angeliaxy · 4 years
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AWWWWW BAKEHYUNNN. XIUMINNNN (yes I’m an exol~) so yeah I got the same result as you True LOLOLOL
Something fun to end the day ~
(this was inspired by a post I saw earlier on my recommended,it was for artists but I'm changing it to ikemen boys (or girls works either way)
No cheating okies 👀
" Your parents owe a debt to a family, and to pay it off, you're told to marry their eldest child. "
The last Character's picture you saved is the Eldest child and using the first letter of that Character's name post the fifth gif that comes up, that will be your reaction.
This is mine
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*wheezes* Where did I start in this story? 😂😂 I'm not complaining since it's Idia but WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BE ENCOURAGING HIM ABOUT?
Reblog with your results! Anyone can join with any Fandom too! Goodluck lmao
Tagging people I hope finds this interesting 😂 (You don't have to if you don't want to!)
@ceo-of-lions @yandere-romanticaa @delusional-obsessions @princess-opal-essence @minteasketches @yandere-wishes
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angeliaxy · 4 years
TRUEEEE I’m dying, omg the coincidence of another EXACT same request hhahahahahahahahaha So HERE I COME, prepare for my screaming lololol~
but he was enjoying holding you off. Perhaps a little too much.
WELP, this is why I love Lucien xD
His quiet laughter was like music, his hot breath upon your ear as he pushed a lock of hair away from your cheek, fingertip grazing the newly exposed skin while you buried the rest of your face in his wool coat.
THIS PART IS BEAUTIFUL TRUE OMG!!!! his laughter, his hot breath, his touch. THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR MY HEART. I have a lot of feeels right now aaaaaaaa
It was excruciatingly sexy, watching his bedroom eyes follow the path he took as he spoke to you in a hushed whisper, his small, satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his own sensual mouth with each word.
I...... I’m DEAD, I......... OhMy... Lucien. I completely can FEEL THIS HAPPENING I.........
and laid that damn finger against your lips again, tracing his second path. You opened your mouth and flicked your tongue over his fingertip then sucked it into his mouth, eyes challenging him with a mischievous glint.
I LOVE THIS. SO DAMN MUCH. it balances Lucien’s teasing and I love this kind of dynamic so I just *HEART EYES AT THIS SCENE*
You released him, teeth tugging at his bottom lip before you released and moved to bury yourself in his chest again, his ragged breath stirring the hair on top of your head.
FEELS. FEELS. TOO MANY FEELS. Geez.. I almost can feel the last sentence, no, I ACTUALLY FEEL IT and..... RIP me.
IT’S NOT ‘OMG’ anymore but. OML. OHMYLUCIEN.
I’m.... DEAD from Lucien feels. THANKS TO YOU TRUE...this is both beautiful and feelsy!!~ saves this for rereading materials~ ;) *goes to daydream about Lucien* xDDDD
for prompt kiss: 28 + Lucien please. I'm in the mood for more Lucien feels~ xD
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28. One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss
"Lucien, please," you whimpered, lashes batting against his cheek as you curled against him for warmth. You were seated together on public transit, on your way to see a show. The single pane windows on the bus did little to chase away the bitter cold of winter air outside, and you were in the middle of a shameless, desperate attempt to get Lucien to kiss you, but he was enjoying holding you off. Perhaps a little too much.
His quiet laughter was like music, his hot breath upon your ear as he pushed a lock of hair away from your cheek, fingertip grazing the newly exposed skin while you buried the rest of your face in his wool coat. “I’m afraid I can’t help you,” he teased, combing his fingers through your hair and resting them at the nape of your neck, applying subtle pressure to keep you in place against him.
“But we’re the only people on here. And since when are you against kissing me in public, anyway?” you said, lifting your chin in defiance. 
His eyes held yours, and slowly, slowly, he traced a fingertip over your mouth, starting with your cupid’s bow. It was excruciatingly sexy, watching his bedroom eyes follow the path he took as he spoke to you in a hushed whisper, his small, satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his own sensual mouth with each word.
