amynatural · 3 years
I know I said I'll write as soon as I get out of here, but one thing led to another and I kind of forgot. Anyways, I survived!
I was planning to get out of there before Sam and Dean gets here but it seemed nearly impossible for me. The place was literally surrounded. There were at least four of them, according to what I could see from the windows. Four, being the ones I actually saw. There were probably others as well. So my plan changed from "get out before they arrive and run" to "get out while they were distracting the demons". That made me sound like a selfish person, but that's actually what Sam told me to do, when we were talking about these situations before. So that's on him, not me.
After a few hours of captivity and trying to form a plan, Sam called me. I answered the phone with a whisper, as a precaution.
"Sam? Did you find the place yet?"
"Yeah, we are almost there. I called to see if you were still okay."
"I'm okay. I'll be better once you arrive." Then I added, with a voice as worried as I was. "Sam, I checked from the windows, there are at least four of them. How will we get out of this?"
"We'll deal with it. Don't worry. You try and get out if you find any chance. But don't put your life on the line. We'll be there in fifteen."
"Okay. Stay safe." With that, he hung up.
After more than a fifteen minutes, I started hearing some stuff from downstairs. Glass breaking, objects falling or being thrown, people falling or being thrown... So I did a smart thing before I do the stupid. I checked the windows. Three men I saw was gone, which meant this was my chance. I checked my door in case it wasn't, but I knew it was locked. So I decided on the windows.
It took me a while but I managed to break one of the windows. I was cautious about the noise it made, but nobody seemed to notice. From what I could guess, a loud fight was going on downstairs.
I was at the second floor so it wasn't hard to get out after that point. I jumped without any issue and found myself completely alone at the back of the abandoned hotel.
It wasn't what Sam said, but I walked around the hotel and checked out what was happening. Seeing Dean pinned to a wall by a demon and Sam fighting another demon with a knife sent shivers down my spine. The demon I talked with upstairs was nowhere to be seen. What I did next, was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done but I don't regret it. I looked around and I quickly found a chair close to me. I grabbed it and threw it to the demon holding Dean. It didn't have much affect on him but he was surprised, which was in Dean's favor. He managed to escape from his place and turn the situation upside down. On the other hand, Sam and the demon he was dealing with saw me.
"Amy!" As the demon changed his target from him to me, Sam tried to warn me but it was a bit too late. Demon came forward and grabbed me by my sweatshirt.
"Now now... Calm down, boys, or she'll be dead in a second." Other demon walked up to the one who's holding me tight. I could see worry in Sam's eyes, while Dean looked pissed.
"You're gonna let us leave. With the girl." Said the demon.
"Not gonna happen." Dean said firmly, bowing his head in the slightest.
"Or she'll die." The demon sounded confident.
I looked at both of them. I was sure that we were thinking the same thing. I gave Dean a slight nod, as if to say 'Give me the sign and I'll deal with this one'. His eyes wandered to the other demon who was pacing the room and then looked at Sam. As Sam's eyes found Dean, I realized they were communicating non-verbally once again. Dean looked back at me and gave me a slight nod back. The sign. I turned around in a flash and kicked the guy on the nuts, and while he bowed, I elbowed his head. This made his grip softened. As I ran away from him, my eyes searched for the boys.
As soon as I was out of the demon's reach, Dean attacked him and they both fell to the floor. On the other side of the room I could see Sam killing the other demon with the knife he has.
Right when Dean killed the demon and turned to me, a hand reached from my back and wrapped around my neck. It was the one I talked with upstairs. The last demon I saw from the windows was with him as well.
"Dean and Sam Winchester. What a nice surprise."
They didn't respond but I could see them tensing up, once again.
"It's an honor to meet you, really." The demon continued. "Something is bugging me though. Why do you care if we kill her or not? Is she important or something?" His voice was mocking, although he sounded genuinely confused.
"Why do you wanna kill her?" Sam asked, sternly.
"Because she was a mistake! I told this to her too, it's nothing personal. One of us went to kill a hunter, it was a matter of revenge I suppose, and this one was so happened to be there. To be honest, I blame Jeff. He had to gather more info, I mean, how could he not know she had a daughter?!"
"You're gonna let her go." Dean's eyes were focused on the demon.
"See, I can't do that. I kinda made a promise."
"You'll tell them she escaped."
"Yeah? And how do you expect me to live after I said that?"
"Then you tell them she is a Winchester." Dean said, a daring smile forming on his face.
The demon's arm around my neck was softened. I quickly got away and found my way behind the boys.
"That bastard sent us to hunt down a Winchester!?" He took a step back, horror was forming through his eyes.
I didn't expect his next move to turn around and run with the other demon, but that's just what happened.
We got out safely after that.
As I walked to the Impala, I thanked them. They shared a look before Dean stopped walking and turned to me. I looked at him, questioning what was in his mind.
"Look, I'll keep it short. Come with us."
"...What?" That was sudden.
"You'll be safer with us. Plus, we can teach you."
I knew I would be safer and I knew I could learn a lot of things from them, but I didn't think they would be the ones offering. Especially Dean. I kind of thought I would be the one asking -begging- to join them.
"You mean it?" I asked, unsure of what's really happening. I looked at Sam, who was standing next to the Impala. He wasn't near us but I was sure he knew what we were talking about, as he reassuringly nodded.
"Decide before I change my mind."
"Yes! Yes, of course I'll come with you!" I said, quickly.
