angiiesano ยท 3 years
4 against 100.
The odds were not in their favor huh?
Takemitchi, Draken, Mitsuya, and Mikey stood facing around 100 men from Moebius. As Hanma finished giving his speech, multiple bikes were heard making their way towards them. The sound of an awe so familiar KTM 890. Parking their bikes one by one the members of the Tokyo Manji Gang made their way towards the four lead by a dark haired girl who was dressed in a royal blue kimono that was designed with sakura petals around the sleeves.
"So funny story. I was on my way here when all of a sudden "mikey" told me to meet him at the beach? Turns out it wasn't him and that someone hacked his number..anyways were here" standing right in front of Hanma the girl lazily looked up at him.
"Who the hell are you?" a grin spread across the girl's face. Just as she was about to respond the sound of more bikes were heard confusing everyone but her. "~My Angels are here~" lazily turning her head to the side she watched as the hundred men who followed her here split into two and made way for the 50 sum females that made their way towards her.
They were all dressed the same. Black skirts with stitched on shorts under and white tank tops that were covered by the black jackets they wore proudly on their back with the words "FALLEN ANGELS" stitched on in bold white topped off with white combat boots.
Turning around fully to face the girls she couldn't help but smile as they all bowed "Good Evening Megami" her smile turned into a grin and she made her way towards the girl who led the rest here "Tsumi what happened to just bringing 20 of you guys? There like 50 of you here" standing up straight, the said female grinned back at her leader. "Sorry I couldn't help it. They just wanted to have a little bit of fun" turning back around to face Hanma she grinned
"Lets dance"
Sitting on top of the 20 men that she had just taken down, Megami looked around at the chaos that was happening around her. Tsumi and Aria; her vice captions were both currently playing hot potato with 2 of the Moebius members. Scanning the area she saw Draken easily take down 4 members at once. Stepping down for the pile of men she made her way towards her friend. As she got closer she caught a glimpse of something shiny in the hands of one of the Tokyo Manji members.
Her eyes widened as she saw a knife making its way to her friend's back. Without wasting a second she jumped in front of him. Gasping slightly she stumbled back at the feeling of the cool blade piercing her insides. Chuckling softly Megami pulled the knife out of her stomach before tossing it to the side.
'I think that hit a vital organ-'
Coughing up blood she fell to her knees as she tilted her head up towards the sky. The rain dancing on her skin.
The cry of her first vice captain Tsumi caught the attention of the Tokyo Manji and The Fallen Angels. Smiling weakly, the said girl passed out. Not wasting any more time, Tsumi picked up a stick and beat anyone who was in her way as she made her way to Megami. "H-hey dumbass wake up d-don't sleep ya?" picking up the girl bridal style she stood up and looked around. "M-MEGAMI?".
The blue eye females irises locked with the shocked baby blue ones of our local crybaby hero. Running towards the two teens, Takemichi noticed the stab wound on the side of her stomach. Looking around he noticed a stunned Draken who looked down at the wounded female.
"DON'T JUST FUCKING STAND THEIR BALDY CALL FOR HELP" screaming at the tall boy Tsumi ran towards him and carfuly place Megami in his arms.
"You go and get her to a hospital... I'm going on a killing spree" without waiting for a response Tsumi went back to going the fight, knocking Moebius members out left and right with ease.
Putting the wounded girl on Takemitchi back, Draken shoved him forward before starting to make his way back towards the fight. Confused, Takemitchi looked back at him "I don't who the hell these girls are but I do know Aria and Tsumi and I know for a fact that if one of them get locked up for murder then Megami will raise hell on Japan so get her to a hospital before that happens" and with that he was gone. Carrying the girl on his back Takemitchi started to make his way to the main road.
Stopping dead in his tracks, Takemitchi turned around to meet the cold gaze on Manjiro Sano. Kicking yet another Moebius member down he spoke..
"If she dies..
I'll murder you and everyone you love...
Then I'll bring hell to Japan"
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angiiesano ยท 3 years
4- Hangout
3rd person POV
"Ayo piss blond open up"
The sound of a hand pounding on his door caught the attention of the 6 boys who sat in the said boy's room. "You know what i'm just gonna come in" stepping into the room she immediately pinched her nose "damn you guys smell like shit" waltzing into the room she dropped a bag of snacks on the boy's already destroyed puzzle causing him to cry out in horror.
