angeliasheart · 1 year
just, idk.
It's been a while since the two of you actually loved each other's company. Katsuki and you were living together for years. From roommates to fwb to lovers. That's the issue. For so long, the two of you were something, but not anything at the same time. So many things happened in between the transition of your relationship that the 2 years together seemed like 7.
I mean, he is a pro hero, has been since straight out of high school. You are finishing college, already with so much work to do, your starting career is already at its peak, and you're being recognized for all the things you've already done. That's another issue: the both of you avoided so long to be in love that when it happened, it felt so wrong.
But then, both of you "accepted" the fate. Love was the correct word, although none of you said it was. There was something, of course there was, but when you repress your own feelings so much, you end up not realizing what it truly is.
But after a while, it was official. The promise ring on your finger made it clear. But did it feel official? No, not at all. Not when he disappeared for 2 or 3 days, not giving any explanations to you when he came back. Not when you forgot to mention him to your new co-workers. Not when he screamed at you that he simply couldn't read your fucking mind, or when you argued that he didn't even heared you out, however, both of you agreed that neither had given any signs. (or did you two simply not noticed?)
Well, it didn't even matter anymore. There was love, sure, I mean, after that he remembered that he could go anywhere he wanted. He was Katsuki Bakugou, after all. He could go anywhere he wanted to, just not home. Not after cursing your name, after forgetting about the speech you were about to give at the college. It was so important to you... Did he even care anymore? Where was the Katsuki that remembered every single little step in your life? The so observant boyfriend he was?
And you no longer payed any mind about when he is injured during battles. When his scars kept growing, thats the hero job after all. Maybe is the apartment that is haunted. Maybe that's why he is always so mad, you keep fooling yourself. Simply living for the hope of it all. Maybe he was never yours. Maybe when you told him that all the cages holding him to be better were mental, was the truly end of it. Of you and him.
Yeah, his words shot your heart to kill first, but he was so regretful about it. Yeah, he didn't ever said he was sorry, but he was. And somewhere, in the middle of this haze it was the relationship, it faded away. Not the relationship itself, but the presence, the caring, the loving.
You both knew what happened. There was no going back now. So the last goodbye and demonstration of the love once was so pure and honest, was there, under the water droplets. The last kiss, last time feeling each other's love.
But maybe, just maybe, there was still a invisible string tying the two of you together. Maybe in a few (weeks or years) the two of you will be ready to love and to be loved. Maybe one day you won't be screaming at his face to stop calling you baby. One day he won't be calling you a mad woman.
One day, the two of you will care again, but for now, that last kiss will suffice.
Sweet “I’m sorry” sex in the shower with Bakugou.
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angeliasheart · 2 years
bakugou is the type of guy that does anything and everything you ask. not because he's a simp, but because he adores you like you're a divinity. absolutely the definition of "worships the ground you walk"
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angeliasheart · 2 years
act like you like me
(part 1)
pro hero bakugo x fem reader
summary: after a media misunderstanding, you agree to fake date number 2 hero katsuki bakugo to keep his ratings up. the plan doesn’t quite work out how you wanted it to.
cw/ light swearing
“look how your ratings have risen” all might said, pointing to the tablet in his hand. “this is good, it’s great, bakugo.”
“this is gossip bullshit,” bakugo spat. “i’m a fucking hero not some celebrity.”
“heroes are celebrities,” all might sighed. “please, just think about it. i’ll talk to the girl.”
“don’t lie to her,” bakugo ground his teeth. “have her sign an nda, i don’t give a shit, just tell her the truth. don’t need her thinking i actually like her.”
when all might came to the bakery you worked at and asked to speak with you specifically, you thought you were getting arrested. you should have never run after bakugo to give him the croissant you’d shorted him. you never should have smiled at him when you handed him the bag. you should have seen the paparazzi. you should have known you’d be front page gossip news with the hottest, most dangerous bachelor (their words, not yours).
all might smiled and asked if you were about to close.
you nodded, scared out of your mind. he was going to kill you.
“i’d like to talk to you privately, if possible,” he said.
you told him to take a seat, that you’d be back in a minute. the bakery was already empty, you just flipped the sign to closed and made sure the guy in the back was distracted. you sat on the chair across from the former hero, now hero manager.
“i want to start by saying that you’re not in trouble,” all might tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace. “i’m not here to get mad at you. i’m here because…well it’s actually quite awkward.”
you blinked.
“i’m sure you’ve seen the news articles and ratings.”
“yes, i am not sure how they got so much out of one blurry picture,” you laughed nervously.
“no, i mean previous to this…incident,” all might prompted. “bakugo is powerful, but he’s harsh and rude and sometimes a pain in the ass. his ratings reflect that. we’re worried about his, er, likability affecting his top three ranking.”
you still didn’t see why he was having this conversation with you.
“bakugo’s run in with you was the first positive media we’ve seen in over a month. with the hero billboard chart jp coming up in three months, we’re concerned about his future. public view and appearances have recently been valued more in the ranking system.”
you were still confused. “i’m glad i was able to help,” you smiled. you wanted to go home.
“i was wondering if you could help us out again,” he smiled nervously.
you blinked.
“a significant other often reflects well on heroes. we want bakugo to look like a loving partner instead of a cold, distant, power hungry hero.”
“oh, no, i’m not interested in-“
all might laughed, “no, that’s not it. we’d like you to go on a few “dates” with him, be pictured by paparazzi. nothing more. you’d be well compensated for your time and energy.”
“you want me to be dynamight’s fake girlfriend?”