"Good choice." He smiled, his eyes are focused on his Baby. He threw an arm over my shoulders as we walked to Sam, who had an adorable little smile on his face.
I found my way to the back seat, my mind was surprisingly calm. I felt safe. Safer than I expected to feel. I suppose that's how it feels like to have someone to rely on, even when you're kidnapped by a bunch of demons.
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amynatural · 3 years
Ok, I don't have much time. Here is what's happening:
I was chasing a series of events across the state. Electric storms, sightings of weird people, crop failures... According to Dean this can mean there's a demon. So that's why I continued, despite Dean and Sam offering to take the case over. I wanted to know if I can interrogate one of them and learn about *the* demon.
Fast forward to yesterday, I've been sitting on a diner, waiting for my order. Then some guy took my interest. He looked like an ordinary guy, except the way he checked everyone in the diner out. He looked dangerous somehow, you probably know those guys. Anyways I wanted to have a talk so I followed him after my dinner. He led me to a dark alley, which was actually predictable if you think about it. I held my knife close to me and get close to him. That's when he started laughing. It was horrifying and annoying at the same time, he sounded overly confident. Then he turned to me and I realized why he was so confident. His eyes shifted to a pitch black as he continued to smile. He was planning this. He led me here, knowing that it was him I was looking for. With this realization I made a huge mistake. As I was backing out from the alley, I dropped my knife. Next thing I know, my eyes closed because of a sudden bang to the back of my head.
I woke up in an old room of some kind of an hotel? I am not so sure. I looked for my phone but it was gone from my pocket. Luckily, Sam has suggested for me to get another phone in case something happens to it. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart as I dialed his number. I didn't get the chance to talk though. I heard footsteps outside the room and I threw the phone under the bed. Hopefully, he would hear from there. Door cracked open and the guy from the diner, no, the demon showed up.
"I heard you've been looking for me." His voice was smooth but it only made me annoyed. I didn't answer. He cracked a smile.
"Now you're scared? After looking for me for weeks?" I had to bite the inside of my cheek to not make any comments on that. I was not scared. I was cautious.
His attitude changed in a second and his now serious eyes looked dangerous than ever. He took a knife, my knife, from behind and pointed it to my neck.
"Yeah I was looking for you, so what?" I said, as annoyed as I felt. His mocking smile came back.
"There we go." He step back with the knife in his hand and continued, as he played with the knife. "The question is, why? You wanna die so bad?"
I thought to myself, this is my chance. I should ask now and then get out of here.
"I was looking for a particular demon actually. Don't know his name or vessel."
He chuckled. "And how were you planning to find him, exactly?"
"By you, of course."
"What makes you think I'll tell you?"
"Maybe because you hate him too?"
He looked me up and down with a curious look on his face. He pulled a chair opposite of me and sat down. He shook his hand that was holding the knife as if to say'Tell me about him then'. So I did. I told him about my mom and how I found her dead. I told him about how I could barely run away and save myself. I skipped the part about the diary and the boys, though. From what I've heard, Sam and Dean were kind of famous among these guys.
As I finished, he started laughing, much to my annoyance. When he was finally finished he stood up and as he paced the room, he said "Jackpot.".
I was about to ask what the hell he was talking about but he continued. "We were looking for you as well! You see, you are kind of a mistake? You were supposed to die alongside your mama but good old Jeff forgot to finish the mission. He was also afraid to tell the big guys about you so he told a few of us to kill you instead. What a coincidence!"
I gulped. I was really hoping that Sam was hearing this. Because my time seemed really limited. To give them a direction, I asked. "Where are we though? Where are you going to kill me?"
"Why, you got a death wish about the place?"
I had to play along to find out where we are. "Kind of, yeah."
"We are in an abandoned hotel, that's all you need to know."
"What state are we in?"
Suddenly, the knife was back on my throat. "Why do you keep asking? Stop annoying me." He whispered, threatening.
"Okay, okay!" I waited for him to get back, then I asked. "How long was I out?"
"I don't know, couple of hours?"
So, we were still in the same state. I was texting Sam that night so he knows where I was. The question is, can he find me with this information, did he hear it?
"Anyways, you got a death wish?"
I had to find a way to earn me some time! I looked at the windows to learn about time. It looked like morning just came.
"Y-yeah, I want- I want to die at night!" I said, panicked.
"Don't try to get smart with me." He said, still smiling but threatening at the same time.
"I am not! It's for... It's for me to be able to go to the other side, with the comfort of darkness." I was lying my ass of at this point and any other day, this would make me laugh. But now, I needed time. So I tried to sound like I believe this.
"If I die like this, I'll probably come back and haunt you because it's going to be your fault that I couldn't go to the other side."
He looked at me for a few minutes, trying to see if I was telling the truth, I suppose. Then he nodded, still playing with the knife he had.
"Fine. I'll came back and kill you when it goes dark. Don't try to escape. You won't be able to because we have the place surrounded, and I'll lose the chance to kill someone. So do both of us a favor and stay still."
With that, he walked out of the room and locked the door behind him. I hurried to the phone under my bed. The call was still on. I whispered.
"We heard. Don't worry, we are on our way."
With that, he hung up. This brings me to now. I wanted to write, in case I die. I am sitting on the floor now, so that I can toss the phone under the bed once again if he comes.
I'll try to write as soon as I get out of this mess.
