I post things from LOTS of fandoms, and I write a lot, so if you have a request for something you want written just lemme know and I'll cook something up for you!
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saw this on tt and thought I'd share here cause it's sweet
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Okay, do I believe in having an exception as a Lesbian? No, no I do not. Is Spencer Reid my exception? Yes, 100% absolutely he is
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Like do I believe in having an exception as a Lesbian? no. Is Spencer Reid my exception? Yes, 100% he is
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Abseloutly made me CACKLE at the breakfast table. That was definitely an awkward read to explain away to my family when they wondered by i burst out laughing at my phone XD
"The Alphabet Game" ~ S. Reid
Summary: When Reader ends up in the hospital for an emergency surgery, Spencer finds any way he can to distract her—cue the alphabet game.
Pairing: Husband!Spencer Reid x Fem!Wife!Reader
Word Count: 1,421
Content Warning: takes place in a hospital, sexual humor, very mild swearing, not explicitly stated but I like to imagine reader has HS because this is a v self indulgent fic
Genre: idrk so i'm gonna say Comedic Fluff
Extra Notes: y'all idk what this is, i just hope y'all enjoy it regardless
Based On the Prompt: "Oops I Did It Again" - Hospital and Flare-Ups (from 2021 Whumptober Prompts)
Originally Written: 10/04/2022
Beta Read By: @dungeons-are-too-cold and @reidsbookclub (love u my darlings ❤️)
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
Whumptober masterlist/schedule can be found here!
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"Babe, don't you think that's a little much?" I giggled from my bed, watching Spencer as he struggled to make it through the door with three suitcases, a duffel bag, and his messenger bag.
"You never know how long we're gonna be here," he commented.
"Do not curse me like that!" I held up a playfully scolding finger. "We're here for antibiotics and antibiotics only. This time tomorrow, we'll be signing discharge papers."
His lips pressed into a tight smile as he kissed me quickly. "I hope so," he replied, placing the duffel bag and his messenger bag on the end of my bed.
My eyes watched as he turned back to the suitcases, scooting them into the corner neatly. This man and his organization.
After a moment, I finally spoke up again, guilt filling my voice. "Hey, I'm sorry I made you come back early."
He laughed, sitting down lightly near my feet. "Are you kidding me? I'd much rather be here with you than in Chicago mapping out a geographical profile."
My lips curved into a small pout. "I don't wanna let the team down by taking you away from them."
"Love," he said, placing a hand gently on my leg, "your health and your wellbeing matters way more to me than the team. They've worked without me before. I have no doubt they'll be able to do it again."
In true "turn that frown upside down" fashion, my pout quickly contorted into a small smile. My voice was light as I told him, "That is one of the many reasons I love you."
He gave me a grin to match the one I'd given him. "For better or for worse, right?"
Leave it to the universe to pick worse…
Twenty-four hours later, instead of signing discharge papers, I found myself signing consent papers for surgery.
"Dr. Summers will be in shortly with your anesthesia," the nurse smiled, taking the clipboard from my hands.
I gave her a smile as best I could, my leg beginning to nervously bounce as soon as she pulled the curtain closed. My mind was racing. Anxious thought after anxious thought filled every crevice of my brain.
Spencer must've caught onto my anxiety, seeing as he pulled his chair closer to my bedside. "You've got this," he said, like a declaration that everything would be OK.
Still, my mind couldn't possibly compute the idea of me being fine after finding out I'd need emergency surgery. My hands trembled as they made their way to his, continuing to shake as I held on tight to his hands.
My brows creased as I finally made eye contact with him. "What?"
"When I get nervous, I list my favorite word for each letter of the alphabet. I call it 'The Alphabet Game.' Atrium is my favorite 'A' word," he explained. "I just think it's a fun word to say."
My eyebrows un-ruffled as I let out a huff. "We've been together for how long and you've never told me that?"
In what I assumed was an attempt to distract me, he turned our attention back to his game. "Come on, try it. It's fun," he said. "What's your favorite 'A' word?"
"Uh…" my voice trailed as I racked my brain. "Apple?"
He scoffed playfully. "That's a boring one. Surely, you have a better one."
I attempted to brainstorm more words, coming up mostly empty. "Um, authentic."
"That's a good one," he told me. "Alright, B… bibliophile."
For the first time in over twenty-four hours, I finally cracked a grin. "I should've known," I commented, reaching up to run a hand through his slightly messy hair. "Hmmm, I like badass."
"Does that count?" he inquired, "Isn't that technically two words?"
My mouth fell agape in playful disbelief. "Now, Spencer Reid, you didn't tell me there were rules to this game."
He chuckled once more, leaning over to peck my forehead. "You're right, I'm sorry.
"Besides, badass is one word. You just don't use your sentence enhancers enough to know."
He shook his head playfully. "Alright, for C, I'll say cacomistle."
"What the hell is that?"
"It's kind of like a raccoon. They live in Central America. Really anywhere between Mexico and Panama."
My eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Interesting," I commented, slightly amused at his nerdiness. "Cauliflower."
"Why cauliflower?" he inquired, a laugh threatening to spill off his tongue.
"I just think it's a fun word to say."
This game went on for quite some time, the two of us tossing random words at each other. Just an innocent game between two lovers… until it wasn't innocent anymore.
"Hmmm, I can't think of anything for K. You got anything?" he asked.
"Hmmm," I hummed, considering all the possibilities. "Koala? That one's kinda boring though."
Just then, he let out a small string of snickers. "Sorry," he managed, followed by another quiet laugh.
My eyebrows furrowed once again. "What?"
"I, uh… I thought of a slightly inappropriate word," he said through a fit of chuckles.
My arms crossed tightly in front of my chest as I rebutted, "Well, now you have to tell me."
He snickered once more, covering his mouth in what I assumed was embarrassment. "I am ashamed to say I thought of the word knockers."
My eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets in disbelief as I laughed so hard. I was surprised when the nurses didn't show up to shush me. "Spencer Reid!" I scolded through my laughter.
He laughed right back as he added, "This game went in a much different direction than I'd expected."
"OK, moving on," I giggled. "What about L?"
His mouth scrunched as he began to hold in another laugh. "Lube."
I rolled my eyes, holding in a simper of my own. "We're getting a divorce," I joked. "I can't believe you right now."
"OK, do you have a better one?"
I thought for a moment before my brain drew a blank. "I suppose not. I think you fried my brain," I giggled. "OK, let's move on. The next letter is M, and I swear if you say mas-"
"I'm not gonna say it," he said, almost like a dare to himself. "I can do better than that."
The room stayed silent for a beat, save for the light sound of snickers as we both attempted to think of a new word.
I could've sworn I actually saw Spencer's eyes light up as he exclaimed, "I got it! Missionary."
"You know I can't have sex for at least two weeks after I have these setons placed, right?"
"Damn, that long?" he pouted. "I guess the other word works better after all, huh?"
"I'm going to kill you," I said, letting out a short string of tickled huffs.
As both a nurse and the anesthesiologist slipped past the curtain, Spencer and I found ourselves struggling to act casually.
"OK, Mrs. Reid, are you ready?" Dr. Summers greeted me with a small smile.
I could tell from Spencer's breaths that he was struggling not to burst out laughing right there.
Spencer had one of the most contagious laughs I'd ever come across. So, it was no surprise that I found myself struggling to hold back a string of giggles. I felt tears brimming my eyes as I managed to answer, "Mhm."
"Now, unfortunately this is when you have to part with your husband," she said with a half-frown.
Spencer leaned over, leaving a long kiss on my lips. I took in his familiar scent one last time, trying to remind myself that it would be the first thing I smelled when I woke up.
Once our lips had parted, he leaned in close to my ear, a smirk almost audible in his tone as he whispered, "Nuts."
As if the floodgates of laughter had finally been opened, the chain of snickers I'd been holding back finally fell from my lips. Through my giggles, I managed to apologize. "I'm sorry."
"No, it's perfectly OK," the nurse from before smiled. "It's nice to see someone with a happy spirit in conditions like these," she commented as she began to wheel me off.
Spencer walked behind us for a few feet, until he reached the point where he couldn't follow anymore.
"I love you," he made sure I heard. "You've got this."
I watched as the double doors closed behind us, shaking my head in both pure disbelief and pure love for my husband. "I love you too, you big nut."
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OK so I clearly have to address the elephant in the room
This idea came to me when I was lying in my own hospital bed waiting for my own setons to be placed. I just randomly started listing words and I was like, "This is so Spencer Reid of me." And then my brain just kinda spiraled and at some point, I started thinking of less NSFW words and then this idea came about. It's very special to me, it's definitely helped me cope with everything that happened.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed part two of Whumptober! i look forward to seeing you guys again on Saturday for part three! 🫶🏻
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smut's fun. have you ever read soul crushing, heart aching, head throbbing comfort that makes your eyes burn out of your head to the point where you just have to crawl into a ball because your inner child feels so safe? haha... yeah smuts fun.
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Reality Shifter's Guide to the Galaxy
Alright, so here's what I'm thinking right? I started trying to shift all the way back in 2020 when most people first got into shifting. I tried to shift for 4 years and finally did it in April and since then i've been shifting a lot. Hey, I just unlocked one of the secret powers of the universe, u think in gonna "Take it easy" on that??? Lmao, not me, no thanks. But anyways. Since I've shifted a lot and have been trying for so long I've already made my fare share of mistakes and have had my share of success stories! So If I was to start posting stories from my jouneys, things that happened while I shifted, how I shift, what stopped me from shifting for so long, stuff like that, umm, would y'all want that? I'm thinking I could do it here on tumble, maybe on Quotev, maybe on Wattpad, maybe Spacehey, maybe all 4, idk. But in general, is that something people would be into seeing?
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It's the way everyone can see it except them for me XD
There's literally nothing funnier than Sam Winchester's face every time Dean and Cas act like an old bickering married couple

It's the range for me 😭😭
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Criminal minds X victim reader (One shot)
Summary: Y/n is the victim of a kidnapping and child fighting ring. She manages to escape and find the help of a few certain criminal profilers that she's heard of. she's a long way from home and needs help getting back
A/N: This is my first time posting something like this. I decided to just post this little part one to see if anyone would actually be interested at all, and if you guys like it ket me know and i can do a part two!