“essentially, yes.”
“you want me to lie to boost his ratings so he can remain number 2?” you frowned.
“i know how it sounds,” all might sighed. “that’s why you’ll be getting a big check.” all might slid a paper across the table. “three months with three public outings a month. nothing more.”
holy shit. $1,000 for an hour long date. $500 for a staged paparazzi picture. open contract to leave anytime.
“it’s a lot of money,” all might said. “the media team will come up with a fake last name and history and leak it when needed. we’ll do our best to keep the paparazzi out of your hair, but know that the media can go a little crazy.”
“you’re banking on the media going crazy,” you muttered. compromise your morals and get paid extremely well but have to live with the guilt of lying to everyone. no. you were being too serious. this was a media pr stunt that wouldn’t harm anyone. right?
“take your time,” all might said, standing up from his chair.
“wait… i’ll do it.” if you played your cards right, you could make enough to…maybe. just maybe.
dynamight was picking you up at 7. the bakery closed at 6, giving you one hour to get changed. you’d spent most of the afternoon scrolling through fashion blogs and influencers, trying to figure out what to wear. you took a shower on your lunch brake, begging your hair to cooperate. the mirror in the back was used more than ever, as you tried to get the curls on the left to match the right side of your head and the straight pieces to look like they fit in.
you clomped down the stairs at exactly 7 pm, still adjusting to the heels you hadn’t worn in months. a black car was waiting outside. you locked the door behind you, willing your hands to stop shaking. you opened the passenger door of the car, smiling to the driver inside, “hi, i’m-“
“get in and close the door before someone sees you,” the blonde grunted, not even looking over at you.
you frowned, sliding into the car. the second your door was closed, the car sped off, pushing you back against the seat.
bakugo kept his eyes on the rearview mirror, “you live above the bakery?”
you nodded, “i got the apartment before the job.”
“don’t tell anyone you work or live there. no one needs to know where you work. not the media or the paparazzi.”
you nodded, “okay, sorry.”
bakugo caught your eyes in the mirror, “don’t apologize. you didn’t do shit.”
you nodded, closing your mouth as soon as you opened it.
“i fucking hate small talk,” he grumbled, pulling into a parking lot.
there was a valet. bakugo whispered something in their ear before passing him the keys. you walked close behind him, elbows brushing slightly.
“i’ve never been here,” you whispered, taking in the gorgeous high vaulted ceilings and gold framed paintings on the wall. “it’s gorgeous.”
bakugo said nothing in return, instead waiting for the hostess to get back to him about his reservation.
she smiled at you, “you look lovely. that dress was made for you.”
you beamed, “you’re too kind, thank you.”
“i’m sure mr dynamight agrees,” the woman smiled at the two of you.
your lips twitched. bakugo looked at you for the first time, taking in your black babydoll dress. his eyes caught on your pink ballet flats, black ribbons lacing up your ankles.
“i love your nails,” you smiled at the hostess, trying to diffuse tension created by bakugo’s staring.
“thank you,” she smiled. “i can take you to your seats, now.”
bakugo trailed behind you as you followed the hostess to your seats. the first flash of a camera went off. you smiled to yourself. cha-ching.
"this is wonderful," you smiled at bakugo as you slid into the booth, very aware of the woman at a nearby table pulling out her phone. the hostess left you with menus. you almost keeled over dead at the prices.
bakugo read your face, "this one's on all might, get whatever you want."
a waiter approached you table, smiling widely at bakugo, "good evening, dynamight, sir. can i get you a drink?"
"water," bakugo grunted.
"i'll have the same," you smiled.
"did you pick this resturant?" you asked once the waiter left, still eyeing the gorgeous and outrageous decor.
"all might did," he replied, fidgeting with the cuffs of his suit jacket.
the waiter sat down your waters and took your orders.
"your shirt matches your eyes," you said, glancing at the ruby red dress shirt under his black jacket.
he stayed quiet, eyes flickering over your dress.
“so, tell me about yourself,” you smiled. god. this was so terrible. you remembered why you hadn’t dated in years.
bakugo raised an eyebrow. “google it.”
you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. “this is what people talk about on first dates; their favorite colors and movies they rewatch every year and-“
“black and die hard,” bakugo swirled the water in his glass.
“favorite book?” you asked.
“all might’s autobiography.”
“mighty or behind the mask?”
he seemed vaguely impressed with your all might book knowledge. “mighty.”
“i prefer behind the mask.”
“of course you do,” he sighed.
you narrowed your eyes, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“you’ve read both hoping that mighty would be better than behind because it would be ‘punk rock,’” he even does little air quotes, “but deep down you’re incredibly emotional and you can’t help but favor behind the mask.”
you laughed, “dynamight the book critic. the media would spear you.”
“bakugo,” you smiled sheepishly. why did you suddenly feel embarrassed?
click, flash. bakugo’s half smile left his face with the flash of the camera.
just when you were getting somewhere, too. you twirled the fancy straw in your water glass. “i know you hate small talk, but i need to be well versed in dynamight trivia, so tell me more about yourself; the dynamight behind the broody, gloomy exterior.”
you smiled wide, showing your teeth, “there’s no way that actually happened.”
“look it up,” bakugo turned the steering wheel, light reflecting off his fancy watch. “my ratings dropped a shit ton.”
“mhm,” you hummed, eyeing his profile in the lowlight of the night. he was pretty; a sharp nose, angled jaw, deep red eyes, skin you wanted to touch.