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amynatural · 3 years
I took a much needed time from everything and I am sorry if anyone's been waiting for me to post. Not much has happened since my last post. I took another case of a ghost in the meantime. I did well, I suppose. There wasn't any other incident after I dealt with it.
I talked with Sam a few times during that time. He is closer to my age, so I guess it was predictable that we would get along better. I haven't spoke to Dean but Sam says he isn't cross with me or anything. I suppose he is still being careful about me, and that's normal. I texted him a few times, about the case (that was my excuse anyways) and he helped so I guess Sam is right.
Anyways, I don't have anything particular to write about. I'm still trying to process everything, and I'm so thankful that I've finally reached out to the boys. I've been feeling distant from everything, during this time. Like, I am just here to watch. Like a ghost. So even just talking on the phone helped me a lot. It feels like I have something to keep going forward again, you know? Like, I have a connection to this world. I do exist. I matter.
This is it for now. Thanks for reading, whoever you are. I'll try to update sooner next time.
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amynatural · 3 years
I arrived two days ago, right when we were going to meet, so I didn't bother getting a room from a motel. I parked my tiny car to outside of the diner he texted and waited while letting him know that I arrived. After a few minutes he replied and told me that he has arrived as well and waiting inside. I didn't know how we were going to recognize each other, but I guess I was going to be the only one looking at their phone when walking inside. So I walked in to the diner. With sky blue walls and orange booths around, it felt inviting. Which I was thankful to.
My legs trembled a bit, while walking through the doors. I held the phone in my hand tightly, and looked around. I didn't know how he looked. So I just looked for a guy sitting alone, as I walked slowly between booths and tables.
At the back of the diner, two guys stood up and walked towards me.
"You're Amy?" asked the taller one. I nodded.
"I'm Sam. This is Dean." He explained. I was thinking it was weird for him to bring a friend to this, until Sam said, "We are both John's sons."
Apparently I have not one, but two brothers.
We sat down to a booth, next to a window. There was a silence for a while between the three of us since it was awkward, and I used it to observe them. And I have to tell you, I didn't know John's genes were that good, since I haven't saw him before. They were both so handsome. Dean had green eyes and dark blonde hair, while Sam had brown hair and green-ish eyes. They were both taller than me, but Sam was also taller than Dean. They kind of look like a girl's dream guys. You know those guys. They also looked older than me too. Not that old though. Both seemed like they were in their twenties. Anyways, I didn't look like them at all. I have dark wavy hair that's below my shoulders and blue eyes that I got from my mom, if I hadn't mention these before.
"What do you wanna know?" I asked, not knowing where to start.
"We wanna know if you're telling the truth." Dean said, a little bit sternly. He seemed rather annoyed. And I get it. He was suspicious. I would be too.
I took out the diary and pushed it on the table, towards them. "This is my mom's diary. She died a month ago." As Sam reached for it, I continued. "Apparently she was a hunter and she met John during a hunt. They hooked up, or whatever, and that was it. I've never met him. Diary says they've helped each other in different hunts here and there but, like I said, I've never seen him."
"You're a hunter too?" Dean asked, looking at me, while Sam was reading a page from the diary. His behavior made me imagine an ice wall between us. His voice was cold and he didn't look at me all empathetic like Sam.
"I've solved two cases since she died. Both ghosts. I don't really know other things." I smiled, little bit embarrassed.
"Why?" Sam was finally done with the page. "Why did you start hunting?" He seemed genuinely confused, like starting hunting was an unusual choice of mine. And it might be, if you think about it.
"A demon killed her." I stated, with a voice firm and steady. "And I wanna know why."
They looked at each other, clearly communicating non-verbally. After a second or so, Sam turned to me. It took him a little while to choose his words.
"How do you know it was a demon?"
"Black eyes. That's what the diary says." Now I was confused. Did this two don't know about these stuff, or did they know something they don't want to share? Or were they simply questioning my knowledge? Either way, they seemed relaxed after my answer.
"It was probably a demon she messed with. Those guys really can hold grudges." Dean said, right before the waitress came by, asking for our orders.
I hadn't thought of food up until that point so I had to look around to their menus, which were all over the walls. All kinds of hamburger types was actually mouth watering. Especially the special of the day menu.
"I'll get the special of the day." As I said, I realized Dean stated the same menu too. I smiled. At least our choices about food seemed similar.
"I'll get a salad." Sam's sentence made me shiver.
"You see all those hamburgers on the walls and choose salad?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. How? How could someone has that level of self control?
"Yeah, he wants to stay 'healthy'." Dean's disgusted tone when he said 'healthy' made me chuckle a bit. I was relieved to see him smile as well. This was the first time he smiled since we met, it felt like the ice between us was finally cracking.
Sam handed the diary back to me. As I took it, I finally asked.
"Did something happen to John?" My voice sounded worried. And to be honest, I was.
They looked at each other again with... Grief? I don't know.
"He passed away, a few weeks ago." Sam's voice was soft.
I... I felt numb somehow. He died before I could reach him, like I feared. I lost the chance to meet him. I could've, if I called Dean earlier. I could've, if I wasn't so stupid to fear about unnecessary things. If I wasn't a coward.
I must've been in some kind of a trance, since I didn't saw the waitress coming, nor our food on the table once she's gone.
Dean's hand, swinging before my eyes made me come back to present.
"Are you gonna eat those?" He pointed at my fries as he was already throwing one of them to his mouth.
"Yeah." I mumbled. My appetite wasn't the best, considering the news I just got, but I was still hungry.
