My name is Brendan. Sweet Groudon, it feels like an oven here
Last active 2 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Thank you! I should be done in a few days, I hope you like it!
Hello! I saw your blog through Ripper's and I thought you were really cool - @an-arid-ruby
Soundwave: very cool.
Brendan: Correct.
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Alrighty! If you know them, could you please DM me your measurements?
Hello! I saw your blog through Ripper's and I thought you were really cool - @an-arid-ruby
Soundwave: very cool.
Brendan: Correct.
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If you wouldn't mind, I can make try to make you something to increase your coolness by a factor of 20 percent
Hello! I saw your blog through Ripper's and I thought you were really cool - @an-arid-ruby
Soundwave: very cool.
Brendan: Correct.
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//reblog this to your rotomblr blog if you'd like an ask from kaye! i really should be sending more asks, but i get so hung up on "would kaye say this?" that i get nervous and chicken out. figured i'd do something to Make Myself get more comfortable interacting with other rotomblr blogs
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rb this if youre a trainer or you post about your pokémon or etc
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Me iws the magic anon! Weawing those sungwasses now awwows uwu tuwu pwedict the tempewatuwe awnd weathew fifteen minutes befowe iwt changes. Me cawn change the effect if iwt's too much sensowy ovewwoad.
no, that's great actually, thank you
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Wait, but if you already have sunglasses... oh no! How am I going to complete my cool and radical quest to give away cool and radical sunglasses?!
That sounds like a good idea! Maybe they can be used to measure temperature and, if possible, predict the weather? I'd rather not get caught in a sandstorm or magma flow out of nowhere
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Hey, you're already wearing cool and radical sunglasses! How cool and radical is that!
it is! thank you...
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Hey there, little buddy! Are you looking to look cool and radical? Well, I have just got the tip for you! Wearing sunglasses makes you look cooler and more radical, and doubles to protect your eyes from the blinding sunlight. How cool and radical is that!
I- thank you?
#OOC: hope you don't mind me interpreting this as Pelipper Mail#OOC: pretend it's a selfie and not just an edit of his model
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I do have quite the love for Anorith and Armaldo, if that's any helpful
Professor Ebony of the Apothecary Lab at Hoenn Route 110 are looking for any and all information pertaining to Bug-types and Grass-types of all regions! No detail is too small, any information at all is welcome and encouraged! Please contact Research Assistant Kyle Brooks if you have any information you wish to contribute.
Specimen samples are also very welcome! All captured Bug-types will be given proper care and, once studied, sent to a Lab from their native region to be released. Pokeballs will be reimbursed for each specimen donated, as well as a small gift from Professor Ebony as a personal thank you!
The Apothecary Lab is researching Pokemon of these types in hopes of developing new ethically-produced medicines for various diseases, disorders, and other medical conditions for Pokemon and Humans alike. Your contributions will help develop the medical field and may save lives!
Note: Specialty Pokeballs will only be reimbursed with normal Pokeballs. Donations can be made at any Pokemon Center equipped with a trading station. Gifts are limited to one per donor. Please contact the Apothecary Lab for any questions, concerns, or other comments regarding this posting. For casual inquiries, Research Assistant Kyle Brooks may be contacted at the Rotomblr blog @bugs-and-grass.
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blows u up with my mind /j
Thanks, I really needed that
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You are allowed to send antagonizing anons about my muse
(i was gonna put this on my rp blog last night, but i decided to make it a post on here so anyone else who likes antagonistic anons can reblog it as well without borking my notifs)
people are allowed to send anons about what goes on on my blog and the circle of blogs that interact with me, this includes trying to get under my muses skin or tell them the hard truths about what is happening, or even about their fellow friends and enemies!
berate them for putting up with something dumb, point out flaws in someone's story, mention how something they believe is not the truth, do it, have fun!
just be sure that the antagonistic anon you sent is directed at the muse, not the mun, and make sure to read the rules of the blog you wish to send anons to, some antagonizing might be seen as godmodding and will go unanswered or blocked.
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Yes actually! I shall put one of my larger Sapphires in the spot where the juice is
Hello Sir, I humbly request for a bottle of apple juice in exchange for a precious gem or metal of your choice (I also have some glass shards, if you want that instead)
- @an-arid-ruby
sure thing, kid. don’t usually keep it around the place or anything, but i think the human left a few cases of it behind the last time she was over. she probably won’t mind.
don’t really have much use for mirror shards, got my own infinitely generating supply. you got any sapphires on hand? awfully partial to those ones.
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Sure, I'll do one of those hyperspecific poles.
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I have many regrets and this was one of them
I found a cave!
I wonder what I’ll find in it
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I figured the heat here would've killed my phone by now, but I guess not....
Greetings Tumblr! My name is Brendan and I don't know what to say next
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