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Antwerp, Belgium, photos by orion_concept
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go anon and say whatever you'd like to me
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“I hope that you never, not even for one second, become a secondary character in your own story.”
— spanish teacher (via nightlyquotes)
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“Just trust your gut”
Pal I have anxiety, my gut is literally always telling me to abort mission
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Twitter | Instagram | Print shop
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i suffer from a disease called “not wanting to work”, and it’s incurable
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when Lemony Snicket wrote “I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you everyday” that hurt me
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Lately I’ve been asking myself, what seeds am I trying to plant? And how am I planting them? In other words, make sure that your actions are aligned with what you’re trying to manifest. Sometimes we inadvertently sabotage our manifestations. It’s okay. Review and begin again if need be.
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I know it seems absolutely impossible now but you will find your place in the world, you will see beauty in things you didn’t notice before, your mindset will change, you will find people that feel like home, and you will achieve great things one day
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“I always think of you before I fall asleep. The words you said, the way you looked. The things we laughed about, the silent moments we shared. And when I dream, I’ll dream of you. Because it’s about you, it’s always about you.”
— A.Y.
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So, you wanna wear your cool pants with your cool shoes.
Your pants have a super cool print and you wanna wear em with some bitchin boots, but the problem is, even though they fit fine, they do this with the boots:
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So you’re like, okay, cool, I’ll just cuff them, but then you realize you can’t because they look like this on the inside:
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So now you’re like aw man what do I do?? I want the cuff to match the pants but they won’t :(
Step 1! Fold the hem up about to here, make sure the fold is crisp and clean all the way around:
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Step 2! Fold the white part up again so it’s the same width as the original hem, keeping it crispy:
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Step 3! Fold that original hem down and over, and you guessed it, crispy again:
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You have now created a cuff that matches the rest of your pants! Now go, wear your stompy boots with funky pants and be gay
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one of the worst parts of college is when you don’t wanna go to class and you think “well……. i COULD skip…….” and then you gotta talk yourself into sucking it up, being a responsible adult, and going to this goddamn fucking stupid class you goddamn fucking hate so goddamn fucking much
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The best part about sex should be making her feel good. There’s just something about it when she squeezes your hand tighter, the little sounds she makes that she can’t control, or the way her breathing gets faster and deeper.
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one of the most annoying things about me is that i constantly need to be reassured that you haven’t started hating me for some reason
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i show my affection to my friends by gently bullying them
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