“whatcha staring at, princess?” he huffed.
you blinked. you hadn’t realized he’d parked in front of the bakery. you ignored his question. “i’ll see you later,” you smiled, already stepping out of the car.
you looked at him; furrowed brow, pretty lips, intense eyes. “sweet dreams, bakugo,” you shut the car door, turning for your apartment.
you walked up, unlocked the bakery door and locked them behind you. you took the stairs slow, fingers shaking a bit as you unlocked your apartment. you stepped inside, switching on the lights and peering out the window at the street below.
only then, did bakugo drive off.
you smiled looking at the headlines the next morning. your whole social media feed was filled with the same picture; your hand wrapped around bakugo’s elbow, walking out of the restaurant, your face turned from the camera.
maybe you could request next saturday off. you could do something for yourself, something besides working 8 hours a day, 6 days a week.
you felt a bit guilty. but you weren’t hurting anyone. this was just a silly little game of pretend. that’s it.
you clicked on the video. bakugo all decked out in his hero gear was on screen next to a reporter. he was breathing heavy, black soot smudged on his forehead.
“dynamight,” the reporter said, “you know i have to ask about the girl.” a picture of the two of you popped up on the screen. it was from your last date, bakugo’s hand around your waist, him looking back at the camera with a frown on his face. you could spot the restaurant you ate at in the background. your second “date” was much like your first; both at fancy restaurants all might had picked, both full of awkward silence and you making jokes bakugo didn’t laugh at.
bakugo grunted, “what about her?”
“are the two of you together?” the reporter asked.
bakugo nodded, obviously annoyed with the conversation.
the reporter smiled, “tell us all about her! how’d you meet? how long have the two of you been together? tell us everything.”
you giggled at the fully grown man squealing over a fake relationship. bakugo didn’t share in your amusement. “we’re trying to keep our relationship mostly private. thank you.” he walked off screen, leaving the poor reporter stunned.
you laughed, scrolling down to the next video.
you clicked on the video, already giggling at the cheesiness of it all.
someone grunted.
you looked up, meeting eyes with bakugo. “oh hi. i didn’t realize you were here,” you smiled. “have you seen this?”
he frowned at your phone, “i don’t look at gossip about myself.”
you grumbled in your best dynamight voice, “i only watch critiques of my hero performance because i get off on people talking about how much property i damage.”
bakugo smirked, much to your surprise. “whatever. let’s go.”
you looked at the clock and frowned. “i told you to get here at 6, it’s only 5. we don’t close for another 30 minutes.”
he looked around the room, “there’s no one here.”
“i’m not closing early just for you, mr hotshot hero,” you sassed. “men always expect women to drop everything for them.”
“jesus christ, you sound like you’re from a 2000s feminist romcom.”
you beamed, “that’s the closet thing to a complement i’ve ever gotten from you.”
he grumbled over to a seat, the vintage wooden cafe chair with a metal rod heart for a back looking comically small next to him.
“um no,” you frowned, pointing to a handwritten note on the wall. “seats are for paying customers only.”
“i don’t eat any of this shit,” he grumbled, gesturing to the display case full of baked sweets.
“give me the shiny card and i’ll make you a plate full of semi healthy things,” you sighed.
he caved, handing you his gold mastercard. it was like holding a brick of gold, probably even better.
you filled a plate with fruit tarts and nutty breads and handmade granola barks.
bakugo muttered a thanks under his breath at your sweets treats.
you flitted around the shop for the following 30 minutes, completing your usual closing tasks. you picked up bakugo’s empty plate with a smile.
bakugo grumbled as soon as you locked the doors. “fuckin finally, let’s go.”
you frowned, “i still need to change. you can come upstairs if you want or you can wait down here?”
bakugo sighed. god, what a grump.
you led him up the tiny staircase and into your tiny apartment, leaving him in the kitchen.
you quickly changed out of your work clothes, opting for jeans and a shirt. you had something special picked out for today.
“okay, i’m ready,” you stepped back into the kitchen.
bakugo was inspecting your pots and pans. he held up a tiny pan, “what do you even cook in this?”
you shrugged, “i don’t really cook that often. only for myself, anyways.”
he grunted in disgust.
“you teach me how to cook then,” you said under your breath, walking past him for the door. you headed down to his car, bakugo close behind you.
“where are we going?”
“it a surprise,” you giggled.
he scowled. it was your favorite facial expression he made. even though he was a total ass about it, he followed all of your passenger princess directions, his frown turning into a wicked grin when you directed him into the parking lot.
“surprise!” you smiled. “i got tired of all might’s third wheeling.”
bakugo led the way, immediately pulling out his gold mastercard for the outdoor go karts. he was too distracted by the karts whipping around the course to notice a few people taking pictures.
you trailed behind him, smiling at the boyish joy he was trying hard to cover up. “you can smile, you know?”
he ignored you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into the go kart line. people moved out of his way, scared and a bit in awe of dynamight in the flesh. he slid into a parked kart, grinning like a fool.
you got into the one behind him, strapping the harness around you. “wanna race?” you yelled up to bakugo.
“you’re on, princess,” he replied, speeding off.
you laughed, pressing the gas to the floor.
“let’s ride the double one,” you said, tugging on bakugo’s sleeve, moving slowly up the line.
“only if i can drive,” he smirked.
you rolled you eyes. “fine.”
“excuse me?”
both of you turned to the small voice. a boy stood behind you in line, holding out a dynamight hero trading card.
“mr. dynamight sir, can you sign my card?” the boy asked.
bakugo frowned, “i’m not working right now, kid.” he shooed the kid away.
the boy looked like he was about burst into tears.
you crouched down to his level, “hey, what’s your name?”