!WARNINGS!: mentions of violence and murder and kidnapping, crying
Y/n waited anxiously on the front steps of the Library. She had been watching and waiting and planning for a few days now. She knew what she had to do and she was scared, but she knew it was the right thing to do. As she saw the tall young man with messy brown hair walking up the steps she took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and stood up and approached him. He was about to pass her, not noticing her at first, so she called out to him
“Dr. Reid!” She called out. Dr. Spencer Reid turned back around and looked at her confused “You are Dr. Spencer Reid, with the Behavioral analysis unit of the FBI? Right?” Spencer cocked his head to the side and took a step closer to the unfamiliar girl
“I’m sorry, have we met before?” Being stopped by a 15 year old girl who he’d never seen before wasn’t on his list of things that planned to do for the day, but here he was anyways
“Umm, no, sorry. I’ve read about your work, and your team’s work. Umm, My name is Y/n. Y/n L/n” Y/n said nervously “I would shake your hand but I have this thing with germs, I-i don’t really- It’s just- strangers, ya know?” Y/n rambled on quickly
“No no, its okay Y/n, I’m the same way” Spencer said in an attempt to calm her down. She was clearly panicking, but he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. Spencers words did help though. Only a little bit, but they helped
“Umm, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?” Y/n asked. Spencer checked his watch for a moment and then nodded. Y/n smiled and they stepped off the steps to a few tables that were on the sidewalk outside the library. Y/n shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She was scared. She knew that she needed to tell someone and get help and that this might be her only shot, but she was still scared. She didn’t want to get in trouble. She was pretty sure she wouldn’t but still
Spencer was of course taking in all the details he could about this interaction and about y/ns behavior. He noticed how nervous she was, the shifting in her seat, checking her surroundings, picking at her skin. But he also noticed things about her appearance. He hair was dirty and tangled. Her clothes were worn, and she had bags under her eyes. Given the strange nature of the interaction alone, he was set slightly on edge from the beginning. Coupling that with the bad feeling he had in general and with how much this interaction reminded him of one he’d had with a young boy years prior, he was not feeling great about this so far. But nevertheless, he sat, and he waited for her to speak so he could listen
“You know a lot about the law and stuff, and I just needed to know, umm… If someone kills someone who was going to kill them, will they still go to prison?” Spencer could feel the color drain from his face at Y/n’s question. Spencer leaned forward slightly and spoke quietly
“Y/n… Did you kill someone?” He asked, worry and dread laced in his words. Y/n was avoiding eye contact and picking at her fingers. The thoughts and memories of everything that she’d been through caused her eyes to tear up. She opened her mouth to speak but her words got caught in her throat. All she could do was nod her head slightly as she kept her gaze fixed on her hands which were set in her lap. Spencer leaned back in his chair and ran his hand over his face letting out an exasperated and bewildered sigh. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” Y/n kept her eye fixed on her hands, but nodded her head again slowly. As she gained her composure Spencer did the same. After a few more moments, Y/n spoke
“A while ago, I think a month or so, someone grabbed me on my way home from school. They took me to this place… I was cold and it smelled like mold and gasoline. There was someone there when I got there, a boy, my age. At first we just talked for a few days, tried to find a way out. But then the person… they came back…” As she spoke her voice kept breaking and Spencer could tell just how hard talking about this was. “They said that one of us had to… One of us had to die… or he was gonna kill both of us” As the words left Y/ns lips she broke down and started sobbing. Spencer got up and walked around the side of the table to Y/n. He knelt down in front of her and put his hand on her shoulder
“Y/n look at me.” He said firmly. Y/n lifted her head to look at Spencer. He looked at her with compassion and empathy, but he was still being firm and being very serious “I need you to tell me what happened next?” Y/n nodded and continued through her tears
“ I didn’t want to hurt him, but her came after me with a rock he found on the ground…” Y/n closed her eyes tight as the memories started coming back stronger. She pushed through and kept talking “I didn’t want him to die, I just wanted him to not hurt me… after it was over, someone came in and took him away… They brought someone new in every few days…” Y/n could keep going anymore and the sobs started coming through again. This time Spencer pulled her into a hug and let her cry into his shoulder. At first Y/n just sat there crying, but after a few moments she grabbed onto Spencer and hugged him as tight as she could
“It’s okay Y/n. It’s not your fault. You did what you had to do to survive, and you’re safe now.” Spencer tried to comfort her the best he could, but she just needed to cry for a while and have someone hold her. Spencer just kept telling he that she was safe and that it wasn’t her fault. Eventually Y/n stopped crying and Spencer stood up. “Y/n will you come with me to talk to my team?” Y/n looked at him scared. She stood up from her chair abruptly and was mentally preparing herself to run, reprimanding herself for trusting the authorities. Spencer realized he had scared her and tried to explain “You’re not in any trouble. I just want to do whatever we can to make sure that the people who did this to you get caught. And I want to make sure you get home safely” Y/n looked at him cautiously for a few more moments before relaxing again and nodding. Spencer smiles at her and the two of them head off to the BAU
People were looking at the two of them very strangely on the way in the building, but Spencer just quickly guided her inside and to his unit. Spencer’s team members gave him some odd looks as they saw him marching Y/n in as well, but he ignored it all, taking her straight up to Hotch’s office. Agent Hotchner was on the phone and looked at Reid shocked when he barged in with no knock or explanation with some random kid
“Reid, What the hell is going on, I’m in the middle of-” Spencer cut him off
“With all due respect sir that can wait, you need to hear this” Hotch Was shocked, but the look on Spencer’s face said everything he needed to know to hang up the phone without asking a single follow up question. Spencer explained everything you has told him to Hotch and to say he was speechless was an understatement. Y/n, Reid, and Hotch, spent upwards of the next hour talking about everything. Talking about when this happened, talked about how Y/n wasn’t even from Virginia, she was from Pennsylvania. How many kids had come in and out while Y/n was there. And most importantly, how Y/n escaped
“Alright, tell me one last time Y/n” Agent Hotchner said
“After I was there for a while I decided that I wasn’t going to play theri sick game for them anymore, and I needed to escape. So when they made me and the next kid fight, I pretended to lose. Then they dragged me out and left me in the middle of the woods” Reid and Hotch looked at each other as if having a silent conversation before looking back to Y/n. “I started running and I ended up in this city”
“Y/n, do you think you would be able to take us to the place they left you?” Y/n thought hard for a moment before shaking her head
“I don’t remember where it is, I’m sorry.”
“Thats okay” Hotch said
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#supernatural#dean winchester#supernatural fandom#sam and dean#spnfandom#sam winchester#spn#supernaturalxreader#supernaturalxsisterreader
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Supernatural x sister!reader (Bring it) Chapter 15: Skin (Pt. 1)
Word count: 2,377
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Songs: "Psycho killer" -Talking heads
"Hey Kids" -Molina, Late Verlane
"Six Forty Seven" -Instupendo
Y/n laid across the back seat of the impala while they were stopped at a rest stop to get food and gas. She had her head phones in, listening to her music on her ipod that she had swipped from a store a few towns back. Sam had already scolded her about taking it, but he ended up letting her keep it anyways, seeing as they were already multiple towns away, and he thought it would be good for her to be able to put headphones in and just escape for a little while. She laid there bobbing her head and tapping her feet to Buddy Holly, when Dean came around the passenger side and opened her door. He tossed a bag of trail mix and a sports drink on her, causing her to throw him an annoyed look. Sitting up and pulling out her headphones, she said
"Rude" Y/n said. Dean looked at her with raised eyebrows, and retorted
"Would you rather I just take them back? Cuz I could do that ya know?" Y/n shook her head and started to open her trail mix. "Anyways, so I'm thinking we hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south hit Bisbee by midnight..." Dean trailed off when Sam didn't acknowledge what he was saying, thinking he wasn't listening Dean said "Sam wears women's underpants" Y/n chuckled, and Sam, still looking at his phone, replied
"I'm listening, I'm just busy" Y/n leaned over his shoulder from behind him in the back seat and looked at his phone, trying to see what he was doing before she asked
"Busy doing what?" Sam shrugged her off of his shoulder in an attempt to get her to stop looking at his phone before saying
"Replying to emails" Dean who was filling baby with gas looked at him confused
"Emails from who?" Dean asked
"From my friends at Stanford" This really shocked Dean as he didn't realize Sam still kept in contact with anyone from Stanford
"You're kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies?" Sam finally looked up from his phone and looked back at Dean with a slightly offended look on his face
"Oh leave him alone. You don't have to criticize him because you're jealous you don' have any friends" Y/n jokingly insulted Dean. Dean looked at her offended and Sam Laughed at them
"First of all, you're one to talk. And second of all, I have friends!" Dean Shot back at Y/n. She was unfazed by his retort and simply said
"First of all, I have no problem not having friends. and Second of all, name 1 friend you have" Dean was about to respond but Y/n cut him off and added "And Sam and I don't count" Dean shut his mouth and simply turned away and continued pumping gas. Y/n and Sam laughed and Sam went on to say
"You're kinda anti social, you know that?" Y/n rolled her eyes, sitting back in her seat and popping one earbud in so she could listen to both her music and her brothers
"Awe shit, that's a damn shame" She said jokingly with a smile. Sam chuckled and went back to his emails. A few moments later he quietly exclaimed
"Oh god..." Y/n and Dean's attention being brought back to Sam, Dean asked
"What?" as he got back in the driver seat of the impala and got ready to start her back up and continue on the road
"It's this email from this girl, Rebecca Warren, one of those friends of mine" Sam started to explain, but dean cut him off to ask
"Is she hot?" Sam ignored this comment, and Y/n smacked Dean in the back of the head. Sam continued
"I went to school with her and her brother, Zack. She says Zack's been charged with murder. He was arrested for killing his girlfriend. Rebecca says he didn't do it, but it sounds like the police have a pretty good case" Y/n and Dean looked at each other with disturbed looks on their faces, before they looked back to Sam. Dean asked
"Dude, what kind of people are you hangin' out with?" Sam looked up and him and shook his head, immediately coming to Zack's defense
"No man, I know Zack, he's no killer" Sam seemed sure of what he was saying, but Y/n was with Dean on this one. It sounded like maybe Sam didn't know Zack as well as he thought he did
"Well maybe you know Zack about as well as he knows you?" Sam looked at Y/n almost as if he was pleading with his siblings, trying to get them to believe him. He faced forward again in his seat
"They're in St. Louis. we're going"
"Look, I'm sorry 'bout your buddy, but this does not sound like our kind of problem" Dean tried to reason with Sam but Sam cut him off
"It is our problem, they're my friends" Sam said. Dean jumped back in, still trying to tell Sam that they weren't going
"St. Louis is 400 miles behind us, Sam!" Sam just held eye contact with Dean. Eventually Dean sighed and hung his head for a moment before starting Baby up and driving down the road in rout to St. Louis.
When The Winchesters pulled up to the address Sam had of where Becky was staying, the three of them were very impressed by the large and fancy house, with its long driveway that was lined with different kinds of bushes and plants. They got out of the car and made their way up to the front door steps. Y/n was still admiring the house, saying
"I didn't know people ACTUALLY lived in places like this" Dean chuckled at his sister's comment before ringing the doorbell. They waited for a few moments, before the door was puled open, and they were greeted by a surprised but happy looking blonde girl
"Oh my god, Sam!" She exclaimed, happy to see him
"Well if it isn't little Becky" Sam said playfully. She rolled her eyes at him and jokingly said
"You know what you can do with that 'little Becky' crap" And with that last comment she stepped forward and she and Sam hugged for a moment
"I got your email" Sam explained to Becky
"I didn't think you'd actually come here" Becky said, still smiling st Sam. Dean stepped forward and put his hand out for Becky to shake and introduced himself
"I'n Dean, older brother" Becky smiled and shook his hand. Sam stepped slightly to the side so Becky could see Y/n, who was stood just behind him
"And this is my kid sister, Y/n" Sam introduced her. Y/n smacked him in the back playfully, shooting back
"Not a kid, Sammy" She said, putting emphasis on the nick name that she knew he didn't like being called. Sam sent her a death glare before looking back to Becky. Becky laughed and said
"Oh I am definitely using Sammy from now on instead of Sam" She Joked
"Don't even think about it" Sam said while laughing. "Anyways, we came to help, whatever we can do" Sam continued
"Come in" Becky says, letting the three of them inside, closing the door behind them. As Becky lead the three of them into the kitchen Dean commented
"Nice place" Y/n scoffed at Deans comment and looked around at the high ceilings, tile floors, and large ornate cabinets displaying expensive silverware and china sets
"That is putting it lightly" She said quietly. Dean heard her and chuckled, but Sam just elbowed her in the side, trying to tell her to shut up "Ow. What?!" She quietly exclaimed to him. Sam gave her a look and she just looked back forward and kept following Becky
"It's my parent's" Becky started to explain "I was just crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. I decided to take the semester off. I'm gonna stay until Zack is free"
"So where are your folks?" Sam asked
"They live in Paris for half the year, so they are on their way home for the trial" Y/n opened her mouth, ready to make another remark about their family being rich. But before she could, Sam, knowing she was going to say something snarky, stepped on her foot, keeping his straight expression. Y/n pursed her lips trying not to react, and Dean just stood there mentally face palming. Becky just continued "Do you guys want a beer or something?"
