You have reached out to friends and family, you have secured co-founders, you have done a market study, you have built a demo or even an MVP, and you have a story to tell. It's time to visit with angels and seed-stage venture capital investors, and you have one shot at making a first impression. The goal here is to get you to the next investor meeting or the phase of due-diligence. Mert Damlapinar talks about creating your first investor pitch deck and technical tips. Subscribe to Analytics of Life: https://bit.ly/2WTE0bM
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Take Responsibility for Your Growth
"Lately, I'm reading this fantastic book from Harvard Business Review about management tips, and it's a great reminder of regardless of your experience or position there's always room for improvement. Responsibility for your professional development lies squarely on your shoulders." Mert Damlapinar talks about 3 quick tips for your personal improvement and career growth to stay ahead of the game in this competitive work environment. Subscribe to Analytics of Life: https://bit.ly/2WTE0bM
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Welcome to the Analytics of Life here on YouTube, this is Mert Damlapinar in New York City. We’re going to be talking about many different subjects from start-ups to sales management, digital marketing to entrepreneurship, mental strength and motivation to career goals or personal improvement. The goal here is to keep an open channel for further improvement, and learn from each other’s experiences, implement proven frameworks and strategies to our professional and personal lives for success and personal satisfaction. Because we don’t have enough time to make all the mistakes and learn the essential lessons by ourselves. We must learn from others’ experiences whether it’s an academic framework, professional experience or personal insight.
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Take Responsibility for Your Growth
"Lately, I'm reading this fantastic book from Harvard Business Review about management tips, and it's a great reminder of regardless of your experience or position there's always room for improvement. Responsibility for your professional development lies squarely on your shoulders." Mert Damlapinar talks about 3 quick tips for your personal improvement and career growth to stay ahead of the game in this competitive work environment. 
 Subscribe to Analytics of Life: https://bit.ly/2HWMb3L
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"Lately, I'm reading this fantastic book from Harvard Business Review about management tips, and it's a great reminder of regardless of your experience or position there's always room for improvement. Responsibility for your professional development lies squarely on your shoulders." Mert Damlapinar talks about 3 quick tips for your personal improvement and career growth to stay ahead of the game in this competitive work environment. 
 Subscribe to Analytics of Life: https://bit.ly/2HWMb3L
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Are you really prepared for your next grocery or retailer meeting? Whether you’re a start-up that’s just starting out or a food manufacturer that’s trying to sell into new grocery chains, it’s important to understand what’s on the minds of grocery buyers. Mert Damlapinar shares key aspects and importance of good preparation for a successful sales meeting. 
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6 Crucial Go-to-Market Strategies for Long-term Business
Your business plan represents your long-term goals and your strategy for achieving those goals. Your go-to-market strategy describes how you’re going to take your product through its lifecycle. Mert Damlapinar shares key aspects and importance of building an efficient go-to-market plan and its connection to the business plan. 
Subscribe to Mert Damlapinar: https://bit.ly/2CLssjw
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