anchors-x-away · 1 year
Bella’s Capture
Bella gets snatched up <333 F in the chat bro
Sakiko leaned against the edge of the stern, watching the sea below. The sun beat down on his face, not that he cared much. It just reminded him how he was just sitting there, doing nothing.
“Ain’t nothin’ to do on this boring ship,” he sighed, an irritated look passing over his face. He turned, walking across the deck. The only person on top with him was Ty, who was whittling away at a piece of wood.
Just as he was about to go below deck to see whatever the others were doing (as it seemed to be the only thing he could do at the moment,) he heard someone vocalizing. He found it strange because, one, no one on the ship sang regularly (not unless you count David singing Ty a lullaby once in a blue moon, but his voice did not sound like that.) And especially not that well. Sakiko ruled out any men singing, and soon the women as well. It definitely couldn’t have been Ty because, well, he was 15 feet away, focused on some wood, and the voice was far too feminine.
Sakiko’s eyes widening as she rushed to the side of the ship throwing his head over and scanning the waters. He watched. Waiting. Listening.
“…My name it is Maria…” he saw a tail rush somewhere under the large boat, and he realized he was hearing. He had heard that line and it was only one thing: a siren’s call.
Sakiko gritted his teeth as he turned, bounding over to left side of the ship. “The devilish thing is trying to throw someone overboard,” he muttered angrily, yanking the hung up harpoon. “Cap’n kill me if she found out I used this but who cares,” he rolled his eyes as he loaded a large harpoon into the barrel, picking up two others as he made his way to the right side again.
“A merchant’s daughter fair…” the voice was clearer this time, and he looked down to see a face appearing out of the water, bright red hair hard to miss. He took aim, hand shaking ever so slightly. “And I have left my parents, and €3000 a year…”
“Perish,” he uttered, letting the harpoon shoot out the gun. He got a bit of kickback, stumbling back a bit as he bent down to load another one. Just as he was putting it in, he caught Ty standing next to him. “Back up kid. It’s not safe.”
Ty blinked at him before turning back to the water and pointing. “But the lady is singing. Papá said that’s bad, if she’s this close to the ship.”
Sakiko looked to where the kinder was pointing, which was straight down, and realized that the thing had gotten closer. “Kid, back up!” Ty’s eyes widened at his tone, but did as he was told.
“Come all you pretty fair maids, who every you may be,” the siren reached her hands up as Sakiko aimed and missed, again. He blinked rather rapidly. Attempting to gain his foot as he tried to grab the 3rd harpoon. His vision blurred and he could feel his mind slipping. “Who love a jolly sailor, that plough the raging sea.”
Sakiko took aim, body wavering as he did. Someone was practically screaming his name, but he didn’t really register it. He leaned over board, getting ready to shoot. He was about to shoot when—
He fell in. Literally—he dropped the gun, and fell foward, crashing in the water. Every moment he tried to keep himself conscious, he failed.
Bella watched as Honda’s boy came crashing down, right below the water. She watched as the boy who was next to him ran off sobbing, probably to go get help (which was pointless, because the man’ll be dead before anyone gets there.)
“While up aloft in storm, from me his absence mourn,” she sang, swimming down to where the man was, who had plummeted at least 10 ft due to him being dead weight at this point. “Who firmly pray arrive the day, he’s never more to roam.”
She pushed him down further, watching the air leave his lungs and the color leave his face. His eyes rolled back slightly as he seemed to be unconsciously gasping for non-existent air.
“Foolish Honda,” she thought as his chest started glowing brightly. She watched as the white, blue and purple (and maybe some red, but that was expected,) from his soul left his body.
Bella was finally going to get revenge. She couldn’t care less about any other human soul, this was the one she wanted (or at least was the closet she could get to the one she really wanted.) “My heart is pierced by cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,”
She was almost there. Almost.
“There is nothing can console me, but my jolly sailor bold.”
The last thing David expected was his son to come down into the navigation room wailing about how the Chief Mate had fallen overboard because, quote, “a red haired lady with a tail was singing and he fell in.” Next thing he know he, his son, the captain and 3 other members were clambering up to the top of the deck.
