January 2021 Fire Workshop.
January 30, 2pm – 8pm EST, 8:30 Ritual Work
What you’ll Gain!
Need to make life changes, work with this system of fire magic to vastly improve your real-world results.
Freaked out? Create peace and tranquility through Andrieh’s fire magic.
Freaked out? Create peace and tranquility through Andrieh’s fire magic.
Sick, health issues. Boost your healing with Andrieh’s fire magic.
Cursed, magical war out of control and wrecking your life, kick Curses to the curb with Fire.
Need cash, you will learn techniques of prosperity drawing.
What we will cover:
Introduction to Flame work.
Centering/Banishing with Candle Flames
Purification/Cleansing with Fire
Working with materials
Fast Vitality work (Boosting yourself)
Evocation via Flame
IF time permits ( Tricky Evocations like using Fire to summon water-based spirits).
Larger End cap Ritual.
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January 2021 Fire Workshop. was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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domagick.com Day 30.
Healing work is not easy, and do not let anyone tell you differently. I haven’t done the work yet today but I Want to get the blog out of the way. I will be burning all the links.
There are a lot of transitions at the end of the challenge that seem unrelated, but I hope they are related.
This work has been hard difficult and unrewarding. I feel like there were too many structural issues that are coming from places of trauma induced cognitive impairment along with tremendous stresses. Although the need and timing of that need was correct, and I thought the methods were, I am going to say this experimental work did not work as expected. Some very experimental based magical tools were developed that could actually really help some of the participants, but then I am not really sure there is desire of will there. Healing work is really hard. Trauma reinforces itself in other people and really at that point everyone is connected as per Reiki 3. Its the natural cycle of pain that trauma reinforces itself and spreads. I don’t feel like some of the needed conversations can openly and honestly be had with all pieces and players, and I would no longer and have not for a while be the right person for those conversations.
Going into the end of finals, and now a host of transitions that honestly may not be personally positive, and needing to make a few other transitions that are very large and uncertain ( such as job shifting), I am left really on edge. No clear success on this work, leads to uncertain elements and footing going forward. It actually is a strategic impairment, and one that I will adapt to. This has been the pattern for a while, but I am not sure how to change that given how the chess pieces are arranged other then a very buddhist “just accept it” mindset. This in fact may be the answer, but its really in this case impossible to just work on something else without some things messing with other things. Perhaps with some of the new transitions will ease that.
Tactical magic from Dantalion was working but really, any greater movement failed at this time. I am not sure what I was expecting. I feel like I am hitting a desire of result phase, and probably had unrealistic expectations. I however usually get very good results when effort is applied at this level and if only I was involved with no other pieces, I guarantee there would have been what I consider miraculous results and clear indicators across the board. Once you add gears in the system, things turn unpredictable and in this case frustrating.
The thing is that this work is entirely unpredictable when you do greater healing work, and patience is not a virtual. I will move on, detach, and go. Its quite possible that the work starts as a small pebble in an intractable situation and moves forward. I can honestly say, the last 3-4 magical challenges have worked that way. In some ways, Grad school and work SLOW everything down. The Kali work got rid of negative people from my life ( a few back) and really now am really thinking of some completely different social directions which feel much more positive and based around values I actually have, the ones before that was a massive restructuring of food/diet in relation to stress ( reducing the stress is not really an option in grad school) and I am not a younger student but after that challenge I have lost 10 inches and over 100lbs…. so its never predictable.
But for this and for now, I need to be done and will do so today moving into writing a Gigong book and doing ALOT more qigong and Vodou ( on Dambalah’s and Obatala points ) and nlp …. basically self-healing work to beef up the self to do the aspirational work I would like to do.
domagick.com Day 30. was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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domagick.com Day 29 waiting for the end
So I did the work, Dantalion has said there will be results after I am done and the work will continue, but again structural issues and mixed messages prevent another day of seeing possible results. I have noticed that I become somewhat hyper relaxed after the Ganesh work and it actually takes me a good 20 minutes even after 1 japamal to move forward. I will continue and finish, and do a larger Ganesh work at the weekend, but the 1st is done with a big lifting for little results. It can’t come soon enough. There are other priorities for me to be honest then doing this kind of lift against a mountain. Too many pieces on the board are reinforcing the illness pattern not the healing one.
