God, forgive me for seeking not your heart but rather that my heart would be saved first and foremost. Strip whatever evil plagues my soul; take back what is yours, take it all and make it new in your glory and grace. Your will be done, not mine, from now and forever more.
T.B. LaBerge // Thy Will Be Done (via tblaberge)
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This is the secret – whether we are single or married – to finding contentment no matter what our situation. To turn down the volume of our selfish, screaming emotions and attune our ears to our King’s gentle whisper. To yield to His strength rather than the power of our own desires. To choose to love, give, serve and pour out our lives for Him, asking nothing in return. It’s what He did for us. And it’s what He asks us to do for Him.
Leslie Ludy (via thisfragilerose)
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It's his birthday, so naturally that calls for a movie night, some Martinelli, and a late night Walmart run #welcometothetwenties @mitchjr96
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"Notice again how Jesus is teaching His followers to pray that the kingdom would come. Not leave, but come right here. Right now. In our midst." @jeffersonbethke #inwytbook #yourkingdomcomeyourwillbedoneinDallas
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Scars tell stories, and yet so often times we don't like the process of wounds turning into scars we'd rather do all we can to just hide our wounds. Christ had scars, He let doubting Thomas run his hands through them. Scars take time to form, but oh the stories of healing they tell once they are there.
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To embrace the ascension is to heave a sigh of relief, to give up the struggle to be God (and with it the inevitable despair at our constant failure), and to enjoy our status as creatures: image-bearing creatures, but creatures nonetheless.
NT Wright in Surprised By Hope (via coloradonegrito)
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Left to myself I'm this bitter, manipulative person, always seeking ways to act out in my anger to gain control. What's worse is I like to be that person. When I let that sink in and feel the weight of who I am, maybe I think I have control but the truth is is that I'm only left alone, in my own shame and hopelessness. I need Jesus. I need His community. I need something greater than me. I need the new mercies that come with His sunrise. I am learning so much about love right now, not my love or truthfully lack of it, but His. A love that is perfect and casts out my fears, a love that comes is such waves I have no ability but to surrender, a love that knows me, a love that is not manipulative but kind and graceful. And because He first loved me, I can love others.
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Church Planting and Growing Pains
My Sundays are about to stretch me, and shape me, and Lord I just want to pray right now that this is your time. That me being apart of this church plant molds me to be more like Christ; The Christ who gave His time and energy to crowds of people, welcomed energetic children into His arms, pursued relationships, and knew when to retreat to be with His Heavenly Father. God speak to me in my coming and going at the River Church. Let me not get comfortable with any certain person or group, but let me push myself to be genuine with everyone, seeing every person that walks through the doors through your eyes. Lord let me not put this church plant in a box, or put my own expectations into it, but to strive to fit in your expectations you have for me in this church. This church plant is already a beautiful piece of your healing and restoration in my life, as my heart left the church at age 16 and didn’t return until age 22, and to hear from people at a church that I have hurt that I am leaving in peace and seen as a blessing to the River are words are never thought possible, but that’s who you are God, you do the impossible. Here I am, 24, and single, continue the healing, teach me, break me, and bring on the growth.
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Sex, alcohol, busyness, performance, relationship statuses, all these can be idols asking for every part of us, wanting us to give up everything to please, but Jesus is opposite. He gave up everything for us first.
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How He Loves
And just like that there’s no choice but to submit to the crashing waves that come from His love. It’s quite the paradox really, His love is one of such comfort, beauty, and driving conviction that I have no choice but to say yes. It’s like peace in the eye of the hurricane. 
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Grateful for this amazing woman's fellowship #concretejungle #deepellumphant #tacostoned #bouncinoffthewalls #catchingfairies ✌🏻️🐘 @nataliepowell
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I wanted the batgirl onsie but whatevs #throwback
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So the issue for us is: Do we eagerly long for the coming of Christ? Or do we want Him to wait while our love affair with the world runs its course?
John Piper (via craigtowens)
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Grace isn’t leniency when we’ve sinned. Grace is the enabling gift of God not to sin. Grace is power, not just pardon.
John Piper (via godmoves)
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