I looked at them before I got my burger between my hands. Sam looked like he wanted to say something but wasn't sure if he should, while Dean was already too busy eating.
"How did he die?" I asked, my voice somehow muted.
"Car crash." Dean said straight away, without raising his head from his food.
Car crash... One of the best hunters mom's ever met according to her diary, yet he died by a car crash? The universe has a weird sense of humor, I guess.
I saw Sam flashing a look to Dean but neither said anything.
I didn't know what to do now. They were clearly hunters and I would love to ask for their help with the demon but I hadn't even saw any demons before the one I was chasing. I was practically clueless. I wasn't even sure I was chasing, by the way. I mean... I was looking for weird stuff to find cases, that can maybe link me back to him but only cases I've found was ghosts. I wouldn't even call myself a hunter at this point. I was just a girl, trying to be like her mom, I guess... Plus, I didn't want to ask them something like that right away. They didn't even know me yet.
"Thanks for meeting me." I smiled, after I finished my food.
"What are you gonna do now?" I shrugged to Sam's question.
"I don't know." I looked around from the window before I continued. "I can't go back home. There's nothing left for me there. Guess I'll just keep looking. For him and for other cases."
While Dean was paying for the food, Sam and I exchanged numbers. He told me to call or text him whenever I need. The way he insisted on it reminded me of my mom actually, which made me smile sadly.
After that, we parted ways. I wanted to spend more time with them, as they were the only family I got left but I didn't want to plunge into their lives all of a sudden, without their consent. I can text them, that's something too.
I'm in my motel room now, lying in bed. I'll get back to hunting as soon as possible. I just... I just can't believe I've lost the chance of meeting my father, because of my stupid cowardice. If I just called Dean immediately after I've called him...
Anyways. I'll write again, whenever I can. Take care, all of you.
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amynatural · 3 years
It's been almost a week, I know. I'm sorry for not updating. But, a lot happened.
First of all, I solved the case. Let me tell you, it was not easy.
After I've spoke with the parents and friends, I went to the graveyard myself. There was a few people, sheriff's men, and they let me examine the surrounding. Strange thing is, there was nothing that belonged to the suspect. Nothing. Not any hair, any touch prints, anything. They also informed me about something they've found after I left. They said that the hand prints on the bodies had no finger prints. Which is impossible. So I looked around, to see what was I missing. As I was walking among the graves, it caught my eye. The angel statue in the middle of the graveyard. It was a bit old, cracks all around it. And looks like it already lost a finger. Index finger.
I researched some more and learned that it is possible for a ghost to possess a statue and use it to kill people. However, to destroy it I have to find the ghost's remaining parts. Yes, there are remaining things of a person that can link them to this world. God, I sounded like a psychic.
Anyways, after that I went to the library and checked everything about the angel statue. Turns out it was made by a guy in his 40's, 20 or so years ago. I tried to find the guy but apparently he died a few years back. And he was buried to the same graveyard. That was my strongest lead so far, so I decided to visit his grave with some salt that night.
As I walked to the graveyard, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. There was something unusual about the graveyard but I couldn't put my finger on it. It felt unwelcoming. But it was a graveyard after all.
Anyways, I hurried to find the grave, and it took me a while to actually open it. Just as I was reaching for my salt, I heard it. You know the sound stone makes when it touches to another stone? That frictional sound? That's what I heard, behind me. I quickly salted the remains but I didn't have time to fire it. An ice cold hand reached from behind and caught my arm mid-air. It's firm grip made me realize the missing finger. It was the angel. As it tightened it's grip, I tried to find my lighter in my jacket pocket. It's other hand reached for my hand that's been searching for the lighter, to stop me but I quickly shifted from it's reach and light the lighter I could finally get my hands on.
I threw the lighter to the open grave but nothing happened. As the bones burned, statue made another move to grab me with it's other hand. I shifted again. I was lucky it was just a statue. It was slow. But my arm it caught started to lose sense. I had to save my arm and get out! My mind was racing. I should've prepared more, I should've get more things to protect me, I should've parked my car closer.
My car. The idea practically formed itself, I had to run and get something, anything, from the car to help me. I just had to get my arm back. So I started to pull it as I hit it's hand with whatever I got on me. Nothing worked of course, it was a statue after all. Stone. Then I reached for my gun. This could hurt but it could also work. I pointed it to the hand on my arm and pulled the trigger. As my ears were ringing I happily realized that it lost another finger. Two actually. It only got ring finger and little finger, other than it's thumb. It's ring finger... I don't know how I could see it at that point but it was slightly bigger than the other fingers. I pulled the trigger once more, aiming for the ring finger and the little one. As pain hit me, so did the feeling of blood rushing through my arm once again. I managed to get away but bullet must've grazed my arm. It didn't matter at the time, though. My arm was finally free.  Before I decided to run to my car, I looked at the finger that just broke. Ring finger was crushed. Something else was glowing in the light of the flames from the grave. A ring.
I was thankful the statue was slow, when I reached for the ring. Looked like a wedding ring. I didn't think. I threw the ring to the flames. Statue stopped trying to walk. Stopped completely, actually. It was over.
I stared at the flames for a while, thinking. Why would he put his ring inside the statue? His wedding ring. "There must've been a sad story behind it", I thought as I started cleaning the place a bit.