domagick.com Day 29 waiting for the end was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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Day 28: Domagick.com Those Structural issues
I am going to be vague here, but I can honestly say I can’t wait for this domagick challenge to be done. Although I am going to continue the Ganesh work and focus that work on attuning to the mantra fully, I will be stopping the Dantalion work at the 30 day mark. I feel like the results have been at best mixed, the methods of the work is painful or at least numbing, and structural issues/mixed messages/wrong priorities probably are making shit a lot harder. Really, we are getting some movement, but really it doubly pains me that really the healing movement we are getting could easily accomplished with structural changes and therapists who weren’t painfully apathetic or incompetent.
Additionally, the honest results seem to be coming from Dantalion, but those aren’t stable and really when the results are clearly there, they are constrained a set of pre-conditions and believe sets that are self-destructive. This is still a vast improvement over the situation at the start, but clearly far from optimal. Before you “internet-ize” how Im the idiot for working with a Demon on this and thats all to be expected, other people are doing openly Angel work that should stabilize and make tactical movements more stable. I knew the Dantalion work would produce tactical changes which exactly what it did. In some ways, I would have to admit these tactical changes are superior what I would have expected, but inconsistent because the strategic changes are not holding as well.
Guess which work doesn’t seem to be working much in results you can measure, hint… its 2 of the angels. If anyone wants to ask me, why I would rather work demons, the Lwa, Fae, anything but angels, well, its the timeframes are generally not in-alignment with human needs and you generally have to accept the timeframes on faith. Fuck and that.
With 1 angel clearly I can see it working, but thats inconsistent too, and that is actually my fault because of my need to have clearer boundaries in some situations. The other 2 angels, maybe there is some results but who knows, it really is not clear.
All that is not miraculous results, its some results in a situation where multiple parties have vested interests at the subconscious level that are not aligned with healing movement. This probably is why magic usually doesnt work, too many opposing “interests” in the system. This situational alchemy has not been fun and really has been quite frustrating to watch it unfold. The effort to results ratio is so negatively skewed that I want to cry about it.
That said, often I can see things take 4-5 months to unfold, but I won’t be watching, and I won’t really be documenting, so it will have to be pretty fucking obvious cause when its done, I’m done. I don’t really feel good about the results so far in any meaningful way, and instead just feel tired and I really don’t want to do this work anymore ( but will for 2 more days), its been honestly a struggle for the last few days and while I do struggle with some magics, I feel this one is mostly failing. This is not a usual event for how the magic goes for my work. Ending with the Ganesh homa over the weekend, is really just a way to get closure on the work and reset myself to move forward.
If anything, I probably I have failed pretty hard on the grace front although I have seen movement on those fronts, but really getting it down, not so much. If anything, the stress of finals has made that point even more poignant that I do not do that well, and I am not really tolerant of situations in which a short term emotional gain leads to a mid ( month) or long term (year) problem. Like Faith, I am not so sure I am so good at the grace thing or at least I have to meditate on this alot more. Grace certainly does not mean peace, so those two may well be conflated in my mind when I contemplate it. I don’t work with Gentle loving dieties or spirits, so I shouldn’t expect gentleness. In no irony statement, perhaps going down a Christianity path with a gentle father figure is not so bad. Nah, lets not.
Still I am really not digging the unreciprocated self-sacrifice and lack of movement in exchange for that as a tendancy in my life, right now. I will be working on that over the next few months to give that to death. I am like with finals ready to be done and chalk this up to a “strong effort” and then think about my goal states and moves without a strong success on this one and that means potentially negative consequences that I will have to adapt to. Sometimes the magic just doesn’t work the way you expect to, but dealing with those negative consequences are going to be really difficult in this. I am going to have to make some self-changes and potentially self-numbing changes to keep on the pathways I am on with those consequences. It is not pleasant thoughts there. I need some time in a buddhist monastery in one of the dark rooms they have.
I know for a fact for the next challenge, I will not be a) doing anything for anyone else b) probably not working with any spirits in the capacity of the challenge ( well maybe Simbi Makaya) c) will outright be enchanting for selfish things and self-soveignty type of pursuits. The next challenge is enchantment so… I am really tempted to go all psychological model 100% in, and just do 30 days of the swish pattern end stop.
