anatomystudents · 4 years
trevor herbert’s first statement is so fucking funny. “hi! I’ve been homeless for most of my life, some people call me ‘trevor the tramp,’ and I’ve made a bit of a name for myself in my hometown for my little magic trick where I guess people’s ages. I’ve heard that someone made a webpage about me that got a few thousand ‘likes,’ and while I don’t really know what that means, it sounds nice :) . anyway, here’s my life story about serial killing vampires with the power of heroin addiction and unquenchable bloodlust.”
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anatomystudents · 4 years
i think jonny missed out on the potential hilarity of having jon completely believe the spider guy from ep16. like i get that s1 jon is all about skepticism but i can just imagine tim/martin/sasha being like “jon won’t trust this one, it’s talking about ghost spiders“ and Stoic Boss Jon being like “no that checks out spiders suck“ and then there’s no explanation for why he believes that one until episode 81
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anatomystudents · 4 years
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anatomystudents · 4 years
i dont LIKE helen being a tory bc i love her but i can’t stop thinking abt how hilarious a move it is to randomly confirm a fan favourite side character is a tory for no reason. so bold u have to respect it
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anatomystudents · 4 years
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anatomystudents · 4 years
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anatomystudents · 4 years
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@aziraphale​ she replaced him
she’s called melanie KINg because u listen to the podcast and then u kin her. nothing to do with s****** k*** actually. all a coincidence 
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anatomystudents · 4 years
i have been spreading misinformation gertrude robinson deserves no credit for this one and eugene vanderstock is suffering forever  <3
the fact that we kno for sure john amherst is dead but arthur nolan was just hanging out doing his regular landlord torture is so fucked like noooo i want him to b suffering
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anatomystudents · 4 years
the fact that we kno for sure john amherst is dead but arthur nolan was just hanging out doing his regular landlord torture is so fucked like noooo i want him to b suffering
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anatomystudents · 4 years
Jon just gave Jordan mod privileges
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anatomystudents · 4 years
Jordan Kennedy: ants last night, and ants the night before… 🎵 
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anatomystudents · 4 years
she’s called melanie KINg because u listen to the podcast and then u kin her. nothing to do with s****** k*** actually. all a coincidence 
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anatomystudents · 4 years
one of my favourite storylines in tma was when a youtuber got shot by a ghost and started to become an incarnation of pure violence, so an ex-cop and someone with library training decided that amateur surgery was the only solution
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anatomystudents · 4 years
Jonah Magnus is cancelled, Hatsune Miku founded The Magnus Institute
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anatomystudents · 4 years
confirmed apocalypse jobs
middle school bully
wolf roleplayer
and therapist (bad)
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anatomystudents · 4 years
*plays a gay little violin that pisses the new midgard transport police off*
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anatomystudents · 4 years
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remember when manuela dominguez called the dark sun "beautiful"? there's nothing to see there queen
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