"3 DAYS-"
Flopping down on the boy's bed she propped herself on her elbows and looked lazily at the ceiling. "Hey you wanna hangou-"
"You know I'm in here too right?" looking towards the voice she was met with the eyes of her second vice caption. Staring at him lazily for a good minute she rolled her eyes before looking towards Takemitchi once again
"Like I was saying you wanna hangou-"
"You can't ignore me forever you know?"
"Watch me" Getting up she grabbed the poor piss blond by his arm and dragged him out of the house. "Megami you can't Ignore me forever" rolling her eyes she pushed the door open and started to make her way across the yard "I SAID WATCH M-" stopping dead in her tracks she stared wide eyed as she held eye contact with her lover whom she had being avoiding and ignoring since the day the fight occurred.
"You have to talk to me sooner or lat-" also stopping dead in his tracks Draken couldn't help but scowl at the sight of his "friend"
"The hell are you doing here?"
"More like the hell're doing here?" sighing the the dark haired girl dragged the still bewildered Takemitchi."you might wanna stand aside" just as the words flew out her mouth a bike was thrown towards the taller male.
"Are you fucking insane?!"
Picking up a bat, Draken snapped in half and threw the two pieces towards Mikey. Only they didn't hit Mikey-
"Ow what the fuck"
Rubbing her forehead the black haired girl glared at the shocked male. Picking up a skateboard she she lazily looked up at the male before throwing the board up and kicking it towards him. The force of her kick snapped the board in half.
"YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT" joining in on the fight the 3 heads of the Tokyo Manji went back and forth. Throwing anything and everything in sight.
Once they finally stopped, the poor Takemitchi was distraught as all of his precious belongings were broken and destroyed. He went off at the leaders yelling at them and telling them how doing this would bring the people around them down. As he tried to go for the president she stepped aside causing him to fall into a pile of garbage.
Looking down at the piss blond she couldn't help but giggle.
"Ew stay away from me Takemitchy. You fucking shit head" laughing along with the vice-presidents ย she backed away for the blond. Grabbing Mikey's hand she dragged him out of the yard and started to run away.
"Kept that bullshit away from me"
"Oww stop pulling so hard"
"Wait hold on I'm almost finished-done"
Sitting back and smiling widely Mikey admired his work.sitting in between his legs Megami used her phone camera as a mirror as she tried to see what the hell her boyfriend did to her hair.
The blond had attempted to do his signature hairstyle with he black locks which in the end surprisingly didn't turn out that bad. Smiling softly the girl leaned her head back on Mikey's chest and started playing with his hands. Takemitchi stared at the two, noticing how much they truly cared for each other...
'I see why he lost it in the future
"So why did you three start fighting"
"I forgot"
They sat in silence for a while before the dark haired girl spoke up "but what I do know is that we're going to have a big ass party when Pah gets out" standing up the girl flashed the 3 males a closed eye smile before running towards the other boys to play soccer.
"Hey wait up"
As Mikey and Draken joined them Takemitchi stayed back and watched. Thinking about the events that happened up until now and how he had changed Drakens fate. As he sat up Hina and Emma appeared, grabbing the attention of Megami.
"EMMAAA-whoops oh shit" as she attempted to kick the ball towards Mikey she accidently hit one of Takemitchi's friends in the head with it. Hard. walking away as if she didn't just give someone possible head trauma the girl ran towards Emma and wrapped her arms and legs around the girl clinging onto her like a Koala.
"I'm not ignoring your brother anymore so you don't have to keep sneaking out to see me"
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angiiesano ยท 3 years
3- Angels
Megami's POV
After leaving the shrine and somehow convincing Mikey to let me go on a "ride" alone I made my way to my final destination. I parked in front of an abandoned orphanage and made my way towards the double doors with bold black letters graffitied on them
Fallen Angel's
Opening the doors I was greeted with about 200 sets of eyes. Seeing all their beautiful faces made me more happy than words could explain.
200 beautiful girls.
200 saved souls.
200 Angel's.
And I was their God.