Addendum: Again did the work hard, got results, but again with self-destructive components. Pretty consistent here. Structural changes are coming at more sacrifice to me, so well see if its worth it. I am not high on the faith elements here. Servitors, sigils, so much cleaner.
Day 28: Domagick.com Those Structural issues was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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Domagick.com , Day 25-26
April 24,25
I have not missed a day on trying to do work, but keeping up with the journalling and school and work is rough. I had a final on the 25, so I was really pushing the issues with this work and trying to study. Both days are a blur, but I did the summoning on both days, as well as the Ganesha work for maintenance. Its getting harder to invest in the work like I should. This is a challenge I really just want to end, so I can move on to something different. Finals correspond roughly with the end of the work, go me, then still I have to move stuff around the house.
Of course, with a final, my mental state is kinda fried yo.
Domagick.com , Day 25-26 was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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Day 24: Domagick.com Ch-ch-ch-changes in systems, adding a homa
Well geez, up and down. Today, there was steps in the right direction. I am kind of seeing up and down, and not consistency. So there are benefits/results and I am convinced some of this is desire of result issues ( being in the thick of it, is making it hard to see the forest for the trees)
I am in finals but still doing the work. I did a full ritual with Dantalion. I am convinced that the majority of real healing issues involved in the case are structural issues. Those structural issues can be more important then the individual themselves. This case is one where the systems and social realities are more important than the individual psychology. This is probably true for most things. People have a false conception of how much “individual efforts” affect the outcome versus roles and systems. Research doesn’t back it up. I think that is often the case and that how hard magic is often is related how hard to how many systems involved are resistant to change. One would think, oh, its a healing, simple. If you measure progress in observable results, you can see “psychological indicators” and then see a problems outside of the individual are actually constraints. Depending on what those are, you may or may not be able to work on those depending on how deep the constraints are ( magic work to “remove bias” and working against stereotypes probably is a much bigger work then the healing you think you are doing).
Unfortunately, the individual can change fast, but usually the surrounding systems do not change as quickly and in some cases and those systems include other people. Hence, this is a desire of result issue. Looking for observable changes, when the systems are conflicting meaning the final outcome is not yet there.
I used to think the first book a budding magician should read was a intro psychology book, now I think the second book they should read is an introduction to systems theory.
In the work, I came to the conclusion, I should do a much larger homa with my mantra. The timing does not work out for a clean 30 days, so I will be extending the work till the weekend of the 4-5. My bro, Jason will be in, so I figure, thats a good time to do a full fire homa with the mantra. Although the work started with Dantalion, I feel like it should end with the mantra that denotes coming out of Darkness ( Kali Yuga) to light ( a different age) in a time sense. It all fits the mythos of the vedic, seems to fit ecumenically and thematically. It also fits with the themes coming out in the work, and a final push toward grace. BTW thats 10 japa Mal. ( 1080 reps) in Fire, 10800 full reps.. should be a wild ride.
Day 24: Domagick.com Ch-ch-ch-changes in systems, adding a homa was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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domagick.com Day 23: WTF... Setback into comback
This was a day of super high anxiety, stress, and setbacks all the way around. It again raised the idea that the work is not really stable or is not sustainable. In retrospect, I think there are too many moving parts to live right now, and generally this was everyones meltdown day. Of course, day 23. I don’t know if it will be perceived as a release valve and there was way to much emotional eh. So it was a 3 steps forward and 4 back sorta day. Really, the stress was stress related to a whole bunch of non-related but actually related life hurricanes of a good sort.. and the negative reactions were desire of result attachment failure. I will reflect and meditate more.
This was to the point of me having two conversations with Dantalion and in the first, I can admit, I was an asshole. It was not “grace” accepting thats for sure. Yeah it was more like, fuck you and the topic of the chains and binds were raised as in relation to the backsliding. The second conversation, there was no formal ritual, since I was pissed, but it was a good conversation and communication. Now, I just don’t feel like Dantalion is fucking with me, I kinda feel like and the insights I had after sleeping, is that I hit a limit of Dantalion’s ability or the structure of how that spirit’s magic works. In some ways, Dantalion’s magic is both a problem and good, since it is subtle. It confirms to me, that had I gone to the crossroads, and did binding magic with Kalfu, that it might have blown up. Steel can bend but it can break too. For people, I don’t care about but I need an outcome, this might be easier. That is clearly not the case, and its clearly rare that would be the case that I have no concern about the person ( whether thats a client trying to influence someone or not).
