Rowan Lawrence
189 posts
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Last active 2 hours ago
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 15 days ago
// Thank you for the @ RiviƩre!
it feels like home
you're the kind of person that makes people feel safe. you probably couldn't be intimidating if you tried, but that doesn't matter. what matters is your kindness and compassion, your innate way of making people feel happy. you're so good at taking care of everybody else, but don't forget to take care of yourself, too! you deserve the same love you give so freely
Also i chose lavender as the color cause of Bella, if not I would have done black
how does it feel to be lovedā€¦
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it feels like home
you're the kind of person that makes people feel safe. you probably couldn't be intimidating if you tried, but that doesn't matter. what matters is your kindness and compassion, your innate way of making people feel happy. you're so good at taking care of everybody else, but don't forget to take care of yourself, too! you deserve the same love you give so freely
tagged: @strdstd
tagging: @ancientforgcd @divinityunleashed @multiverseofmisfits @intergalactic-singer @hxroic-wxlls-fxrever @musefulness @cinnamiyuu
@universalskyworld @nanatzcayan-young-braveheart @machimachilegends @dracomultiverse @warriorsofcrimsonrealms @heathers-muses @intoendlessdreams
@a-gilded-imprisonment @luminous--drift and @kitsune-saiguu
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 15 days ago
// Thank you for the @ Mod!
Iced out, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isnā€™t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but thatā€™s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
Oh my freaking gosh, this justā€¦this *is* Rowan. I need to do Ember now holy heck
@reesespieces-org @sumerus-little-sprout
What does your heart look like?
A tangled ball of red strings
Who are you without the company of others?
You arenā€™t sure, but you know that you arenā€™t fond of whoever it is.
You are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. Many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. Your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. It canā€™t be untangled from the red strings theyā€™ve attached to you. You deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place.
You donā€™t have to be everything to everyone.
tagged by: @theashen-fox
tagging: @whoose-bad-idea-was-this @atlasadored @tragictwinflames @lumineclervie and anyone else who wants to do this
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 15 days ago
// Maybe sometime weā€™ll come up with names for themā€¦wish there was a generator for comedia names as well as fatui titles
And i think you summoned me, as co-creator of the Reverie title~ mwah, mwah, RiviƩre
What is Belladonna's commedia del arte name?
Hello!! Belladonna doesn't have a commedia del arte name, unfortunately, I wish she did. I know a lot of people choose Brighella as an option for it to make it fitting, but I decided to mix it up a bit and do something different. Her title is The Reverie as to not entirely replace Signora, and Belladonna's name itself is just an allegory to her personality and her penchant for poison.
Hope this helps! If you have any more questions, please ask! :D
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
I have dealt with itā€¦for these months. I will find a way to survive against the weight of my heart without her in her place in it, keeping it beating easily.
Mm, yes.
Well, first, Athea wasā€¦the light of my life. Before the Fatuiā€”and even after I entered inā€”my life held no purpose without her in it. She was whom I had poured all of my love and care into, her joy, her life her innocence.
Why I had never told her of my Fatui work: her innocence. I know many would say she deserved to know but she was happy, she understood some things I simply couldnā€™t tell her, she knewā€¦she knew I will always love her.
She would often steal my phone to talk with friends of ours in Mondstadt, I would always smile at the little messages she sent. I believe she even found Belladonna once and said hello.
I have a picture saved of that interaction.
The one and only time she will have gotten to meet my wife.
And it pains me even deeper than she never got to know of or meet our elder sisterā€”in Arlecchino. It would have compromised both the Knave and Atheaā€™s innocence, so I never did.
I planned to, maybe in a few years time when sheā€™s a teenager, butā€¦that never occurred.
She will never know anotherā€™s love beside mine. My deepest regret and pain.
Greetings. Iā€™m Rowan Lawrence-Morozovaā€”and yes, of the Mondstadt Lawrence clan. Nice to meet you, Brighellaā€”if I knew your harbinger name I would use that out of propriety.