"I'd love one" Y/n said jokingly. Becky looked at her confused
"How old are you hun?" Y/n was going to say something else sarcastic, but Sam just cut her off saying
"Just ignore her. We're alright, but thanks" Becky smiled and nodded. "So why don't you tell us what happened?" Becky's expression dropped as she started to think about everything that had been happening
"Um, well, Zack came home, and he found Emily tied to a chair. and she was Beaten up and bloody, and she wasn't breathing." Recounting the tragic events made Becky very emotional. Tears started to form in her eyes and she did her best not to start full on crying so she could tell them everything that happened "So, he called 911, and the police—they showed up, and they arrested him. But, the thing is, the only way that Zack could've killed Emily is if he was in two places at the same time" The three Winchesters looked at her confused and so she explained " The police—they have a video. It's from the security tape from across the street. And it shows Zack coming home at 10:30. Now, Emily was killed just after that, but I swear, he was here with me, having a few beers until at least after midnight." Y/n and Dean shared a look before Sam spoke
"Y'know, maybe we could see the crime scene? Zack's house?" Becky looked at Sam confused
"Why? I mean, what could you do?" She asked
"Well, Y/n and I not much, But Dean, Dean's a cop" Becky looked at Dean, a glint of hope in her eyes. Dean smiled and nodded, playing along with Sam's story
"A detective actually" Dean says
"Really?" Dean nods, trying to assure her of his fake law enforcement ranking "Where?" Becky asks, not necessarily because she doesn't believe him and Sam, more so trying to make small talk
"Bisbee Arizona, But I'm off duty right now" Dean says. Becky nods and thinks about it for a moment
"You know guys, it's so nice of you to offer, I just-I just I don't know" Becky starts trying to talk herself out of what they were suggesting. She wanted to find a way to help her brother, but she could think of a lot of reasons why breaking into a sealed crime scene would be a very bad idea
"Bec, look, I know Zack didn't do this. Now, we have to find a way to prove that he's innocent." Sam said , trying to convince Becky to let them investigate. She thought about it for a few more moments before she decided
"okay. I'm gonna go get the keys" She says and leaves out of the room down the hallway. After she was gone and out of earshot, Dean jumped in
"Oh yea dude. You're a real straight shooter with your friends" He said to Sam. Sam turned to look at him
"Look, Zack and Becky need out help" Sam said
"Look man, I just don't think this is our kind of problem" Dean said. Dean had been anxious to get back on the road and continue he search for their dad lately, so he wasn't to keen on wasting time at the moment
"Two places at once? Dean we've looked into less" Sam said. Dean sighed and after a moment of consideration just nodded, letting Sam know that he was on board with staying around. Thats when Sam turned to Y/n, was carefully examining the different knickknacks on the shelfs. One such item that caught her eye was a small crystal elephant figurine, no bigger than the palm of her hand. She had picked it up and was watching it shimmer in the light, captivated by it, and the idea of what it might be worth "And you!" Sam said, pointing to Y/n, startling her and causing her to spin around and face Sam, keeping the little elephant hidden in her hand "What the hell is your problem?" Y/n shrugged her shoulders and look at him confused
"What are you talking about?" She asked, playing dumb
"All the snarky comments. What is your deal? I know you used to get weird around rich people, but when did it get so bad?" Sam questioned her, but before she could answer, Becky came back into the room with her set of keys
"You guys ready?" She asked. Sam turned to her and nodded to Becky
"Yea, let's go" And with that all four of them headed out towards the impala. As Y/n and Dean were leaving the house, Becky and Sam started talking. Dean grabbed Y/n by the forearm and stopped her, having her hang back in the group with him
"Ow! What are-" But before she could continue her protest, Dean grabbed the elephant figurine from her hand and held it up in front of her face. He raised his eyebrow at her and gave her a look of disappointment. Dean pocketed the elephant, saying
"This whole stealing thing better not become a whole thing, got it?" Y/n simply nodded and went to the car with Sam and Becky. Dean shook his head and sighed as he joined everyone in the car, then the four of then drove off to Zack's house to check out the crime scene
To Be Continued...
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Also, I Literally pulled song names out of a hat to pick which one Y/n would be listening to in the beginning of the chapter and buddy holly just so happened to be the one I picked, which i think is so funny XD. anyways, have a great day/night/whatever, and I'll see y'all in the next one! <3
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Supernatural x sister!reader (Bring it) Chapter 14: Clear the air
Word count: 2,338
On a highway Somewhere in Indiana
The sky was clear and blue. The Winchesters had left Toledo roughly 2 hours ago and were on the road once more. After they had dropped Charlie off at her house, Y/n did all that she could to stall telling her brothers about her dreams. She knew she was going to have to tell them but she wanted to put it off for as long as possible. It freaked her out, the idea of how they might react, and she was, in truth too scared to just face it head on. So she stalled. She talked about everything, anything, other than the one thing her brothers wanted her to say. They knew she was stalling, and they let her. For a while. But, after this went on for much longer than it needed to, Sam looked at Dean and said "Pull over". Without returning Sam's gaze or saying anything, Dean pulled over onto the side of the highway. Sam got out of the car and So did Dean. Y/n's Mind was racing. Her heart was pounding, and she started shaking. She wasn't sure what to do. Maybe she could lie? Make up a story? She tried think of what she was going to say as she got out of the car. The three stood next to the car on the side furthest from the road. There weren't many other cars on the road at the moment, so it wasn't too loud. Dean stood leaning against Baby and Sam stood next to him with his hands in his pockets. Both of them just stared Y/n down, waiting for her to speak. Y/n took a deep breath, closed her eyes and started
"A few years ago on hunt, a vamp next in Bridgeport. I went off on my own and made friends with a girl at the park." Y/n let emotion seep into her words. They were shaky and quiet words. Hoping that it would make her story more believable. She averted her eyes from the boy, and even let some of her tears fall from her eyes. The emotion in her voice and the tears were real. But they had nothing to do with her story, and everything to do with the real secret she's been hiding. "But a vamp followed me a turned her. So she asked me to kill her... I had to kill a kid..." Y/n was good at lying... Just not good enough.
"Bullshit." Dean said, standing upright. Y/n's gaze snapped up to her oldest brother, a shocked expression on her face. But Dean's expression was stern, serious. So was Sam's. "You can't lie to us Y/n, we know you too well" Sam stepped forward towards Y/n, putting his hands on her shoulders and looking her deep in her eyes, his expression softening and turning from one so hardened and stern, to one of concern and compassion. He held the eye contact for a few moments longer before softly saying
"If this last hunt has taught us anything, it's that secrets are dangerous. Y/n we could have lost you, do you realize that?" Y/n was already ridden with guilt, but looking into Sam's eyes, thinking about the pain he has been in after losing Jess, knowing she could have said something to help her, should have said something. It was overwhelming. It was like her skin was crawling. She could feel every part of her mind body and should trying to scream out, to tell them the truth. But it was like someone had their hand gripping her throat, stopping her from speaking, or even breathing much at all. She couldn't take it anymore and looked down at her feet away from Sam, or Dean. She hadn't looked at him yet, but she could only imagine the expression on his face and it made her feel even worse. But as soon as she averted her eyes from Sam's he said "Look at me Y/n." And so she did, tears now streaming down her face "You can trust us with anything. No matter what it is, no matter what, we'll face it together..." Y/n hesitated. She knew that he had no idea what he way really saying, and that ig he did know the extent of what she was hiding, he probably wouldn't be saying that right now. But she knew she had to tell them anyways. Y/n nodded and Sam pulled her into a tight hug so that she could cry as much as she needed to to prepare herself. and Cry she did. It felt good to get the tears out. but she couldn't help but wonder how long it was going to be before she got a hug like this from Sam again once he knew. Could her or Dean ever forgive her?
After a few minutes, Y/n pulled away from the hug and Sam took a step back to stand next to Dean again and give you some space. With teary eyes and a shaky voice, Y/n gathered her thoughts, looked at her brothers and said "I've been seeing things.... Seeing them... Before they actually happen." As Y/n spoke Sam and Dean felt a chill take over both of them and they immediately tensed up. "And I think... I think I saw Jessica die... before she did..." Sam's eyes widened, his arms falling from being crossed over his chest to hanging limp at his sides. Dean looked from Y/n to Sam, worried, and then back to Y/n again. Y/n saw her brother's reactions and started to panic. This is what she was afraid of. "I thought it was just a Dream! I had never had that happen before then, and so I thought it was just a nightmare, but it keeps happening..." They Just stood there, staring. Sam could think of a million things to say in that moment but every word he tried to raise to his mouth got stuck in the throat. Dean couldn't think of anything at all. His mind completely frozen in place, as if it was hit with a 404 error. But the silence was what was freaking Y/n. Usually when she tells them something bad this is the part where they yell or get pissed, but this time, nothing "Well don't just stand there! Say something! Anything! Yell! Scream! Do something, don't just-... Don't just stand there!..." She yelled at them as she freaked out. She threw her hands up in frustration and let them fall to her sides before falling to her knees, and starring at the ground. Y/n clutched her chest as she could no longer speak, only cry. The sobbing just went on for minutes, and Sam and Dean just stood there watching. They were shocked, scared, confused. Sam didn't know what he was feeling. He didn't know how to react. He wasn't angry, why would he be? To him, she didn't do anything wrong. How could she have known that it was a vision. How could she have known it was really going to happen? If the same thing happened to him he probably would have done the same thing. so He didn't blame her. But he was scared. Dean was to. They've worked a lot of cases in their lives, but they never thought that their baby sister would end up being a case. With no words, and no other idea of how to respond, Dean walks forward, falling to his knees in front of Y/n. She looked up at him, still sobbing, and before she could say anything, Dean pulled her into a near bone crushing hug. Y/n Immediately melted into her brother's embrace and she just continued to sob into his shoulder. As tears slid down Dean's cheek, he took a shaky breath trying not to break down in front of his siblings. Dean looked back at Sam, who was still standing there, stunned, but looked like he was also on the brink of breaking down crying. Dean cocked his head slightly, gesturing for Sam come join them, and join them he did. Sam got down on his knees with his siblings and let them pull him into a tight hug
The Winchesters sat there, on the side of the highway outside Warsaw Indiana, hugging. You'd think hugs wouldn't really be their thing, but you'd be wrong. Sam and Dean held in their cries as best they could, trying to be strong for one another and for Y/n, though there were many a stray tears that escaped them. There were many thoughts rushing through all of their heads. Dean was grateful that Y/n was safe, for now. But he was also terrified. She was getting visions of the future? How? Why? What else was going on? Was this the extent of the strange powers she would experience or would there eventually be more? What could he do to keep her safe?
Sam could hardly believe what he was hearing. He was shocked. But not only for the reasons you'd expect. he was thinking all of the same things Dean was, but there was something else pressing on his mind as well. He wondered what the odds were of both his sister and him starting to have psychic visions and having seen the same vision before it happened at the same time... The truth is that he had been having dreams of Jess's death days before it happened as well. Convinced that they were nothing more than dreams, he didn't think much of it. They were unsettling, of course, but this wouldn't have been the first time he's had nightmares of people he cares about getting hurt or killed. After Jess had died, he was freaked out, of course. Everything had played out just as they did in his vision. But now this? Y/n saw it too? and from what she's been saying it sounds like there have been more since then. Sam didn't know how to describe what he was feeling. Then again, he often didn't. He was scared, for himself and for Y/n. He was stuck reminiscing about what might have happened if him or Y/n had decided to say something. If either of them had said something about their dreams, maybe they'd realized they were visions and Jess would still be alive. But it wasn't as if he was blaming Himself or Y/n. He was more so just pondering the possibilities. He can't say the thought didn't make sad though. Over all however, the general feeling that all three siblings were feeling was best described with one word. Unnerved...