I will totally document this. Change the thoughts of any person, does not mean change the underlying structure. That is the rub, surface thoughts can get you to do something, but repetition is needed to make it a habit. In this situation, there are some deep and well cognitively supported hard habits to change over. It is moving a mountain.
I did the Ganesh work, saved my ass and did my Legba work which also saved my ass. SO it is what it is. more days. The challenge ends on the day of my final is due too, ahahah fun times.
The next day, super forward steps. Literally, I am writing this one day after. Like Dantalion doubled down and said, oh we are getting results and then did. Thats a pride thing on that spirits part, I can tell.
domagick.com Day 23: WTF… Setback into comback was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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Domagick.com Day 21,22: Rolling
April 22. 2018
So I am both preparing for finals, and doing the challenge. I am working on on the idea of changing “I can’t” to “I can”, via the Dantalion work. The work feels like a major lift. It is hard, like trying to bend steel but not break the steel in the process so you can’t apply to much pressure. I worked on it on both days on the weekend, but I definitely feeling burnt out. When the end of the challenge corresponds to testing at school, it just get hard. Logistically hard, and I already felt burned out.
So this work like I said, has a muffling component. Let me further explain what that means. Basically, it means the work is being done while shutting off some sources of magical power to isolate and further augment the work. So yes we are making it harder, so the work works better but thats doubly harder when your burnt out AND shutting down one whole power grid. I kinda feel like this is appropriate here, in relation to that idea of working this way.
Now there was a lot of good reasons I came up with the muffling idea. Sometimes some magical energies can act as noise for specific work. That said, “Real men of Genius”.
Remember, there are multiple people doing the work and they are doing different aspects. We all had a long confab about the unintended good consequences, our worries, etc. I was definitely ( and correctly based on divinations), worried about some parts of the work. There has been oddities across the board, good bad, weird. Lots of oddities across the board. Some concerning points early on, and lots of people feeling strung out by the work. That seems to be a design flaw, not an accident. 7 more days.
Domagick.com Day 21,22: Rolling was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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Day 18, 19, 20 Domagick.com Reflections Social phobia versus commitment
Well I really hate doing multiple days on a post, since it means I am not correctly giving myself enough time for reflection. I think thats true for most of us that struggle with journaling, this is a core issue. Too many things are going on at the same time. Writing is a style of self-reflection. The audio or videos is another. If thats not happening, I almost feel like half the magic is not done. I know that won’t be popular as an opinion.
The format of the domagick.com challenges, actually makes this somewhat harder, I know that is true, but I personally feel like there a couple social principles at work here.
the domagick.com challenge sets two social principles against each other in a way.
First, because of cultural issues with real world consequences, most people have a real fear about talking about their magical experiences or revealing too much. This is justified in my own personal experiences, but ( and I am sure I will get hate mail), it is more justified in the terms of occult practitioners and witches who actually do throw curses for reasons that really indicate more self-work is needed. Curses are useful, just not as often. Hell people throw curses at public figures all the time. Anything to not actually be honest with one self. Non-magical people do this too, almost as much, they just start with gossip or other weapons, but the “different is dangerous idea is a real problem”. I do recommend people take a pen-name for this reason, and the people who criticize pen names are usually assholes in my opinion. At least in the midwest, being a witch or pagan is not really ok even with the courts, jobs etc.
Now that said, I would strongly recommend everyone work on a personal universe where it can be ok ( aka your own business or whatever it takes). Thats greater magical work, for yourself, but doesn’t change the cultural biases. Yes you can get yourself to a place it does not matter, and that is the most rewarding magical work I think many people can take.
Second, it pits commitment to advancement against all that fear. To me,we live in so much fear all the time, that to not talk about it just kills something inside. I don’t want to talk about it as much as some people, but the commitment is helpful to make you make progress. Once you commit, once you know people are watching, you tend to follow through. This is a built in tool. Its a cognitive behavioral trick. When you see a whole bunch of others doing the work, you tend to do the work. I am already sure for everyone posting there is at least another person doing the work, inspired by the work, who just won’t post, but thats ok.
