angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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late jun’s birthday / valentine’s day pic i guess
haven’t seen anyone draw him in the pierl belmond dress yet so
here we are
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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otp edition
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
You will find a set of four tea bowls delicately designed with a variety of flowers against the muted clay. Each contain fresh chawanmushi, ingredients differing between the tea bowls. There are no notes attached aside from "Happy birthday". You can probably guess who they're from.
Mahogany eyes widened in bewilderment upon discovering the tea bowl set, gaze setting on the embroidered flowers, fingers absent-mindedly tracing their contours before finally taking in the cooked dishes inside of them. Even though his lips curled into a smile upon seeing the present, Jun had no idea who could have offered him those, not being able to recall anyone who might be a chief among his acquaintances even though he couldn't shake off the feeling that the gift indeed was from someone he knew.
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"Thank you. I really appreciate it." Though he wished he could express his gratitude directly to the one who had not only recalled his birthday but had also wished to handle him a present, the task might prove to be hard as he didn't even know whom to seek out. He would recall the kind gesture nonetheless.
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
A frantic female came rushing to the poor boy. Her hug was so strong one could only think that something was horribly wrong. And that it truly was "Jun-kuuun! I'm sooo-oo sorry! I was so busy yesterday I remembered about your birthday too laaate!"
Upon seeing Maya running toward him, a seemingly distressed look on her face, Jun’s lips curled into a smile as he truly was happy to see her after all this time, more-so since it had been his birthday the previous day. Even though she was now crushing him in his arms, he returned the hug… with less strength nonetheless. 
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"It’s ok big-sis!" A reassuring voice uttered though the raven-haired boy didn’t hide his joy to receive a birthday wish, even one day late, as he simply was glad that she had recalled it in the first place. "Thank you!"
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
From the Stars and Beyond || Jun @angeljoker
answer to this, happy birthday Jun ! ☆
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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i found an excuse for not going to sleep and drew this really quick
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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((I really hate to do that but I'm fastly loosing motivation to RP Jun so I will put this blog on hiatus until further notice. I'm aware it's the worst time possible to do that considering it's his birthday in two weeks and a half but I am not willing to force myself for RPing. I will try to do something for February 14th (his birthday) but I can't make any guarantees. (I will definitely respond to asks if I receive some though!) Apologies to all my RP partners and followers! Don't hesitate to ask for my other RP blogs if you are interested in RPing with me! Take care!))
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
"What happened? Where are we?"
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"I have no idea. This is..." Mahogany eyes widened in confusion, his head turning left and right as Jun tried to comprehend the very situation he had found himself in. This room, golden walls ornamented by Mayan scriptures as well glowing neon lights at their bottom, complex patterns drawn upon the floor, was very familiar to him though he hadn't believed he would ever be back here. 
"...Xibalba? Why here of all places?" The raven-haired boy inquired, more to himself that to the girl standing at his side, a stranger who hardly looked human from the quick glance he had given her when she had uttered her queries. However, knowing of her identity was, to him, less vital for the time being, than the fact that they were standing right in the middle of a room of this tower, in this very place where their most negative thoughts could become reality.
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
To Jun's greatest relief, not needing to turn his head back in order to catch a glimpse behind him, Chronos could now feel that only one presence remained after the launch of his attacks, the raven-haired boy assuming that the shadowy figures he had seen earlier, that most likely had been summoned by his pursuer, had vanished. Not only that but, even though Ratatosk was an Immortal, it would seem the Persona-user's desperate attacks had considerably slowed him down, the paralysis that had prevented him from moving as he normally would earlier slowly fading away as well.
Not sensing the redhead in immediate vicinity, Jun kept heading down and though he had encountered a few guards along the way, they had been ignorant of his presence and getting past them had been child's play compared to the chase that had just occurred. It would seem he had also managed to avoid Nidhoggr and Hresvelgr as well so far even if he was ready for an immediate fight as he believed things were almost doing too well for him at this very moment.
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However, upon stumbling upon yet another set of stairs, a red circle on the floor at the bottom of it, standing right in the middle of a large hall, caught his eyes and the raven-haired boy couldn't help but wonder whether this was the exit he had been looking for thought it seemed... too simple, recalling the mention a way that couldn't be opened without a great deal of power the Persona-User didn't possess. Jun nonetheless hurried down the stairs toward it, especially since he could now feel the immortal's presence dangerously nearing him, stopping right in front of the teleporter as this floor was a dead-end, turning his head toward Ratatosk, readying his Persona if another battle was to occur.
Dark Castle || manipulative-sciuridae
This boy had a light-based attack up his sleeve?!  This would put quite a dent in his plans for sure.  Hitting the puppeteer caused the shadowy fakes to disappear, and let him wide-open as he was trying to recover from that severe blow.  Seems the boy unleashed it again, as it didn’t give Ratatosk much time to recover before he was hit yet again.  At this rate, his target would get away!
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It took a moment, but he recovered and continued to give chance.  Though, a few more hits from that and he’d have no choice but to let the boy go.  He could only take so much, and a powerful and highly-effective attack such as that would do quite a number on him if he let himself get hit tool many times.  He continued after Jun, but the damage was obvious in the fact Ratatosk didn’t move as fast as he did before, and his clothes looked a bit messy now from those hits.  At this point, they were on the floor of the elevator, and if the boy got in, things were over with for the Immortal in his attempt to add to his collection.
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angeljoker-blog · 11 years
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Aizen Sosuke | Leader of the Arrancar army
"To trust in another is the same as to rely upon that person. Reliance is for the weak. It is of no use to us."
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