It was late when I got back to the motel. I cleaned my arm from the blood and tried my best about the injuries and bruises. While doing all of that, I was thinking. All those people I've seen, grieving for their loved ones... What if the only family I got left dies without me calling them? What if they die without knowing about me? What if I die before I could reach them? So I did what I had to do weeks ago. I called Dean.
It went straight to voice-mail. I didn't think about it much. It was late. It was normal for him to not pick up, I guess. So I left a voice-mail.
"Hello. My name is Amy. I am sorry for calling this late but I thought you should know about me. I am John's daughter." I stopped, didn't know what else to say. I also didn't want to overshare in a voice-mail. So I finished the voice-mail with, "If you wanna know more, just give me a call."
It sounded stupid as I thought about it so I went straight to bed, trying not to think about how I sounded.
Next day I woke up with a text message. It was from Dean. There was just an address and a date, nothing else. The date was a week later. It was clever, he didn't know where I was so he gave me enough time to get to the meeting point.
There's just a few days left. I've been driving non-stop to get there as soon as possible. I'm... Excited and scared at the same time. If it was John who I was meeting, it would be easy I think. He knows about me after all. But Dean doesn't. So I might have to convince him. And something inside me says I'm definitely going to have to convince him.
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amynatural · 3 years
I went to talk to the girl's, Olivia's, parents earlier yesterday, around 9.30.
I knocked at their door as the cold morning breeze made me shiver a bit. It was a fairly cold morning for a summer day. Although, I liked it. It made me aware of my surroundings, if that makes sense.
The door opened and revealed the blonde, clearly devastated woman. I showed my badge without further ado and she nodded.
"We already told everything we know to the sheriff." She said but I politely smiled.
"It is my job to ask again. I am sorry." Then I added. "Also sorry about your loss." She nodded again, as she tried to form a kind smile but it appeared as a forced one, which was understandable due to circumstances.
She led me to the living room, which was clean and painted with pink. There was a fireplace right across the door we entered, and a red couch with a couple of red sofas in front of it. Photos of the girl around the walls and on the fireplace attracted my attention. From baby pictures to first school day pictures. I didn't say a word about them, as I sat down to the red couch and she sat opposite of me.
"Did you know your daughter was going to graveyard that night?" I started my questions.
"No." She shook her head. "She must've sneaked out, we thought she was sleeping in her room." She sniffled. She wasn't able to look me in the eye, when she spoke.
"Do you have any idea why they would be there?" I asked.
"You know how teenagers are. They were probably out to drink. I don't know."
I tried to form an understanding smile. It was killing me to ask those questions while she was grieving but it was necessary.
"Did your daughter have any enemies?" When she looked at me frowning, I thought I needed to elaborate. "I mean, anyone that could want to harm her or her friends? Maybe some obsessed ex, a bully or something?"
"No. No. She was a sweetheart." She could manage to say that, as the tears catch up with her. Her voice trembled.
The front door opened at the same time as I stood up. I thanked her for the answers and gave my condolences again, as her husband walked in with groceries in his arms. She grabbed a few to help him, while I left, also giving my condolences to the father.
It was 11 a.m when I arrived at the guy's house. Coversations went pretty much the same. They didn't know that Ryan was going out that night, and they didn't know anyone that could want to harm him. I thanked them and gave my condolences as well and left.
As the morning breeze gave way to the classic summer heat, I was on my way to the kids' school. My plan was to talk to their friends and ask them the same questions as well as the new ones.
It didn't take me long to find their friends. They were standing, some of them crying, around the shrine that's been made for Olivia and Ryan, by their friends or the school management, I don't really know.
As usual by now, I showed my badge. Process went as the parents, I asked the questions and they replied, some of them barely containing their tears.
"Did you know they were going to graveyard that night?"
"Yes." One of the girls said. "It's what we always do. We go to graveyard to have some fun."
A weird place to have fun, if ask me but what do I know? I was what you would call a nerd back then. Studying hard to achieve my goals and trying my best to have friends in between.
"Is there anyone that could want to harm them? Enemies, bullies and such?"
They all shook their head, mumbling 'no's.
When I left the school, it was already afternoon. I decided to get some food and research a little bit about this monster, who is apparently very strong. I should be able to protect myself.
Number crossed my mind again. What came to my mind was that, how about I called them about this case and not told them about me and mom? You know, to see what kind of people they are. But I've decided that would be lying to their faces and I'm not that kind of a person.
Anyways, it's been a slow process this time. I've no idea how to solve this and I don't know how to protect myself yet. So, I've been preparing.
Hope I manage to solve this one too, before something else happens. Wish me luck.
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amynatural · 3 years
Just parked the car outside of the diner.
I decided to focus on the case, rather than trying to reach my father or brother. So, after four hours of road trip, I'm here to investigate the case.
After getting a room from the motel, I went straight to graveyard. I was hoping to come across the sheriff or one of his men, but it was empty. Weird. I thought there would be more people, investigating. Or at least someone to watch the place, right?
Puzzled with the situation, I went to sheriff's office. As an agent, of course. He was a kind, middle aged man with brown eyes and dark hair. I showed him my badge as I gave him the fake name. He greeted me.
"How can I help you?"
"I'm here to investigate the situation in the graveyard." That was enough for him to lead me to his room and start giving me the details.
"Two teenagers found dead, the night before." I nodded, and he continued.
"We found a few bottles around the crime scene, so we assumed they've been there to drink."
"And the bodies?" I already knew from the news, but I wanted to ask anyways.