Though getting all of that off of her chest finally felt good, and Y/n was glad she did it, that didn't change reality. Reality was that something was wrong with her. very wrong, and she didn't know what it was. non of them did. they didn't even have an idea of where to start looking to figure it out
Dean pulled back from the hug, Y/n and Sam looking at him. He had one hand on Y/n's shoulder and one on Sam's. Looking intently from Sam to Y/n "Alright. No more secrets guys. This kind of shit happens we can't keep it in. Got it?" Sam and Y/n nodded. So, taking Dean's words to heart, Sam took a deep breath and told them
"I Saw it too." Y/n and Dean looked at Sam, shocked and confused
"I'm sorry come again?" Dean asked
"I saw Jess die... before I SAW her die..." Y/n and Dean didn't know what to say. They just stared at him "B-but that's all, I haven't seen anything else" Y/n gave him a look, as if asking him if that was really all "Really. I swear" After taking a few moments to read him, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth, she decided to trust what he was saying and nodded, letting him know that she believed him
Dean stood up, letting out a long exasperated breath as he ran his hand down his face trying to deal with the overwhelm for everything happening, as well as trying to work out a plan for what to do. And truthfully he had no clue. Sam and Y/n watched Dean. They could tell how stressed out he was, no matter how hard he tried to hide it
"Okay, here is what we are going to do." Dean started, catching Sam and Y/n off guard. Pointing at the Impala, Dean continued "We are going to get back into that car, we are going to drive to the next town. We are going to find a place to stay, and we are going to figure this thing out" Y/n and Sam looked at each other before both standing. The three of them got in the car, just as Dean had told them to do. Dean, sitting behind the wheel, took a deep breath, turned the car-keys in the ignition, and the engine roared to life. Before pulling back onto the road, dean flipped the car stereo on, Enter Sandman by Metallica started playing mid song, right where it had paused before the stereo was last turned off. They pulled back onto the highway and started off towards the nearest town which was about 30 minutes away. Sam kept himself occupied by rewinding some of Dean's cassette tapes, trying to put them back to the way they were. Y/n was sat in the back, staring out of the window watching the world pass by. And Dean kept his gave fixed on to road, his focus on what was to come
To Be Continued...
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for another short one! I just really didn't want to wait a super long time before posting and I've been struggling with writing this one, so I figured it'd be best to just get it out there so I can clear my head for the next one. Hope you enjoyed. I know it was kinda mushy and stuff, but we need our chick flick moments every now and then, lmao <3
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Supernatural x sister!reader (Bring it) Chapter 13: Bloody secrets (Pt. 2)
Word count: 2,176
Toledo Ohio
Minutes passed... As Y/n started into her reflection, her mirror from unchanging, no sign of Marry to be found, she wondered "Is this it? Am I going to fail to save Charlie? Just like I failed to save Jess?" She thought about her life as a hunter. About all the good she had done for people, all the not so good. And everything up until now seemed to fade into a dull and sickening gray. Like, if she was able to do at least this... If letting Jess die like that couldn't even help her save Charlie, then what was any of it worth? Why did any of it happen if it couldn't be used to help some? Frustration built inside her like a disease. It filled every corner, every crevice of her being until it started to seep out of her body in the form of warm salty tears. Her breathing became quick and shallow and her body language, once firm and ready, was now slumped and desperate. Dean took notice, and pity for his sister was all he could think about, though his expression remained blank
He didn't think Mary was coming either. And although he did feel bad for his sister's seemingly failed attempt, he couldn't help but rejoice in the thought that she was not going to be the object of an angry spirit's wrath. But even so, he let Y/n wait for Mary to appear. After 5 more minutes that felt as if they had been stretched out into an eternity, the approaching rumble of and engine, the squeak of car breaks, and the glowing beam of headlights shining in through the front window of the antique shop pulled the attention of the older two Winchetsers from the mirror and their sister, to who ever had just approached the building. Dean put his hand on Y/n's shoulder.
"C'mon kiddo. We gotta go" Y/n Shrugged his hand off and kept her gaze fixed forward, her baseball bat still prepared to swing at the first sign of foreign movement. Dean put his hand back on her shoulder "Y/n, come one-" But he was once again shrugged off by his sister. He knew he had to put a stop to this. That whatever was eating her up needed to end, now. He grabbed her by both of her shoulders and forcefully turned her towards him "Y/n!-" He tried to reason with her. Mary wasn't coming. He knew it, Sam knew it, and So did Y/n. But she wasn't finished
"No!" She shouted at Dean, struggling against his grip, trying to turn back towards the mirror. But Dean wouldn't let her
"Y/n! Hey! Look at me! We have to go..." The struggle stopped. "This has to stop..." His eyes drifted away from her brothers but he repeated to her "Look at me" Her eyes fixed on Deans and she listened to him as he spoke carefully "This has to stop. Whatever has been going on... It's over... tonight... Okay?" Y/n didn't speak. She only looked at her brother as tears trickled down her cheeks. In one final attempt she pulled herself away from Dean's protective grasp and turned back towards the mirror, readying herself once again. Dean sighed, looking at Sam who's face held sadness so heavily it was almost concerning. He knew what it was to hold guilt. He knew what it was to have secrets. He knew. Which was partly what was killing him so badly. He didn't blame himself the way that Y/n did, for the secrets he kept. But he knew what it was to have secrets. Dean gestured towards the door to Sam "We'll buy you some time" He said, as the two of them turned to leave, exchanging a concerned look between the two of them. Not concerned for Y/n's safety. At this point they were confident that all was well in that perspective. But worried for her nonetheless
Y/n heard her brother's exit the store. She heard the door open and close moments later, and she could hear the muffled conversation they were having with those who had just arrived. But her gaze remained fixed forward. Her focus just as strong as ever, however blurred by tears her vision had become. As she looked forward at the reflection of her face, she could see the sneer of a cold smirk appear on her mirror's image, though her expression was one of confusion. As though a weight had been placed on her chest, she found it suddenly impossible to breath, to scream, to move air whatsoever. She clutched her chest, dropping her baseball bat to the ground unintentionally. Her focus being drawn entirely to trying to take a breath, she didn't even notice the searing pain she felt in her eyes, as if someone was cutting them out of her head at that moment. Nor did she notice the blood dripping down her face that came from her eye sockets. It was only when her reflection spoke did she really understand that this was an attack from the very ghost they had been hunting. That while she was sitting, waiting anxiously for Mary to appear, she was lying in wait. This predator watched and waited until the moment she was alone and vulnerable to strike
"You are the reason she is dead..." A voice rang out from Y/n reflection, similar to her own but broken and twisted. "You saw what was going to happen long before it did..." Y/n crumpled to the floor, still clutching her chest trying to breath. She began to see tiny flashing lights and colors staring to dance around the room, as the edges of her vision started to shrink inwards as he eyelids felt heavier and heavier "Why didn't you warn her? Why didn't you warn Sam? You killed her! YOu let her DIE!" As Y/n lay on the floor, hardly able to hear to scolding of the ghost anymore, she reached out towards her bat desperately, in a final attempt to save herself. But it was futile. She could hardly move. She could hardly do anything. The light was just about to fade out when Dean and Sam rushed back into the room in time to see Their sister, on the brink of death, laying on the floor. Dean rushed over, and with a swing of his bat shattered the mirror into tiny pieces
The weight lifted from Y/n's chest, no longer constricting her breath. The pain in her eyes faded as the steady trickle of blood stopped. She rolled over onto her back, gasping for air, trying to get a grip on the fact that though she came inches from death, she was in fact alive. Sam and Dean were quick to kneel next to their sister, trying to make sure she was okay. Helping her sit up, as she tried to regain her composure, Sam asked
"What the hell happened? Are you okay?" Before she even had a chance to answer Dean pulled her into a near bone crushing hug and let out a shaky breath as a few tears trickled their way down his cheeks. Y/n Looked up at him, and raising her eyebrow she teased him
"Are you crying?" Dean grabbed the back of her head and turned it away while still not letting up on the hug, saying
"Shut up" Sam and Y/n chuckled a little and the three of them got up to leave. As Y/n got to her feet and turned away from the mirror to leave the store, thinking all was well, the air around her turned suddenly cold and suffocating. The weight that had been crushing her chest before had suddenly retaken its place in stopping her from breathing. Having been left weak from the last attack, it took only moments of not being able to breath and experiencing the same pain for her to loose consciousness and pass out
Sam and Dean felt the weight too. The feeling of suffocating, the excruciating pain in their eyes. The slow menacing trickle of blood. They felt what Y/n felt. It was so intense and so sudden that they hadn't yet even noticed their sister's crumpled unconscious form on the ground. They started to sink to the floor too, turning around to see the form of a young girl standing facing them. She was disheveled, long black hair hanging covering her face. As they tried to crawl away from her, Dean grabbed a nearby mirror, holding it up and aiming it at Mary. The ghostly girl suddenly stopped. Staring into her reflection, seemingly stunned. Just as soon as she had come she had also gone, seemingly melting into the ground with a loud screeching scream. Dean, taking his opportunity as he was then finally able to breathe again, tossed the mirror onto the ground, shattering it into millions of tiny shards. Sam rushed to Y/n's side and immediately checked her pulse. Feeling her heart still beating his nerves were calmed knowing that while she wasn't conscious, she was alive. He looked at Dean, who was standing just next to his younger sibling, looking at them worried. Sam nodded slightly to dean, letting him know that she was okay, and Dean was finally able to let out the breath that he hadn't realized he was holding in Dean bent down and scooped up Y/n, hugging her close as he cradled her in his arms, whispering "You are never going to be bait again". Of course he knew she couldn't hear him, but it didn't matter to him. The promise was still real. As long as Dean Winchester was alive he was never going to allow her to put herself in danger like that again
The rumble of the impala and the sound of Sam and Dean's conversation were the first things that Y/n perceived as she started to fade back into consciousness. Though she wasn't paying attention to the words that they were saying she could hear them, and was almost following their voices to bring her back into being awake. She could smell the familiar scent of the leather seats in the impala, as well as Sam's body spray. As her eyes slowly opened she was looking up at the roof of the car, and as she became more aware of her surroundings, she felt the heaviness of Dean's leather jacket that he had draped over her like a blanket to keep her comfortable. She slowly sat up in her seat, groaning as the sensation returned to her entire body and she was suddenly aware of how sore her entire body, especially her eyes nd her chest, were. Dean and Sam's conversation came to an abrupt halt when they noticed her awake. Sam turned around to face her
"Hey, take it easy Y/n" Sam said to her softly "How are you feeling? Are you alright?" Y/n held her head in her hands as she squeezed her eyes shut trying to make everything stop spinning. It's felt like Y/n was battling the worst hang over in human history
"I'm fine, just a little dizzy is all" Sam nodded as he reached into the small drink cooler they had stashed on the floor in the back seat and pulled out a bottle of water, handing it to her
"Here, drink" But Y/n shook her head a little and gently pushed the drink away. Same gave her a look as if to communicate that he wasn't really asking her. Y/n just rolled her eyes and took the water bottle, starting to sip it. She did start to feel better pretty quickly after hydrating. Sam faced back forwards and Dean and him shared a look of contemplation. They were deciding whether to ask Y/n about her secret now or save it for later, that having been the topic of their conversation before Y/n had woken up. After a few moments of silence, Dean cleared his throat and said
"So, Y/n-" But before he could get another word out she just said
"I know. But can we talk about this later?" Dean and Sam looked at each other. Sam shrugged and Dean let out a small sigh, replying
"Yea, sure thing Kiddo" Y/n smiled and then simply laid back down and closed her eyes going back to sleep. But even after she was once again sleeping, the tension in the car was still evident
"You think she's actually gonna tell us?" Sam asked. They both kept their eyes fixed on the road. Dean Thought for a moment before saying
"She kind of has to at this point"
To Be Continued...