My personal opinion is, read my personal, is that ultimately magical orders do try to have the needed feedback loops and commitment, but ultimately fail based on the fact that the social aspects usually ( but not always), override and alter the purposes of the order or group. I haven’t seen any group overcome this as it is a fundamental component of the human condition. Social status and connections will always overcome or greatly influence purpose. The social control aspects also lead into a lot of tendencies for abuse. We all know the stories, I have many too in personal experience. Plus that, I am not a joiner and I don’t really like the social influence mechanisms ( in the Toastmaster group, theres a lot of these too, and thats something I want to practice).
Increasingly ( and I will be trying to work through this in the next challenge), I have found the social aspects of magical work to be wholly unsatisfying and unenjoyable. This is again a product of oh shit I have a lot to do and thats what happens. As an Introvert, its already not something I enjoy from the start.
The domaigck challenge to me is kinda a compromise experiment. Get the needed commitment boost but anonymously within some basic tenants of discipline but mostly all based on intrinsic motivation.
That reflection aside.
So I did all the work these days, usually still starting too late because I am stressed about work and school. Obviously the Goetic work is not de-stressing in any meaningful sort of way, and the muffling part of the magical work leaves me a little eh muffled. I am at the finals stretch, and thats always rough.
I have been seeing some oddities in the fabric of reality. I have been seeing a lot of car accidents like the kinda that just has happened before I drove by. I usually take this as a omen of sorts, of negativity misdirected, but I just don’t feel like there is a connection or anything else that would be like something is amiss. Now a shit ton of negativity is being transmuted across multiple people with this project, but it just doesn’t feel like ( and divinations), that the accidents are something to be concerned about. Usually I would get a little nervous ( see social paranoia of the occult world, Im laughing at myself right now). This is just an odditity, like an intuitive thing I look for .. like other omens that happen around me.. like crows being around all the time ( not a death omen for me haha not at all), thats happened to with a couple crows. Its like there are reality ripples kinda growing in intensity. Or just other weird patterns that come up when something is changing magically speaking. I took all that as the work is working, or the pattern of reality is changing ( breaking? ), and that allows for a different reality.
Day 18, 19, 20 Domagick.com Reflections Social phobia versus commitment was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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Domagick.com Day 17: I am probably not ok, Vacay please but finals first.
April 18th
I did the working earlier, and flipping the Ganesh work before the Dantalion work, that seems to help the work and I did this a little earlier, but damn I need a break. What I haven’t done, is the 108 repetitions of the mantra I am working with when I need it. 108 only takes about 5-7 minutes and its quite effective, but alas. I haven’t done it. So just incase some one needs it, heres how to count with out a mala. I tend to just count the 3 middle fingers which is 9, then just go around 4 times in a hand. Then I do use the second to count the malas.
In a couple days, I feel like we are going to switch back to some hard work, but this work is a part of the process so I need the switch it to go to town.
Well its working, not as fast as Id like. There is clear results over all, and some other things changing around the issues. the situation is just not changing fast enough or as throughly, but I have seen alot of grace thrown my way. Its hard to accept. I am struggling with it, right that sense of fair exchange and grace most meditate more on acceptance.
Domagick.com Day 17: I am probably not ok, Vacay please but finals first. was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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day 13-14-15-16 THE CLUSTER
April 14-17,
Usually I don’t like posting multi-day stuff, BUT I am going to this time cause all these are related.
I went through friday the 13th and wholly shit…. the next three days became a blur. I mean some old-school crazy shit happened. Friday was bad enough that I went in and did Shiva work in addition to the Ganesh work. It was not like oh shit everything is fucked, but I got very little sleep and had some minor bad luck. But when your doing 30 days of constant 2 magical rituals a day, while doing an MBA, with work stress etc, it becomes paper-cuts.