I find myself surprised we havenā€™t met, honestly, with the fact Iā€™ve been here for a couple years now.
Anyway, you probably havenā€™t heard of meā€”Iā€™m honored if up haveā€”I share the late Signoraā€™s spot with Belladonna Morozova as the Reverie.
Nice to meet you, and I hope you donā€™t mind me coming to say hello.
// Hope you donā€™t mind me popping in with Rowan! Take your time replying or if youā€™d like to wait till another one of the current ones ends to post no worries!
Lovely to meet you too, Rowan. I assume you do not mind me using that name if you gave it to me? Or would you prefer I use your Harbinger name?
It's Aegis, like the shield in that Enkanomiyan myth. But Brighella is fine too, I care little for what names others may use.
I find myself quite surprised too, ofcourse it could just as easily be blamed on the fact that I tend to travel quite often.
I think The Knave or The Captain may have mentioned you once or twice. And no need for all that, we're both Harbingers here, no? I think we can drop part of the formalities.
Oh not at all, I'm always happy to meet new faces, I'm sure you and Belladonna will be an excellent change of pace here.
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
Thank you.
And itā€™s not your fault. You did nit know and I chose to share.
Please, no need to apologize for something you dod not know of.
Iā€¦suppose I could tell about her though. The good years.
Greetings. Iā€™m Rowan Lawrence-Morozovaā€”and yes, of the Mondstadt Lawrence clan. Nice to meet you, Brighellaā€”if I knew your harbinger name I would use that out of propriety.
I find myself surprised we havenā€™t met, honestly, with the fact Iā€™ve been here for a couple years now.
Anyway, you probably havenā€™t heard of meā€”Iā€™m honored if up haveā€”I share the late Signoraā€™s spot with Belladonna Morozova as the Reverie.
Nice to meet you, and I hope you donā€™t mind me coming to say hello.
// Hope you donā€™t mind me popping in with Rowan! Take your time replying or if youā€™d like to wait till another one of the current ones ends to post no worries!
Lovely to meet you too, Rowan. I assume you do not mind me using that name if you gave it to me? Or would you prefer I use your Harbinger name?
It's Aegis, like the shield in that Enkanomiyan myth. But Brighella is fine too, I care little for what names others may use.
I find myself quite surprised too, ofcourse it could just as easily be blamed on the fact that I tend to travel quite often.
I think The Knave or The Captain may have mentioned you once or twice. And no need for all that, we're both Harbingers here, no? I think we can drop part of the formalities.
Oh not at all, I'm always happy to meet new faces, I'm sure you and Belladonna will be an excellent change of pace here.
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
Iā€¦suppose I will tell you. Swear you will not let it reach anotherā€™s ears beside mine, the Knave, Belladonna or Capitano and Ajax.
I do- did have a sister.
Iā€¦killed her. Or what was left anyway.
She was possessed by a great evil of the abyss, to put it shortly. You probably do nit have much interest in my family affairs.
It was never my intention to harm her, my flesh and blood, my dear, dear heart persoified, butā€¦I was overtaken to whims of my heart that was slowly crumbling bit by bit. I was helpless as my hold on her throat tightened until her once-so-youthful eyes dimmed forevermore.
Nothing but an ember in my soul.
Greetings. Iā€™m Rowan Lawrence-Morozovaā€”and yes, of the Mondstadt Lawrence clan. Nice to meet you, Brighellaā€”if I knew your harbinger name I would use that out of propriety.
I find myself surprised we havenā€™t met, honestly, with the fact Iā€™ve been here for a couple years now.
Anyway, you probably havenā€™t heard of meā€”Iā€™m honored if up haveā€”I share the late Signoraā€™s spot with Belladonna Morozova as the Reverie.
Nice to meet you, and I hope you donā€™t mind me coming to say hello.
// Hope you donā€™t mind me popping in with Rowan! Take your time replying or if youā€™d like to wait till another one of the current ones ends to post no worries!
