A List of "Beautiful" Words: Black
for your next poem/story
Atramentous - black as ink
Darksomeness - dark
Duskiness - somewhat dark in color
Ebony - black, dark
Melanism - an increased amount of black or nearly black pigmentation (as of skin, feathers, or hair) of an individual or kind of organism
Melanotic - having or characterized by black pigmentation
Midnight - deep or extended darkness
Niello - any of several black enamel-like alloys usually of sulfur with silver, copper, and lead
Obsidian - a dark natural glass formed by the cooling of molten lava
Raven - shiny and black like a raven's feathers
Sable - the color black
Sloe - the small dark globose astringent fruit of the blackthorn
Swarthiness - of a dark color, complexion, or cast
Swartness - swarthy
Tar - a dark brown or black bituminous usually odorous viscous liquid obtained by destructive distillation of organic material (such as wood, coal, or peat)
More: Lists of Beautiful Words ⚜ Word Lists ⚜ Dark
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Being a pro censorship ao3 user is so insanely cringe. Either use the (incredibly effective and well designed) filtering system to avoid seeing the shit you don't like or stop complaining. Leave the pro censorship rhetoric to Wattpad or smth
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How can I become a writer?
But I don't know where to start.
But I'm worried.
What if nobody likes it?
What if it's not very good?
Write. Write. WRITE. WRITE.
Write. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write.
Write write write
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Yes, I do comment on every single piece of fanfiction I enjoy because that's the social contract I was raised in fandom under.
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I know "60s housewives who invented slash fanfiction" has taken on a life of its own as a phrase, but Kirk/Spock didn't really exist until the 70s and THOSE WOMEN HAD JOBS. They were teachers and librarians and bookkeepers and scientists and they damn well spent their own money going to conventions, printing zines, buying fanart and making fandom happen. Put some respect on their names.
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minecraft villager: hrn…
everybody out loud: hrn..
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To anyone who has kudos'd my fics (especially my fucked up porn) please know I mentally high-fived you when I got the email notice
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You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
You WILL write your WIP
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Do you think people who are virgin should write smut? I feel like most of them don’t even know what they’re writing and just write what they think sex is
the implication this ask suggests that people who write about murders, cannibalism, politics, magic, royalty au, sci-fi, wars, supernatural, time travel, medieval era, werewolves, vampires, mermaids or goblins must be murderers, cannibals, presidents, wizards, royalties, astronauts, ghost hunters, soldiers, time travelers, knights, werewolves, vampires, mermaids or goblins in real life is so funny to me
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Ao3 does not need an algorithm, you're just lazy
Ao3 does not need a 1-5 star rating system, you just want to bring down authors writing for FREE
Ao3 does not need automatic censorship, it is an archive, therefore anything can be posted
Writing or reading about something illegal does not mean the author nor the reader condones it, if that were true, you could never read a story involving anything negative
Purity culture is ruining fan culture and you all are fucking annoying
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'he would not fucking say that' maybe he would if he knew he was starring in his very own porn fic for the sole purpose of delighting some freaks on archive of our own dot org. maybe he'd play it up for the cameras. ever consider that
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enemies-to-psychosexually obsessed with each other. more of that
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fanfic writers are so fucking awesome man. they write novel length fics that are sometimes even better than some published bestselling books written by professional writers. like fanfic writers are professional writers to me and they gift us their masterpieces for free. they give us something we can look forward to after a long day. something from which we can seek comfort when life is hard. something that can be our own little getaway. in a world of capitalism, despite everything, they give us all of these for free. like holy fuck. shout out to every fanfic writer. I wish all fanfic writers a very ‘I love you with all my heart and soul. I thank you from the bottom of my heart’
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i didn't say it was good, i said it has bewitched me body and soul
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There are two types of writers:
1. 'It's fiction, it doesn't need to make sense!'
2. 'I didn't account for the rotation of the planet and how that affects the constalations while my characters stargazed at different times of year, I have failed as a writer, and this entire thing is trash'
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