amxndasletter · 4 years
oh hey, I forgot to mention I have a ko-fi !! 
I only opened it since family problem with money and I’m the only one who can make money and pay all the bills and for food until father manage to get a new job
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amxndasletter · 4 years
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Survivor! Rin Yamaoka is now open for asks and interaction.
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amxndasletter · 4 years
this is not something I’d usually advertise. But I made an art blog! Follow it if you’d like!
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amxndasletter · 4 years
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Hoooo boy. 130+ followers! Thank you all truly! I was wondering with this milestone, what kind of event would y’all like to see? I could try to do an art giveaway but I can’t promise anything.
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amxndasletter · 4 years
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Guess who’s back! Due to unpopular demand I am here and better than ever (hopefully)
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amxndasletter · 4 years
➵ @unwilling-survivor (we don’t have anything yet but hh that art)
I would hurt you or use you. | you unsettle me. | I dislike you or you annoy me. | I would like to get to know you better. | I pity you. | you confuse me. | I feel indifferent towards you. | I would be friends with you. | I would fight by your side. | I would hug you or hold your hand. | I would kiss you. | I would sleep with you. | I would lie for you. | I would protect you. | I would fall in love with you. | I would kill for you | I respect you. | you are my family. | I don’t know you.
((If there was a jealousy one god I’d bold that so hard.
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amxndasletter · 4 years
Send me ➵ and I will bold all that applies to your muse
I would hurt you or use you. | you unsettle me. | I dislike you or you annoy me. | I would like to get to know you better. | I pity you. | you confuse me. | I feel indifferent towards you. | I would be friends with you. | I would fight by your side. | I would hug you or hold your hand. | I would kiss you. | I would sleep with you. | I would lie for you. | I would protect you. | I would fall in love with you. | I would kill for you | I respect you. | you are my family. | I don’t know you.
( adapted from dw’s heart meme. )
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amxndasletter · 4 years
Thought-Provoking Headcanon Meme
Send a symbol and I’ll answer the question about my muse. (Or answer in character. Whatever works for you!)
⛔️ - How does your muse react to others breaking the law? If they would do it themselves, what is their reasoning? 🚑 - If your muse was the only person around and someone was injured, would they help? Would they have the experience needed? 💸 - What does your muse think of wealthy people? Do they resent them, or do they believe they earned what they have? 🆘 - What does your muse think of poor people? Do they think they’re a waste of space, or do they want to help them? 📩 - Does your muse prefer to physically write letters or send them online? What is their reasoning? 📢 - Does your muse have a loud personality or a quiet one? Do they enjoy being the center of attention, or would they rather watch and listen? 📊 - How does your muse feel about the state of the world? Could it be better? Could it be worse? 👨 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their father? Is it good, bad, or complicated? 👩 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their mother? Is it good, bad, or complicated? 👧 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their siblings? Who do they get along with best? 👶 - If they have any, what is your muse’s relationship like with their children? Do they feel like they’re a good parent? 👻 - Does your muse believe in an afterlife? What do they think it’s like? ⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time? ⌛️ - How often does your muse think about death? Do they think about it at all? 🔗 - What are your muse’s standards for meaningful relationships? How quickly do they form relationships like these? 🚹 - How would your muse react to losing their father? How would they cope? 🚺 - How would your muse react to losing their mother? How would they cope? 🚼 - How would your muse react to losing a child? How would they cope? 💧 - How would your muse react to losing a best friend? How would they cope? 💔 - How would your muse react to losing a romantic partner? How would they cope? 🐜 - How does your muse feel about animal lives? Do they treat them the same way they’d treat a person, or do they feel they’re inferior? 🌎 - Does your muse want to change the world? How would they go about it? 🎭 - How does your muse handle their emotions? Do they bottle them up or pour them out as soon as they start to feel? 💋 - How does your muse feel about people who cheat? Do they see a reason for it, or is it completely immoral? 🌠 - Would your muse make a wish on a star? If so, what would they wish for? 🎁 - Does your muse celebrate their birthday? If yes, how do they celebrate? If no, why not? 🍟 - How does your muse feel about their body? Would they change it if they could? 💅 - How does your muse feel about gender roles? Do they conform to them, or do they play by their own rules? 🌺 - Does your muse have a favorite flower? Why do they like it?
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amxndasletter · 4 years
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“This is no place for cowards”
Frank Morrison
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Roleplay blog for Frank Morrrison, The Legion
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amxndasletter · 4 years
Blood Gala 2020 Prompts
I tried to write these as open as possible for responses to be written, drawn, or role-played. Please interpret as loosely as you’d like and have fun!
🍷 - your muse spiking the punch/drinking spiked punch 💃 - show off your muse’s funky fresh moves  😢 - your muse having a bad time (or comforting someone else who is having a bad time) 🎵 - what’s your muse listening to at the Gala? ◀️ - If wearing a suit, your muse in a dress. If wearing a dress, a suit  🔪 - Your muse fraternizing with the enemy 🐔 - Your muse pranking another attendee (or being pranked) 🛏️ - Your muse after the Gala is over
“I didn’t expect to see you here…” “I didn’t know you could dance.” “You can’t dance to save your life.” “You clean up well.” “Do you wanna get out of here…?” “Where did you disappear to? I haven’t seen you since the party started.” “I was hoping you wouldn’t show up.”
Make a bet and/or dare my muse to do something at the Gala Send a song for our muses to dance to together Send your muse’s best flirting attempt Your muse just had a wardrobe malfunction, what do they do?? My muse tried to kiss yours at the Gala, what now? 
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amxndasletter · 4 years
Amanda Young Reference, final one. I promise.. not really.