Lovely to meet you too, Rowan. I assume you do not mind me using that name if you gave it to me? Or would you prefer I use your Harbinger name?
It's Aegis, like the shield in that Enkanomiyan myth. But Brighella is fine too, I care little for what names others may use.
I find myself quite surprised too, ofcourse it could just as easily be blamed on the fact that I tend to travel quite often.
I think The Knave or The Captain may have mentioned you once or twice. And no need for all that, we're both Harbingers here, no? I think we can drop part of the formalities.
Oh not at all, I'm always happy to meet new faces, I'm sure you and Belladonna will be an excellent change of pace here.
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
Thatā€™s something I can relate to.
Haha, good point. Still wacky to me things get encased in Amber on, what is itā€¦Mount Hulao? Been awhile since I was sightseeing in Liyue.
And I may be used to tech but I use it for socialization and work. Darn.
Uhhā€¦Iā€™ll look something up.
Greetings. Iā€™m Rowan Lawrence-Morozovaā€”and yes, of the Mondstadt Lawrence clan. Nice to meet you, Brighellaā€”if I knew your harbinger name I would use that out of propriety.
I find myself surprised we havenā€™t met, honestly, with the fact Iā€™ve been here for a couple years now.
Anyway, you probably havenā€™t heard of meā€”Iā€™m honored if up haveā€”I share the late Signoraā€™s spot with Belladonna Morozova as the Reverie.
Nice to meet you, and I hope you donā€™t mind me coming to say hello.
// Hope you donā€™t mind me popping in with Rowan! Take your time replying or if youā€™d like to wait till another one of the current ones ends to post no worries!
Lovely to meet you too, Rowan. I assume you do not mind me using that name if you gave it to me? Or would you prefer I use your Harbinger name?
It's Aegis, like the shield in that Enkanomiyan myth. But Brighella is fine too, I care little for what names others may use.
I find myself quite surprised too, ofcourse it could just as easily be blamed on the fact that I tend to travel quite often.
I think The Knave or The Captain may have mentioned you once or twice. And no need for all that, we're both Harbingers here, no? I think we can drop part of the formalities.
Oh not at all, I'm always happy to meet new faces, I'm sure you and Belladonna will be an excellent change of pace here.
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
Good point.
Fair point, shouldā€™ve thought about that before askingā€¦
Ooh! Competitive! What type of comp?
Greetings. Iā€™m Rowan Lawrence-Morozovaā€”and yes, of the Mondstadt Lawrence clan. Nice to meet you, Brighellaā€”if I knew your harbinger name I would use that out of propriety.
I find myself surprised we havenā€™t met, honestly, with the fact Iā€™ve been here for a couple years now.
Anyway, you probably havenā€™t heard of meā€”Iā€™m honored if up haveā€”I share the late Signoraā€™s spot with Belladonna Morozova as the Reverie.
Nice to meet you, and I hope you donā€™t mind me coming to say hello.
// Hope you donā€™t mind me popping in with Rowan! Take your time replying or if youā€™d like to wait till another one of the current ones ends to post no worries!
Lovely to meet you too, Rowan. I assume you do not mind me using that name if you gave it to me? Or would you prefer I use your Harbinger name?
It's Aegis, like the shield in that Enkanomiyan myth. But Brighella is fine too, I care little for what names others may use.
I find myself quite surprised too, ofcourse it could just as easily be blamed on the fact that I tend to travel quite often.
I think The Knave or The Captain may have mentioned you once or twice. And no need for all that, we're both Harbingers here, no? I think we can drop part of the formalities.
Oh not at all, I'm always happy to meet new faces, I'm sure you and Belladonna will be an excellent change of pace here.
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
Haha, is that so, nowā€¦?
Good point. I suppose the cathedral would have more knowledge about him, or maybe the Knightsā€™ library.
Hmā€¦feel like a game? No clue what game, but, still. Any ideas?
Could be just for fun or something else, your choice.
