andrastes-magister 9 days
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andrastes-magister 9 days
I made stew. It was awesome. I love potatoes.
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andrastes-magister 9 days
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this should make you angry. children in gaza have been out of school for a whole year and will be out of school as long as the israeli invasion continues. palestinian children live in flimsy tents which do not offer them any protection from the heat/cold. they travel long distances to search for water. they are threatened by water-borne diseases and skin infections that are running rampant in gaza.
no aid has been allowed in gaza since may. there is a shortage of everything from food to medicine to blankets to tents. this means that prices for everything have gone up.
it has become very expensive to survive in gaza. heavy rains followed by the winter are fast approaching. a tent does not offer much protection against the elements.
help alaa [ @alaakh998 ] buy supplies for the winter and medicine for her son who is suffering from a skin infection. she has two children aged six and four. she needs to ensure their safety and welfare and it cannot be done without your help.
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andrastes-magister 9 days
Oh! Tumblr exists! Here's an update on what kind of soap-y shenanigans I've been up to. Big pop up events, and now I have an etsy!
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andrastes-magister 9 days
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Colors of Northern Thedas
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andrastes-magister 9 days
Dragon age is coming back so you know what that means. Logging into your dash each day and seeing callouts because someone sided with the magical wizard rumpus club over the warlock circlejerk in their playthrough. Getting messages calling you problematic for following someone who has mixed feelings about the gnome independence movement. Seeing paragraphs upon paragraphs about how slorpity porpity the esteemed magical elf was actually justified in signing the pixie exclusion act. Get ready.
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andrastes-magister 9 days
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andrastes-magister 9 days
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cassian vs feyre
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andrastes-magister 9 days
parents got a new cat they named lord montague and this morning i heard my dad in the other room say "i would have to advise against that decision, my lord" followed by a crashing sound
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andrastes-magister 2 months
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Don't get him started, Fenris.
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andrastes-magister 2 months
I don't want a Career I want to Fuck Around
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andrastes-magister 2 months
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andrastes-magister 2 months
Can I say something? Hi...
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andrastes-magister 2 months
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andrastes-magister 2 months
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Vincent Van Gogh; detail of The Rocks.
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andrastes-magister 2 months
@ people who carry bags everywhere what do you put in them what is there to bring other than chapstick, keys, phone and maybe a tampon why are you packing a suitcase to be outside for 5 hours
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andrastes-magister 2 months
"Quivering" is my least-favourite word in the english language. Nothing and nobody should be quivering. If you're quivering right now, stop that shit immediately. Tremble or shake if you must but the quivering has to stop.
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