“That’s not entirely true, silly girl. The bus driver is here. And with his big...wide...mirror...he simply has to look up...and see us...should I choose to kiss you here.” Once his circuit was complete, he paused and pressed a thumb against your bottom lip, tugging your chin up to bring your face closer to his. “We can’t have him distracted and cause an accident.”
You moved forward in an attempt to kiss him, but he held you at bay, gentle pressure applied to your shoulders as he chuckled and laid that damn finger against your lips again, tracing his second path. You opened your mouth and flicked your tongue over his fingertip then sucked it into your mouth, eyes challenging him with a mischievous glint. He withdrew the digit, your lips making a soft popping sound before you giggled, watching a faint blush bloom just above his cheekbones. 
“Stop teasing. Why are you so cruel?” you whined. 
“I’m not. It’s a matter of perception,” he chided. “Do you not feel warm when I touch you?” He reached out his finger for a third time, but before he could make contact, you lunged forward and sealed your mouth over his, grasping fistfuls of the collar of his coat to pull him close. His surprised grunt was lost somewhere on your tongue as it slipped over his. 
You released him, teeth tugging at his bottom lip before you released and moved to bury yourself in his chest again, his ragged breath stirring the hair on top of your head.
“Mmm….warm now,” you sang, quite satisfied with yourself
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angeliaxy · 4 years
Hey hi hello! I’ve read every single one of your works and they are incredible, I’ve had an amazing time writing them! I would like to know if maybe you can recommend other blogs with some good writing (especially MLQC)? I have a lot of free time now so reading fcs and HCs is my only saviour! You’re amazing! Thank you in advance! 💕
First of all, THANK YOU. I'm astounded that you've read them all, and grateful that you've shared that with me!
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To get down to business, I need to add a disclaimer first. I have literally DOZENS (maybe hundreds) of talented friends whose writing I absolutely adore. I'm going to list the ones who come to mind, but please know that it's a matter of taste. Not all of us like the same style, so without further ado, here are my picks. These are creators who I KNOW will give me quality (and whose fics I have indulged in more than once...or twice...or...well, you get the picture)
@thatfanfictionchick @op-peccatori @pickle-scribbles @pseudofaux @paopufruittt @angellaxy @r3almellow @they-call-me-megs @vexillumalbum @xumos-hoe @maomao-words @rikumorimachisgirl @voltage-vixen @ibelongtowrath @redqueenschoice
I am probably going to add to this later, and anyone I tagged is free to add to this as well. Thank you, again, for your kindness and support!!!
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angeliaxy · 4 years
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ig: __marvena 🌷
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angeliaxy · 4 years
ROOO!!!!!! MY PRECIOUS SUNSHINEEEEEEE wow that’s so rude, using sam gif on me xD
🍒🍒🍒🍒💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😍😍😍😍😍😍 *glomps*
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Ange, my darling—
I love you 🥺💕 you mean to world to me okay 🥺♥️ bless you ALWAYS
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angeliaxy · 4 years
mlqc chp 35-36 pv analysis --
Alrighty, y’all, get ready for this wild ride (of mostly screaming). I’ve been up for two hours this early morning and I’ve watched the latest PV for the CN server [with English translations] more times than I care to admit >o<
I am just here to say: there are SO MANY THINGS happening. So many. Get ready for my analysis below, because y’all these chapters are going to kill us emotionally. I can feel it in my bones already ;o;
Analysis is below the cut and contains spoilers for the English server~! Read at your own risk!
Please Note: I am an English server player. This is my own personal opinion and analysis of the Chapters 35-36 PV for the Chinese server. I DO NOT play on the CN server.
Are you ready?
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“Wow look! A shooting star?”
