Android Application Development India: Project Ara is a Boon & a Bane – Hyperlink InfoSystem
If everything goes as planned, Google's Project Ara has the potential to change the way we know about mobile. Already gaining a considerable amount of interest because of it's innovative step towards modularity, backed up by it's environmental cause of reducing electronic waste; Project Ara definitely seems like something we can all get behind.
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    Every year, a huge amount of electronic waste is created because of the non-modular approach to device creation, wherein if a part of the device is damaged or made unusable, then the entire thing needs to be put in the dustbin more often than not.
This is where a modular design comes in handy. This ensures that only the damaged or unusable part of the device needs to be replaced, thereby bringing down the cost, considerably. But this can turn up to be a challenge for Android App Development India professionals, in the way of a different type of fragmentation.
  Developers would need to have to deal with the different sets of configurations that a customer would choose. After all, Project Ara is also all about customization and individuality. It's bareboned initial offering of course is going to be pretty low, under $100, which users can then add on modules to, according to their needs and requirements. Android Application Development India will now have to make amends in their software to perform additional checks that would get it data about whether their app will be able to run in a stable way.
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  There's also another aspect that might cause issues for Android Application Development Indiadevelopers with the otherwise brilliant plan. That is testing. Well, it's not as if Android developers are plagued with testing problems now, because of the huge fragmentation in the operating systems from Android, with a whole part of the users still using a considerably old version of the OS.
  But Ara poses a new kind of problem, one which if atleast is regulated from the point of view of the OS, can face set backs in the form of hardware combinations.
  But the other aspect that is worth noting is the general acceptance of a project such as this. Because as we can see a lot of the people around the world seem to not be interested in getting their hands dirty with a DIY project when they can just choose to travel the normal path of buying a ready to use product that all they have to do is turn on.
  Especially, the people in the developing economies. This might stop  Android App Development India professionals to put as much time and effort as they should or can to develop for the project with a relatively low userbase which points at lesser revenue.
  But all in all, Project Ara is a revolutionary way of going mobile, and can bring about positive changes.
  Hyperlink InfoSystem is a Mobile App Development Company offering great mobile development solutions at the competitive rates of $15-$20/hour. A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India. 
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Android Application Development India: Trumping Gender Inequality - Hyperlink InfoSystem
The workplace can get to become one of the most important places where you spend a whole lot of time trying to work on our many projects and furthering our careers. And a huge part of that is having a cooperative, supportive workplace. Which many a times can turn out to be a problem, especially for women.
  The recent allegations and issues that have come to light show how the IT field has over the past few years become increasingly sexist. The issue at large is that women have to endure problems that spread cover the basic essentials like pay, when women get paid substantially less than their counterparts doing the same work to bullying and mismanagement.
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    It is very important that Android App Development India professionals create rules and guidelines that foster equality and diversity at the workplace. Especially, in a field like Information Technology, or other sciences, workforce requirements depend upon professional and technical qualifications and intellect more than anything. Therefore, bias based on gender is unacceptable. 
  Caitlyn Martin's recent post about her interview for a big company for the post of a senior engineer; brought out the ugliness of the situation. She didn't take the very lucrative job, seeing how the 400 people strong workforce didn't have one female employee and she'd been the first. The fact that the company had no female employee 'til the year 2014 is startling to say the least. Calling IT a traditionally male driven field makes it difficult for more women to take part because they have to deal with unruly managers who don't give due credit for their efforts. Wherein subordinates don't want to work for a female senior member or colleagues that do not involve these women in office related leisure activities. Android Application Development Indiaprofessionals need to have policies involved that ensure that the workspace is diversely rich in terms of minorities and females thereby creating a neutral workspace.
  And debunk all the negativity that's been around since the beginning of time of how women tend to be interested or good at the sciences or technology in general. Android App Development Indiaprofessionals can help eradicate these thoughts and mindsets by holding special talks about the need for  equality in the workspace as well as to value the work that they do rather than be prejudiced by gender or race.
  Times are changing, albeit slowly, but the good thing is that they are. And it's important to change with it. Inequality and bullying at the workplace, productivity requires a positive attitude that can only be achieved with a motivated and happy environment. And therefore, equality and a professional work culture is something that Android Application Development India professionals can't ignore anymore.
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  Hyperlink InfoSystem is a Mobile App Development Company offering great mobile development solutions at the competitive rates of $15-$20/hour. A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India.
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Android Application Development India: Getting New Customers and Keeping them Too - Hyperlink InfoSystem
Survival of the fittest, was the theory suggested by Charles Darwin. It pointed to the fact that nature was a force to reckon with and it let anyone but the fittest survive and prosper. Living things needed to organize and develop keeping in mind that the resources were scarce and the demand burgeoning.