"Both of them had hand marks. That's how they died. Both had a hand mark on their throats, meaning someone strangled them to death." I nodded. That was exactly what the news said.
I asked for the addresses of the kids' families and friends. Also asked him if it's okay for me to see the bodies myself. He was kind enough to come with me to see them.
I had to act professional but I couldn't help but gulp when I saw one of the bodies on that table. It was just my second case, it was pretty normal if you ask me, I wasn't really a professional after all. But, fake it 'till you make it, right?
I examined the body with the gloves they gave me. Started with the girl. She had a red hand mark, right on her throat, just like the news and sheriff said. I took a closer look, as I realized something. The hand was missing a finger. No, it wasn't like the owner of this hand had born with four fingers, it was more like they lost that finger. There was a space for the finger, between the middle finger and the thumb, but no index finger. I checked the other hand marks she had, as well. Apparently the other hand was fine. Missing finger was on the left hand.
I checked the other one, the guy, as well. Same. The mark on his throat was missing the index finger, while the other mark in his shoulder had all the fingers. These definitely looked like someone held them with one hand and strangled them with the other. Although they had marks on their legs or arms too, probably meaning that there's been some struggle. They tried to escape, but it caught them.
I turned to the sheriff. "The suspect is missing a finger. Is there anyone in this town that's missing one as well?"
He shook his head. "No, ma'am. We checked as soon as we saw the bodies but to no avail."
I nodded. This is going to be difficult.
I thanked both of them as I left, and here I am. Parked outside the diner to get some food. I tried calling one more time but it was the same. As you've probably been thinking, I thought of calling mom's old friends too, but there was none. It's like she shut the door on all of her friends when she decided to get out of the hunting. Even her diary doesn't really mention anyone other than my father. There are names here and there but no number or any way to contact them.
Anyways. I'll get some food now and talk to the parents of the teenagers later. Also will get some sleep in between but I don't really know when.
Don't be like me though. Get some sleep, drink some water. Take care.
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amynatural · 3 years
I called him.
Today, after breakfast, I dialed his number while walking up and down in my tiny motel room. I was biting my nails, that's how nervous I was.
"This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If it's an emergency, call my son Dean. 785-555-0179. He can help."
Voicemail. Should've guessed it. I mean, he must be busy, hunting and stuff. But... His son? His son. He has a son. I think I was holding my breath up until that point, so I took a deep breath. He has a son. I have a brother.
I wrote down the number but haven't dialed it yet. He said "if it's an emergency". This is not an emergency. I am handling myself pretty well so far. I admit that I haven't made any progress about the demon yet, but I'll get to that too. I am determined.
I tried his number a few more times, while biting more of my nails but I got no reply.
I'll try his number tomorrow as well. Maybe I can reach him and I don't have to call Dean. If I can't reach him... Then I am going to have to call him.
Also, I found another one. Another case. A few teenagers found dead in a graveyard. Weird because who kills people and throws them to a graveyard rather than burying them, if they have the time to go to the graveyard?
I'll look into it and get back to you.
And, if anyone is reading these, take care.
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amynatural · 3 years
It's over. I cracked the case the other day.
I came across Frank's mom in diner last night. She was getting food and she seemed like she was in a rush. She wanted to walk past me but turned back and explained some of the stuff I've been wondering.
So, according to her, his grandfather and the little boy was friends back in the days. They were basically inseparable. Until that night. The night he disappeared. The whole town said the grandfather had to know something about it, so they constantly questioned him. They even started to blame the grandfather. Frank's mom assured me that his grandfather was innocent but the whole town started looking at him differently. All he knew was that the little boy decided to leave school through that forest that afternoon and nobody saw him after that.
I thanked her and found myself investigating that forest later that night. I wasn't that deep into the forest when I found something. I found an old badge. Which belonged to a sheriff.
Next morning I went to see if the old sheriff whose badge I found has a living relative. His son was alive. So I went to talk to him.
He seemed like he wasn't mentally okay, probably because of the old age. I asked about his father and his answer gave me goosebumps.
He said his father died because he liked to kill. And added that if I found his badge, that would definitely mean that he killed the boy. I asked what he meant by 'died because liked to kill' and he just repeated that his father must've killed the boy. Then I asked if he know where could he bury his body. He gave me an adress. An old factory, just out of the town. It'd make sense I guess. While the town's attention was on the forest, he could've bury him to the factory.
I went to the factory and found the body in an old pit. He didn't even bury him, just threw him in an open pit. I salted and burned it, along with the badge I found.
It is over, but I have questions. Why did the ghost killed the people who knows himself and their relatives, rather than the sheriff's family or something? Only answer I can think of is that, he wanted the people to help him that night but nobody did. They didn't see the danger he was in, probably because he was with the sheriff.
I am on my way back now.
My mind was on the case before but now that it's over, I can't help but think about him and the number again. I still can't decide if I should call him or not.
I mean, the best case scenario, he'll want me around and, I don't know, we will hang out sometime? And the worst case scenario, he will be horrified about the idea of me and hang up on me and I'll never be able to call or see the only person left from my family.
Well... We'll see, I guess. At least, if I manage to gather some courage and call him.
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amynatural · 3 years
That did not go well.
I went to talk to the parents, disguised as an FBI agent. They invited me in and were willing to answer to all of my questions, until I mentioned the little boy. That was a huge mistake. But it kind of answers my question. Looks like Frank's great-grandfather or something, had something to do with little boy's death. Why else would they get upset and ask me to leave all of a sudden?