“Where?! Where did he fall?!” David yelled, searching for the man. Ty pointed a little ways away and David had his coat off, ready to jump in before Nya stopped him.
“It’s too dangerous, we’ll have to use a net to fish him out! You could be killed!” She said, attempting to pull him back. David wriggled out of her grasp, throwing a leg over.
“Yeah well, there’s not enough time. And I’m the most likely not to be affected—I’m mostly blind and one of my ears is shot, so I’ll be going in.” With that, David dove in, choosing to ignore the protest of his crew mates and captain.
He looked around, eye scanning for some form of Sakiko. He found himself looking at a bright glow coming from below, and made his way down. He had also managed to grab one of the harpoons that were in the water, that were probably used in an struggle of shooting the moaning sea creature.
“My heart is pierced by cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,” He swam faster at the sound of the song, knowing it was coming to an end. The figures becoming more defined as he did. He held the harpoon up, and launched it with all of his strength.
The harpoon shot past them and put a gap between the two. The siren stopped singing and let out what was probably the most unholy shriek that graced his only good ear.
That seemed to snatch Sakiko out of his trance because he started flailing about, probably because he was on death’s door (and his soul was pulling itself back into his body.) David was quick to snatch him up, moving to swim to the surface. The siren let out another shriek and quickly pulled on David’s leg. The man kicked her in the face (inwardly apologizing because he was against hitting women,) and swam back up, breaking the water and reaching the surface.
The crew already threw a rope down and David quickly tied it around Sakiko’s waist, to which he started be hoisted up. David waited for another rope, until he was yanked under again. The siren let out a shrill cry, his eyes widening at her violent face.
He struggled against her hold, kicking with all his might. Just as she was about to make an attempt at his soul, another body hit the water. David turned and saw it was Sakiko—he had a net and harpoon in hand (which wasn’t ideal for him because he had always used a gun.) Almost immediately, the sirens attention was on him, and Sakiko chucked the harpoon, nicking her arm and hitting part of her tail.
David grabbed her arms while she was distracted, while Sakiko pulled the net over her head. Both men worked it quickly over her body before she was yanked out of the water.
David climbed over board, sopping wet. He watched as Sakiko glowered at the tied up sea creature, a face of absolute hatred present.
“You tried to drown me,” he sneered.
“And I’d do it again!” She hissed.
“I’ll kill you—“ Just as he whipped his gun out, he felt a hand push it back down.
“Don’t,” Nya said, examining her body. “We’ll keep her alive for now.”
Sakiko tried to protest, but it was to no avail. He scoffed, walking off as the other members watched the siren’s every move. Just as he was about to head below to his room to change, he heard David call his name.
“Honda,” David said, picking up his crying son. Sakiko turned his head to peek behind him. “Try not to do that again. You damn near died and scared me half to death.”
“No promises,” Sakiko said simply, turning his gaze back to the sea and shaking his head, heading down below.
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anchors-x-away · 1 year
Our main crew has found a stoaway
"Look who I found in the storage rooms," Sakiko scoff, throwing the younger, silver haired boy in front Nya, along with the others who had come to see what the commotion was.
"I...I wasn't stealing, I swear," the boy said, raising his hands, his face etched with worry.
"Oh, so you're a stoaway," Nya smirked, removing her sword from its sheath and holding it to his neci. She reveled in the fear om his face. "Why are you on my ship?"
"I...saw it in port and I was just trying to get away," the boy answered.
The other members whispered and mummured, staring down at him. He could feel all their eyes piercing him, especially the one who had found him. He shudder, shifting uncomfortably under all the attention he was currently under. This was not how he planned this to go.
"Away from what?" Nya pressed and the boy's gaze shifted for a moment before he nervously looked back up at her again.
"Hello! Are you deaf? Answer the question!" Sakiko said, his patience wearing dangerously thin.
"From home," the boy said quickly. "I just left, because...because..." He couldn't reveal his true intentions or origins, not yet. He didn't even know if she could trust these people. "I was...bored?" He said with uncertainty.