A/N: Hey guys! Thank you all so so much for all the sweet messages and for being so patient with this chapter coming out. I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing and everything, so I'm sorry if the quality of the chapter is not as high as they usually are. I might come back and rewrite some of it later, but until then, I hope you guys enjoyed it! <3
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Supernatural x sister!reader (Bring it) Chapter 12: Bloody secrets (pt, 1)
Word count: 2,390
Toledo Ohio
Songs: "Afraid" -The Neighborhood
"Something in the Orange" -Zach Bryan
"Hostage" -Billie Eillish
"When the party's over" -Lewis Capaldi
Y/n was sat in bed watching the tv in the motel room. Her fever hadn't lifted and she still felt like crap. In fact she was actually feeling worse than she was before. The door to the motel room suddenly flew open and Sam and Dan rushed inside. They were ushering a girl in who seemed to be only a few years older than Y/n. They made eye contact and Y/n looked at her brothers confused
"What's going on?" She asked as Sam led her over to one of the motel beds, where she quickly sat down, pulling her knees up and hugging them to her chest and burying her face in her knees as terrified sobs wracked through her body. Dean immediately got to work closing curtains "Just help us cover anything reflective" Dean barked out at Y/n. She quickly got up and did as she was told, throwing a blanket over the tv which had been switched off, and taking a mirror off the wall laying it face down on a desk. She turned to look at the scene unfolding before her. Sam sat on the bed next to the girl, speaking to her calmly and softly. Dean was pacing around the room, clearly very nervous. Y/n went to him and asked him what was going on. Dean spoke to her quietly in hope that he wouldn't alarm or upset the girl they had brought in with them any more then she already was
"Spirit we've been chasing, 'Bloody Mary'. She haunts mirrors and carves out the eyes of people who are present when she's summoned and had secrets in which somebody died. Now little Charlie here is on the chopping block" Y/n stood next to Dean with her arms crossed over her chest. They were both watching Sam and Charlie. Dean, changing the subject, turned to Y/n and asked "How are you feeling by the way?" Y/n rolled her eyes at Dean before shooting back
"Not really the priority right now De" She walked forward and stood in front of Charlie. Charlie looked up at her and Y/n smiled at her "Hey, you're Charlie, right?" Charlie nodded, and Y/n continued "I'm Y/n, I'm Sam and Dean's sister. I hunt monsters with them. Dean told me about what's going on, I'm so sorry this is happening" Charlie gave Y/n a small smile as tears rolled down her cheeks
"Thanks." Charlie said quietly. Dean walked around to the side of the bed
"Charlie we need to know what happened" Charlie looked at Dean and said
"Donna and I were in the bathroom. She said it-" Charlie started to explain how Bloody Mary started coming after her, but Dean cut her off gently
"That's not what we're talking about" Charlie looked at him confused for a moment before he went on "Something happened in your life, didn't it? In your life, a secret" Charlie looked away from the Winchesters, shame and guilt written on her face. "Someone got hurt. Can you tell us about it?" It was clear something had happened. She was hesitant to speak, but after thinking for a few more moments she said
"I had this boyfriend. I loved him... but he kinda scared me to, ya know?" Y/n looked up at Dean with a worried look on her face as Charlie started her story. She looked back at Charlie as she went on. "And one night, at his house, we got in this fight... and I broke up with him. and he got upset and he said that he needed me and he loved me. And he said 'Charlie if you walk out that door right now I'm gonna kill myself'" Y/n's heart dropped to her feet as it was clear where this story was going. "And You know i said? I said go ahead... and I left... how could I say that? How could I leave him like that? I just I didn't believe him, ya know? I should've..." Charlie trailed off as the crying got more intense. Y/n placed her hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort Charlie, prompting Charlie to pull her into a hug and cry into her shoulder. Dean and Sam looked at each other, as if silently discussing what to do. Y/n just hugged Charlie back and tried to calm her down
"Listen Charlie" She said as she pulled back from the hug so that she could look at Charlie "Look at me, okay?" Charlie looked Y/n in the eyes, her tears not stopping to pour out, not even slowing down. "I know that it feels like it's your fault, that it feels like you killed him. But you didn't. He did. That was his choice, not yours. It wasn't your fault, okay?" Charlie nodded and continued to cry as Y/n pulled her in for another hug. After a little while Charlie had calmed down and the Winchesters went to the corner of the room to talk about what was next
"Okay, so boyfriend kills himself, that not exactly Charlie's fault" Dean starts thinking out loud to his siblings
"You know as well as I do that ghosts don't exactly see shades of grey Dean. Charlie had a secret and someone died. That's good enough for Mary" Sam said. Y/n chimed in
"Okay so bring me up to speed, whats going on here?" Sam looks at her and says
"So we think it's the spirit of a girl named Mary Worthington who was killed in front of a mirror. Her eyes were cut out and her killer was never caught. Now we noticed that Mary doesn't just kill people who summon her, like in the case of her first victim, but, that all of her victims had secrets that involved somebody dying." Y/n nodded along with what Sam was saying
"So, let's gank this bitch. Where was she buried?" Y/n asked
"Well thats the thing, she wasn't. Mary was cremated. But since she died in front of a mirror, so our theory is that her spirit got trapped inside of it, which is why she's able to jump from mirror to mirror to kill her victims" Sam explained. Dean jumped in
"So our plan right now is to go find the mirror that she was killed in front of and smash it. Hopefully then she won't be able to kill anymore."
"Sure, but if she's already able to jump from mirror to mirror, whats to stop her from jumping to another mirror after you smash the first one." Y/n had a point. The brothers both thought for a while about what to do "What we need is a way to summon Mary to her mirror and then smash it. That way we know she's in it when it get's destroyed" Sam and Dean nodded along with Y/n, but Sam spoke up
"But who's gonna summon her? I mean, to do that we'd need someone who had a secret involving someone dying" Dean chimed in. The three of them paused, trying to consider their options. That's when it occurred to Y/n. Her dreams. She had a secret that involved someone dying. She could summon Mary. She had to summon her. If she didn't more people were going to die. She wasn't going to let anyone else die because of her
"I'll do it.." Sam and Dean looked at her, shocked
"What are you talking about?" Dean stepped forward as he interrogated his sister "Y/n, what happened?" He and Sam were panicked, confused. Y/n stepped back and looked at Dean worried. She didn't want to tell them what happened. But more than that, she couldn't tell them now. If she did, there would be no one left who could summon Mary to her mirror. And if they couldn't kill her, Charlie would die, along with God only knows who else
"Well if I told you, then it wouldn't be a secret would it?" Dean sighed. No way was he going to put Y/n in danger like that
"No. No way" Dean said, shutting down the idea
"What?! Why not?" Y/n argued back
"I'm not letting you be ghost bait!" Dean crossed his arms, standing firm in his position
"But I've been ghost bait plenty of times before why is this time any different?!" Y/n continued to push the issue, but Dean just shook his head
"That was then, but I'm in charge now, and I won't put you in danger like that!" Sam just stood, thinking about all of their options. and as much as he hated it, he knew just as well as Y/n that this really was their only option
"Hold on Dean" Sam said, putting his hand on Deans shoulder. Dean looked at him shocked
"Sammy, no!" Dean fought back, pushing Sam's hand away. The truth was that Dean knew they didn't really have any other option, but her still didn't like it, and he wasn't willing to put Y/n in danger for anyone
"Dean we don't have any other option. Plus, we'll both be there the entire time. If anything goes wrong we can protect her." Sam tried to reason with Dean. He looked away from his siblings, frustrated. His gaze drifted to Charlie, who was curled up again on the bed, hiding her face from the outside world, trembling in fear. He sighed, giving into his siblings request
"Fine. But you don't leave her side, got it?!" He ordered Sam. Sam nodded and simply said
"Wasn't planning on it." Y/n, still in her flannel pajamas pants and Bon Jovi shirt she had stolen from Dean, followed her brothers out to the Impala, after saying goodbye to Charlie and instructing her to stay there until they returned and gave her the all clear. They sped off very quickly to an antique store in town where the boys had tracked the mirror to. Y/n was scared, obviously. She was putting her life in danger. Not that the concept was new to her. But still. and even if she does survive this encounter, she's going to have to explain to her brothers. Now that they know she has a secret, especially one so serious, she knows there is no way of getting around having to confess to them. And then what? The very thing she was trying to avoid for weeks was now coming to pass and there wasn't really anything she could do to avoid it anymore. Nobody said anything. The car ride over was complatley silent, aside from all of the siblings thoughts. Dean was freaking out, spending every moment driving trying to think of any way that he could stop them from having to use Y/n as bait, even trying to think back if he had a secret that would make him qualify as a target for Mary, Sam did the same. But there was nothing. It had to be Y/n. and they hated it
They arrived at the store. It was closed, obviously, seeing as it was late in the night. That was good. It meant that they could get in and out without having to deal with the store owner. After he picked the lock to the store front Sam slowly and carefully pushed the door open. They entered into the shop. looking around Y/n's heart sunk with dread as she realized that the entire store was full of mirrors
"Please tell me you guys have a picture of that mirror?" She asked. Dean stuck his hand in his pocket, pulling out a folded up pice of paper. Unfolding it he held it so they could all three look at it. Taking in every detail of it, Y/n started looking around the shop for the mirror, each of the Winchesters splitting up in different directions. Dean shouted from his section of the store
"Maybe they already sold it?" Y/n hadn't even thought about that. She prayed that that wasn't the case, that there was still a chance to save Charlie. That prayer seemed to have been answered because almost right away Sam responded, saying
"I don't think so" Y/n followed his voice and found her brothers standing in front of a mirror that matched the one in the picture. To confirm Dean held up the picture and compared the two, saying
"That's it..." Dread was clear in his voice. He let out a shaky breath as his arms fell to his sides and he kept his gaze fixed forward, trying to ignore the reality of what was happening. Sure, Y/n had been in many dangerous situations before. Hell, she'd even been ghost bait before this. But that wasn't his call, it was John's. Dean had fought him on it every time, and every time it killed him to watch their dad endanger Y/n like that for the sake of the hunt. This time though, it was Dean's call. It was his decision, he was responsible. Adding on top of all of that the fact that he really had no idea if this was actually going to work, if they would actually be able to stop Mary after they summoned her? It was almost too much for him to bear.
Y/n squeezed her way between her brothers, stepping forward and looking into the mirror, before she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder "You don't have to do this Y/n, we can find another-" She cut him off, putting her hand on his
"It's okay De. I'll be fine. Besides, you know that we don't actually have another option" Dean sighed, looking sorrowfully into his little sisters eyes. He pulled her into a hug, practically squeezing the life out of her. He released her after a few moments, knowing he had to let her do this. She turned back to face the mirror, stepping forward towards it. She took a deep breath before speaking the words
"Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary... " Before finishing the chant she lifted up her crowbar like a baseball bat, ready to swing and smash the mirror at the first sign of Mary. She looked one last time at her brothers through the mirror, before looking back at her own reflection and saying "Bloody Mary..."