Such is also the case in the world of mobile apps. Wherein, the environment is pretty volatile, where apps are uploaded by the thousands every day. It's really easy for an app, developed over the course of months to disappear to the bottom pile, far away from any recognition or money. It's also easy for an app as old as a week rake in thousands of dollars and also become an instant classic amongst the users.  
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This is something that every Android Application Development India professional should keep in mind before putting their time and effort into any project. The key aspect here is to try your best and come up with the best product that you can.
Holding the users' attention is a daunting task, well enough 'til they explore the features that you have to offer and eventually become a loyalist or buys your product.
But as mentioned before, it's best if you create a good product.
Remember that being a good sales man isn't only up to the point where you've sold the item. Android App Development India professionals need to make it a point and continue a conversation with the users after they've downloaded or purchased your app. You should never shy out of offering stellar customer service and make amends to make the user experience better.
As Android Application Development India professionals, make sure that your core features are functional and ready before you take it to your users. If there's a glitch in something that's going to be the forefront of their experience, then postpone or cancel the launch if it means you'll get more time to fix the issues.
Make relevant updates and offer upgrades and new features without a long gap. It's pretty important that Android Application Development India professionals keep their product image fresh in their users minds with content updates regularly, because it's very easy for the users to get bored and move on to another product that grabs their attention.
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A good question to ask yourself is, “why would anyone want to download my product?”. It's hard to think about anyone else but your own project when you're in the midst of it all. You forget the fundamental requirement that every user has. You'll always have a loyal customer if your products are both functionally rich and easy to use. It should not only solve a problem of their's or offer them some kind of entertainment, but also do all of this in a non-cumbersome way. Another way Android App Development India professionals can attract new customers but also keep the existing ones, is to offer them extra goodies.
This can be in the form of physical or virtual gifts. The latter being more popular. Reward the users who've been loyal, survey the ones that aren't. Offer them a better deal. Get involved in the overall process and engage with the crowd to come out at the top and stay at the top.
Hyperlink InfoSystem is a Mobile App Development Company offering great mobile development solutions at the competitive rates of $15-$20/hour. A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India.
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Hyperlink InfoSystem, has become one of the leading IT companies that provide great, interactive Android Application Development India solutions and that too at a great cost.
With the changing times it has become necessary to create marketing campaigns that reach out to an audience that is global and spans a wide range of ages as well. Not to mention the competition that’s grown over the past few years that’s resulted in the sprouting up of a huge number of players for any given area of work....
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Android Application Development India: Focusing on Bettering UX - Hyperlink InfoSystem
The Android mobile platform has seen substantial growth in a couple years time itself. With 2013 reporting it's coverage crossing 75% of the mobile market share. Everyone is sitting up and taking notice of the fact that Android's here to rule the mobile market for at least the next decade. And competing manufacturers are starting to realize and you know what they say, if you can't beat them, join them. Microsoft definitely didn't let this opportunity slip off of from their hands and is looking to leverage Android's outreach by releasing their Nokia phones' powered by the Android operating system.
The reason Android is now the mammoth[if it still existed] of the mobile jungle is that Google owned Android's after it's release is made publicly available because of it's open source nature. Device manufacturers are free to tweak it to their liking and ship it with their respective devices as well. Developers such as those in the Android Application Development India field are also free to download the necessary tools to begin Android development, all of the needed resources can be found on Android's developer website along with resourceful documentation files as well.
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Even though Android is the preferred development platform for developers who're looking to startup their careers in development, and many experienced professionals as well because of it's Java background, there's often the complaint about Android has a really bland UX. This can be attributed to the fact that more and more Android Application Development India professionals are shying away from the platform after some time, looking for more lucrative options. Stating reasons such as the Android fragmentation problems that exist which force developers conduct work twice as hard to support all available devices. And also the most prevalent reason that holds back these people the most is the fact Android owners are the most unlikelier to download an app that is not free. What this ends up meaning is that talented and experienced people move on in the lookout for better offering deals and Android development is seen as a second option or not supported at all, especially if the company/individual is just starting out.
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People often forget about the other aspect of technological advancements and development. The idea that it should be aimed at improving society and overall benefit mankind. Of course money is an important aspect but it shouldn't be the only aspect. Android App Development India professionals need to focus their energies towards creating software development solutions that are focused at creating a better overall experience for the user. Because ultimately, that's what is judged by a typical user to conclude the usability of an app. No matter how functionally rich the app is, if the user doesn't feel the UI intuitive and easy to use then it won't be popular at all.