Nya's eyes narrowed as she stared into his eyes, her face unreadable. Swinging her sword, she sighed, sheathing it once more. She gestured for the boy to stand up, whoch he did, though it was obvious he was still terrified.
"What's your name kid?" She asked.
"...Connor," he responded, he shoulders relaxing a bit.
"Alright Connor, you work for me and thus ship now, got it?" Nya asked and Connor nodded, simply happy to still be living. "I haven't found a position for you yet, but I will. Shan, go take him to one of the soare rooms."
Shan blinked, than nodded, waving Connor along. He quickly jogged after her, glancing back at the group behind him.
Sakiko had a look of disbelief, irritation and anger. "You let him go? Seriously?" He asked, looking at Nya, who shrugged.
"We could use the help," Nya shurgged.
"Use the--He's just another mouth to feed! He probably doesn't even know how to do anything on a ship, did you see his clothes?" Sakiko said. Nya once again shurgged. Sakiko sighed, she clearly didn't care. Not that she ever did. She was so laid back for a captain, so unserious. It pissed him off.
"Wait what about his clothes? They looked fine to me," Icarus asked, scratching her head.
"He's an aristocrat. He had on some kind of suit. His clothes were way too nice," David clarified, and Icarus nodded.
"Well that's not important. All of you need to get back to work," there was a collective groan as everyone went back to work, scattering to their designated parts of the ship.
Nya stayed back, thinking. Just who was that boy? How did he get on the ship, and just what was he getting away from?
What do we think 👨‍🦳
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anchors-x-away · 2 years
What did you do?
Shelsy and Ty go on an adventure. It went wrong. Very wrong.
Les get it
Shelsy flew through woods at her highest speed, and even then, she tried her best to speed up. She completely ignored the feathers being plucked off by her wings constantly snagging on branches.
Not that she had a choice; the cold, small body in her arms distracted her far too much.
She just wanted to help him. He seemed to lonely, and he seemed to be so excited when he learned of her quest. The way his eyes lit up, she couldn't not take him. But now? She wishes she had just left him there. He might have been mad, heck, he might have hated her, but it was better than this.
She finally burst past the last of the trees, and made a beeline for the ship where the boy had come from. As she got closer, she could see several people frantically running around the boat and general area of the ship of where it was docked.
Diving down, she headed straight for the ship, coming down near the bow and using her feet to skid to a stop. The people on board seemed to take noticed and were all surrounding where she had crash landed.
Shelsy stumbled as she pulled herself off the ground, revealing herself to the crew in front of her.
Their faces all held shock. Not at her, no, they weren't even looking at her anymore; but rather at the boy who was in her arms.
"I-I didn't mean for anything to happen we just-," Shelsy's voice caught in her throat as she struggled to get the words out, tears welling up in her eyes. "We found it and we opened it, but I couldn't stop him from...from...I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
They all didn't move for a minute as she cried and stuttered in a poor attempt to defend herself, all while the small boy lay limp in her arms, unmoving, sopping wet, cold and barely breathing.
One of the crew members (presumably the father of the boy), slowly stepped foward, hands violently shaking as he bent down and scooped the boy up from her arms.
"My...my son," his voice cracked, and you could see his one eye start to focus, solely at the small boy in his arms. "What did you do..." He asked softly, though his tone was far from soft.
Shelsy knew she screwed up. She knew she shouldn't have taken him off the boat. She shouldn't have taken him to that cursed site. She should have left him. Put him back to bed and told him to not follow her. But she didn't. And now this mans son was...
"What did you do?!" his voice suddenly boomed, tears flowly uncontrollably from his one good eye. Shelsy flinched and jumoed back, taking notice that his other eye had opened, and in it was a bottomless pit that probably had seen more things and held more sadness than she could possibly endure.
"I didn't mean it! I only wanted to help, I-I just wanted him to feel better!" Shelsy cried, desperate to explain herself. The man shook his head as he turned and walk to the stairs that led below deck. Several others followed, probably to help him in an attempt to save the boy.
Shelsy tried to get up but froze almost instantly when a gun was point directly at her face. She looked up amd saw a mam with wild black hair and purple eyes mean mugging her. His face held an emotion she couldn't pin point; it might have been several emotions, but its not like she could tell. But for the most part, rage and sadness were most present.