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angeliaxy · 4 years
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MLQC CH - SSR Cards for Chapters 35-36
世界的两个女儿,一个引导向光芒,一个堕落至黑暗。 two daughters of the world, one leads to the light, and the other falls to darkness.
from chapters 35-36 ☆ release date: may 27th
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angeliaxy · 4 years
OHMYGOOOODDDDD. Excuse me, but THIS IS SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL. I’m someone who also love the fic TOO MUCH for my own good (still haven’t recovered until now),
JUST THANK YOU for making this fic come to life *goes to reread again*~ Bless you for making this, because I know ROO IS DYING RIGHT now from this xD 
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“did you know that stars make wishes on you, too?“
obey me! lucifer x mc in @paopufruittt’s “dearly beloved, i will burn” i.e. icarus and the sun au, because iT’S SO DARN BEAUTIFUL ANd i’ve read it one too many times and needed to get it out of my system sjhkadhk
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angeliaxy · 4 years
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instagram | tamsynmorgans
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angeliaxy · 4 years
Vlad: Don’t you ever get tired of being nice??
MC: Don’t you ever get tired of being alone.
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angeliaxy · 4 years
wow, 3 times is not enough, definitely a forever re-reads bcs I LOVE THIS SO DAMN MUCH??? The way you craft the sentences, ICARUS AU, THEN YOU STILL DARE TO ADD STARS.
I’m already broken and burned as it is.
Tears fell from his eyes. Silver and glittering in the white light at her back, she then filled his vision, blocking out the light.  He hisses as the waves whisper in lullabies at first, before they touch him more, and blood wells in his mouth.
THIS HURT ME ALREADY. BEAUTIFUL and Poetic. There’s already tears in the beginning, I thought (oh I can deal with this.) BUT APPARENTLY I WAS SO WRONG.
His vision focusing in crystalline clarity—like the stars he flew against, glittering against the dark—at the sound of that voice. Her voice.
the middle part, tho!!!! BEAUTIFUL, I just, HOW COME YOU CAN COME UP WITH THIS. (and all the beautiful sentences!!) I JUST. ADMIRE. EVERYTHING.
He clutched at those burning, burning stars. Bloody tears dribbling from the corners of his eyes, cold space dragging at his limbs, heavy with exhaustion and yet, so determined. His hand forever outstretched, fingers barely reaching the expanse of light and fire that too, reached towards him with a phantom caress. Two hands forever cursed to never touch.
A thread of torn ribbon knotted around her heart, trailing down the line of her sun-kissed arm and to her ring finger, and through her outstretched hand, he swears it may be tied to his own hand.
“And did you know.. that stars make wishes on you, too?”
I ALREADY SCREAMED AT YOU, BUT HERE I AM. ogmogmomggomgg this. this is how I died in your hands, roo. STARS!!! and that sentence HIT STRAIGHT TO MY SOUL
Without thinking, his hand reaches up with a burned, calloused finger, capturing a stray tear.
I’m........... I’M TEARING UP. This is soooo sadddddddd, he did it without thinking and, BURNED finger. oh nooo bb!!!
“She looks just like her,” Lucifer gasped. 
And then he tipped backwards, and he falls. His wings caught the wind, and then he’s following that thread of gold until he’s heaven-bound for the stars.
“Don’t ever let me go. Don’t leave me again,” Lucifer says. The salt of the sea lulling him, the waves cradling them both in this world suspended between the realms. He can only look at her. “Please. I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore. What’s left of it, anyway.”
A remnant of a six-winged angel from long, long ago. “I’ll be with you. Look at me.. I’m dying as it is.”
A kaleidoscope of wishes and wants and desires left untouched just so she may catch a single, foolish man as he tumbles through empty space.
“Then I’ll stay,” the Sun whispers sadly, pressing a lingering, searing kiss to his brow, “and you’ll burn.”
ME RIGHT NOW: HA HA HA HA... WHAT IS A HEART, I HAVE NONE. this hurt tooo much I just... I can’t.