A/N: Hey guys. Sorry for the cliff hanger. I felt like this chapter was already getting long enough, but hopefully will have the next part out soon! Thank you again for all ur guy's support and feedback, it means the world to me <3
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Supernatural x sister!reader (Bring it) Chapter 11: Fevers and dreams
word count: 1,464
Toledo Ohio
Songs: "Hotline Bling Edit" -Bilie Eilish
"Homage" -Mild High Club
"Hey Kids" -Molina, Late Verlane
"green to blue - slowed + reverbed" -daniel.mp3
It was unlike Y/n to get so sick so easily. But she hadn't been taking as good of care of herself as usual. Not sleeping, eating, drinking enough water. Most of the time she spent either thinking about the fire, or trying to research what might be going on with her. But, never the less, it happened. Y/n got sick. She was laid up in the bed of a crusty motel in the town that Sam and Dean were going to be working a job in. They would often leave her in motels or other places while working in order to keep her safe, and so as to not blow their covers. This time however, Y/n was particularly salty about being left behind. After Sam left she stepped up and started helping on hunts more and more, but now that he was back and Dean could help it, he's been keeping Y/n out of the line of fire more and more and it was starting to bug her
This time though, there was a bit more of an excuse. Y/n had been up all night the previous night puking her guts out and was currently in no shape to be hunting rabbits, let alone supernatural monsters. The closest she was going to get at this point was watching Scooby Doo reruns on the crappy motel tv. She wasn't really watching though. It was nearing 5pm and Y/n had been asleep since roughly 6am that morning, trying to sleep off whatever god awful sickness she had caught. While Y/n was sleeping she had a dream that was... odd. Not that the contents of the dream were anything strange, or really remarkable for any reason honestly, but it felt weird. As if she was actually living it. Dreams tended to have a sort of film over them, they just feel a certain way that lets you know you're dreaming. This one didn't. It was entirely mundane, everything was normal, which might have been what made it feel so weird. Usually in dreams, even one that are mostly normal, there is something wacky or weird, something that lets you know you're dreaming. But not this dream
In Y/n's dream, Sam and Dean entered the room, talking about the case that they had spent the day working, and that they were about to head back out to the library to do some research, but that they were just stopping in so they could grab their dad's journal which Dean had left in the motel with Y/n. They took the journal and left, Y/n got up and walked to the bathroom and upon closing the bathroom door, the dream resets and plays again. It played over and over again. Dean and Sam's conversation being etched into the side of Y/n head at this point
Door opens, in walks Dean followed by Sam
"I still don't get why you left it here" Sam lectures Dean. Dean walks to his bedside table and picks up the leather journal
"In case Y/n needed it. Besides, don't you think it would have seemed weird if two strange men carrying a strange book showed up at some random girl's dad's open house?" Dean replied to Sam. Sam was simply standing in the doorway while his conversation with Dean continued. Y/n was sat up in bed watching the two of them
"Yea, well we could have just left it in the car. Plus, if you hadn't left it here we could already be at the library figuring this thing out" Sam retorted. Dean rolled his eyes and went to walk past Sam out of the motel room
"Yea, well we got it, so let's go" Dean says, passing Sam in the doorway and heading to the impala. Sam looks at Y/n with a questioning look on his face while holding up a thumbs up to her, silently asking if she was okay. Y/n got up from bed while saying
"Never better." Sarcastically. Sam nodded and left, following Dean and closing the door behind him. Y/n went to the bathroom, closed the door, and then the whole thing repeats. This goes on more times than Y/n could count. It seemed it would be a never ending loop, that is until she was woken up by the sound of the motel room door being opened. Y/n eyes opened and she sat up in bed, mentally preparing to have to fight off an intruder, but relaxing when she saw it was only Sam and Dean. Thats when it happened
Door opens, Dean walks in followed by Sam
"I still don't get why you left it here" Sam lectures Dean. Y/n, who had been looking at the wall blankly while she woke up, quickly turned her attention to her brother, a shocked expression on her face
"In case Y/n needed it. Besides, don't you think it would have seemed weird if two strange men carrying and strange book showed up at some random girl's dad's open house?" Dean replied to Sam. Y/n pinched herself on her for arm, hard, trying to figure out wether she was still dreaming or not. The sharp pain she felt being indication enough that this very much was real and she very much was not dreaming.
"Yea, well we could have just left it in the car. Plus, if you hadn't left it here we could already be at the library figuring this thing out" Sam replied. Y/n had swung her legs over the side of the bed, still just watching the scene unfold in front of her. Everything played out exactly as it had in her dream, and before she knew it the boys were gone and she found herself there in front of the bathroom mirror, staring down into the skin. Y/n turned on the water and started splashing water in her face, trying to see if she was still dreaming. That had to be the only logical explanation of things. Because if that wasn't what was happening then that would mean that that was the second time she had a dream revealing the future to her, which was 1, not possible, and 2, not ideal
But alas, Y/n was very much awake in this moment. Sure, it wasn't crazy in the sense that she saw someone die again, or something big, but it was crazy in the sense that she saw it happen before it did. Y/ was gripping the sides of the bathroom counter, looking down at the sink while the water was running. She looked up at herself in the mirror, her mind rushing a million miles a minute. As she started at her reflection, panicking, her mind couldn't stop envisioning what could happen, what her brothers would do if they ever found out about her. They could abandon her, kick her to the curb. or worse...
She was suddenly yanked from her thought when the bathroom door was pulled open. She jumped back, startled, and screamed. Her thoughts calmed as she realized it was just Dean. He looked just as shocked as she was
"Woah! Sorry" He quickly shut the door. Turning back and looking at Sam, who looked at him shocked and confused
"Knock next time Ass hat!" Y/n yelled out from inside the bathroom. Sam stood by the door laughing at Dean slightly, before Y/n came out, trying to play it cool in front of her brothers. Dean went into the bathroom and shut the door behind him, and Y/n got back into bed and under the covers. She purposefully laid facing away from Sam in hopes that he would leave her alone and she wouldn't have to talk about what was bothering her. But alas, Sam made small talk
"How are you feeling? Is that fever getting any better?" He asked. Y/n sighed internally, but just sat up and looked at Sam, putting on a fake sarcastic smile, and said
"Never better" Her words laced with sarcasm. She coughed loudly to emphasize her point that she wasn't feeling well. Sam chuckled, rolling his eyes at her
"Well, try getting fresh air, and make sure you drink plenty of water, ok?" He said. Y/n nodded her head. Dean came out of the bathroom not long after and he and Sam left again. And then It was once again, Y/n, left alone, with only her thoughts
To Be Continued...
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. This weeks has been kinda hell and I haven't had much time to write. I'm trying to not force myself to write when I don't have any ideas, the problem now is more so that I have too many ideas and no time to get them down on the page XD. Thanks for being patient with me loveys <3
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Supernatural x sister!reader (Bring it) Chapter 10: Hiding from the truth
word count: 2,404
Trigger warning: Graphic descriptions of death
Huntington Utah
Songs: "Michelle" -Sir Chloe
"Trying" -Cavetown
"Michael in the bathroom" -George Salazar
It had been a few days. Dean and Sam tired to act like things were normal. avoidance was their coping mechanism. It was Y/n's as well, she just had... a different approach. It had been 4 days since the incident, and Y/n had only said three words over the span of those three days. "No" "Yes" and "Bathroom". That was it. She was upset, obliviously. something terrible had happened. What the brothers couldn't understand was why she was so upset over it. Don't get them wrong, of course the they were also broken up about it, Sam was more heartbroken then words could say. That's part of the reason that he wasn't talking about it, and Dean felt terrible for Sam. But this was uncharacteristic of Y/n. She was a great actor, their lifestyle demanded that of her, but there were few instances in which her brothers could see right through her. One of those instances? When she felt guilty...
In Y/n's mind, she killed Jessica. She may not have known who she was, and she may not have set the fire herself, but in her mind, she might as well have been the one to do it. She couldn't unsee the dreams. Every single time she closed her eyes she could see Jess's flesh melting off of her bones. She could feel the fire burning her to Ash. And she could hear the gut wrenching screams of her brother, who witnessed all of this. And what was worse? Y/n didn't actually SEE any of this happen. Not really, not as far as her brothers knew. And as far as she could help it it was going to stay that way. What was she supposed to do anyways? Tell her tall strong older brothers who have spent their entire lives hunting anything supernatural and freaky that she's having psychic visions of the future? See how well that plays out. Or, better yet, tell Sam that she knew for days what was going to happen to his girlfriend, and she didn't say anything? Hell no
The Winchesters had stopped in a small town in Utah to rest after everything that had happened, and scout out if there seemed to be any jobs near by. Sam and Dean were inside their motel room, Sam typing away on his computer, Dean flipping through a news paper while absentmindedly watching the tv . Y/n however, had volunteered to go do some research in the library. She had left at nearly 7am, and as it was nearing 5pm, Sam let out a sigh and shut his laptop annoyed. He looked at Dean, who wasn't yet paying attention to Sam
"Okay, this is just ridiculous." Sam said to Dean
"I know, I mean we've combed through every news outlet we can get our hands on and nada, total radio silence" Dean said, tossing aside the news paper and swinging his legs over the side of the bed, facing Sam now. Sam sighed and continued
"Thats not what I meant and you know it." Dean turned his gaze to the floor, and sighed. Truth be told the entire time they were supposed to be looking for jobs Dean couldn't focus. He couldn't stop thinking about his sister, the strange way she'd been behaving, and what happened the night Jess died. She knew something was coming after Sam, she was the reason he went back to save him. He just didn't know how. The only thing he did know, something was eating away at his little sister, and she wasn't going to open up about it any time soon
"Yea, I know..." Dean replied
"So what are we going to do?" Sam asked, pressing on. Dean shook his head and threw his hands up in exasperation
"What can we do, Sammy? You know how she is when she gets this way. She's a friggin lock box that only she can open, whenever she decides to" Sam Sighed defeated and looked down as well. He knew all too well about how Y/n could be. But it was killing him so see her clearly suffering and know that there really as nothing he could do about it. Sam looked at his watch and stood up, grabbing his jacket and heading for the door "Where are you going?" Dean asked
"To go find Y/n. It's going to get dark soon and she's been gone all day without calling" Dean thought for a moment before also standing and going to the door. They left the room together to go find Y/n, ready to search the entire town to find her, but when they walked out, they saw Y/n sat in the back seat of Baby, starring blankly at the seat back in front of her. The boys shared a confused look before going over to the car, Dean getting into the driver side and Sam into the passenger side. They both faced forward at first but after a few moments they both slowly turned back to look at Y/n in unison. She looked up at her brothers and they looked at her with worried expressions
"What?" Y/n asked bluntly
"You wanna share with he class? Or are you just gonna continue your career as a mime?" Dean asked. Y/n put her hands up and started miming as if she was stuck in a box, mocking Dean, indicating that she wasn't going to be talking about what was on her mind. Dean rolled his eyes, Sam chuckled slightly, and Y/n got out of the car. Sam and Dean looked at each other confused before getting out of the car and following Y/n as she walked into the motel room