Saturday I did some MAJOR work in addition to the Dantalion work for a friend who is suffering a pretty blatant racism that could end her career. For people who don’t know, I used to be a SHARP ( skinhead against racial predudice). Ok I never really shaved my head all the way, but did get in some scraps. Even though I was using negative forces, I was clearly doing so in line with Justice. I felt compelled to help and when you are working on this Grace element, and accepting it, that means when you feel compelled, you should do things. This was a fucking crazy ritual. Huge fire outside, and the minute I asked for a sign of the spirit, shit started raining and the wind kicked up. The problem, it was 35 F which sucked. But I hammered at that ritual and the people involved were like Jesus man ( they can speak for themselves on this one if they choose), jesus christ that was fucked up in the magnificent way. BTW, that one already got results in some ways already.
Then Sunday there was a huge setback with the work we are working on, and then there wasn’t. Literally the set back undid itself in a day. This was fucking really strange and there was a ton of exceptions and strangeness to even make the situation dissolve. Literally people had to over-ride standard procedures. Enough so that I was like WTF and had to rely on people I know to do some divination work with me. It happened then just undid it self. It was leaning toward a major incident ( there was some money costs), and then it just dissolved. I for the life of me could not figure out the reason, the why, or the meaning. I could have understood it if lasted longer, but really I couldn’t do it. At the same time, I went so hard on the Dantalion work that I damn near lost consciousness. Essentially what I did, was take a deep seated death impulse in a person, and loop it in the cognitive structures so it wasn’t self-empowering, but self-destroying as far as energy goes. Give death itself, a wonderful energy Ouroboros-like deep negative thought pattern killer. It takes some real hard work and cleverness to do this one, but thats why Dantalion I think is an underrated spirit. Capsizing ships is cool, but changing the thoughts of another… that’s power in our world.
Needless to say the incident screwed things up, and then I had to adjust on Monday, by you guessed it… DOING more magical work to keep other parts of the greater project. So I was working with my Skull Pwen that I worked with on the last challenge, to remove negativity as the readings came out that this was all needed, but the parts of the work that muffle magical energies, is different for this part of the work. So I had to have two different kinda of muffles. In general, by Monday night, I am staying up to 4 am just playing the stupid video game same with Tuesday. This is just magical burnout and me trying to heal shit up, but the work on the #domagick, well unbroken, and we are GETTING results. Then Monday is also FEED Legba day so… fuck just fuck fuck.
By Tuesday, the Dantalion be like.. just authorize us to work on it, we got this, you’ve fed us well. I got my offering, I am on this ( sure enough the next day, big time positive blip with the person we are working to heal). We got this Man,.. Apparently you do.
Mind you, I still have finals and work ( but I am keeping up sorta, this weekend will be catch up). So it usually takes me a couple days to figure things out on the gnostic burn phase. The thing is this is not work I can really take a pause from. The stakes are little to high and in some ways, shit is working just in a crazy unpredictable way. All the days felt like a blur. 2 hours of ritual ( more like 5 out in the rain on Saturday), and a weird just crazy.
Did I mention too, I am moving my home office. Yeah After doing some Ganesh work on Tuesday, that kinda finally settled in that right after finals, I have to move a bunch of stuff…. including some wards. Oops, no rest for the wicked.
day 13-14-15-16 THE CLUSTER was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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day 12, Domagick.com WTF
Today is Friday 4/13. Usually I have ok to good luck on Friday the 13th, not today.
I took off today, but still had to work cause of emergencies at work. My headphones broke. There was major backsliding ( possibly caused by illness), in people’s behavior. I got hate mail on twitter ( btw, fuck off to the person who sent that… just thought Id slip that in). I got 3 hours sleep. There was a fail on the metrics ( backsliding), we set out and basically I threatened to get the the chains out ( in classical evocation work, to “torture and bind” the entity). Probably not the most “grace” filled thing I could do, but the message was sorta there. While I might play nice, I’m not going to be taken advantage of either. Results or we go all classical. I know thats not exactly the demonology way but eh, Dantalion was getting a little pushy on some things, and I basically was not going to have it. Results or no dice on what was asked for. Generally I will be generous on the praise ard rewards. In retrospect, I probably need to bust out my emergency mantra work ( the mantra I am working with), more often on days like this.
So I am going to do the work now, the earlier “threat”, I am going to leave aside and try to be more graceful. I am going to reverse the Dantalian work and Ganesh work, or sandwich the Dantalion work by some rounds of mantra work.