This got soooo long but I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY THAT YOU KILLED ME SEVERAL TIMES IN THIS FIC, ROOOO. IT’S GONNA TAKE SOME TIME FOR ME TO RECOVER *Stares at the wall blankly* then re-reads again. xD
-- dearly beloved, I will burn
pair: lucifer x f!mc / obey me
rating: m - mature
words: 1,998
description: prompts 13 + 14 - “don’t ever let me go.” and “I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.”
tags/tw: icarus and the sun au; reference to violence and blood, suicidal ideations, major character death, otherwise: here, please take this humble offering of heavy angst (I’m so sorry) with some sprinkles of floof mixed in if you squint. really hard.
a/n: for the lovely @lucifers-heartbeat ♡ thank you so much for the request for my writers block war event~! I absolutely love angst (heh surprise surprise) and I just couldn’t say no to one of my other favorite greek myths~ please enjoy my take on this au ♡ 
“What are you?” he rasped, her image blinding and blurred. Wet droplets—rain?—fell from his eyes, as he blinked madly against the dazzling light. “Who are y—”
A flaming hand reached out, all fire and brimstone blazing like the sun. But then he blinked again, and instead, that hand suddenly cradling his cheek was undeniably human. Her touch warm, like flickers of candlelight and summer breathed in her skin, tasting of sun-warmed seas, and he melted into that touch.
Tears fell from his eyes. Silver and glittering in the white light at her back, she then filled his vision, blocking out the light. A cool shadow falling across his face, his gaze cleared, and at last he could see her with clarity. Watching, as her smile wavered, eyes softening as she beheld him. Her red-gold hair brushing his sweat-soaked brow as she leaned close. So so close, he swore he’d combust.
Her breath brushed across the shell of his ear. Whispering, “I’m—”
He gasps, lids flashing open. Lucifer raises a hand to his cheek, blinking back the wisps of those visions—memories—from heavy eyes. A dark fan of lashes kissing his cheeks as he searches; remembering and reaching desperately for the tendrils of familiarity that linger, but it is like catching curls of dark smoke. Impossible, and that voice, that face, it is gone, nearly as quick as it came.
Instead, as remnants of slumber fall from his shoulders like a well-worn cloak, wakefulness comes in like the tide. And the tide is true, for he first feels the waves lapping against his sides before he hears them. Seafoam and warm, warm water caressing the bare skin of his legs and arms that rest in the damp, black sand. He hisses as the waves whisper in lullabies at first, before they touch him more, and blood wells in his mouth. Biting his lip and groaning, for that tender caress of gold-touched ocean brings with it salt within the slashes of his fresh wounds.
No. Burns.
“Have you made a wish?”
Bolting upwards, Lucifer’s hands dig deep into the sand. His vision focusing in crystalline clarity—like the stars he flew against, glittering against the dark—at the sound of that voice. Her voice.
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angeliaxy · 4 years
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instagram | lukecabrahams
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angeliaxy · 4 years
twenty things about me
Thank you ROO, for the tag. THIS IS VERY FUN~
Under read more bcs well. LOOONG xD
1. what is your favorite cartoon character?
OKAY. let’s just choose otome hubbies bcs I dont have anything else (with the exception of 2 FF boys idk if they’re ‘cartoon’ or not lol). I’ll just choose the ones who affected me the most or this will get super long xD
- Vlad   Honestly, I never fell THIS deep with otome guy UNTIL THIS GUY (and well Mitsuhide but let’s talk about him later). Everything about him is calling my soul. His appearance, his aesthetic (FLOWERS!!) Then, I went to Comte’s JP route and learning a lot more about his motivation, his personality.. ohmygod, I love everything about him??!! especially his /bad/ side!! and now.. I found MY OTOME SOULMATE, even I have to wait for years. I WILL WAIT and I will write a lot about youuuuu~
- Mitsuhide Ikesen   So, I’ve been Mitsuhide hoe since many many years ago, due to his history. THEN this Mitsuhide knocked every other Mitsuhide(s) out there and, omg just how layered he is and exactly someone who I would fall in love with?? He just sneaked his way to my heart since I saw him, well I downloaded Ikesen basically FOR HIM lol. LISTEN, I did all his route choices with +4 +4 results until the end. Perfect score, without hints/anything. I was both shook bcs it never happened before and ‘I DO LOVE HIM SO MUCH’. Another OTOME SOULMATE (ssshh I can have several ok~)
- Zen Mysme He helped me going through my worst depression years ago. My life felt so damn empty and I picked Mysme to play, then Zen. ZEN!! His overflowing love got me SOBBING everyday, like I cried in 90% of his chats/calls, and even until now. I can never get over him. I wrote random fics about him that time but I have disagreement with some of mysme aspects, so yeah, it was mostly fix-it fics *winks at Reira ehehehe* LOL. 