“kai,” the boy stammered, eyes watering.
“hi, kai,” you smiled. “dynamight’s a bit grumpy right now. it’s past his bed time.” you winked. “let me talk to him real quick and i’m sure he’ll sign your card.”
the boy nodded.
you stood up, immediately catching bakugo’s eyes on you. “what is wrong with you?” you hissed, jabbing a finger into his chest. “no wonder your ratings are so low, you’re a total ass. would your all might ever treat a kid like this? sign the goddamn card, katsuki.”
you’d never called him by his first name before. he seemed as surprised as you to hear it come out of your mouth.
you turned back to the kid. “you know how sometimes your grownup has to ask you twice to pick up your toys? dynamight is the same way! why don’t you ask him again?”
“will you please sign my card, dynamight?” the boy asked.
“kai asked if you would sign his card,” you glared at bakugo.
bakugo took the card and marker from the kid, signing his card.
the boy squealed, “thank you! thank you! thank you! this is the best day of my life. thank you, mrs dynamight!” he scampered off, clutching the card to his chest.
you frowned, your face red.
bakugo growled. “kids, they’re fucking crazy.”
5:34 am, unknown number : look at this shit
unknown number : this is bakugo
you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, clicking on the link attached. you laughed out loud.
front and center was a blurry picture of you and katsuki in line.
you: i thought you didn’t read gossip about yourself
bakugo: i read it about you
you felt your face heat up. no. he didn’t mean it like that. whatever. you continued to scroll through the article.
‘fans spotted pro hero dynamight at adventure express go kart tracks saturday evening along with his girlfriend…’
you smiled at the obviously fake last name all might had come up with for you.
‘while waiting in line, dynamight refused to sign a hero card of a little boy, witnesses claim. his girlfriend then became upset with the hero, whispering to him aggressively. dynamight signed the card not long after.
‘several other pictures of the couple on saturday were posted, several of them on go karts getting the most attention. however, several twitter users have thoughts about this photo.’
you scrolled down, going through screenshots of tweets.
‘dekulover333: i know she tops’
‘socalistcow: bakugo getting absolutely dog walked by his gf in public is not what i expected to wake up to today but i love it’
‘dynacumslut: stop acting like she’s a girlboss when she literally humiliated him in public.’
the article continued.
‘don’t worry though, the couple seemed to be getting along just fine after the brief argument, witnesses claim. scroll down to see every picture from their date we could get our hands on.’
you couldn’t help but laugh. the pictures were cute, candid moments you were surprised to see. your favorite was you and bakugo in the double go kart, you looking over at him with a big smile on your face while he grinned, speeding around a curve. you saved it.
you: did this bring down your ratings?
bakugo: boosted them. at 67% approval
you: i knew i was a good influence!! i’ll publicly berate u anytime
you giggled, tossing your phone down. you were too tired to tease bakugo.
5:51 am, bakugo unsent a message
///part two coming soon<3
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angeliasheart · 2 years
CLIP THAT - Prologue
A streamer AU where you chose who to follow closely as the two young men discover that the life they see in stark black in and white is actually grey.
Will you help them find their way or prove them right? That in the end none of this really fucking matters at all.
Tumblr media
Bakugou Katsuki has not once enjoyed something casually in all of his 23 years of living. Not a single game of tag or hide and seek, not a single soccer game or sport, not dodgeball in PE, running or cooking or baking.
Not even a GPA was safe, if there was a number, a ranking, attached to it, he had to be the best. He had to be at the top.
Number one.
Proved he was the best one way or another.
It's how he finds himself here now, under too many bright florescent lights in some stadium built for this event. A large audience and a number of cameras keeping their glassy eyes focused on center stage, small cameras on top of the monitors so that they can analyze and watch every eye movement and facial expression he made. Him in his neon colored jersey thrust upon him by his team, forcing him to wear it. Calling out what's needed and missing. Hissing and growling when teammates fail at their part because this was a championship and the other people they were against would take any small show of weakness and turn the tides of the game.
It's why his palms are sweating, why his knuckles are white as he grips his mouse and clacks at the expressive tournament regulated keyboard. Face falling into complete calm as he focuses and secures the win for his team.
Slamming his fists on the table before jumping up like everyone else. The announcer screams into the mic the name of their team as the winner banner flashes in quick succession on the monitors. Confetti falling from the air as they bum rush Bakugou, pulling him into a tight hug/dog pile as they jump in the air and howl.
They had secured the championship, the very thing Bakugou obsessed over for the last two years. The very second he sat down to play LoL, casually in front of the custom PC Denki begged him to build.
And it wouldn't be the last game he did this with, going on to dominate the esports arenas in all the games that he tried so fucking hard to enjoy casually.
Only after he secured the highest ranking, a championship win and a trophy was he happy to finally just sit down and play the game. Usually streaming his content as he plays a variety of games, mostly on PC and mostly competitive types. COD, Apex, Overwatch, and coming right back to League when his ban timer finally ran out.
After every impossible high that came from hyper focusing on a game until he secured the trophy came an ever lower low. Crashing and burning as he takes a few days off to rest but it never feels like enough.
He can hear Denki in the other room talking to his chat, laughing loudly and Bakugou was sure they were going to make Denki buy something stupid. It wasn't late by any means and Kaminari was, surprisingly, strict when it came to a work life balance. Streaming was fun but it was still work so work after midnight was prohibited unless the rest of the house was informed at least a week ahead, especially if it was a 24 hour charity stream.
