andydsiii · 4 years
Final Renders of perspectives
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andydsiii · 4 years
Section elevation
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andydsiii · 4 years
Axonometric section
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andydsiii · 4 years
Site plan
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andydsiii · 4 years
Colour and material experimentation of pipes
I had to experiment with various matierals and colours but I finally chose this set of colour that closely resembles veins under a the skin. The challenge I stumbled into after was choosing the material of the vein pipes. Originally I had wanted to do a neon like structure but then after I had rendered it I felt like it had taken the speciality away from the existing exibition and I am not trying to do that. So from there I decided to experiment with a matte colour of metal pipes and it had looked too plain so eventually I had settled on a transparent material that is either made of tough heavy duty glass or a strong acrylic. I did this as when the red light of the installation hits the water and liquids travelling through the pipes it’ll resemble blood flow like behaviour.
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andydsiii · 4 years
water collection system
early concept of what the water collection system looks like. 
I had looked at diagrams of how water irrigation works and decided to incorperate some of those technical elements in my work.  The main power that pumps the system is powered by a air compressor of sorts that will act like a pump when activated to push all the water that is collected in the tank next through to its filtering system purification process and eventually to be distributed among the mist nozzles and activated in the space.
Diagrams of what the system looks like in my space on the roof
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3D modelling of the Air Compressor system process
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andydsiii · 4 years
Research for vein structure
I did not want my pipes to be just for display I had wanted them to be functional whilst looking good. So with that in consideration I had thought of how I could make the pipes into water tanks that pump water through a series of pipes to create a mist like water to further add to the immersiveness of the dark atmosphere. I had gotten this idea through my watch of the shining as I wanted to capture certain elements of the elevator scene where blood over flows the space and wanted to do that but without actually flooding the space. I wanted to use this idea as it would fit well into my narrative of being swallowed by the space as once you’re swallowed by the space you see the inner workings of the space and how liquid flows within the body of the space.
The Shining elevator scene
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how will it be put together?
this is a rough sketch of how my water system will work along the pipes and I will further incorperate that system into my show how it is assembled.
roughly my early concept of the system consists of is that the water that is used for the mist will be collected through a moisture and rain water tank which will go through a series of system that will filter and pump out to the surrounding pipes through mist nozzles in certain areas creating that mist effect.
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fast diagram of how it is assembled TBC ~~~~~~
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andydsiii · 4 years
Structures Veins
These piping structures are is an almost direct representation of veins and nerves of the site. When creating these structure that would represent the veins of the space that surrounds the heart structure I went through many renditions of these from glass structures to having physical vein structures. Ultimately I had gone back to my week 2 and 3 exercise of cinematic device and microsite drawings had looked at them and noticed a reocurring vein like pattern that had covered the walls in on of the site which I had shown in my microsite drawing. 
through this I was able to begin creating a pipe like structure that would wrap around the fortlane alley way space and when looking at them from a certain distance would suggest and indicate people to head or look in a certain direction.
when creating this I had considered the surrounding space and had thought about how I would create them at a certain height so it doesn’t affect the traffic flow and people below. In the surrouding area of fortlane alleyway way there are various restaurants where they use outdoor seatings or have delivery trucks use the access way and I don’t want to build something that clutters the space and makes it difficult for those surrounding businesses.
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andydsiii · 4 years
Process of renders and test  image
This is my original image and through a few edit techniques and I was able to create a nicely dark, scary and mysterious render.
The twins in the space was taken from the shining and I had rendered them within the blender program and had placed them inside of the fortlane space to cast shadows and see how the red lighting hits them in the space. This was important to me as it was able to show me what it would look like with people present in the space and with this simulated imagery it really shows a creepy and mysterious atmosphere with a suggestive red light and long alleyway that draws you towards the space. This render as an experiment for the red lighting had help me visualize how the red light and alleyway interacts with people as I am not able to visit the site to see for myself due to COVID-19
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andydsiii · 4 years
The Shining and me
Film Research
Over the two week break period I had went back and watched The Shining and Dr Sleep to gather inspiration for my work. During these movies “The Shining” in particular made me notice things like a specific style of framing in various scenes throughout the movie due to Stanley Kubricks directing and had considered how it was very similar to the space I was building. So what I did was I had gone back to my space and and created a 3D rendering that had compared it along side Stanley Kubrick’s framing style and I was able to clearly see the similarity between my cite and and a cinematic movie. This was really interesting to me as I feel like I subconsciously had chosen the long walkway of fortlane it really played into its role as being a sort of cinematic space as I feel like the space by itself already follows a sort of framing element and now when I use it with a framing that Stanley Kubrick has created it is more clear that the alleyway I have chosen has properties of that cinematic aspect.  