"Good evening Megami"
"Good evening ladies. Now let's get started with our meeting" we all made our way to the cafeteria and sat down. 6 girls. 6 who I held dearest to my heart sat on either side of me. Once everyone was settled down the meeting commenced.
"~ahh my little angels.. a little birdie told me that a certain gang of high schoolers will be decayed~"
"I need you to call off the fight"
The four boys in front of him stood shocked at his statement.
"I would of asked Megami but some tall dude with braids told me that if I said her name again he would put me 6 feet und-"
"Not if I do it first"
Takemitchi received a punch to the face which was enough to send the poor boy stumbling back causing him to trip on nothing but air and land on his ass. He kept insisting that the fight should be called off which ended up starting a small argument between the gang's two vice captions.
Just before things could escalate any further a certain gang decided to make themselves known.
"Would you mind not saying our name like that?"
Seeing the man responsible for the pain that was put onto his friend and his friends' loved ones. Pah ran towards him hoping to land a punch just for the boy named Osanai to dodge his attack and land one to the Pah's face.
"Nothing but a bunch of middle schoolers"
"Tokyo Manji gang? More like middle school alliance"
Snapping his fingers twice called forth his "army". High schoolers with bats, sticks and bulky arms made their way into the warehouse. They surrounded the group of 5 boys giving them no way out.
"This is war"
"I'm sorry Mikey.. I'm such a pussy" hanging onto the last bit of consciousness he had left Pah apologized to his leader. Chuckling softly Mikey was about to reply when a familiar voice was heard.
"Stupid boy you haven't lost"
The new voice caused everyone to turn around and look back at the entrance. Grabbing a stick from one of the boys she swung it at their head before pointing it at the others daring them to try her. Finally making her way to the two familiar men she threw the stick behind her causing it to hit yet another unfortunate soul.
"I'm proud of you Pah"
Ruffling the said boy hair she took him from the arms of her boyfriend before setting him on a rock before making her way to her lover's side who was now in front of Osanai. Swiping her leg under his she punched the boy in the scrotum before stepping aside and letting her lover do his infamous kick to the falling teens head. Once he was on the ground the dark haired girl spit on him before looking up to the tens of boys that stood in front of her. Eyes so cold she could give frostbites with a glare. Equaling her glare her lover spoke up.
"Anyone who thinks Pah-chin lost so I can kill you" as no one spoke up, the girl decided to let it be known.
"The Tokyo Manji Gang belongs to me. anyone behind me will never lose" sighing softly a certain baldy shook his head at his friends antics. "Nothing ever stops you two huh?" a sheepish grin spread across the girl's face as she turned around and held up a peace sign flashing her friend her signature closed eye smile.
"Sorry I couldn't help myself- You guys should see the looks on your faces HAHA. what you never seen a girl lead a gang?"
As she and Mikey let their guards down Osanai took that to his advantage as he broke a bottle and made his way to the two. Not wasting a second Draken kneed the teen in the stomach causing him to completely blackout.
"Your boss was beaten by our boss Megami. DOES ANYONE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT? If not then for now one Moebious will be affiliated with the Tokyo Manji Gang
Waking up in the hospital was not how Takemichi Hanagaki ย thought that day would end. As he woke up to the intoxicating smell of rubbing alcohol and white lights he was informed by a Girl named Emma about what went down after he passed out.
Pah stabbed Osanai
Pah got arrested
Mikey and Draken were fighting
And Megami refused to talk to anyone until they both made up.
How the hell was he supposed to save their asses now?
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angiiesano ยท 3 years
As they were on their way out a certain pink haired girl made her way up to them. She pulled the piss blond behind her before delivering a slap to the face of the blond with a knot. No one said a word. The silence was loud and the tension so thick it could cut. Then a laugh ran through everyone's ears. Everyone turned to face the dark haired girl who was pointing and laughing at her lover.
"Damn she left a mark just like me" she walked towards the boy before pulling him down by his ear and kissing his cheek and making her way out of the school "What did you say your name was? Hinata? Well I like you Hina so let's be friends okay?" The dark haired girl made her way out of the building followed by the love struck "invincible Mikey" draken and Takemitchy who was followed out by Hina.
"Uh who are they?"