I would ask to great-grandparents but they died a long time ago, apparently. After this I thought of looking into the other victims, to see if they have anything in common. Turns out they have. They are all, one way or another, related to the little boy's family or friends. It is pretty clear that the little boy is doing all this. I am sure of it.
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amynatural · 3 years
Check what I've found.
I went to library this morning and checked the news about the little boy who got lost before. The newspaper says it happened almost sixty years ago. According to my other research, people get lost in this forest once every fifteen years, which makes this the fourth cycle. The dates are also matching with the little kid. He got lost around this time too.
From the knowledge I've gathered through the diary, I can guess that the little boy's ghost is in charge of all of this. But why? I mean, why would he kill Frank? Did his family have anything to with the little boy's death? That's what I'll try to figure out today. I'll go and see Frank's family now. Maybe I can ask them about the little kid too.
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amynatural · 3 years
I arrived to the motel. It is sad how I travel between motels, really.
I stopped to get myself a fake badge, on the way here. I can't investigate without one.
I wanted to talk to the parents myself but the house was full of police. I wanted to talk to them alone, so I decided to get back later. Instead I've talked to the sheriff. He believed the badge, thank god.
I approached him outside of his office. Took my badge out and gave a fake name. He greeted me with suspicion.
"I didn't know the FBI cared about these cases." He said with a polite smile.
"It does apparently, because here I am." I smiled, to crack the ice a bit. It didn't seem to work but I just jumped to my questions without any further ado.
I don't remember the exact things I asked him, so I'll just write what I've gathered from that conversation.
The victim's name is Frank Thompson. His friends last saw him the day before he's been found dead. They said goodbye after school, since he had to get to work but he never got there. He haven't told his parents nor his friends about going to forest after school and no one could find a reason for him to go there. The forest actually contains a path towards his workplace but his friends assured us he never uses it, as he doesn't like dark places.
Parents are devastated. Frank was their only child, sadly. So I decided to stop by their house later tomorrow.
Instead I walked in to the diner to get some food and talk to some people about the incident. A blonde girl was working behind the counter. As I approached the counter and sat down, she smiled.
"What can I get you?"
I ordered a hamburger and as I waited, I asked about the police being there, as if I knew nothing.
She was polite enough to tell me about Frank. She said they knew each other from high school, she was three years older than him, but she saw him around school and town.
I asked about the forest, after she mentioned it while telling me the incident. She told me about the stories then. According to the stories the elders of the town told, many years ago a little boy got lost in that forest. He was also the only child of his family, so they were devastated like Frank's family. There was no sign of him, until one day a young couple found his body while camping. It was a few months later, she said.
I'll look into that story. For now, it's time for me to get some sleep.
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amynatural · 3 years
I think I just came across a hunt.
I saw it on the news, this morning, when I was in diner to get some food. Apparently, a high school student has been found dead in the forest. According to the family, he hasn't been answering his phone since yesterday and he haven't told them that he will be going to the forest. The father said he always let them know about his whereabouts, so it was weird to him. The news lady stated that the police suspected it was murder, and said the investigation was still in process. I made a quick research about the forest they talk about, after I got back from the diner. There have been incidents like this before. There seems to have some kind of a pattern. That's what intrigued me. It happens once every fifteen years and three to five people dies every time.
It wasn't that far from here. I packed the essentials, according to the diary. Guns, salt, guns with salt, some blades etc.
Time for a new road trip. Wish me luck.
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amynatural · 3 years
Eveytime I turn a page, a realize something new about this diary.
I accidentally spilled water on it today. It wasn't much and it didn't touch the pages, just the cover, so diary is safe but it made me realize something I haven't before. There's a page, hidden within the cover of the diary. Pushed between the hard cover and the page affixed to it. The water made it visible. I carefully pulled it out. It was a small page, probably from a notebook of some sort. It had a phone number on it, with a name above.
'John Winchester.'
That's... That's his name. My father whom I've never met. I know, because mom told me that much. The diary had page's about their meetings and hunts together, but this... I didn't know she had his number. I don't know what to do with it. I know, the obvious answer is to call him, but... Would he even want to talk to me? Does he know she died? I don't want to be the one to tell him that. Never mind that, what if he doesn't even know me? He never came for birthdays or stuff, so I naturally assumed he was busy because mom also said so, but what if she never told him about me? My mind is full of possible doomsday scenarios. But on the plus side, he can help me about the demon. I know he hunts and I know he is good at it. He can definitely help me. But, would he want to, though?
I will put the number aside for a while. I need to think about it.
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amynatural · 3 years
I think I know what that man was. You know, the one with the black eyes.
I've returned from my little road trip, by the way. I'm back at the motel now. I... I couldn't go back home. I don't know what to do with it either. Like, do I sell it? Do I go back? The house is all my mom had, but I am too scared to go just yet. I don't know.
Anyways, I've been reading the diary. It's a pretty thick one, if I hadn't mentioned that before. I've stumbled upon a page about black eyes, yesterday. It was my second time reading the whole thing so I couldn't believe how I missed that before. Maybe the pages were clinged to each other. The page was about the black eyed demons. It says here that they take people's bodies and control them. They seem like a black smoke when they're out of a body. So, that means, he can be anywhere now. He can be anyone.