Normally after a championship Bakugou would take a few days off in a row and go right back to streaming although by that point the game felt as if it was missing something.
This time around he's taken off an entire week and a half. An abnormality for Katsuki who usually stuck to his schedule. Get up early, gym with Kirishima, meal prep, eat, stream for an ungodly amount of time, wash and repeat.
He hated that he's tweeted out two times now that the stream was canceled. Even when he already had the "STARTING SOON" card and his music playing before the stream. Chat spamming congratulations and that they missed his head ass. But the second he sat down, loaded up the game he planned to play, even if it was one that wasn't competitive, he felt this weird feeling in his chest. A weighted emptiness he couldn't place and honestly told himself he didn't give enough of a fuck TO place it. So he canceled.
Most understood he needed a break and others were just hating assholes. Either way Katsuki didn't give a shit, he just wanted to sleep.
Still he finds himself in his luxury bed, under expensive sheets and a comforter and yet still he lies awake. Katsuki's eyes burn as he glares at the ceiling. Digging the heel of his palm into his eyes before he boots up his PC, turning on his soft orange LED lights.
Leaning towards his monster fridge to pull out a cold one and a water before he's loading up the LoL screen. Quickly typing in the info for his alt account where his rank was Bronze III, if his championship trophy could it would snicker behind him on the shelf as it watches. Out of habit Katsuki adjusts the camera and then rolls his eyes at himself, he isn't streaming shit why is he fuckin with it?
Finally he loads into a game, selecting Sett even if this wasn't his GodDynamight account and just his little alt of toxicking. The first match he fucking hates, everyone was ass and he'd be breaking his keyboard from how god awful his teammates played if he was on stream. Wondering why he decided a team player based game was a good idea in the first place. Still he gives it one more game.
He selects Sett, someone selects Veigo and it makes Katsuki snort. He hasn't seen someone play Veigo right in ages. So this should make for an interesting game.
But not in the way Bakugou initially thought, they end up playing quite well with each other even if the rest of the team is trying to bring them down.
After the better half of an hour a winner banner splashes on their screen. Katsuki just catches the other username before they disconnect or move on to the next game. Decaydaddy. Another snort as he thinks what a dumb ass name as if he didn't have a sheet full of poorly named banned alts the length of his forearm.
A few more games and it seems that every other the pair gets matched up and wins more easily each time despite the other players in the lobby being absolute dog shit.
Finally after the fourth winner banner flashes on the screen Bakugou is quick to dm.
Toxicking: ya ain't dog shit like I thought ya'd be.
Decaydaddy: you're the first not shit support I’ve found.
They both disconnect and move onto another game and then another somehow getting set up in the same lobby twice in a row. Occasionally sending messages to one another.
Decaydaddy: you don't play like a bronze III
Toxicking: alt for dickin around. Ya don't play like a bronze player either
Decaydaddy: rent can't pay itself
For the first time in a long time Katsuki is having fun playing LoL, it's been some time since he legitimately enjoyed a match, let alone almost every one with this random.
So he has a devilish smirk on his lips when they get matched up again.
Toxicking: Oi fallen king asshat. Ready to make these cucks bite their fists and cry?
Decaydaddy: I hope we make them uninstall
By the end of the night, when the sun starts to rise Bakugou sends a friend request.
Toxicking: accept it or die
Decaydaddy: awww, you so want me to report you for toxic behavior
Toxicking: that's fuckin low
Decaydaddy has accepted your friend request.
It goes on like that for a couple of months, not really seeking the other player out, mostly getting lucky until Bakugou starts memorizing what he thinks is the asshole's schedule. An old habit of his, especially since being a full time streamer gave Katsuki all the time in the world and he wasn't such a dick that everything had to be on his time.
He sees Decaydaddy come online and surprisingly Bakugou gets a message first.
Decaydaddy: I carried you to silver I
Toxicking: ya fuckin wish. Imma carry us to diamond
Decaydaddy: diamond? in your fucking dreams
After a few matches Bakugou messages again.
Toxicking: Drop the addy ya need a mic.
Tomura watches the message ping in the lower corner, it makes his skin crawl and his fingers go to his throat and dig in old scars as he types one handed with long fingers.
Decaydaddy: I'll buy a mic later
Toxicking: that ain't what I fucking said, drop the addy.
Toxicking: I ain't gonna show up god damn, I'm not in love with ya or some shit.
Tomura smirks, quickly typing with both hands now.
Decaydaddy: well now I'm suspicious
Bakugou scoffs as he watches his cursor blink, murmuring to himself "Fuckin a."
Toxicking: fine, ruin the proposal for yourself. I had it all planned out too
Toxicking: and gimme yer discord we're not talking in the lobby or this shitty chat when that mic arrives.
Tomura stares at the screen, a mic would make things easier and besides, even if this guy he'd been playing with for five months tried to show up and wear his skin, he'd be so disappointed to see Tomura and fucking Touya at the door.
Reluctantly Tomura types out his discord name and toxicking adds him right away, sending an aggressive
Toxicking : addy?
And Tomura replies faster than he thought he would.
Tomura livid when the mic comes in, it's expensive, way too expensive for someone who plays games for fun. His fingers angrily curling around the box, squeezing as if it would turn to ash in his hands.
Toxicking: I know the mic is there ya fuck. Plug in it and play a round
Decaydaddy: what is this
Toxicking: what? The mic not good enough for ya, wifey?