"The president and vice presidents of the Tokyo Manji"
"And who did I slap?"
"The vice president"
"Oh no" as soon as those words left the boys mouth the young pink haired girl quickly made her way to the still love struck boy and apologized profusely. Shrugging it off the young boy said that he understood and that he would do the same for the person he loved.
Hopping on her bike the girl clipped on her helmet before looking back at the boys
"I gotta go over to Mitsuya's for something so don't wait up for me"
Without waiting for a response the girl started her bike before speeding off to her friend's school.
"~Heyyy Mitsuyyaaa hurry uuppp" the very impatient dark haired girl was at the gates of the lilac haired boys school waving her arms in the air as she saw him just leave the building and make his way towards her. "You really are impatient are you?" he ruffled the girl's hair before leaning on the back of her bike.
"yea whatever do you have it? Please tell me you have it" " yea I do it's right he-" without even letting the boy finish what he needed to say the girl tore his school bag from his grasp and ripped it open. She dumped out all his school books as she made her way to the bottom of the bag. Then she found it.
"Oh thats sick"
In her hands was her new Toman uniform. It was designed differently from the boys uniform and had a very different design. Instead of pants she had a skirt which would make it a lot easier for her to move around. Along with the skirt there was a white cropped tank top with the Manji symbol right in the middle but those two weren't what she was looking at. What she really wanted to see was her jacket.
And it was perfect.
The jacket reached down to her calves and rested perfectly on her shoulders. On the back of her jacket Toman was placed in between her shoulder blades. Below it on her lower back was the Manji symbol. Surrounding it were waves of sakura petals that went around the sleeves of the jacket all the way to the bottom.
"I could marry you" the dark haired girl ran towards the boy and embraced him into a tight hug. She ruffled his hair before hopping on her bike and fixing her helmet.
Sighing as he bent down to pick up the books the girl had dropped on the floor the lilac haired boy packed his bag before flinging it on his shoulder and walking towards his house which was quite a distance away.
"She was supposed to give me a ride home"
About a week had passed since that very chaotic day and it was time for a very important meeting. Takemitchy was invited to this meeting but had to bring his girlfriend along. But ended up being left behind by her as she found out he almost slept with someone else.
Everyone was already at the meeting spot and they were currently on one person before they started their meeting.
All the captains, vice captains and the vice presidents waited at the foot of the shrine for her.
Then it could be heard.
'Shes here'
Parking swiftly she hopped off her bike Megami Shi stood tall. Walking past a beaten up Takemitchy she started to make her way up the shrine with Mikey and Draken in tow. As she reached the top of the hill around a hundred men bowed down at a perfect 90 degree angle as their leader made her way to her seat.
"Good evening Toman"
As the said girl neared her seat all the division captions that were all in tow started to line up on either side of her "good evening boys. ~Now let's get down to business shall we~" as she sat down her first and second vice-captions commenced the meeting. They discussed moebius and how they had assaulted Pah's friend and his girlfriend. Pah was given a choice. To back down or to fight. Obviously he chose to fight.
As the meeting was nearing its end she stood up causing everyone to stare.
"On August 3rd we'll crush moebius"
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angiiesano ยท 3 years
1- 12 years
3rd person POV
Now he remembered.
Takemichi had just returned from a quick trip from the future to inform his partner Naoto of his progress. While he was there he did his research and looked deeper into the actual head of the Tokyo Manji.
Megami Haitani
It took them 2 days to find something. But that something wasn't good.
August 20th 2005
A 15 year old girl was targeted and shot 3 times in the stomach in front of the Sano residence. She was found by her boyfriend and was rushed to the hospital. succumbed to her injuries and later died.
It was later found out by police that she was targeted by a gang. No charges were filed.
Killed? The leader of the Tokyo Manji gang was killed 12 years ago? He had so many questions that could only be answered by a hand shake.
Takemichi Hanagaki had 2 missions
To stop the death of Ryuko Ken on august 3rd
Then to stop the death of Megami Shi on August 20th
How hard could it be?