-Jumin Mysme THIS ONE. I KNEW I WOULD FALL FOR HIM SINCE I PICKED MYSME. (thank God Zen was the common route or I won’t play him bcs I would go straight for Jumin and stayed with him lol). And yet he still swept me off of my feet when I played his route. But unlike Zen, & the opposite actually, I feel like JUST LET ME LOVE YOU. Again, there were.. fix-it fics I wrote about him with my MC, just because. LOOOL.
-Victor Just.. Be mine, pretty pleaseeeeeeee? He’s my type 101% and he can call me dummy etc I would still love him xD While Jumin wrecked my heart but this CEO made me.. yearn. (and thirst. but let’s not get too far lol) I love his power, his strength and determination, his demeanor. BUT I just want his heart among everything else?? aaaaaaa.
-Theo This one oMG, he snuck on me so damn hard. He’s also someone I def would fall in love with. I just.. *sighs longingly* His devotion is what I adore the most. the LOYALTY, the whole bad guy vibe, but mostly. HIS BIG, BIG, SOFT HEART.
-Nobunaga I AM WEAK FOR HIM, I just love this devil king in both otome versions~ I’m always side-eyeing when people talked bad about these two versions of him. But then I think they just don’t understand him. still side-eyeing so hard, though~
-Comte Another ‘JUUUUST LET ME LOVE YOU’ case. I went to his JP route for Vlad but I slipped, fell for him too lol. Not usually my type, but he’s definitely the gentleman type I would want to wed (and bed??) LMAO ssshhh.
The rest are, well, obvious enough. Basically the ones who I write, I loooove them~
2. if you could be fluent in another language, which one would you choose?
Japanese. (and more English lol just to make writing easier)
3. what kind of food do you like the most?
SPICY FOOD. JAPANESE FOOD. and instant noodle haha. But I love sushi, abura soba, salmon, the moooost~
4. what is your favorite holiday memory?
I have a lot, I think? But going overseas!! Disneyland!! And I definitely love every visit I’ve done to Singapore. Never been to JP though *cries*
5. if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
JAPAN. and maybe Singapore. that’s it.
6. what is the worst job you’ve ever had?
My only and also current job. It’s just something I will never get used to because it’s the opposite of my artsy soul. So, RIP. Suffering forever. 
That time I did part-time for a private gaming server. that HURT bcs I fell for the one I worked with and let’s just say he was not available. I had to get out and disappeared from him lol. (still miss him sometimes.. sobs)
7. if you could meet anyone in history, who would it be?
Ehhhh. None. Not too interested in this. (Except if you count Mitsuhide, maybe? I want to know him looool)
8. if you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
that I shouldn’t fall in love too easily? I had.. a lot of heartbreaking moments. AND I trusted people too easily back then, got used and back-stabbed too many times. so yeah.. kinda regretted that bcs it scarred me greatly
9. what is something that few people know about you?
That I write. Only 2 of my friends knew, and I won’t tell anyone else. This is my world, my safe haven.
I’m shy at first, but can be shameless after you get to know me HAHHAHA
10. if you had to evacuate your home, what would you take with you?
MY DOG. MY LAPTOP. lol, that’s it. OHHH WAIT. MY BJD DOLL, Charlotte!!! MUST SAVE HER.