Spurring the dark haired man to rip open the box and set up the expensive mic and headset that Toxicking did mention that he'd be sending.
The call connects and toxicking answers almost right way.
"Oi! Fucking took you long enough wifey."
Tomura scoffs before a smirk curls on his scarred lip, recognizing this toxic asshole's voice anywhere. Especially after watching that noob win an entire tournament in LoL so young and with so little experience, GodDynamight. Tomura unmutes himself and lets his deep voice purr out in a tease
"How are you gonna be a pro league player but can’t get out of bronze on an alt?"
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Katsuki's Route | Tomura's Route
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angeliasheart · 2 years
being academic rivals with bakugo. (kinda suggestive)
all I can imagine is getting into U.A in the third year. No one really knows you, so no opinions yet. That is until you show yourself. High grades and good at everything. Not only that, but being foreign also comes with lots of extras. People nominated you one of the prettiest of your class, you also are so kind and amicable, such an angel, how could anyone hate you?
Katsuki Bakugo, the devil himself, could. You didn't had to try so much, your personality being opposite to his only made you shine more. He couldn't fucking take your annoying sweet voice or the fact that you were always there for anyone, everyone, even himself.
He was a bastard, everyone knew that, you knew that. But you didn't thought he'd say so many mean things to you during the group project you were assigned to do together, and all of it only because you disagreed with him -no one knew, you could be just as stubborn as him. "Why don't you fucking go back to your country? No one actually likes you! They just wanna fuck with ya!"
The thing is: he could scream all he wanted to, you'd keep your sweet voice, even when anger was clear in your eyes. "By they you mean yourself, right?" You meant as a joke, of course, but Bakugo got so angry at it that left your dorm with stomps and a huff. You had to finish the project alone, but still giving credits, cause you're an angel just like that.
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angeliasheart · 2 years
spending weekend nights at bakugo's house. you bring your laptop so when he games with the squad you can too! however... he plays the most violent game ever made and you play hello kitty cafe and barbie dress up. totally makes fun of you tho, but when you try to make him play with kitty, he doesn't understand shit. you finally found something he's bad at. next weekend, he got his own café, just to prove you that he could understand the game. (took him 7 or 8 YouTube tutorials) but he'll never admit.
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angeliasheart · 2 years
the baby has a fever and bakugo is crying his heart out "will he survive?" coming from his lips between whines. the baby's the one who has the ick but bakugo is the one you gotta comfort.
bakugo cries the first time your baby gets sick
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angeliasheart · 2 years
being bakugo's best friend since diapers. being in love with him since you two were fourteen years old. knowing he wil never love you back and simply letting your own feelings aside for his happiness.
that is until he and his girlfriend (now fiancee) invite you to their wedding, and not only that, but as their bridesmaid. how could you not? she's all you wish you were. mitsuki loves her, kirishima loves her, katsuki loves her.
he's your bestie, you should be happy, right? pro-hero dynamight and gorgeous girlfriend finally tie the knot! all over the newspapers. you're happy for him, of course. but it still hurts. yet again, you put your own feelings aside and cheer for the both of them. would things be different if you had confessed?
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angeliasheart · 2 years
and then during a date y'all had every month, with the kids under auntie mina's care, he proposes mid conversation, making you choke in your own saliva
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
Bakugou fell so hard for you that the fucker forgot to actually marry you because he’s been acting like he’s your husband since he realized he was in love with you and then gets pissy that after 6 years an 3 kids you never told him he forgot to put a ring on it.
Will not accept “how the hell was I supposed to know you forgot to marry me?! How the hell did you even forget something like that?!” as a valid response.
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angeliasheart · 2 years
The things I'd do for izuku's fingers to be inside of me are insane.
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angeliasheart · 2 years
went out to vote today and bought some groceries... ended up flirting w the cashier and got me thinking bout cashier!izuku.
It's Saturday afternoon. You just had a discussion with your roommate cause they never do the grocery shopping, always coming up w some dumb excuse. In the last two months, their fish drowned... four times.
At least you had some time to yourself while going through the aisles, purposely buying their least favorite milk brand. Not the best revenge, but at least made you find a way of inner peace.
When you finally arrived the cashier, you couldn't be any more shocked. Dark green curly hair, amazing smile and cute freckles: the cashier was hot af and you cursed yourself for going out underdressed.
"uh... hey" it was when you realized you were staring. unbeknownst to you, you weren't the only one.
"I'm sorry, um... Midorya.'' he smiled when you had the decency to treat him like a human and read his name tag. People can be assholes these days.
You two had some small talk about the stuff you were buying and when you payed, he decided to make a move, after all, you don't always have a divine entity in front of you, specially in your shitty job.
"Quite a time to do grocery shopping, huh? Usually pretty people like you are getting ready to go out'' he almost punched himself in the face for the way he was acting, so strange all of a sudden. But c'mon, can you blame him? Even in such usual clothes you were looking like just got out from a comercial. So pretty, so beautiful, so perfect.
He thanked whatever gods that were above him when you gave him a sweet laugh. God, he would do anything just to hear it again.
"Only when they're called by someone, right?" you said with a light hearted tone. That was it. He could die rn and would be so happy. An absolute angel was talking to him in the kindest way possible and- okay, maybe he was already head over heels w you.
"No boyfriend... Girlfriend?" he tried to be subtle, but being more obvious than the sun being hot.
"Just a annoying roommate, that is.''
"So, pretty thing, would you mind giving me your number?'' he didn't know what had happened to him. a sudden wave of confidence washed over him but just as fast as it came, it went.