"Move and I'll put lead into your skull so fast you won't even know it happened," he said darkly, voice low.
Another walked up to her and began to tie her up, but for some reason her body stayed frozen and she didn't struggle.
"There's a reason he doesn't leave the boat," the one tieing her up said. She moved to the front and should could see a mask hiding behind blond hair. "He's too young. We...He leaves him on here because its way too dangerous for him to go out. Because things like this can happen."
"And now he's hurt because of you!" The one holding the gun yelled, kicking her and knocking her over. His finger hovered over the trigger of his flintlock before (who Shelsy believed to be the captain) a woman pushed his hand down quickly and whispered something into his ear. He huffed, giving her one last dirty look before he stomped off below deck.
"Put her in one of the confinements below. Don't let David or Sakiko see you. She'll be dead on the spot." The woman said, adjusting her hat.
One of the members who had colorful clips and crazy hair, tugged on her rope and ushered her to follow. As they went below deck, Shelsy could hear uncontrollable sobs coming from one of the rooms down the hall.
She didn't look down the hall. She just kept her head down. Listening was enough for her anyway.
"I'm sorry," Shelsy repeated quietly for what might have been the upteenth time.
As she was locked up, the one who took her down and gave her what was a half way grimace and sympathetic look. "For what it's worth...you tried to help. But some things are better left alone." With that, Shelsy was left alone.
She didn't mean it. It was an accident. But no matter how many times she said sorry, it wouldn't change what she did, and it wouldn't change what happened.
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anchors-x-away · 2 years
Curses and Forgotten Memories
Bella having some troubles. She hates being a siren, but alas, she can't do anything about it <\\\3
Les get it
Bella swam slowly across the ocean floor, long tail dragging in the sand. She could feel the small oysters and crabs, along with other sea creatures that lay at the bottom. She didn't really care though. Why would she?
Everyday. It had already been what, 4 months? She couldn't remember. It had been long but had already stopped keeping count. No distraction worked. It was all for nothing because no matter what she did she couldn't go back to the surface. Not anymore.
Bella turned and stared upwards, eyes exaiming the high noon sky. The sun was shining down into the water and onto her face but...it didn't bother her. Her eyes readjusted, but she didn't flinch. As she swam, her tail nicked something, and she winced, looking down.
It was a stick. Picking up, she picked off the small branches that stuck out, leaving her with a much smoother version. It kind of looked like a pencil, or maybe even a paint brush (the ones she used to use, her mind plauged her). Turning to the sand, she drew lines in it, which soon turned into drawings of small people.
She didn't recognize the people. She felt like she should, but she couldn't. That was another draw back of the curse, her memories of her past life were fuzzy. She couldn't remember faces or names, so many of her little drawings were faceless. The more she drew, the more irritated she became. Every single time she drew a face, it never looked right. It look off, uncanny even. Like something was out of place.
Trying to take her mind off of the matter, she start to sing under her breath, still drawing various lines and curves into the sand. The song she sang was drilled into her head, she couldn't forget it if she tried. There were times where she wishes she could. Often times it seemed like it was the only song she could sing. She just wanted to forget. But she couldn't...could she?
The more Bella sang, the fuzzier her memory seemed to get. Her drawings started to become more crude, now become similar to just dragging something through the dirt---but at this point, that was exactly what she was doing. Her webbed hands gripped the stick, wood cracking under the pressure. She eventually growled in frustration, halting her singing as she shoved the stick into the sea floor. She left the stick, eyes ahead as she swam past her drawings.
She didn't need this right now.
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anchors-x-away · 2 years
Bad idea
Another one. But its an unintroduced character. She will be later though <33
Les get it
Twilight lay still, quiet as she scanned her surroundings. She turned her head, looking at her brothers. Sleep. Both of them were knocked out. Not by her of course, she'd never do that. They had been out just about the entire day, so it was only a matter of time before they went to sleep, though Moon had taken a particularly long time to go to sleep.