"You can't just stay silent forever!" Dean called out to her, but she simply slammed the door shut behind her in her brothers faces. Dean quickly opened the door and followed after Y/n, starting to get annoyed with her "Hey don't slam doors at me!" He said while barging into the motel room, just in time to see her standing in the door way of the bathroom. Making eye contact with Dean Y/n very purposefully and very loudly, slammed the door shut before locking it. "Y/n Grace Winchester!" Dean shouted at her, rushing over to the bathroom door, pushing on the door with his body weight and jiggling the handle, to no avail. He slammed his palm on the bathroom door, turning away, muttering curses under his breath
Sam simply stood in the front doorway leaning against the doorframe, watching the scene unfold in front of him. A part of him was amused watching his siblings fight, but part of him was carrying a deep negative feeling, one that he was having a hard time identifying. Sadness? Anger? Fear? Maybe all three in some sort of jumbled mess? He wasn't sure what it was, but he did have a guess about what was causing it. Seeing Dean and Y/n arguing like this, it sort of reminded him of him and his dad. Of course, he would never tell Dean that. He would probably never get over it if Sam said that he reminded him of Dad
Dean had sat down on the end of his bed, hanging his head in defeat, letting out an exasperated sigh. Sam went to the mini fridge which they had stocked with beers. He pulled two out, cracking one and handing it to Dean who happily took it and started drinking it. Dean started to explain to Sam
"You know, you'd think that I'd have a better handle on raising a teenager, considering I was one, plus I raised you" Dean was honestly having a really tough time figuring out what to do with Y/n. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't considered a few times trying to put her in school and figuring out some housing situation for her, maybe having her go live with Bobby. Sam nodded along with Dean and what he was saying, simply listening to his brother "I don't know, maybe it's cuz she's a girl? You know, they got lost of hormones and crap they gotta deal with, maybe it's making her all crabby?" Dean shrugged, taking another swig from his beer. Sam nodded along with him
"Do you want me to try and talk to her?" Sam asked, Dean quickly replied
"No. Just let me handle her? She's my responsibility" Dean said sternly, causing Sam to tilt his head slightly, confused
"What do you mean she's your responsibility?" Dean looked at him confused, as if the answer to the question was obvious
"Because I'm the oldest" He said
"Well I'm her older brother too" Sam said. Dean just kept looking at him waiting for him to go on "Look, I know you raised me more then dad ever did, and you've been raising Y/n basically on your own since I've been gone, but you don't have to do it alone anymore" Sam said. Dean's facial expression seemed to relax a little. He took another drink before replying again
"Thank's Sammy, but I can do this. I've got it" He stood up and walked to the bathroom door. Sam nodded and got up from the end of the bed, walking over to the front door he said
"I'm gonna walk down the street and get some dinner. You want anything?" Dean shook his head, sitting down with his back against the bathroom door. Sam nodded and left, closing the door gently behind him. Dean knocked on the bathroom door softly before starting
"Y/n? You wanna come out and talk?" Dean asked. Y/n was sat in the empty bathtub, letting tears roll down her cheeks as silent sobs wracked their way through her body. She sat, hugging her knees to her chest, trying her best not be heard. She didn't reply to Dean. "Y/n, I need to know if you're okay in there, so if you don't open the door I'm gonna have to kick it in" Dean continued in a surprisingly calm tone of voice. Y/n heard what he was saying and, in the hope that he wouldn't come in and see her, she decided it was best to reply. Trying her best to sound normal she answered back to him
"I'm fine" But her voice betrayed her, coming out shaky, breaking at the end of her short sentence. Dean obviously took note of this, standing up and facing the door and replying
"Please come out here. I only want to help." Dean said. But what could he do? Nothing. He couldn't help and Y/n knew it. There was nothing he or anyone else could do to help her right now. Maybe this feeling would get better with time, but talking about it would do nothing. Especially given how scared she was. She was afraid something was wrong with her. She'd always been enough of a black sheep growing up with only boys, having a different mom, and so much more. She didn't need this too. And she didn't need Sam or Dean, or worse, their dad thinking that she was some kind of monster. So she would keep it inside. Buried deep down for as long as she could help it. "That's it, Y/n if you don't come out I'm coming in" Panic flooded Y/n at his words. She had to think of something fast. She knew she couldn't keep Dean out. So she needed to think of a lie. She was good at lying, even to her brothers. "In 3... 2..." She had come up with what she was going to say, so she stood up and started wiping her tears away. "1!" Before Dean kicked the door in, causing property damage, Y/n flung the bathroom door open. Dean looked his sister in the eyes, his heart aching at the sight of her red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. He felt guilty to be honest. Like he had failed. It was his job to protect her, and he obviously didn't do a good enough job, or she wouldn't be so upset. They stood there, looking at each other for a few more moments, before Dean spoke "What's going on kiddo?" Y/n collected her thoughts for a moment before going on
"We almost lost Sam. Again. But for reals this time..." She lied through her teeth. She would probably have been telling the truth about that scaring her, if she hadn't had the dreams. When she realized that there was actually a fire, truthfully she wasn't scared for Sam at all, or Dean who ran in to get Sam. She knew they were both going to make it out, because she saw it. She knew that they would be okay, and she knew Jess wouldn't be. Dean's look softened at her words. He stepped forward and put his hand on her shoulder
"C'mere" He said, pulling her into a strong comforting hug. He believed her, partly because of how good of a liar she was, but a large part of it being from how broken up he had been about the same thing. Truth be told, the fact that whatever killed their mom seemed to be back, and that it seemed like it came after Sam again... It had Dean a little more than freaked out. "It's okay. Sammy is okay, and so are we." Dean said comforting Y/n. She started to let go and just sob into her brothers hug. It was nice to let out her feelings, even if he didn't understand why she was actually upset. after a while they had sat down on the pull out sofa and were just talking about what had happened, Y/n never letting slip what was actually going on, Dean believing every lie that came from her lips. Sam returned eventually. Dean filled Sam in on everything he and Y/n had talked about, and Sam hugged Y/n as well
Now, with a successful cover story in place, Y/n returned to acting like her normal self. Internally, she was constantly thinking about what had happened, and what she was going to do next
To Be Continued...
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry its been a little while, I've had a crazy week so I haven't had many chances to sit down and write. this week will likely be more of the same, so I'm sorry if I can't get another chapter out for a little while, but rest assured that there is going to be more <3
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Supernatural x sister!reader (Bring it) Chapter 9: Jericho (pt 4)
word count: 2,180
Jericho California, 2005
Songs: "Brother" -Kodaline
"Seventeen" -MARINA
"Arcade" -Duncan Laurence
4 hours. 4 hours Y/n sat in the interrogation room with an officer and so far the only information they were able to get off of her was that her favorite ice cream treat was Klondike Bars. Which, for the record, was a lie. 4 hours, 3 different officers, including the chief, and still, nothing. Eventually the officers decided to give up on her and leave her in there for a while, hoping that after a while alone with her thoughts she might be easier to crack. After she sat there for around 30 minutes by herself she noticed officers rushing past the window of the room she was in. Y/n looked around the room to try and see if there was anything in there she could pick the locks to her hand cuffs with when the door popped open and there stood Dean. He rushed over to Y/n and started to pick the locks on her hand cuffs
"You okay?" He asked in a hushed tone. Y/n nodded. The cuffs opened and freed Y/n, her and Dean sneaking out a door on the side of the building. They made a break for the wooded area behind the police station and waited in the brush for about another 30 minutes or so. Once they were confidant that the coast was clear they went out to the sidewalk and followed the road until they were on their way out of town. Dean found a pay phone so he could call Sam to see where he was
Y/n stood outside the phone booth. She was meant to be the look out, but her mind currently had other things it was occupied with. She was thinking about the case. The girl that died, and how sorry she felt for her. Whenever dealing with angry spirits, or monsters with tragic stories, Y/n had a tendency to get "Weird" In John and Dean's opinion. Truth is she was just a very sympathetic person. Y/n heard Dean yelling into the phone, catching her attention
"Sam?! Sam?!" Dean sounded worried. Y/n pulled the phone booth door open
"What? What happened?! Is he Okay?!" Dean and Y/n were both frantic
"We're about to find out." Dean said, before taking off running. Y/n followed close behind him. She didn't know where they were going but before she knew it they had came to an old abandoned house. At first Y/n was confused, until she noticed Dean running up to the impala that was sat there in the driveway. Y/n saw Dean fire off a round of rock-salt into the driverside window, which is when she realized that there was a ghost in the impala. Next thing she knew Sam, who was apparently also sat in the driver seat, put the impala into drive and stepped on the gas, crashing it into the rickety old building
"SAMMY!" Y/n screamed out, worried for her brother. Y/n and Dean both ran forward into the house to see if Sam was okay, anxiety filling the two of the to the brim
"Sam!" Dean called out
"Here!" Sam replied. Y/n and Dean bother ran over to the passenger side window
"You okay?" Y/n asked, worried
"I think," Sam replied. Dean started to open the passenger side door and reached his hand in for Sam to take
"Can you move?" He asked
"Yea, help me" Sam said, taking Dean's hand. Dean pulled Sam out of the busted car and Y/n hugged Sam tightly. Sam winced in pain, being sore and hurt from the crash. A moment later, Dean tapped Y/n on the shoulder, signaling her to release Sam. Y/n let go and turned to see what Dean was looking at. It was the woman, Constance. She was holding a framed painting, gazing into it with an expression that was mixed with longing and sadness. As her gaze shifted up to look at the Winchesters, anger took over her expression. She threw the picture aside, and she pushed a dresser towards them, pinning the three of them against the car, but before she could hurt them any further, the lights in the house started to flicker, catching her attention
Water started seeping from the walls and ceiling, and at the top of the stairs, two figures appeared. They were only children. As the three siblings and Constance looked at the two children, they joined hands and spoke in unison to Constance, to their mother.
"You've come home to us mommy" Constance didn't look angry anymore, or sad. She looked scared. The two children vanished from atop the stairs, suddenly appearing behind Constance. Before she was able to run, or fight back, or protest in any way, the two kids wrapped their arms around their mother, embracing her. But Constance let out a blood curtling scream. They started fazing in and out of sight, almost like a tv flickering on and off, and bright lights started flashing around the room. It was sad, too sad to watch. Y/n shut her eyes tightly and covered her ears , waiting for someone to tell her it was over. Moments later, she felt the dresser being pushed off of the three of them and opened her eyes to see that Constance, the children, and all of the water that had been soaking the walls, were gone
Y/n, Sam, and Dean, all left Jericho, relatively unscathed. All in all it was a successful hunting trip, not to mention that Y/n and Sam had mended their broken relationship and were now on good terms. So why then was the car ride taking Sam home so silent? The only things that could be heard through out the drive were the hum of the Impala and raindrops falling on the windows. Sam had already made it clear that he wasn't going with them to find their dad. I suppose that it just hadn't set in for the Winchesters that they were going to have to say goodbye, yet again, until now
Sam, though he was the one who wanted the "Apple Pie Life" as Dean called it, was for some reason full of dread, and regret. He loved his family. His sister and brother were once the closest people in the world to him, and it wasn't until now that he realized that he had a real shot at getting that back. So why was he going back to Stanford? Why was he leaving them again? Was he really about to abandon them a second time? Sam's inner monologue was fiercely debating this all the way until they pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building he and Jess lived in.