"of course, Mr. cashier" you said jokingly with a flirty tone. That's it. Izuku was in heaven.
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angeliasheart · 2 years
thinking about katsuki bakugo that bullies you when you're in the U.A support course but at night is getting off to your social media photos, specially the one with your pretty thighs out.
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angeliasheart · 2 years
The Old Soul of the Bakugo Family
Pro! Katsuki Bakugou x Wife! Reader
Bnha angst/fluff
You’d brought up the idea of a family dog a lot, having had so many pets as a child you dreamed of having a sweet fur baby to spoil with Katsuki but he wasn’t as excited about the idea as you were. He argued that pets were messy, a huge pain sometimes, and worse he was afraid the dog would hurt your toddler. You promised that nothing like that would happen but regardless Katsuki put his foot down and denied your request.
“We have a kid to worry about (Y/n). The last thing we need is a useless dog.”, he sighed.
You sighed and nodded your head, he assumed you’d understood his point in the argument but he was so wrong. One day after a long shift at work he came home to find his daughter pulling on the ears of the old Rottweiler that now laid on your couch. The dog was softly snoring all while the toddler bullied the fat rolls of his neck and snout.
“(Y/n), what the fuck is this? I told you no dogs!”, Katsuki screamed startling you in the kitchen.
You turned and stared at him, guilt written all over your face, “I’m sorry, I stopped by the adoption center after picking up Hikari from school and we just fell in love with him. We couldn’t leave him, Hikari saved him and ev-“
“I don’t care, look at them! What if that giant bastard turns around and bites her!”, your husband argued watching the old dog groan and stretch as he woke up from his nap.
Your daughter squealed with joy hugging him and that’s when it happened, the noise that would make Katsuki explode. The dog began to growl and open its mouth flashing its sharp teeth, all while your daughter petted and scratched his neck, Katsuki snatched your daughter up and set off an explosion just inches away from the dog to scare it off. The poor dog yelped in fear and stumbled off the couch behind your legs, you screamed at Katsuki for firing his quirk off in the house and checked your dog for any injuries as he whined and cried to you.
“Are you fucking kidding me right? Why would you bring an aggressive dog into the house, especially around Hikari!”
You glared at him and stood back up, “He isn’t aggressive, he makes that sound when he’s happy! He’s not being mean he’s purring and smiling at Hikari for playing with him!”, you explained watching Hikari wiggle out of her father’s arms to return to her pet.
“Absolutely not! Fuck that shit he’s going back tomorrow, if you won’t take him I will!”, Katsuki yelled, your daughter cried to the thought of losing her dog and you sighed trying to calm her down.
“You will not take my dog back to that wretched kennel he was in! He’s been there for almost ten years, I’m making sure he lives the rest of his life happy and free, don’t you dare take him back or I will divorce you!”, you threatened watching Katsuki’s face wash over with shock.
“The stupid beast is a danger to our kid! You’re really gonna choose that thing over your daughter’s safety!”
You glared at him and nodded, much to his shock what would come out his mouth next would break your heart. “If you wanted a fucking dog then we never should’ve had a kid!”
Your heart broke then and there, thankfully Hikari was still to young to comprehend what had just been said but the thought was enough to make your legs weak and send you falling to the ground. Your tears began to spill from your eyes to the thought of never having your daughter, you realized that maybe having “Franklin” wouldn’t work out after all. Katsuki instantly regretted his words once they’d been said but he couldn’t seem to make himself move. Your daughter, as innocent as she was, went and grabbed Franklin’s leash and handed it to you, “Franky needs to walk, he wants fresh air.”, she hummed clipping his leash to his collar.
You hid your tears by hanging your head and asked your daughter to go put on her shoes. Without another word you tugged Franklin along and left to take him for a walk leaving Katsuki alone in the house. He cursed at himself for saying something so insensitive, regretting all that he’d said and done. You’d left his change of clothes ready for him on the bed, the bath had been made just the way he liked it, and his favorite dish for dinner was hot and ready on the stove. You’d done all this just to impress him just so he’d let you keep the dog but he was alone unsure of what to do now. You’d be gone for the next three hours, having gone to the park to cry over the argument, you returned home with a sleeping girl in your arm and a tired dog. Katsuki had waited for you to return but even as he came to help you, you couldn’t seem to meet his gaze. He took Hikari from you and put her to sleep, finding you heading towards the guest room with Franklin in tow.
“(Y/n)…”, he called to you watching you tense up to the sound of your name, “I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t have said something so stupid I-I-“
“I’ll take him back tomorrow, I’ll do it after i drop off Hikari at school that way she doesn’t see it.”, you choked out, crying as Franklin slept on the bed.
Your fingers gently brushing against his head as new tears began to spill from your puffy red eyes, this really was breaking your heart and it broke Katsuki’s knowing it was all his fault. You pressed a kiss to Franklin’s head and whispered, “I’m sorry.”, laying your head onto of his as you struggled to hold back your tears.
“Baby…c-come to bed. We can talk about this in the morning.”
“I’m not leaving him alone. I won’t see him again after tomorrow.”, you sobbed, “Just go away and let me say goodbye.”
You sobbed holding your sweet fur baby for the last and only night. Katsuki returned to his room in defeat unable to sleep knowing you were so upset and heartbroken because of him, he’d wake up the next morning still upset to find Franklin asleep at the front door, leash in his mouth as he snored waiting for someone to take him out. The dam behind Bakugou’s eyes broke seeing the old dog asleep like that, he could only imagine what the poor guy had been through at that adoption center. He found his adoption file by the front door along with a Deku plush toy that had obviously been chewed on. Katsuki sat on the floor next to the old dog and read his file.
