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ananyaaaaaa · 9 months ago
Venus aspecting Pluto
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READ BEFORE YOU PROCEED: This post is about the conjunction, opposition & square between Venus & Pluto but people with trine & sextile might relate to some of it. This post contains both positive and negative observations. These are my personal observations and not facts. The whole chart has to be taken into consideration.
Early heartbreak or betrayal can lead to them developing a paranoia that will take a lot of self work to heal. Most times it was their first serious love breaking their heart in some way.
This heartbreak was usually a huge turningpoint in their life. They transformed completely after it both physically and mentally. They often become a ”bad girl/guy” after it and a whole new personality is born. The bitch/fuckboy is born.
Women with this aspect might become the typical ”gold digger” or ”man eater/femme fatale” to feel in control. Now shes the one who uses others to her benefit and that way she protects her heart.
Men with this can become the typical womanizer/fuckboy. The bad guy. ”Trust no bitch” kinda guy.
People they get involved with usually have a huge glow up after meeting them. Their partners want to fit their standards bc they see how much attention the Venus/Pluto person gets.
So they might start dating the nerdy guy/girl and all of a sudden this ”nerdy person” (horrible expression I know) starts working out, changing style, wearing makeup etc. Sometimes ever copies or becomes like the Venus/Pluto person.
This is why people with Venus/Pluto should never date someone who looks up to them too much. People cant help but compete with plutonians.
These people can be very vengeful especially towards ex partners or ex friends. They take their relationships very seriously. ”The crazy ex wife” ”scratch his car” kinda people.
Men with this aspect who are into women might control women with their money. Might want a stay at home wife to keep her away from other men and so that she is financially dependent on him.
When in love they might make themselves crazy by constantly checking their love interests social media, thinking about them, talking about them or in extreme cases even locating them.
Might be drawn to ”toxic" relationships that emotionally distress, upset & even traumatize or emotionally scar them because they can be emotionally addicted to drama or even pain.
Might be fascinated or attracted to ”bad people”. Might find themselves rooting for the bad guy on tv. They find darkness so fascinating they want to merge with it, making them get involved with some pretty bad people.
These people can love to the point it physically hurts. They love to the core and often never completely get over the person they loved.
People of the same gender might try to steal their partner to show that ”I can get him too”. Everything they touch turn into gold.
Their parents or a parent and a stepparent might have had a toxic relationship where they broke up and made up constantly. So they learned that love is supposed to be intense.
There could also have been a powerimbalance between the parents so they learned to be attracted to power imbalance. One parent might even have been an empath and the other a narcissist.
Ive noticed a lot of people with this placement had a mother who suffered from post partum depression and not being able to properly nurture the Venus/Pluto baby which resulted in an intense need for intimacy in the Venus/Pluto person also making some of them fixated with women.
They could have had a female preschool teacher they were completely attached to because the mother was unavailable.
There is a darkness to the appearance too even if they are pale or blonde there is often still a dark undertone to it all. Im so tired of the word sex appeal but thats basically what they have. They are sexy and they often emphasize this with dark makeup or clothes since they often have a dark taste.
Strong reactions from others is something they experiences early. They are the ones who started hearing that they were pretty when they were too young to even know what pretty is.
Other peoples unattractiveness will often be projected onto them in some way. If someone feels bad about their appearance they are very likely to make that the Venus/Pluto persons fault.
People also often never have a lukewarm reaction to their looks. Its either omg you are so beautiful or calling them ugly, this is because they are projecting their own insecurities onto Venus/Pluto. So their reactions from others is completely dependant on how the other person feel about themselves, especially physically.
At some point someone made it their mission to make them feel ugly out of envy or because they cant have them. Their appearance could even be a common topic for others to talk about.
They might get alot of inappropriate unwanted ”advice” from others like ”you should do a microneedling to get rid of that acne” Maybe you should get a gym membership”.
If you are one of the Venus/Pluto people who often experience this you HAVE TO comment back. Thats the only way to make it stop.
In their teenage years most of them will befriend a woman who becomes completely obsessed with them. This woman will hate them in silence and act like a friend, they will become close. This woman might start to copy their outfits and try to imitate them. Ive seen this happen with especially every Venus Square Pluto Ive known. The scariest part is that many times this woman knew of the Venus/Pluto woman before they met each other, they had their eyes on them even before the first meeting. Be picky when choosing female friends.
Men with this tend to have women fight over them. If this man is toxic he might even turn women against eachother to boost his ego. I was with a guy with Venus Square Pluto and I have to admit I was acting out of character.
Ive also seen men with these aspects get baby trapped. They attract very shady partners because they are attracted to mystery. Also bc people want to trap them.
People with this often have their partners want to make matching tattoos with them to mark them. Their partners seem to be very worried about the attention the Venus/Pluto person gets.
Their partners might do a lot to make the Venus/Pluto person less desireable in the eyes of others out of fear of losing them.
People with these aspects who grew up unattractive and later had a glow up can become very fixated with status, being a powercouple, their prefered sex, having a trophy partner etc while ppl who grew up with attention go through a period where they conpletely let go of themselves.
While these people are often victims of other peopels envy they can be very envious of others too.
Can often struggle with an obsession with their appearance, others appearance, their love interest, sex, power & money.
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