Carefully, she sat up, careful not to upset the sand surrounding them. Pulling her tail from under Sun, she moved backwards, finally backing away from the two sleeping figures. It didn't take her long to leave the place, since she had been so quiet about.
As she swam out she look back at their weird sleeping spot. They didn't stick around in one place for too long, but this had probably been one of their longest lasting ones. Some ship wreck they found; in all honesty, whenever Twilight looked at it should couldn't help but imagine what kind of people inhabited it.
And they hadn't caused the crash, no, they weren't sirens. It was more than likely due to crashing into the shore and ultimately sinking. The ship wasn't big but it certainly wasn't small. It sat shoved within rocks and debris underwater, just off the coast of a very small island, one that hadn't been habitable by anyone expect crabs and bird.
Twlight took one last look before finally swimming off, this time heading closer to the surface. She had been planning to do this for a while but...she needed the right point in time. And now was that point. She got closer, and eventually broke the surface. The fins surrounding her face suddenly dropped. Sighing, she pushed them away, looking around, and...she didn't see much. Just sea, sea and more sea. Same old, same old.
Swimming forward, Twilight huffed. She expected more than this! Nighttime exploring was meant to be more exciting, but now it didn't seem all that. Sure, there was that island, but she wasn't about to drag herself around on the sand to look at some stuff she'd see any other day. She sighed, looking around some more. She didn't want to stray too far...
She was about to go back when some lights got caught in her eye. Lots of lights, but nothing like a lighthouse...it was a ship, and there was an assortment of lights (some of different colors), and it was lazily moving along, it didn't seem to have a course. It almost looked like...a celebration? Or maybe an event? Whatever it was, it look interesting.
Twilight started to move forward, but stopped short, looking back down into the water. Her brothers, should she wake them?...No. She could handle this by herself. She would just go up to the boat, circle it a couple times and maybe see if she could get hands on one of those colorful lights, and then leave. The ship wasn't far, maybe a 10 minute swim, it couldn't have been more than a couple miles...
She nodded, quickly making her way to the vessel. She would go there, circle, maybe even try to get a light, and leave. A quick trip, nothing complicated. She didn't need to worry Sun nor Moon. It definitely didn't look like a fishing rig, so she could make a quick getaway should anything go wrong. It was a fool proof.
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anchors-x-away · 2 years
Just a little sumn. Ty and the merfolk bonding <333
Les get it
"So...if your as big as my papá...then how big is your father?" Ty asked, pulling his blanket over his shoulders. The night air was cold---he knew shouldn't have been out there, talking to these two (the red haired one didn't seem to like him very much...) but they were so interesting! Their stories were so cool!
"Bàba?" Lin thought for a moment, before shrugging "Well he's about...400 centimeters? So about...13-ish feet?"
Ty gaped at the mention of how big he was. "13 feet? He's that big?"
"Yeah! The humans that come fishing call him '大鱼'." Lin smiled at the nickname.
"Dai...you? What does that mean?" Ty asked, making an attempt at the name.
Lin giggled. "No, Dà yu. It basically means 'Big Fish'." She pointed to Waves and Bella. "They might be call '中鱼'---'Zhōng yu', or 'medium fish'."
"Is your dad the biggest one ever?" Ty asked, scooting closer to the tank.
Lin shook her head. "No. Well... maybe in China, yes, but of all? Nah. I know someone bigger."
Ty's eyes widened as he took in tge new info. "Bigger? W-Who?!"
"Have you ever heard of "The Great Moving Reef?" Lin asked, holding her hands out to indicate how big this 'Great Moving Reef' was.
"Um...no, I don't think so. I haven't seen it in any books either." Ty shurgged.
"I think I have," Waves said, gathering the childrens' attention.
"Really?" Lin asked, smiling.
"Yup; it was a myth or bedtime story. We were told as kids about it, and I had always to want to go. Now that I'm older, I don't think its real." Waves shurgged, sighing. "But anyway, what about it?"
Lin giggled, much to Waves' and Ty's confusion. "Of course he's real! He's really nice too. He likes to be called 'Antonio'."
"'He?'" Waves asked, attention now peaked. "Is...is The Great Moving Reef...a merperson?
