angietumblz · 5 years
Hey remember my store! Of the Prague Race merch there are still left;
one dragon postcard,
three Miko Pam werewolf posters,
and two Bonny posters!
They all come with a personalized sketch, so if you want one of the last PRace merch left, remember to request a fav character in the check out! It can be a Tigers character too~
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angietumblz · 5 years
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angietumblz · 5 years
I can give you anything you wish for,he said, leaning over her and blocking out the sun.
He didn’t have a shadow, she thought, pen pressed into paper as she pretended it didn’t terrify her. As if she wasn’t so glad she’d been proven right.
But instead, she only smiled and replied, what if I have no wishes?
All mortals have wishes
So, I’ve heard, do the wild folk. She leant forwards, smiling. You wish to be mortal, you wish for our words. You wish to feel as deeply as we do, you wish you could make wonders that outlast yourself.
You act as if you know us, but do you not wish to be us also? He asked, so softly she knew she’d hit her mark. Oh, to play with the fey was a dangerous game, but she’d always been good at cheating.
Maybe I’m already more magic than mortal. He flinched. Her smile widened. Maybe I’m a fair folk who has learnt to dream. Maybe that is why I do not wish, but hear them singing from your cold heart instead.
Impossible, he told her, but she saw fear in his eyes
Care to make a wager? She said to him, daring a faery in a way she was taught never to do
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angietumblz · 5 years
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this post aged like a fine wine
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angietumblz · 5 years
dude seeing these Mega high quality images of the surface of mars that we now have has me fucked up. Like. Mars is a place. mars is a real actual place where one could hypothetically stand. It is a physical place in the universe. ITS JUST OUT THERE LOOKING LIKE UH IDK A REGULAR OLD DESERT WITH LOTS OF ROCKS BUT ITS A WHOLE OTHER PLANET? 
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angietumblz · 5 years
FYI the Best Bully Sticks Excess Inventory Sale is happening right now and a shitload of awesome chews/treats are 50% off (PLUS get another $20 off using code BBS20)
A particularly good steal are the 5-6in trachea which are great for stuffing & freezing (75 packs are $40 holy shit) and mega cow ears for just over $3 each
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angietumblz · 5 years
big noses and (naturally) thick eyebrows are some of the most beautifully striking features a person can have and they’re basically a Look that you get to wear all the time and anyone who makes you think they’re a liability rather than the asset they are is ridiculous and wrong and i will personally fight them for you
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angietumblz · 5 years
Corgi on a Carousel
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angietumblz · 5 years
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Little Vampire
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angietumblz · 5 years
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Once upon a time…a long time ago… 🌾
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angietumblz · 5 years
REALLY wish that super hero movies/shows would like, go back to using secret identities as an actual thing instead of either just not having them or have them only be there in the most bare minimum hand wavy way they can
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angietumblz · 5 years
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Hello, hello! Hello, hello! Hello, it’s baby Luca!
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angietumblz · 5 years
Oh look it’s all my life on tumblr represented as a comic on tumblr!
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angietumblz · 5 years
It might be digressing... but this might be why I loved Tumblr so much.
It was a seemingly endless place full of things to learn more about, projects to try, things to experiment with...
Just reading it all felt like I was doing something. So in my case it’s not all good. It distracted me from actually trying things. But that’s not really relevant atm
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Feeling empty or your feeling you mood darken? You might be very unstimulated.
I know its hard to find something that truly interests you; I’ve only found it recently (its this: my blogs and such), but keep trying different things. I know its hard but you won’t find it unless you keep looking.
- DEPRESSION: Is It ADHD, Depression, or Both?, ADDitude
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angietumblz · 6 years
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I’ve officially re-launched my patreon!
After taking a pause I’ve remade, revitalized, and re-worked my patreon and I’m ready to go again and I hope y’all are too!
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As is the experience of many 90’s kids now turned working adults, on top of being an artist I also work a day job 5 days a week to pay bills. While I’m privileged to have job security, it is a very physically taxing job and taking time off isn’t easy because of my position. So the little free time I do have is worn thin between resting+recovering from a work week , I would love to have more time on my hands to devote to art projects+comics I wanna do! Having a patreon would be a good start to gain a little more income from something that I love to do every day! While I can’t get a “Real Art Job” I can reach a level of income off my art where I can cut down my hours at work and devote more time to my life-long passion. As my patreon builds I’ll be able to offer bigger rewards and tiers!
HOW THIS PATREON WILL WORK “But Michael how do you expect to run a fully fledged patreon with this really demanding day job?? Won’t you just be stressed out more??”
As of March 20th 2019 there will be only one pledge tier: $1. You can pledge whatever amount to my patreon that you want, adjust your pledge to suit your financial needs, and you won’t miss out on any content! With the things I offer for your contribution I can accomplish, though they aren’t as big or impressive as most patreon rewards. But you get to be flexible with your wallet, and I can deliver consistent content in a more casual way!
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? “Hmmm, yeah your work is pretty impressive and all, but why should I give you my money?” Well on top of being a nice person who’s helping an LGBT+ artist work on his passions more, you also get THIS:
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WiPs (Works in Progress) - See what I’m currently working on and what stage of completion it’s in! Like a super secret sneak peak
Early Access - You get to see everything before the general public! Illustrations, speedpaints, comic pages, the works!
Free Art .PDFs - I’ll release things like mini-comics, zines, and complied sketches and concept art for you guys for free!
Becoming a part of my mailing list
Possibly a patron-exclusive discord server? (TBD)
(please rb and spread it around!)
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angietumblz · 6 years
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Hello Everyone!!! My kickstarter is now down to 7 days left!
To thank everyone who has pledged so far I’m giving away two stickers to everyone receiving pins!
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I’ve also created a small patch!  It will be available on my etsy soon, but I’m giving a discount on it to any Kickstarter backers!  So it can be added on to any pin pledge for $2 more!
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Thank you to everyone so far!  Also reblogs are very very very much appreciated!
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angietumblz · 6 years
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Hello Everyone!!! My kickstarter is now down to 7 days left!
To thank everyone who has pledged so far I’m giving away two stickers to everyone receiving pins!
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I’ve also created a small patch!  It will be available on my etsy soon, but I’m giving a discount on it to any Kickstarter backers!  So it can be added on to any pin pledge for $2 more!
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Thank you to everyone so far!  Also reblogs are very very very much appreciated!
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