analog-and-d-pad · 5 hours
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analog-and-d-pad · 10 hours
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a streetfighertrs
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analog-and-d-pad · 5 days
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more alex ... yay
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analog-and-d-pad · 6 days
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analog-and-d-pad · 8 days
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i think capcom should kill me
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analog-and-d-pad · 1 month
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hey guys. so pride month right
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analog-and-d-pad · 1 month
I just wanna say I really adore your art especially the way you draw Scott he's so cute sometimes it kinda scares me though cuz the way u draw him makes him look a bit like my math teacher. But anyway ur a very big inspiration to me :D
THANK YOU YOU'RE RIGHT HE IS SO CUTE i'm so happy you like my art ...^_^
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analog-and-d-pad · 1 month
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analog-and-d-pad · 2 months
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i've been drawing i just forgot to post all month. so here's scott being the cutesit silliest little sheep ever
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analog-and-d-pad · 2 months
i changed my blog name... is this a new low for me
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analog-and-d-pad · 2 months
scott vogel
well okay
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also this one because it seems right to post
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analog-and-d-pad · 2 months
Redrew 1 of my fav Powerup panels :3
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also drew my favs
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they could never make me hate u KATE!!!!!
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analog-and-d-pad · 2 months
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tumblrs probably gonna RUIN! this gif
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analog-and-d-pad · 2 months
hello... you should totally make more ctrl alt del graphics... blinkies or stamps i don't actually care anyhow hello. you should do this
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heres a mini stamp set :p
and a bonus stamp...
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analog-and-d-pad · 3 months
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i had an idea for an outfit and i got a little bit crazy with it also i've been practicing anatomy a bit more. i need him by the way
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analog-and-d-pad · 3 months
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i literally just draw him standing there i have no more ideas. but i must keep going
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analog-and-d-pad · 3 months
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kind of on a kick of drawing him tiny and silly
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