"Yup!" Lin nodded. "I've met him before---He's reallllly big and realllly old. I think he's called a...levathan? Levthan?"
"Leviathan?" Bella corrected her. Lin nodded her head vigorously.
"I thought those were myths!" Ty said, eyes wide with wonder.
"Nope!" Lin crossed her arms proudly as she smiled wide. "They're real---they just aren't common. And they usually live in deep waters because they're so big."
"What makes The Great Moving...er...Antonio the expection?" Waves said, leaning back against the glass of his small imprisonment.
"Well...Antonio actually does travel to the trenches sometimes, but not super often. He stays down at the ocean floor though!" Lin thought for a moment. "He said he's apart of an echo system because when he was younger fish and coral grew on him."
"Ecosystem," Bella corrected her again.
"Yeah, ecosystem! He's in...um...Italy I think? We don't get to visit super often cause its a long swim, but he's super nice!" Lin smiled as she told them about her honorary grandfather.
"Italy? Huh, that's ironic," Waves mumbled. "I live near there. I'm surprised I've never seen him...or you."
"Oh he lives at the very bottom. And we don't go near land, at least I'm not allowed to," Lin sighed. "Too late now though, right?"
"You got me there," Waves laughed softly.
Ty looked at the three in the tank. They look miserable. It was a small glass tank that wasn't even helfway full of water. They were all taller than her dad, so they were squished together, tails bending in ways that they probably shouldn't.
But they seem nice! Since Ty had been left on the ship all day while the others went out, he had come to talk to them almost everyday. And in his opinion? They didn't seem evil, not like Sakiko said.
But there's no way Sakiko was lying...right?
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anchors-x-away · 2 years
Characters 🫡
There are many characters within the AU, so here’s some of the reoccurring ones!
Our main crew!
Nya- The Captain of our main crew! (¬_¬)ノ
David- Our master Navigator and father to Ty (☆^ー^☆)
Sakiko- A skilled gunman with an attitude; mythical creatures beware! ꒰╬•᷅д•᷄╬꒱
Shan- The quarter master, a mysterious girl who knows more than she lets on… (´・_・`)
Bota- The boat swain, who is much like thief in disguise (」゚ロ゚)」
Connor- The stowaway who’s looking for adventure ヽ(´ー`)┌
Icarus- The ever loving cook and cooper ( ´ ▽ ` )
Ty- Carpenter and navigator in training (≧∇≦)/
Tensuya- A well meaning blacksmith (☆^ー^☆)
Mythical Sea Folk!
Waves- A manta ray who just wants the best for everyone ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧
Shelsy- An adventurous sea nymph and part time prankster! (•̀ω•́)✧
Bella- An Angel fish siren looking for revenge (╬ ̄皿 ̄)
Lin- A nixie/lingyu mix from the Bohai Sea hoping find home again (❁´3`❁)
Our Evil Crew!
Gust- Feared Captain across all seas and planes ╰(‵□′)╯
Mira- Navigator who keeps the crew in check…where’s she from though? \(;´□`)/
Kaosuhatō- A bored man who lives for chaos and everything that goes wrong in the world ⋛(▀Ĺ̯ ▀-͠ )~⋚
All creators are on Instagram!
David, Mira, Ty and Lin belong to me
Waves, Sakiko, and Gust belong to a.manta.with.a.trident
Nya belongs to _nya_inkdemon_chan
Shan, Connor and Kasuhatō belong to shan_the_hedgehog
Bella and Tensuya belong to belladiamondstyle2
Icarus belongs to freak.clef
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anchors-x-away · 2 years
Hello hello! My name is Mira (or Bear), and this is my second tumblr account. If you’ve found it, welcome!
This is a blog for an AU my good friend made <333 Her name is a.manta.with.a.trident on IG, you should totally check her out <333
This AU consists of OCs. It’s a pirate AU of sorts :))) I will be posting about them. What to expect are drawings, snippets and drabbles and ideas! Feel free to ask about the AU and I’ll try to answer to the best of my abilities :))
Hope y’all have fun here!
All aboard and Anchors Away!
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