Mom painted a big pentagram with symbols in it to that page, with a different colored pen. It was hard to see because of the writings on it but it was there when you looked carefully. She explained about the pentagram, on that page. Apparently, they can trap demons. She also wrote about some kind of a spell (?) that can exorcise the demon and save the body's original owner. I'll memorize that for later.
How am I supposed to find that demon though? Do they have names? The diary says they all look the same, apart from the bodies they choose. Although it doesn't apply to the eyes. (Diary says they can hide their eyes though. Gotta be careful about that.) Apparently there are also different kinds of demons, with different eye colors. Do they know each other? Like, all of them? If I catch one and ask them about my mom, will they know about the demon responsible for it?
If the answer is yes, then that's what I'll do. I'll find a damn demon and demand the information. I owe it to mom.
I'll freeze the university. I don't know for how long but until I find that demon, I won't be able to give my head to university. I know, this sounds sudden but I was thinking it since the first night I had to spend alone, in a motel room. Since the day she died.
I will find him. I don't know what I'll do after I do, but one step at a time, right?
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amynatural · 3 years
I've arrived here, yesterday at... I don't really remember the time actually. I've found a motel and got a room. After a few hours of sleep and rest, I left the motel to talk to the parents. They've been living in the same house for years, so it wasn't that hard to find them, really.
Anyways, I knocked the door and after a few moments, a dark-ish haired woman opened the door. She looked at me with curiosity and asked, "How can I help you?"
I am not going to lie, I was nervous. Like, a lot. But I had to ask. I had to know.
I took the photo of my mom from my pocket and showed her.
"I was wondering if you know this woman."
The woman looked at the picture for almost a good minute and turned to me.
"Why do you ask?"
Then I explained, as best as I could.
"She is my mom. She died a week ago." She gave me her condolences, then. I continued, after nodding with a soft smile. "Her diary said she helped people about some things that I don't really know, and I was wondering if you can help me confirm them."
She invited me inside, and we sat down at her kitchen, which was colored in blue and white. While preparing me something to drink, she started telling me about that diary page's contents.
"Are you referring to her cases as an FBI agent? Then, yes. She was here to investigate back then. My girl... They've found my daughter's body at her school." She stopped for a moment, got a deep breath and continued.
"They said she drowned. In the middle of a classroom! I couldn't believe it. No one could've. How could she drown in the middle of a classroom, where there's no water?" She handed me my drink as she sat down opposite of me. The way she talked about what happened... It made me think that they never found what actually happened. I knew from the diary, though. I just needed to confirm it, one way or another.
"After that night, the next day, your mother stopped by. She showed us her badge and said she was an FBI agent, investigating my daughter's death. It was hard for me to explain it again that day, so I heard my husband asking her to come back later. She gave him her condolences, and left. The next day, my husband had to go to the grocery store. She came, a few hours after my husband left. I offered her a beverage and we sat down. Then, she started asking me some weird questions. After I answered most of them, she left, thanking me. I haven't seen her after that, but you can also talk to the sheriff if you want to discuss about the case. The old sheriff though. He also lives in this neighborhood. He was the one investigating the case. I'm sure they've talked at some point."
I thanked her and left after I finished my drink. So, she didn't know about the situation. She just thinks that my mom was an FBI agent. Nothing about the supernatural. Diary was confirming it too.
She gave me the adress for the sheriff's house, so my next stop was clear. It wasn't that far, like she said. I knocked on the door and an old man opened it after a few minutes.
I explained, like I did to the lady and he invinted me in like her. We sat down in his clean and bright living room and he started the story.
"She came by, right when we were at school, in that classroom. She said she was an FBI agent. I was surprised though. No FBI agent came by for a young girl's death before. Anyway, she asked some weird stuff. If we realized any cold spots, anything unordinary, stuff like that. Weird questions. Still, I told her the situation as best as I could. Then she left. After a few days, she dropped by my office. Asking me about the old sewers underneath the school. Again, I explained as best as I could. Next day, she called and explained that the FBI cracked the case, and there's no need for us to continue the investigation. So, I informed the parents and we stopped."
I knew from the diary that after she visited the sheriff for the second time, she cracked the case. It was then, she realized that the girl had drowned because someone else also did at that exact place, just underneath, almost a decade ago. It was a ghost. And actually a really skilled one too. She wrote and I quote, "I haven't seen a ghost who can drown people without any kind of water nearby."
I thanked the sheriff as I left. I had my concrete proof. Everything was the same as diary says, plus, they knew her. She actually went there, disguised as an FBI agent, and hunted the ghost down.
As I am sitting here in the motel, I am both terrified and happy. Terrified, because of the things that hides in the dark apparently. Happy, because now I know that even though there are things that could brutally murder her, she still chose to help people. Just like I remember, she was caring from the very beginning.
Thank you, mom. They don't know it but I know. So, I'll thank you instead. Thank you, for helping them. All of them.
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amynatural · 3 years
It's been a lot of information, for the past few days.
I've been thinking a lot. And I've decided that I need concrete proof. Yes, the dates and places were right but maybe she just took the details to use in the story. Maybe it's all fake. So, I decided to go and find the family she helped when their daughter drowned. It's been more than a few years since the incident but I'm just going to ask about my mom anyways. If they actually spoke to her, then maybe I can believe it. Maybe it actually happened. Maybe, the creatures of my nightmares and fantasy books, are all real.
And if they are real... These may explain about the man with the black eyes. Who was he? What did he want from us? Why did he kill her?
It's going to be a few hours of road trip. I'll try to write again after I talk to them.
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