Movie aspects that are shown in my work.
Another thing I had noticed about my scene that drew similarities with the shining was the red lighting. The red lighting within the shining had represent a growing danger that is approaching or the representation transition of normacy to something different something else. This idea of the colour red in my design also shares similar aspects of transition and create an emotion as in my setting the red lighting or the colour red was actually influenced by the existing red installations lighting that is present in the space. The red lighting in the space I had stated previously in my experiences had start off dark at the entrance of the space and as I became more drawn to the core of the space the red light and colour got darker, which had proven to be dominating on me and really drew me into the fortlane space as if I was being swallowed. 
As my work progresses I really see my work falling under a catergory of speculative urbanism and architecture. However, as I progress I see my work taking a dark appearance and aesthetic this could not only be influenced by my narrative of being swallowed by the space, or my state of mind but rather it is my attempt to create an atmosphere that feels like you’re apart of something immersive in ways like you’re in a mysterious or scary movie. 
“Speculative architecture mostly create narratives about how new technologies and networks influence space, culture, and community. They try to imagine new forms of structure and how these things can influence new processes and ideas for architecture.”
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andydsiii · 4 years
behind the scenes of storyboard images
all my story board images was made with various layers as I experiemented with the ways that showed the most darkness in the space whilst still showing some details.  Each image was comprised of 3 renders that would be combined to create a harsh and red light that simulated the feeling of being consumed and inside of something that is represented by the thick red lights surrounded by the darkness. another thing I had picked up whilst looking at my 6 story board images was the fact that it was very similar to the darkroom devepoping process for films or darkroom photography which i thought was pretty cool as it had linked back to the topic of cinematography as it relates to the process of a film or cinema device.
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andydsiii · 4 years
week 6: Story board
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andydsiii · 4 years
research #6
Philippe Rahm work spectral lights shows lighting and how there are visible and nonvisible lights that work together to create an atmosphere that include elements of mystery and dark void spaces to help the space become limitless extending beyond the confines of its walls. This idea of lighting that works together with a dark void space to make the space seem endless is a concept that is interesting as it’ll help resolve an issue of spacing with the space. In addition, this introduction of darkness into Fortlane will also help add an ominous element to it as the lighting in the alleyway will only hit certain areas to reveal things while leaving the rest to be covered in darkness
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andydsiii · 4 years
Research #5
Sou Fujimoto has incorporated this idea of emotions and light into his work ‘Forest of Light’ where his work explores through the appearance of spotlights in small circles and different locations between dark spaces. It stimulates an emotion of intimacy for the people in it. Using the idea of lighting influencing emotions, I hope to incorporate into my work through certain lighting colours like red as it will portray a sense of danger which will in turn stimulate their natural survival senses on this danger Infront of them.
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andydsiii · 4 years
Research #4 History of site
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Since Fortlane sits at the heart between fort and custom street that slowly had erected many buildings overtime, there isn’t a precise date on when or how the space was established. However, it is known that through the period of the 1800’s and onwards, the space was used as a shortcut that allowed easier trade access and shipments of goods through customs street to fort street and to the surrounding businesses. In addition, the idea of history in Fortlane can be expressed in alternative ways as it is present in forms of remnants of materials such as, bricks, tiles and pillars that are on the walls of each building. Each of these materials when observed up-close display the age of the material, how much damage and wear it has accumulated which would indicate its status as being an old space with historic value it. Currently, the historical buildings and space within Fortlane have all been repurposed and inhabited by various forms of entertainment and eateries that breathe life into the space.
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andydsiii · 4 years
Research #3
In the text Cities in Transition, written by Giuliana Bruno talks about the idea of Kinema motion and emotion and how important it is, as they are quoted “It also moves to incorporate and interface with the other spaces that can touch us and affect us such as the dynamic energy of the city” which had meant that the space is constantly intertwining with many other things from spaces to buildings to influence a set of emotions on the people of the space. This is important to me as in my work of the alleyway in fortlane I want to create an atmosphere using motion and emotions to help the people in the space experience an mysterious and ominious experience to get them going
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andydsiii · 4 years
Reasearch #2
The architect Bjarke Ingels work with the San Pellegrino Factory and headquarters which displayed a long row of continuous arch ways that guided the people with its curved flows and structure (AD editorial team, 2017). 
Captureing this idea of hall way or leading arches or structures style that Bjarke has dont will really help guide people people in my alleyway and enhance the space. 
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