On the positive side, BBQ season is now open so I did that.
Addendum: So I reversed the order of the Ganesh and Dantalion work and I threw in a bit of Shiva work ( Om Namah Shivaya ). This was very effective. I have a HUGE body buzz, and then I went right into the Dantalion work who was more subdued ( obviously, I was an asshole earlier, and the demon really wants a longer and more permanent connection, and generally was overconfident about what they could do, or my projection was). Readings game back that everything was fine and this was a correction that was needed ( the earlier one). Still the order mattered and it was var easier and more enjoyable to start with the ganesh stuff, mostly cause the initial infernal banishing/elemental centering took a lot less work and was far more enjoyable after the chakras were open and aligned. Cross parading work, it is what it is.
On a side note, I think I need to do some experimentation again, come up with some crazy but not that crazy stuff 🙂 for fun.
day 12, Domagick.com WTF was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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domagick.com day 11: What the hell
So April 12,
Not really all in, the last couple days. Again, I have been seeing mixed results., although the Ganesh work. The trauma and spiritual wounds are fucking tough to heal. Progress is being made but, again I have concerns about sustainability. So I can see in some ways there are better interactions, but really don’t know. Other situations seem to be moving around the situation being alchemized, to cause social changes that cause emotional change… the changes are not expected and they are a little weird, but I think they would work to help solidify results.
I am not a blind following magician, I know sometimes Daemons play tricks? Is this a trick? Now I really have to meditate on those grace aspects into the relations to how the daemonic work.
Patience is not really a strong point of me and with school, work, I do feel overloaded ( not like my associate GEEZ), but still a little tweaked.
domagick.com day 11: What the hell was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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domagick.com Day 10, Its 3 am somewhere
April 11
So I started at 3 am. I know why, I just didn’t want to do the work and really Dantalion was a little eh. This is just a reaction to work, and stress… kinda like a yo man things are too imbalanced. Mostly when I get real stressed, I just play a stupid video game ( forged Alliance) then get my ass kicked and then want to win, but I did the work on this point then did the Ganesh work. There wasn’t much to say.
Results Report:
So there has been some major attitude shifts in the person we are doing the work on, but there was some with some of the metrics. Thats the thing about influence work, and healing work, there is ups and downs in the process. Backsliding, Now I am wondering if the work I am doing is sustainable or related to how hard I can do the summoning. There seemed to be some backsliding, and if it depends on the summoning, the work will fail. If its not sticking as a cognitive restructuring, the heavy lifting of this work is not working. It is too early too tell, and this backslide, don’t know.
From that Ganesh mantaa work, I am getting a lot of insights that are useful. For instance, I have a associate who is doing 2 degrees, works, has a wife, and is trying to do a startup. I feel that way with some of the things I do… … clearly this dude has too much going on, and really doesn’t do any of them well, but is desperate for some sort of change. This 3 am thing, is really similiar to this, except I am less hopeful about things, hence a video game gives you some sense of win. Now for me, I tend to have a lot of ideas that are good but now I am starting to prioritize things by these metrics.
Financial Gain
Person Meaning/Mastery/Utility
There are lots of things, that just seem like they should have worked, but I don’t like doing them anymore. The momentum is keeping me going and the fear of loss, but really the projects should probably die. That mantra I am working with has a side effect of letting you let that shit go, or maybe thats the point of the mantra.
domagick.com Day 10, Its 3 am somewhere was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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Domagick.com Day 8-9 The Magical Hammer versus Cleverness.
SO I had some interesting insights while doing the work with Ganesh.
So its 108 of the mantra
Om Dhumraketave Namah — Ohm Doom-RAH Kay-too-VAY Nah-mah-hah
with some chakra work after doing the Dantalion work. That’s just so you know.
When I put my head down and just focus at work, and doing my own products, not really on interviewing, deeper down, or even to much social media… I tend to make more money and consistently more. Its not that I enjoy my job more, so its not that. I think its cause I don’t focus any magical energies on those things, and just focus on creating and doing on my work and shit moves down. Literally, its just not playing along in the occulture game so much. I mean 1000’s of dollars too. Its not that I don’t want to write and create, I just don’t want to do the game. The insight is that withdrawing inward resulted in more cash.