Android App Development India professionals need to change their method of working on this regard and research the best possible methods to create apps with enriching UX. This can be a combination of the basics from how the app appears in terms of color schemes and other design effects to control placement and ease of access. A great app is a balanced concoction of design and functionality. 
Hyperlink InfoSystem is a Mobile App Development Company offering great mobile development solutions at the competitive rates of $15-$20/hour. A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development India, iPhone Application Development India , Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India. 
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Android has become the most sought after technology product these days because of various reasons. The majority of programmers today are choosing Android, especially to start off their development...
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Booming Tablet Market Forces Developers to Offer More Choices – Hyperlink InfoSystem
Just until a few years ago, the market was dominated by mobile phones that were “smart”. And rightly so. These devices helped users add another layer of freedom to their lives. Now, they could use these devices for not just answering calls and sending messages to each other but also browse the web and view content as they would on their PCs, for example. Optimized video and image quality enabled them to take amazing quality images and videography without the need to take an additional device with them all the time.
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These smartphones even helped them in organizing their tasks and add reminders for appointments thereby saving their time and efforts. These became so popular that it became the norm in how mobile phones were created. People wanted more functionality which meant increased computing power from hardware. Everything from the processor capabilities to the screen size was growing bigger and more powerful, this complemented the new generations requirement to always have access to the Internet and their want to always remain connected to their friends.
Tablet computers have gone on to become a perfect answer to many of these questions, available in a few size options like 7 or 10 inches, it's comfortable enough to use daily even though they require the use of both your hands. The increase in screen size as compared to say an average smartphone lets the user use it as a reader or to view webpages as well as play video games with ease. This is a really big reason for Android App Development India  professionals The tablet market is definitely growing multifolds in just a couple of years, with statistics suggesting that it could well cross over the 197 million units. Which is a lot, since the smartphone market also gives it a bit of competition, since it's slightly inconvenient to use for calling and obviously doesn't fit in the pocket.
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From the developers point of view, it's become a quite mainstream to create apps that will be supported by smartphones as well as tablet PCs as people don't want to lose out on users who would prefer to just use the app or play the game on their tablets. So, if you're looking to Hire Android App Developer for your game or app project, it's very crucial to research and gather data to analyze your target audience well enough to know if you should offer multiple versions for your product or not. It's true that doing so will mean that you would need to shell out more, but at the end it's pretty crucial bargain for the amount of users you can gain. 
Hyperlink InfoSystem is a Mobile App Development Company offering great mobile development solutions at the competitive rates of $15-$20/hour. A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India.
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Booming Tablet Market Forces Developers to Offer More Choices – Hyperlink InfoSystem
Just until a few years ago, the market was dominated by mobile phones that were “smart”. And rightly so. These devices helped users add another layer of freedom to their lives. Now, they could use these devices for not just answering calls and sending messages to each other but also browse the web and view content as they would on their PCs, for example. Optimized video and image quality enabled them to take amazing quality images and videography without the need to take an additional device with them all the time.
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These smartphones even helped them in organizing their tasks and add reminders for appointments thereby saving their time and efforts. These became so popular that it became the norm in how mobile phones were created. People wanted more functionality which meant increased computing power from hardware. Everything from the processor capabilities to the screen size was growing bigger and more powerful, this complemented the new generations requirement to always have access to the Internet and their want to always remain connected to their friends.
Tablet computers have gone on to become a perfect answer to many of these questions, available in a few size options like 7 or 10 inches, it's comfortable enough to use daily even though they require the use of both your hands. The increase in screen size as compared to say an average smartphone lets the user use it as a reader or to view webpages as well as play video games with ease. This is a really big reason for Android App Development India professionals The tablet market is definitely growing multifolds in just a couple of years, with statistics suggesting that it could well cross over the 197 million units. Which is a lot, since the smartphone market also gives it a bit of competition, since it's slightly inconvenient to use for calling and obviously doesn't fit in the pocket.
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From the developers point of view, it's become a quite mainstream to create apps that will be supported by smartphones as well as tablet PCs as people don't want to lose out on users who would prefer to just use the app or play the game on their tablets. So, if you're looking to Hire Android App Developer for your game or app project, it's very crucial to research and gather data to analyze your target audience well enough to know if you should offer multiple versions for your product or not. It's true that doing so will mean that you would need to shell out more, but at the end it's pretty crucial bargain for the amount of users you can gain.
Hyperlink InfoSystem is a Mobile App Development Company offering great mobile development solutions at the competitive rates of $15-$20/hour. A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India.
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Tech from the Future: Android Wear | Hire Android App Developer, Excellent Services at $15/hour - Hyperlink InfoSystem
Welcome to the future everyone, finally a feature that's been written about in books and depicted in sci-fi movies for the past many years. Alright, I've talked about before that we're still far away from seeing flying cars in the air but we're getting there folks. The path is slow and full of hurdles but we're getting there.