11. you only get 3 words to describe yourself, what are they?
romantic, empathetic, and.. resilient I guess? my brain is currently tired lol
12. if you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?
MONEY. LOOOL. nah, kidding. Not too interested in money. A POOL OF FLOWEEEEEEEEEEERS (just no thorns/poisonous flowers ok.) xD
13. if you could stop time for 1 hour, what would you do?
Write? idk, 1 hour is too short to do anything meaningful.
14. if you have a love potion that will make anyone love you back, who would it be?
MY 3D BIAS. PLS???? Any of them is ok, but that means I gotta deal with idol life... (sigh)
15. if your life was a movie, what would it be called?
Endless Sorrow. Yep~ (also one of my wip title xD)
16. if you have a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?
Why not both? HAHAHA but prob future. I’m just curious??
17. if you could be anyone in a movie, who would it be?
?? Ehm.. I have no idea tbh. I BLANKED.
18. if you can choose your couple’s name, what name would you choose?
idk? I need to find my soulmate and ask him first LMAOOOO
19. Where would you go for your dream holiday?
JAPAN PLS. T_T idk if I can ever go there.
20. would you rather live in a large urban city, a small town or in the countryside? Why?
Large urban city with PROPER & SAFE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, bcs LORD it’s so annoying here, where we need CARS to go around. It’s so limiting and ugh. And I love city too much to choose the other choices xD
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angeliaxy · 4 years
[ERS] Trap of Temptation ~ Napoleon & Vlad
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Duration: 10/25 (Fri) 04:00 PM ~ 11/1 (Fri) 09:00 PM
Hearing of the string of mysterious incidents occurring in town, Napoleon accompanies you into town for a shopping trip as your body guard. There, you meet a gentle male florist by the name of Vlad…? 
Bottomless crimson eyes pierce into the two of you  ——
Route Preview
[This is an unofficial work based on fan-translation. Copyright belongs to Cybird.]
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angeliaxy · 4 years
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It seems that May 17th was his birthday- And with that, wanted to draw some art for this sunshine boy~    💕 💕
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angeliaxy · 4 years
😢 For the writer asks!
😢a line that made you cry.
oh true, there’s so many omg 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。 so I’ll choose two. one from my own works, and one from the plethora of fics I’ve read that have rendered my heart broken.
A woman whose fate was now forever tied with his, ribbons of red invisibly knotted around their hands. A woman who he didn’t plan to fall for in such a way. A woman who he had vowed to make his wife.
The same woman who he had caught within his arms with a poison arrow buried deep within her back.
Heavy, warm rain falls upon her face. Tears spilling free and foreign from golden eyes, a hand clasped to his mouth to hold back his sobs.
from my mitsuhide fic tu me manques~ ♡
and then trying to choose from the LITERAL LIBRARY I have of fics that have ended my mortal soul, I’ll choose this (although honestly, true darling, I’d quote all of your fics if I could, okay? happy and sad and horny tears all around XD)
Comte smiled to himself — a smile that reflected the inner turmoil within him, reeling on the taste of her lips against his.
— A forbidden desire, an impossible wish to grant.
PETITION FOR LE COMTE TO BE HAPPY FOR ONCE OKAY. I will sign until my hand breaks okay? okay. glad we’re in agreement lmao
this lovely piece of angst is from @angellaxy‘s l'étoile filante and is a personal, high favorite of mine ♡ (it’s about wishes and the word count is 1,111 and I seriously can’t believe the coincidence to this day lol)
this line made me cry from how sheerly beautiful this piece is, and tears from the large part of my heart that begs for Comte’s loneliness to finally end ;u;
thank you so much for sending in the ask lovely!! ♡♡♡
my ask box is open for writer asks while I work on requests~! come and keep me company ^^
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angeliaxy · 4 years
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dalim, please. no need to make yourself more attractive. i already like you~ (°▽°)✿
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