anakainosis · 20 hours
Favorite way to scare one of these fake pussies is when they bring up women submitting to their men. No, sweetie, it's wives. Marriage is required for that job. And also don't forget the part of scripture that states the husband must be willing to lay his life on the line for his wife. So. Tell me. Are you willing to die for me!!!????
Watch them scatter. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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anakainosis · 1 day
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anakainosis · 1 day
this is amazing 🐈 ♥️♥️
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anakainosis · 1 day
tiny pillow for George 🐈
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anakainosis · 1 day
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Jake Guzman
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anakainosis · 1 day
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anakainosis · 1 day
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anakainosis · 1 day
Except with the politician, you still get fucked.
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anakainosis · 1 day
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anakainosis · 1 day
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anakainosis · 1 day
Writing Notes: Conscious Language
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The Impact of Words
Words have power. Where and to what degree that power has an impact will inevitably depend on who the reader is.
Words can drive a story forward and compel the reader to turn the page.
Or they can disengage readers, even hurt them, and compel them to, at best, reject the novel; and at worst, review it negatively.
Doing the awareness work prior to publication can help to prevent this while at the same time improving knowledge and craft.
Learning what we don't know
Conscious-language work - involves considering our own unconscious biases and uncovering what we don’t know (even if we thought we did know), reviewing our assumptions and asking questions of the novel we’re writing or editing such as:
Are those the best words?
Are they necessary words?
Are they saying what we think they're saying or might they be construed differently by some readers?
Are they - even if unconsciously - perpetuating stereotypes and misrepresenting those whose lived experiences is something we can only speculate on?
And if the decision is made to leave in words that will be offensive to some, what is the purpose? Are they serving the story and the reader or are there other ways of achieving the intended result that would be more effective?
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anakainosis · 1 day
Wholesome surprise
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anakainosis · 2 days
I am now so glad that i always take time to tell my girlfriend before she goes to the gym to lay low with upper body workouts ao she doesn't look like a dude from the back 😂
Well, unless your girlfriend IS a former dude, that simply cannot happen just like that, and just by doing some upper body workouts.
Firstly this may come as a shocker but male and female bodies have differences in energy metabolism, fiber type composition, and contractile speed. Male muscles have a higher capacity for anaerobic metabolism and generate a higher maximum power output than female muscles.
Men have more lean mass, and women have more fat mass than men. Females are known to have a higher amount of slower twitch type I fibres with higher oxidative capacity, which have performance benefits in terms of endurance and recovery, while males have more fast twitch fibres with a higher contractile velocity that results in more power and speed.
To break it down, she does not have the same testosterone level as an average male (not saying you tho cause we don't know that) while she has more estrogen and progesterone and not only do these differences influence metabolism and recovery, but they also create different conditions for muscle growth. Bone density also comes into play. Since women generally have lower bone density than men strength training through life can improve her bone health and keep her healthy for a long long time.
So unless she specifically exercises to build back muscles which is not fucking easy and takes years, takes crazy amounts of testosterone and steroids-that simply cannot happen.
So you're just feeding her bullshit instagram advice, let the woman build some muscles God knows someone has to be a man in that relationship.
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anakainosis · 2 days
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anakainosis · 2 days
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anakainosis · 2 days
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anakainosis · 2 days
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Source: Facebook (photographer unknown)
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