"~hey heeyyyy Takemitchyyyy over hereeee Kenchin, Mikeyy why won't he come to meee~" "~yea why won't he come to uss~" The said boy stood shocked and confused as he saw the 3 heads of the Tokyo Manji outside his classroom door. His confusion turned to fear when the tallest out of the three, Draken started making his way towards him with the dark haired girl clung onto his upper body and the blond boy onto his lower. The half bald boy with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head towered over the piss blond before grabbing him by the collar and dragging him out the classroom.
"Look he's here" the dark haired girl on his back lifted her head. As soon as she saw the piss blond she jumped off the tall boy's back and grabbed the arm of his lover before making her way to the still very confused Hanagaki. "~Oi Mikey he's heree~"
The said boy had a smile plastered on his face as he made his way closer to the piss blond.
"~Ne Takemitchy lets hang out~"
Short chapter:)
please feel free to comment any ideas for filler chapters:))
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angiiesano ยท 3 years
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angiiesano ยท 3 years
Authors note
Kindly follow me on wattpad @-Angiiesano if you would like to read some of my other works :)
This will kind of seem more like a Tokyo revengers x reader/oc but i promise you this is a Mikey x reader/oc
This is an x reader. It OC is there to a) make it wayy easier for my to write
b) so I can put as much detail as possible. If the character doesn't act like you or doesn't look like you I'm sorry in advance
Non of the art belongs to me so credits go to the amazing artist.
Ngl the first few chapters kinda ate shit but I promise it gets better
The characters and the plot of Tokyo Revenger's does not belong to me. all credits go to Ken Wakui.
I will roughly be following the plot and will mainly be going with my own. be aware there will be some spoilers.
Warning ย this story will contain the following:
Possible Character deaths
Possible smut
K*saki slander :)
This is your only warning.
Enjoy :)
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angiiesano ยท 3 years
Character description
Megami Haitani
Age: 15/16
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1
Birthday: August 27th 1990
Personality/backstory: Megami is the youngest Haitani sibling. She is very smart . when she was younger she would she Mikey and Baji fight a lot so one day she joined them. how? by beating them both up. although they 3 of them grew up together her and Mikey grew closer causing them to have deeper feelings then intended. They started dating on her 13th birthday and haven't been apart since.
She was the one that came up with the idea of a gang and told her idea to Baji who helped her tell her idea to their friends. although from afar it may look like Toman is Manjiro's gang as he is the one everyone see's and/or hears about when Toman is mentioned Megami is running the whole Gang from the shadows.
She moved out of her parents home to live with her older brothers but usually seen sleeping over at some of the members houses (mostly Mikey, Baji, Aand Chifuyu) .
Megami is extremely protective of her friends and their loved ones and would anything and everything to protect them.
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angiiesano ยท 3 years
Two blond boys one with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head and the other a small boy he followed. Mikey and Draken. The two had just stopped at a fight club and were about to leave when they heard footsteps approaching them. As them and everyone around them turned around they all quickly got down to their knees and put their heads to the ground. "Well well well..what do we have here? A fight club? And I wasn't invited? What a shame" Her long black hair swayed as she walked and her cold grey eyes cut deeper than a knife. "Ne Kenchin, Mikey you guys were taking so long" Kiyomasa stood tall as toman neared him a very beat up piss blond and the two said boys. He half bowed and opened his mouth to talk when. The sound of a palm making a strong impact to a cheek was heard "Have you no respect?" Kiyomasa stood with his head turnt as Mikey delivered a powerful slap to his face. A red hand print visible as day. The dark haired beauty paid no mind to the dark haired boy and walked straight up to the blond one. Using one hand the girl pulled the slightly taller boys face down to hers and connected their lips. "Hurry up and let's go" as they pulled apart she pecked his nose before walking towards the piss blond boy behind him. "Who are you?" "T-takemichi h-hanagaki" "Okay Takemitchy you're my bitch. cya" Without waiting for a response the dark haired beauty turned around and started walking away. She grabbed the arm of her friend Draken and the arm of her boyfriend Mikey and started to make her way out of the park. As she made it to the top of the hill she stopped and slightly looked back at the tens of boys still bowing down at her. "If I hear about this little fight club shit again...I'll kill you all" As soon as she was out of sight, Takemichi's friends made their way to him. "Who was that?" "Megami Haitani , the actual head of the Tokyo Manji but they know her as Toman"
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angiiesano ยท 3 years
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