The past year itself saw noteworthy events happening in the World of technological advancements, one of which was Google Glass and Samsung's Gear line of wearable tech, the Glass is a spectacle like device that a user can put on which has a camera attached to it along with a display and mic. 
This device lets the user use audio based commands to operate per form various operations as they would with a smartphone, for example.
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Samsung came out with it's own version of wearable technology while taking a slightly different path with it's smartwatch and now this year Google has thrown it's own hat in the ring with it's Android Wear.
This is definitely a great opportunity for Android Application Development India  professionals as they now have have an endless array of channels that they can use to create solutions that are spectacularly imaginative. And this is exactly what Google wants too. Google has released a preview of the Android Wear SDK to help developers and everyone else get a look under the hood. 
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It understands pretty well that Users today are extremely versatile in their needs and the only way for them to increase their following is to create experiences that are unique.
Like mentioned before, although Android Wear is still under development, technology like this is meant to be part of creating an Android environment where the devices will be able to connect and communicate with eachother in a seamless manner and offer their own set of features to the users. 
They would share information between themselves and depending on the requirements, make it available for the user as in the case of Android Wear, whichis “aware” of it's surroundings and can offer alerts and weather forecasts as well as reminders which can all be managed using voice commands as and where applied.
Soon, new development resources will be made available by Google which will give developers an even better idea about the wearable tech and in the near future, you'd even be able to Hire Android App Developer  that will be well versed with this new development methodology so that you can either create dedicated solutions or create them to complement the apps that are already created and available, thereby increasing their usability and in turn, market value. 
Hyperlink InfoSystem is a Mobile App Development Company offering great mobile development solutions at the competitive rates of $15-$20/hour. A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India.
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Android App Development India: Monetizing Your App - Hyperlink InfoSystem
Businesses today don't fundamentally function as they used to. In the early days, when competition was relatively scarce in the Mobile app business, this is back when the main mobile platform, at least the most well known ones were iOS and well, Symbian. Then there weren't as many choices available to the general public as there are now. People could either only use the apps that were made available with the devices and even the options available at app stores weren't all that exciting. But the organizations had a lot of control over how they could make money off of these applications. This included the app developers as well as the handset manufacturers that inked a deal together so that those mobile apps could be shipped with the device itself.
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But the scenario has completely changed in the past few years, especially with the oncoming of the Android platform which has taken the mobile application development to new heights altogether. With it's AOSP initiative and it's Open Handset Alliance, Google has enabled interested contributors/partners, such as handset manufacturers to create “forks” of the operating system, and release their own “flavor” of the OS. Well, of course this deal isn't as simple as it seems here. But the main point is how this has enabled the widespread use of Android and in turn also boosted the device maker's sales multi-fold. A classic example of this is the Samsung brand.
Now, focusing on the people that actually create these software solutions: the developers. Especially, those which aren't affiliated with any big names, or are just start ups that offer commission based offshore development work. Monetization becomes a very big aspect of your project. Especially, Android App Development India professionals, who are thinking of different aspects to generate revenue for their apps, be it as per their client's request or their own requirement.
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And carefully selecting your revenue model is very important, as the mobile app market is one that is really volatile in the sense that there have been scenarios wherein people have earned hundreds of dollars in a day, and there have also been instances where an app can lay in the bottom of the pile and not generate a single penny for months. Of course the underlying rule to abide by, which Android App Development India professionals should swear by is creating high quality products. Everything else is just an add on task that needs to be performed so market and spread the app to as many people as possible.
There are a few ways that can be employed to generate revenue for your product, which is the app. Which are listed below:
Releasing apps as “Premium” or “Paid”: well, this approach is the trickiest one or the simplest, depending on how good your app is. Because, although these create direct revenue for your business; with the amount of free apps that are available on the market that are functionally very efficient in what they do, people would hesitate thinking they can get another app for free that does the task twice as good. So, be sure to choose this model and then perform extensive marketing so that it generates some relevant leads.
Proving the facility of “in-app” purchases: now this option is what many a developers follow these days, wherein they make available the free version of the app to the general public and then if they like the initial feature they can “upgrade” the app to the full feature for a price.
Generating revenue using virtual items from the app: this is an interesting monetization method as here, virtual items like hats or gems, weapons can be purchased with real currency. This is a popular method among game developers, which Android App Development India professionals can employ in their projects.
Visit http://www.hyperlinkinfosystem.com/android-app-development-india.htm for more details.
A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India. If you’d like, you can follow us on Twitter , Facebook , G Plus and Tumblr.
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