Greetings. Iā€™m Rowan Lawrence-Morozovaā€”and yes, of the Mondstadt Lawrence clan. Nice to meet you, Brighellaā€”if I knew your harbinger name I would use that out of propriety.
I find myself surprised we havenā€™t met, honestly, with the fact Iā€™ve been here for a couple years now.
Anyway, you probably havenā€™t heard of meā€”Iā€™m honored if up haveā€”I share the late Signoraā€™s spot with Belladonna Morozova as the Reverie.
Nice to meet you, and I hope you donā€™t mind me coming to say hello.
// Hope you donā€™t mind me popping in with Rowan! Take your time replying or if youā€™d like to wait till another one of the current ones ends to post no worries!
Lovely to meet you too, Rowan. I assume you do not mind me using that name if you gave it to me? Or would you prefer I use your Harbinger name?
It's Aegis, like the shield in that Enkanomiyan myth. But Brighella is fine too, I care little for what names others may use.
I find myself quite surprised too, ofcourse it could just as easily be blamed on the fact that I tend to travel quite often.
I think The Knave or The Captain may have mentioned you once or twice. And no need for all that, we're both Harbingers here, no? I think we can drop part of the formalities.
Oh not at all, I'm always happy to meet new faces, I'm sure you and Belladonna will be an excellent change of pace here.
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
Ah. Right. May those rest in peace.
Haha, yeah!
Mm. I donā€™t partake much in the Tsaritsaā€™s plans much, anyway. Directly, at least.
Oh totally! I wonder what Barbadosā€™d think, probably scorn him.
Ohhh, okay. Sorry, just used toā€¦
Anyway. Ahem.
Rowan had thankfully stopped her thumbs before she had a chance to mentionā€¦Athea. She felt the all-too-familiar prickle of tears couple with the sting of anger at Belladonnaā€™s sister, back to life.
The image of her own sisterā€™s lifeless body under her was forever ingrained into Rowanā€™s mind, haunting her day and night.
Greetings. Iā€™m Rowan Lawrence-Morozovaā€”and yes, of the Mondstadt Lawrence clan. Nice to meet you, Brighellaā€”if I knew your harbinger name I would use that out of propriety.
I find myself surprised we havenā€™t met, honestly, with the fact Iā€™ve been here for a couple years now.
Anyway, you probably havenā€™t heard of meā€”Iā€™m honored if up haveā€”I share the late Signoraā€™s spot with Belladonna Morozova as the Reverie.
Nice to meet you, and I hope you donā€™t mind me coming to say hello.
// Hope you donā€™t mind me popping in with Rowan! Take your time replying or if youā€™d like to wait till another one of the current ones ends to post no worries!
Lovely to meet you too, Rowan. I assume you do not mind me using that name if you gave it to me? Or would you prefer I use your Harbinger name?
It's Aegis, like the shield in that Enkanomiyan myth. But Brighella is fine too, I care little for what names others may use.
I find myself quite surprised too, ofcourse it could just as easily be blamed on the fact that I tend to travel quite often.
I think The Knave or The Captain may have mentioned you once or twice. And no need for all that, we're both Harbingers here, no? I think we can drop part of the formalities.
Oh not at all, I'm always happy to meet new faces, I'm sure you and Belladonna will be an excellent change of pace here.
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
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Rowan and Belladonna, individually broken from the fire of their pain, everyone they cared about dead, had now broken apart too, trying their best to cling together through it.
The only question that remains is: will their love be enough to fill in the cracks?
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Rowan and Belladonna escaped Teyvat just as the end came, with no time to save anyone else. After quite a while they found a place with the Stellaron Hunters, as they discovered Paths and the existence of Aeons. Rowan threw themselves into research of these mysterious things and how they could use them to keep themselves from getting hurt again.
Soon, Rowan and Belladonna joined the Stellaron hunters, offered positions by Kafka. Rowan threw away their moniker as The Reverie with the Fatui, too full of pain, while Belladonna held onto it.