Name: Zues, Nugget, Shadow, Chance, Franklin
Breed: Canine, Rottweiler
Age: 12 (updated 8/12)
Sex: Neutered Male
Hi, my name is Big Boy, my name has changed a lot over the years so this is what the staff calls me. I’m an old boy looking for the right loving home to adopt me and make me a part of their family. I am big but I am a very good boy.
Red list: set for euthanasia (8/19)
Final attempt for adoption. If returned I, (F/n) Bakugou, understand that the pet is no longer under my possession and give up all rights to the pet. My decision is final as the animal has already been red listed for euthanasia. I will not return the pet unless I am sure I am unable to provide a proper home for him.
Katsuki stared down at the dog with tearful ruby eyes realizing what you meant by ‘Hikari saved him’. Franklin woke up staring up softly at the blonde hero, Katsuki smiled and went to pet him but he noticed how Franklin closed his eyes and seemed to flinch.
“You’re okay buddy. I’m not gonna hurt you, not ever again.”, he promised cupping the dog’s face in both hands as he gently scratched under his chin.
Franklin groaned in content, little nub tail wagging with joy and then the happy growling began. Katsuki pulled away for just a moment but Franklin followed after his hands waiting for more scratches. Katsuki smiled and continued to pet his dog, “Aren’t you a cute little shit, all big and tough but you’re a softy for scratches and belly rubs.”, he chuckled watching Franklin roll over and snatch his leash up in his mouth.
Katsuki smiled and clipped Franklin up and took him for a walk, you woke up soon to get Hikari ready for kindergarten only to see your dog missing.
“Mommy, where’s Franky?”, she asked putting her yellow hat on.
You flashed a heartbroken smile to your daughter and whispered, “Daddy took him for a walk really quick.”, you lied hoping it’d be enough to please her.
“I hope Daddy gets along with Franky. I love him, he’s my best friend.”, Hikari hummed petting his dog bowl since she couldn’t pet him.
You took Hikari to school and sighed as she left to join her class, the worst possible thoughts flooded through your brain when you couldn’t find Katsuki or Franklin in the house. You accepted that Katsuki had taken him back, now you were off to the grocery store to buy food. Little did you know, your husband had fallen in love with your family dog. He had taken him to the groomers, the vet, the pet store, everywhere he could take him to prove to him that life would be so much better now that he was part of the Bakugou family.
“(Y/n)? I’m home.”, Katsuki called from the front door.
You quietly emerged from the kitchen, drying your hands on your apron since you’d been washing dishes. You finally met his eyes, pure heart break dulling their natural shine, Katsuki smiled at you and called Franklin in watching you light up with joy to his presence.
“Baby boy! Oh my big Franklin!”, you squealed in a baby loving voice as you rushed to hug him.
You noticed his new All Might themed collar and tag that read ‘Bakugou, Franklin’ on it. You stared up at your husband in shock, he smiled and kneeled down next to you, cupping your face in his hands as he pulled you into a deep kiss. Tongue and all, it was messy, like a high school boy kissing for the first time but he poured every ounce of love he could into it.
“Katsuki.”, you moaned against his lips, failing to breathe the more intense his kiss became.
He pulled away, smiling in content. “Went and spoiled the giant little shit, couldn’t take him back knowing how much both of my girls loved him. Sorry I was being an asshole yesterday. Wont happen again, love you so much.”, Katsuki whispered kissing your neck between every couple of words.
You wanted to cry again but you didn’t, “Love you more, but if you ever try to hurt me like this again I will castrate you and glue your balls to your forehead. Don’t ever say we shouldn’t have had our daughter again either or I swear to fuck I will make sure she grows up hating you.”, you threatened him, sealing your words with a kiss to emphasize your point.
Katsuki promised he wouldn’t and smiled as the sound of Franky’s snoring filled the room. He had returned to his spot on the couch and Katsuki didn’t hesitate to leave a kiss on the big lug’s head.
“He’s our old man, no one’s taking him away anymore. Him and his stupid rumbles are staying here.”, Katsuki promised, you smile and nodded.
Hikari was happy to return home and she her best friend waiting for her, his smile and growls returned but now they were a sign of joy. Franklin had finally found his home.
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angeliasheart · 2 years
thinking about your night routine with katsuki.
after he’s finished the last of his paperwork and eaten with you, he practically drags you to the bathroom and strips shamelessly for your daily showers together (which he wouldn’t admit is the part of the day he looks forward to the most). washing each other & lathering soap on every inch is like a daily ritual for you both. his 6’2 frame bending down so you can rub shampoo in his hair, or the scrubbing and massaging of your feet while he looks up at you with nothing but love in his eyes. these non-sexual acts of intimacy is one of the highlights in your relationship with the pro-hero as you get to see a side of him that obviously no one else has (or will).
his little hums and moans of affirmation when you scratch his scalp and rub his back when he lays face first into your chest, “fuckk… jus’ like that baby” leaving innocent kisses and pecks now and then between the valley of your breasts, and you swear you see his toes curl when you scratch that sweet spot in his fluffy hair (which smells of your shampoo). his strong muscular arms wrapping around your torso as he sinks deeper into your chest just proves that bakugou katsuki’s main love language is physical touch, the skin to skin contact showing his love for you any better than his words would. you love him, and he loves you, which is why he has a small box tucked into his wardrobe waiting for the perfect moment.
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