brain fogged the word for salamander and instead used sloopy snake: …yeah
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
“Just lose weight” is bad medical advice, especially for chronically ill patients. Many chronic illnesses directly cause weight gain or make it too difficult to exercise. Doctors know this, but still tend to view a patient’s excess weight as the cause of their health problems rather than a symptom. They’re less likely to run important diagnostic tests on overweight patients and more likely to dismiss their health concerns. I’ve been taken more seriously by doctors since I lost a significant amount of weight, and that’s definitely not the way that things should be. 
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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A pygmy possum to brighten your day xx
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
“One of the major obstacles is that there continues to be, in the media and the general public, this trivialization and sensationalization of ADHD as an overblown problem that’s being over-treated. But, as we’re understanding more and more, this is a serious chronic problem that begins in childhood and persists into adulthood. For example, in our study, 80% of those individuals with persisting ADHD had other mental health diagnoses. And even for those whose ADHD didn’t persist, 47% still had another psychiatric diagnosis. We have got to create a system that’s designed to treat ADHD as a chronic health issue, not just a kid disorder.”
— William Barbaresi, MD, Director of the Developmental Medicine Center at Boston Children’s Hospital  (via adhighdefinition)
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
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angstygrapesoda · 6 years
that adhd feel when “maybe you’d focus better if you just got more sleep” but you couldn’t sleep because adhd 
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