They both go around on missions together, though stilted in their relationship all alone. They donā€™t have one planet they think of as their home-planet, though Belabog is most familiar, and Rowan favors Penacony as the gambling and drinking helps with their trauma.
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RP 00: A Gamble for love ā€” Link
Backstory Snippet 1 ā€” Link
Backstory Snippet 2 ā€” Link
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āWell, not going to wish me a good game, babe?āž Rowan joked as they stood to the side, hands folded atop the stick as Aventurine took a walk around the table
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
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Greatest passion, lover, aggressor, flirt, lull, partner, and many more affections will permeate each bite and song they pass between each other in the coming yearsā€¦
The love of a Vampire, with their fangs so sharp, and of a Siren, her melody so fascinating, has all the power to break them both, come time.
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Rowan Lawrence and Arlecchino live in a vast mansion by the sea, vampires born of wealth.
They both look over their manor, the ladies of the house with no men to be seen. Except for their parents, Ajax and Capitano, also Vampires and mates.
Rowan is primed in the art of seduction, often times finding a new bed warmer each night.
One day, however, when Arlecchino is out, that all changes. Rowan ambles down to the seasode dressed only in her finest, when she sees golden locks and only the sweetest voice.
Belonging to none other than a Siren:
Belladonna, her ultimate downfallā€¦
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Headcannons ā€” Link
Backstory Snippet 1 ā€” Link
Backstory Snippet 2 ā€” Link
RP 1: Onyx and Pearl colliding for a night ā€” Link
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āOrā€¦maybe I am not here for you at all. Just some entertainment. Besides, I respect such rarities as you far too much toā€¦āž Rowan paused leaning closer to whisper, āDegrade you in such a way.āž
-Rowan to Belladonna, RP 1
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
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Fantasy AU
Greatest passion, lover, aggressor, flirt, lull, partner, and many more affections will permeate each bite and song they pass between each other in the coming yearsā€¦
The love of a Vampire, with their fangs so sharp, and of a Siren, her melody so fascinating, has all the power to break them both, come time.
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Rowan and Belladonna, individually broken from the fire of their pain, everyone they cared about dead, had now broken apart too, trying their best to cling together through it.
The only question that remains is: will their love be enough to fill in the cracks?
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
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Rowan was left to Teyvat by the Crimson Moon Dynasty of Khanriā€™ah. They have no memory of any time sheā€™s lived through up until the age of 16, caring for Athea, her two year old sister, and under the tutalige, ā€œcareā€ and order of the Lawrence clan of Mondstadt.
As Athea grew older, Rowan left her alone more often to do jobs for the Lawrences and have alone time. She met Venti as well and was taught Opera by him.
When Rowan was about 18 she was running low on money to care for Athea, the meager penance from the Clan barely enough for her to survive, much less their young sister, barely six years of age.
Because of that, Rowan was forced to go into work for the Fatui, a grunt to take care of The Doctorā€™s segments.
The years went on quickly from here, Athea never knowing how Rowan slaved to make ends meet or that she was compromising her values by working under one who values life so little.
When Rowan was about 22 they were transferred by request to another Harbinger: the new 8thā€”replacing La Signoraā€”Belladonna, the Reverie.
When they met, at Belladonnaā€™s greenhouse in Snezhnaya, they instantly fell for each other, florting almost immediately.
It wasnā€™t until later, at the request of Capitano and Tartagliaā€”Ajaxā€”that in recognision of the honor Rowan held and the wirk she put in, she was promoted to the role of a Harbinger, sharing the seat with Belladonna.
During the inaugural ball Rowan received their Puro delusion from the Tsaritsa, and, afterward, Rowan and Bella first kissed. Though they were inebriated so they never confirmed anything with each other.
Belladonna and Rowan would then use kissing each other as a guise of sorts to get out of situations, though slowly falling into a relationship through it.
It was just after becoming the other half of the Reverie that Rowan and Belladonna were invited to speak with Arlecchino, whom Rowan also had befriended along with Belladonna, Ajax and Capitano.
