Andrew Shippin's Personal Blog
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Chances are you are not going to find the meaning of life on this blog. However what you will find is a highly eclectic collection of images, links, ideas, and personal opinions.
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
Moving to a new blogging service...
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There are a lot of good things to be said about the blogging site Tumblr. Alas for me it has never been very intuitive, so I have decided to move my future attempts at blogging to Google's blogger. Which doesn't feature as many adverts, and for me at least is easier to work with.
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
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One of the issues I have had since my heart attacks has been my weight. Even though I am eating a lot healthier, after dropping approx 35lbs in the hospital, my weight shot right back up.The dieticians, and nutritionists have all suggested it could be salt related. So for the past couple weeks I have been reading as many labels as I can. What I never suspected though was the smoked #salmon I was buying. So perhaps this style of smoked salmon is not the healthy choice I originally thought it was.
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
One of my conservative pro Trump friends fired off a comment about Trump's latest indictment. Basically asking if I "was Happy Now". While another anti Trump came out with an equally idiotic statement "why is he fighting this s$%t? He knows he is guilty". As much as I openly despise Trump, and resent his perverted version of conservatism. He is still entitled to defend himself in a court of law, and do whatever is legally possible to avoid being found guilty. Now do I hope he wins? HELL NO!!! Personally I would like nothing more that to see him publicly humiliate himself in front of his supporters. End up bankrupt living on a government stipend confined to a corner of Mar-a-Lago with minimal exposure to the outside world. In the end though any legal proceedings have to be in the open and 100+% within the established rules of law. On the comical side another friend remarked to me... "Would you like salt free Butter, on your salt free popcorn?"
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
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Very True!!!!
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
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The Wrath of Barbie... #startrek #barbie #thewrathofkhan
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
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Okay, someone in a heart attack support group that I follow asked about my diet since my 4 heart attacks in March. Additionally, because of my "cavalier attitude" about what happened in March many people seem to think I am not taking the four attacks very seriously. The truth is I am taking them extremely seriously. However, I prefer not to wallow in depression, and what could have happened. Rather, even though it's more challenging, would prefer to look to the lighter side, and try to move forward. An evening meal such as this one I prepared last night, is growing more and more common for my dinner these days. It's a baby #spinach #salad with low sodium wontons, and a tablespoon of Blue Cheese dressing and another of Raspberry Walnut. The fish is smoked #Coho #Salmon. My choice of Beer is a was single Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald #Porter. This is the third time I have had this 10 minute meal combo, and it is actually very tasty. It's true there are even healthier meals than this, however when you consider the processed garbage that was passing as my dinner in the recent past it is a massive improvement.
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
I have been invited to only two or three weddings. It used to upset me and made me feel rather depressed. These days it doesn't really bother me, and I think that in some ways that might have been a good thing. HOWEVER this wedding looks like a fun one!
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
He has a lot to say
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
Gun violence on July 4.
I am a long ago transplanted Brit so my perspective on July 4 is a bit different. However July 4 is meant to be a celebration about families, and all that's good about America. Sadly for some it's an excuse to open fire. The why and the politics behind these shootings doesn't matter. These terrible acts are happening, and the American people need to fathom out a solution.
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
Stress tests are coming...
I mentioned this at work...  On Friday I have to go for a stress test, blood work and other fun activities.  I was remarking at work this WILL NOT be me on the Treadmill.
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
Why I am glad I am not a celebrity...
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
A health scare...
On March 02, 2023, I suffered the first of what became 4 heart attacks in 72 hours. This is the aircraft that flew me from Prince William County Hospital to the Virginia Hospital Center. My thanks go out to the amazing staff at all three hospitals I visited that day (UVA Health Haymarket Medical Center in Haymarket Virginia, UVA Health Prince William Medical Center in Manassas Virginia, and the Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington Virginia) and of course the professionals at PHI Air Medical, and the team who fly this cool looking Aircare Medevac EC-135 Helicopter. In addition to all of that, it would be terribly rude if I didn't thank what seemed like 100s of well-wishers who posted positive messages on social media, and even sent a couple of cards. I am not religious, however I am firmly convinced that those words of encouragement have helped pull me through this challenging health crisis. Again, thank you..
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
Christen Eagle II
Originally posted on Instagram June 24, 2024. Very cool this Christen Eagle II showed up at EAA 186 for our Mo, nthly Meeting.
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
Salad dressings...
A couple weeks ago I discovered a low salt, low calorie Sweet Vidalia Onion salad dressing that was really nice. I drizzled it lightly on quite a few salads. The best part was it seemed to match all the requirements for my attempted improved diet. Great I am going to have to remember this one. Last Wednesday the bottle was finished so it went out that night with the trash. So now I am back in Giant where I purchased it from. Except I forgot what it was called! I remember the bottle had blue and green fonts on a yellow background, but not much more. 
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
Happy Father’s Day.
This was on instagram originally from June 18, 2023 Someone suggested that I share a favorite memory of my Dad for Father's Day. Okay this is a fun and happy one. It is also one of the rare instances that my Dad who was a notoriously private man actually chose to open up to strangers. Here he is on the C54E Skymaster "Spirit of Freedom" at the Shannon Air Museum a couple of years before he passed away. This particular C54 pays tribute to the aircrews who flew supplies during the Berlin Airlift (from June 1948 to May 1949). At first Dad didn't want to go down and see it. However after much cajoling we drove down. After walking around, and listening to the crew we went on board, and he started looking at the photos and memorabilia from that era. Then slowly he opened up about a chapter of his British Army Service that even I barely knew about. During those dark times of the Cold War my father was based in what was West Germany, and the aircraft flew over his barracks as they were delivering supplies to the starving Berliners. "The Spirit Freedom" flight crew who at first were a little hesitant around Dad soon warmed up, and were suddenly shaking his hand and pepering him with a 100 questions. Dad's reaction which I thought would be mortification at the intrusive questions (remember how I described him) was anything but, HE LOVED IT!!! There he was smiling, answering questions, and chatting away like a kid on an adventure. For Dad it truly was an adventure, and one of the many reasons that I loved him so much. Dad not a day goes by that I don't think of you and Mum. You are missed so very much. Happy Father's Day...
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andrew-shippin · 2 years ago
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