Y/n didn't sleep, or speak the entire ride, having a similar inner monologue to Sam's. She was angry, and hurt, but shockingly, there was an undertone of understanding. Maybe it was because she realized that even with Sam not hunting with them, he was still her brother. He wasn't gone just because he wasn't with them like he used to be. Of course she would prefer it if Sam was still hunting with them, but she was also starting to understand not wanting to hunt. It started to click for her recently just how dangerous this life was, especially since their dad was gone, possibly hurt, or worse. So deep down, she didn't really blame Sam for wanting to leave. Still, she wished he would stay with them
Dean. The oldest. The most reliable father that either Y/n or Sam had ever had, was honestly heartbroken in this moment. He had driven silently the entire ride from Jericho to Stanford. and with each passing moment, he wanted to scream, cry, hit something more and more. But he stayed silent. he stayed "Strong" for them. He knew this was what Sam wanted. He tried to get a grip on the fact that this was probably what was best for him, maybe even best for Y/n too. But he didn't like it at all. His Brother, his family, his blood, was leaving again, and he knew he couldn't stop him. When they pulled into the parking lot and rolled up to the entrance of Sam's apartment, Dean silently was hoping he wouldn't get out of the car. Y/n was hoping the same thing. And oddly enough, so was Sam. But he did
Sam got out of the car, but before walking in he leaned down to the car window and said "You know, maybe I can meet up with you guys later?" Y/n scoffed to herself a little bit to herself, the boys didn't seem to notice. In her mind that just sounded like an empty promise. Like he just wanted to break the tenesion before leaving. Dean seemed to take it the same way and just nodded his head a little, turning his gaze away from Sam
"Yea, maybe" He said. Sam started to walk away before Dean called out to him "Sam." Sam turned to look at him "You know we made a hell of team back there" Sam smiled and nodded his head at Dean's words
"Yeah" And with that, Dean put Baby in drive and started to drive away. As Y/n looked back at watched Sam walk into his apartment she started to cry. but when she turned back forward, those images from before started to flash in and out of her vision, like they had been in the shower in Jericho
"Stop!" She yelled out. Dean slammed on the breaks and looked back to his panicking sister frantic
"What?! What is it??" The flash backs stopped and she looked at Dean, fear in her eyes
"We need to go back!" Y/n said climbing over the front seat and sitting next to Dean
"Y/n, he sint coming with us, just leave it al-" Dean tried brushing her off, assuming she just missed Sam, but Y/n grabbed his shoulder and looked at him with a stern expression
"Something is going to try and kill him." She said. Dean looked at her shocked before putting Baby i revers and flooring the gas peddle. Before they knew it they were once again in front of Sam's apartment. But this time, upon looking into the windows, the glowing light from the house fire could be seen from outside. Both Dean and Y/n jumped out of the car and started to run to the building, but Dean yelled at Y/n
"Stay out here!" She stopped in her tracks and watched as Dean ran straight into the front door. Y/n fell to her knees on the black top, hyperventilating as tears started to fall from her eyes. It didn't take long for Dean to emerge, dragging Sam with him who was screaming, trying to run back inside. As Y/n ran to them Sam yelled at Dean
"I Have to go back! Jess is still in there!" He tried to walk back in past Dean, but Dean pushed Sam back, hard enough that he fell straight on his ass. Y/n ran to Sam and put and hand on his shoulder, kneeling down to see if he was alright
"She's gone Sam! Let it go!" As Dean and Sam looked at each other, fighting a silent battle with each other, Sam accepted the fact that Dean was right. He leaned back and simply laid there on the sidewalk, putting his hands over his eyes as the sobs started wracking through him. Y/n stood up and went over to Dean. He hugged her as they stood there with their brother. The three of them were freaked out, But Sam. The loss that Sam was feeling right now was second only to the pain he would feel if he had lost Y/n or Dean
Fire fighters and Paramedics arrived after not too long. They evacuated the building and started evaluating people. Soon enough the fire was put out, smoke pouring out the windows. After the cleared Sam he went over to the impala, opening the hatch back and fiddling the the guns in the back of the trunk. Dean stood with Y/n for a few moment's as she gazed at the building, lost in thought, before walking over and talking to Sam.
Y/n stayed put. She couldn't but regret not saying something sooner. She had been having those dreams long before the fire happened. Y/n still didn't know who Jess was, but from what the boys had been saying about her dying in the fire, and being long gone before they got there, she had gather that she must have been the girl from her dream. 'What have I done? This is all my fault...' Y/n thought to herself. She was devastated and couldn't stop crying. Someone died tonight, Sam could have died tonight. And Y/n... Y/n blamed herself
To Be Continued...
A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the delay on this chapter, I just got some really bad writers block and kinda became overly critical of everything I was writing. I legit wrote and deleted like 6 different versions of this chapter and spent forever fine tuning it. I hope you guy enjoy it! And as always, if you have any comments, requests, criticisms, please let me know! I love feedback! <3
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Supernatural x sister!reader (Bring it) Chapter 8: Jericho (pt. 3)
Word count: 1,918
Jericho California, 2005
Songs: "Evergreen" -Richy Mitch and the coal miners
"Hermit the frog" -MARINA
"Icarus" -Bastille
As the Winchester siblings met up on top of the bridge, Y/n rushed forward to see if Dean was alright. Dean, Caked head to toe in mud and sewage, was more concerned with other things. Dean rushed past Y/n to his beloved car and started inspecting it to make sure that all was well. Sam and Y/n chuckled at this, Sam asking Dean
"Car alright?" Dean shut the hood of the car and let out a sigh of relief
"Yea, whatever she did to it seems alright now. That Constance chick, what a bitch!" He yelled out, making Y/n laugh. Dean sat on the hood of his car, flicking some of the mud from his hands
"Well, she doesn't want us digging around, that's for sure" Sam said, then asking "So where does the trail go from here genius?" As he sat on the hood of the car next to Dean. Dean threw his hands up in exasperation. Y/n standing in front of the boys, took a few breaths through the nose and then looked at Dean saying
"You smell like a toilet" With a disgusted look on her face. Dean tilted his head slightly before replying
"Oh yea?" And grabbing Y/n, pulling her into a hug and rubbing his hand on the top of her head, getting mud and sludge all over her as well. Y/n, struggling and yelling at him to let her go, was finally released, huffing in annoyance with her oldest brother. Sam laughed at the two of them causing Y/n to turn and look at him, putting her arms out as if suggesting that he get a hug as well. Sam immediately stands up and puts his hands up in defense, backing away from her
"You stay over there, pond frog" Y/n tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at Sam
"Oh i'm a pond frog am I?" She asked before lunging forward to grab him, trying to make sure he got his fair share of river sludge. Sam took off running in the opposite direction and Y/n chased after him. She gave up a few moments later, knowing there was no chance of her catching him. Dean sat on the hood of baby, laughing at his little siblings. He wouldn't ever admit it to anyone, especially not Y/n or Sam, but seeing them laughing and joking around and having fun... it was his favorite thing in the world. They didn't get it often, so when it happened, it was very special to him
The three of them eventually got into the car and drove to the nearest motel. When they approached the front desk Dean tossed the fake credit card he had in his wallet at the time onto the front desk saying
"One room please" The man standing behind the front desk picked the card up, squinted at it, and commented
"You guys having a reunion or something?" The Winchesters shared a confused look before looking back to the man
Sam asked "What do you mean?"
The man explained "Had that other guy, Burr Defromian, came in a little while ago, bought out a room for the whole month." Y/n, Sam, and Dean all shared a look, before returning their gaze back to the front desk manager. Sam, quickly jumping at the opportunity before either of his siblings could say anything, replied
"Yea, thats our uncle. We were supposed to meet him here, but ya know, plans changed at the last minute and he decided to just have us meet him at the river front" The front desk man nodded along with what Sam was saying as he turned to start booking us our room "He did ask us to swing by his room while we were checkin in to grab a few things for him. Do you mind grabbing us a key?" The man behind the front desk seemed to buy it. He gave them the key for a new room, as well as the key for 'Mr. Burr's' room. The three of them went the the room that they now knew their dad had been staying in and opened the door
The room, smelling of fast food that was clearly days old, body oder, and salt, was an absolute mess. Pages of news paper clippings and printed out articles lined the walls. There was a ring of salt surrounding the bed, indicating that John was trying to make sure something wasn't able to get to him. Y/n looked around before stepping inside, followed by Sam who was pulling Dean in by the back of his jacket collar. The three of them started to look around at the things on the walls and shelves trying to decipher some clue as to where their dad went
"I don't think he's been here for a few day's at least" Dean said after picking up and smelling a burger that had been half eaten and left sitting on the motel dresser. Sam and Dean looked around at the papers on the wall on one side of the room, while Y/n looked at the one's on the other side of the room
"I don't get it" Dean started, looking at the pictures of all the different victims from Centennial highway from over the years "Different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities. There's always a connection, right? What do these guys have in common?" As Dean was speaking, Y/n's eyes finally landed on a piece of paper pinned to the wall with the words 'Woman in white' written on it, which was hanging right above a printed out version of the article that the three of them had found in the library the previous day. That's when it clicked. Constance Welch was a woman in white, an angry spirit who punishes men for being unfaithful to their wives
"They were all cheaters" Y/n said in response. The boys looked at her confused before she pointed at what she was looking at on the wall. The boys came over and Y/n went on, saying "He figured it out. He found the same article we did about Constance Welch. She's a woman in white." Dean turned to the articles of the men Constance had killed and said
"You sly dogs" With a smirk. Y/n rolled her eyes at him before he went on, saying "Okay so if we're dealing with a woman in white dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it" Sam looked at the pictures on the wall thoughtfully
"She might have another weakness..." Dean walked over shaking his head, saying
"Dad would wanna make sure, he'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?" Sam shook his head
"No, but if I were dad, I'd go ask her husband. If he's still alive" Sam and Y/n walked away from the wall, Sam examining more things around the room, Y/n walking over and taking a seat on the bed
"Okay, how about you two go see if you can find an address, I'm gonna go get cleaned up" Dean said, taking off his jacket and heading towards the bathroom. Y/n hopped off the end of the bed and went over to Sam
"Can I have the key to the other room? A shower sounds like a good idea right about now" Sam handed her the key and she left the room walking a few doors down and walking inside. Y/n went into the bathroom and turned on the faucet. As she stood under the warm water, she closed her eyes, finally getting a moment to just be by herself and relax. even if it was only for a little bit. As the hot running water washed all of the caked on mud and sludge, Y/n started seeing things. The dream she had the other night in the car, of the fire. She opened her eyes, panicked, but every time she blinked, glimpses of it played. She turned the faucet off and looked around panicking. blink, glimpse, blink, glimpse. Over and over and over. she hopped out of the shower and turned on the sink water to the coldest setting it could go and splashed the icy water in her face. The pure shock seemed to do the trick, because when she blinked she was no longer catching glimpses of the horrible scene. She got back into the shower, now running the water on cold
When she got out and finished, she opened the door walking back to the room where her brothers were, she saw Dean walking out. He saw her and called over
"Hey! I'm going to get food from the diner down the street, you wanna come?" He asked. The thought of greasy diner food sounded amazing to Y/n right now, she jogged over to her brother
"hell yea." The two of them started walking over to the impala when Dean looked over and saw a man pointing two police officers from the bridge in their direction. Dean turned towards Y/n and pulled out his phone, calling Sam. before Sam picked up he simply told Y/n, "don't run". Y/n looked at him confused before noticing the cops walking up to them, and panic started to set in for Y/n. Sam picked up the phone and Dean told him that the cops had spotted them and that he needed to leave. He then hung up a turned around just in time to greet the officers who were approaching them
"Is there a problem officers?" Dean asked. Y/n made sure to stand behind Dean, keeping her distance from the officers. Y/n is historically very bad with dealing with the authorities. She tends to either run away or get very snappy, despite the many times that her family has tried to coach her to just play it cool
"Where's your partner?" one of the officers asked Dean. Dean tried playing dumb asking him
"What partner?" But they clearly remembered Dean from the bridge and were not buying it. One officer went to go investigate the motel room that Dean had come from, while the other one stood there and talked to Dean
"So, fake federal marshals, fake credit cards. You got anything that is real?" The officer asked. Dean, knowing that at this point they weren't going to be able to talk themselves out of this situation, decided he was able to get snappy
"My boobs." He said with a straight face and then flashing a cheeky smile at the officer. He grabbed Dean, starting to try and arrest him. He was able to turn Dean around and pull his hands behind his back. Y/n, stood there, watching panicked, not knowing what to do. Dean, now facing his little sister, mouthed the word 'Run' and Y/n immediately took off running
"We got a runner!" The officer who was detaining Dean called out to his partner. The officer who was going to check out the motel room immediately turned and started chasing after Y/n, who had already gotten quite a bit of a head start. She ran through bushes and ducked around the corner of a building, freezing when she realized that the alley she had turned down was a dead end. Before she could even turn around the officer who had been chasing her tackled her to the ground, causing her to get more then a few scrapes on her face and legs. Before she knew it, she was having a panic attack, cuffed in the back of a squad car, next to Dean, on the way to the police station
To Be Continued...
#supernatural#dean winchester#supernatural fandom#sam and dean#spnfandom#sam winchester#spn#supernaturalxreader#supernaturalxsisterreader
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