Arlecchino then revealed Rowanā€™s background to her, and the fact that they were sisters. As well as being able to tell her that Rowan created Athea during her amnesia so she had someone to protect, as Rowan trusting the Knave enough to tell her of her sisterā€™s existsnce.
Yet another few years later, Rowan proposed to Belladonna, obviously being accepted.
Shockingly sudden, only a few months following their engagement, was Athea murdered.
Rowan and Bella ventured to stalk the person who did it, for no ascertainable reason as barely anyone knew of her ties to her, and soon fought with Belladonnaā€™s sister, Indigo, raised from the dead, along with Athea, posessed, even having been killed.
At the end of the fight, the shadow of Atheaā€”not the one Rowan had loved so dearly for her whole lifeā€”had died. Brutally, at Rowanā€™s helpless hands, no less.
Little did Rowan and Belladonna knowā€”both utterly shattered by the revelations that nightā€”but both Indigo and Athea, now dubbed Ember, had walked away from the ashes of their pasts entirely unscathed. Alive.
Andā€¦Out. For. Revenge.
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
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š“ššš š¬
āŗā€§ā‚ŠĖš ą½ą½²ā‹† a figure unmaskedā”Šooc || Out-Of-Character
āŗā€§ā‚ŠĖš ą½ą½²ā‹† a blazing pyre of strengthā”Šic || In-Character
āŗā€§ā‚ŠĖš ą½ą½²ā‹† the flame of inebriationā”Šalcohol || Alcohol tw
āŗā€§ā‚ŠĖš ą½ą½²ā‹† a flame forged romanceā”Šrowan/belladonna || Belladonna/Rowan ship interactions with @reesespieces-org
āŗā€§ā‚ŠĖš ą½ą½²ā‹† the warmth of careā”Šfamily interactions || Interactions with Capitano, Athea/Ember, Ajax/Childe, Arlecchino or Belladonna
āŗā€§ā‚ŠĖš ą½ą½²ā‹† from their fangs to her scalesā”Šfantasy au || The Robella Vampire/Siren Fantasy AU
āŗā€§ā‚ŠĖš ą½ą½²ā‹† her eyes cold within the hands of her deathā”Šember || Interactions with Post-Possession Ember/Athea
rowanšŸ„€ || Rowanā€™s tag
belladonnaāšœļø || Belladonnaā€™s tag
atheašŸŒ¹ || Atheaā€™s tag
emberšŸŖ¦ || Emberā€™s tag
arlecchinošŸ¦ā€šŸ”„ || Arlecchinoā€™s tag
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
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ā‹†ļ½”Ā°āœ©āŠ¹ā‚ŠāŸ¢ā”ŠKeep everything SFW. I will not tolerate any inappropriate submissions.
ā‹†ļ½”Ā°āœ©āŠ¹ā‚ŠāŸ¢ā”ŠTreat everyone with respect. I will not allow hate speech, slurs, or anything else derogatory. This blog is a safe space.
ā‹†ļ½”Ā°āœ©āŠ¹ā‚ŠāŸ¢ā”ŠI would greatly appreciate you asking me about acting out any ships that I donā€™t list on my ship list. Regardless of if I ship them I would like to say a fair say in what I roleplay.
ā‹†ļ½”Ā°āœ©āŠ¹ā‚ŠāŸ¢ā”ŠKeep any drama with other blogs or mine to YOURSELF. I donā€™t want anyone putting a damper on roleplays. So, please let the people involved work it out for themselves.
ā‹†ļ½”Ā°āœ©āŠ¹ā‚ŠāŸ¢ā”ŠAnd, lastly, have fun. I will find you if you donā€™t have a smile on your face! /jk
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an-operetta-ablaze Ā· 1 month ago
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Burning š‘šØš°ššš§ š‹ššš°š«šžš§šœšž (OC) from š†šžš§š¬š”š¢š§ šˆš¦š©šššœš­
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Status: Available
Burned by @heav3n-of-rxses
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