That has implications for how I strategically plan business and will be working on that more clearly when I sit down to do post mbaqanga work.
The Dantalion work for healing is really working. When I described the kinds of work to a friend, they said, you are doing cognitive behavioral therapy. Yep. Exactly, low level neural recoding via magic for a healing effect or more correctly, the results we are seeing is what SHOULD be happening if therapists gave a shit. The results are well within the range of therapeutic modalities, but people tend to not give a shit and half-ass it when they are doing the work of therapy. Therapy is hard fucking work, I wish people would treat it the right way. Now that said, when the friend made that immediate jump and told me I was really onto something magically speaking, with the way I was moving things around, I know I am learning something and on the right track with that validation. Most binding or healings are “heal this person mentally” which is problematic, vague and generally not going to work. I think that would rarely work, there is always a ton of resistance and “healed” is a troublesome concept. Now, if you start going “have their perceptual and cognitive system pay less attention to this, and more to this”… eh most people will kinda just accept that and thats way more dangerous and powerful but takes cleverness and some psychology knowledge. Dantalion loves that, and really, I think thats the minimal price of entry to even work with the spirits.
The thing is, if the change seems innocuous enough, it requires far less effort then bindings. I am freaking learning, this is all stuff you’d use in hypnosis, but this is with no vocal hypnosis involved.
Clearly theirs actual real world applications such as sales, closing a job interview, healing ( which I am doing), self-change, self-destruction. Trust me there are endless applications of this work. Later I should write about how this is different or related to jar spells such as sweetness, and how that works in a different mechanism slightly,
Domagick.com Day 8-9 The Magical Hammer versus Cleverness. was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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domagick.com Day 7: Meh Continuing on even when you don't feel like it.
You know what the problem is with doing magical work of a repetitive nature like this is one entity gets a little boring. I am sure that why in the challenges, people try to get around that. This is the stage of the magical work being a grind. I sorta got to work on the ritual to make it little less eh.
The truth is, most magicians feel like it should be one and done, and certainly clients do, but multiple workings are usually needed. With Client work, its 150.hour and really most workings honestly even with quality magicians should take 7+ hours in my experience, unless you really are at a fulcrum point, which means the divinations were really on point, or intuition and are really lucky… Thats rare. ( BTW 7 *150 = 1050 dollars which is what I am will be moving my pricing structure too after this challenge with a retainer and contracts). Usually theres alot more heavy lifting to get things to work.
Now I am going a Dantalion and Ganesh work, but the Ganesh work is far more internal so that feels very different. With Dantalion the work is externally focused and we have been seeing results, just meh. Does not help that I am doing the work in the same location and have finals and other things. I have one purpose basically in mind. Now one day, I did two Dantalion rituals, or two meditations, and got solid results. Is this a situation where I should be asking for more for me? That doesn’t seem grace, but it could be since this is a problem. Ganesh I can tell is doing the work. Its clearing internal channels, I am just in that finals zone and am a little tired. So right the cleansing work that feels like ok its blessing and grace and the results are much greater then the work. I am not sure how to accept Grace from the daemonic in a meaningful way.
I have been getting messages but really, absolutely anyone should distrust those. Unless you are deep in trance, you get in the way of the message. One weird message was that Lucifer really wanted to speak after the 30 days of work. That my life would enter a new stage, and lets talk about taking it to the next level in good ways, while I did and get initiated in Vodou, within the Daemonic, Lucifer is very much a strong guide… and has at times stepped in and given me verifiable message of great importance. The last time, he stepped in, I pretty much do what I do, ignore it… Lots of shit always wants to talk. So he brought the message sidewise and it saved me from having to be part of Katrina ( the hurricane). So when I get the “ lets talk”, I tend to more fully investigate. The muffling effect to of the work, means the essential messages are more clear, and thats important. No one should just trust messages directly, as we the receiver mess it up…. well actually its just how we are put together subconsciously. We always are playing the telephone game.
Everyone should be very suspect of direct messages without a shit ton of validation and testing, so thats what I will be doing. Validating the messages especially the Lucifer message.
domagick.com Day 7: Meh Continuing on even when you don’t feel like it. was originally published on Andrieh Vitimus
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