Uh trigger warning for self harm! I totally forgot to put this I’m sorry
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I know you are sick of seeing a reference for her. I’m so sorry I constantly want to redraw and redesign her, I’m sorry. Here’s the final product, though I’m not really happy with how her face came out. I’ll need to fix that I think. Another day. Anyways I’m officially out of hiatus and hoping to really uh. Get back on this blog.
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amxndasletter · 4 years
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 !
    do   you   want   a   certain   kind   of   ship   with   my   muse  ?   check   out   the   key   below   &   send   me   a   symbol   to   tell   me   what   kind   of   ship   you   want   !     note  :    my   muse   =   blog   owner’s   muse     /     your   muse   =   sender’s   muses
romantic relationships !
💘  friends to lovers ❣️  enemies to lovers 💜  love at first sight 💙  slow burn 💚  skinny love 💔  exes to lovers again 🖤  on again , off again
familial relationships !
🌼  older sibling 🌺  younger sibling 👭  twins 🌻  friends like siblings 🍃  cousins 🌵  parental
friend relationships !
☀️   best friends 🌦   enemies to friends 🌈   friends since childhood  ⛅️  friends of circumstance  ☁️  school friends  🌩  friends from traumatic experiences
enemy relationships !
🔪   friends to enemies 💣   stole something from my muse 🔦   stole something from your muse 🗡   bullied my muse 🔫   bullied your muse ⚔️   family feud 🛠   fueds between mutual friends ❌   guilty by association
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amxndasletter · 4 years
Guess who is out of hiatus! That’s right it’s Me.
While I was gone I worked on a google doc for Amanda young it’s about seven pages long and id really appreciate it if you read it. It’s fine if you don’t honestly it’s just going into depth about her childhood rlly
There are some trigger warnings! Light mentions of self harm prostitution, violence gore and miscarriage are mentioned.
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amxndasletter · 4 years
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amxndasletter · 4 years
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Shortly before moving to Winkler, Jeff went to the ski lodge for one last night of freedom in his hometown.
He never came home again.
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amxndasletter · 4 years
Amanda glared up at this heretic of a woman rambled on and on about an alleged future she could have had. This woman had to have lost her mind? Right? She was practically making things up to further support her psychotic narrative that Amanda deserved to die or something.. Amanda didn’t know.. The other was so hard to read, the emotion in her voice was simply not enough to understand the motives behind her actions.  Amanda watched as the other grabbed the horrid pig mask and slowly peeled it off her head. Her eyes widened when she found herself.. well staring at herself. It wasn’t entirely the same.. This other Amanda didn’t have brown eyes or the minor scar on her right eye that haunted her and reminded her of her past with her father.. This Amanda didn’t have any of Amanda’s other physical quirks.. such as well.. Most of the other scars that littered Amanda’s body or the moles. However they still had too much in common, a similar mouth scar to remind them of the trap they had both once escaped.  “How do you know this about me..? We’re not the same person. We can’t be.. so this can’t be your story.” She focused her glare into the other’s blue eyes. Blue eyes that were piercing through her.. She felt like Other Amanda knew everything. 
The fog has a funny way of messing with people. For example, this has to be, what... the third trial in? Fourth? And there's that doll, sitting on a box in the middle of the woods. {in case you wanna do anything w this --a-swines-baptism}
Amanda knew of that puppet, she knew of it well. It haunted her. It’s lifeless red eyes pierced through her soul as it moved its mouth to imitate speech. “But not you.. Not anymore” a simple line that rung throughout her head every minute she was here. It was headache inducing, she wanted to forget it.. Oh god how she wanted to forget the experience as a whole. It never left her mind, from the scalpel going into Donnie’s stomach to her getting the reverse bear trap off mere seconds before it went off.. It was plaguing her mind. So much so, she could hardly focus on the stakes that were at hand. 
Amanda looked around the cold and seemingly empty woods. The only thing keeping her company at the moment was the godforsaken puppet! She wanted to rip off its stupid little head from its even stupider body.. The puppet and the memories were all bringing her so much anger. She needed to calm down, if she didn’t things could get very messy for her very soon. Amanda wasn’t good with her emotions, even as a child she had a hard time processing her emotions. She grimaced and snapped her head to the side a few times before leaving the area. She didn’t want to see that puppet any longer than she had too, she was going to find a way out. She won this game before and she would win it again.  @a-swines-baptism
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amxndasletter · 4 years
Amanda was still terrified, it was easy to see on her face. It was plastered with fear but now also anger, she had killed Donnie for fucking nothing. She killed Donnie to get out the trap and it was all for nothing.. Sure she felt terrible and guilty for killing him but she had to do it.. What was the point in doing it now that she was back in the same predicament. She glared up at her attackers eyes.. She could hardly see them through the sockets of the rotted pighead but she still had an idea of where they were.  “Fuck you! You don’t know shit about me! You’re just a sick and twisted bitch.” This wasn’t helping her case. If anything, she was practically begging to have her throat slit open mercilessly.. Amanda didn’t care. Death would have been better than whatever this living hell she was going through. 
The fog has a funny way of messing with people. For example, this has to be, what... the third trial in? Fourth? And there's that doll, sitting on a box in the middle of the woods. {in case you wanna do anything w this --a-swines-baptism}
Amanda knew of that puppet, she knew of it well. It haunted her. It’s lifeless red eyes pierced through her soul as it moved its mouth to imitate speech. “But not you.. Not anymore” a simple line that rung throughout her head every minute she was here. It was headache inducing, she wanted to forget it.. Oh god how she wanted to forget the experience as a whole. It never left her mind, from the scalpel going into Donnie’s stomach to her getting the reverse bear trap off mere seconds before it went off.. It was plaguing her mind. So much so, she could hardly focus on the stakes that were at hand. 
Amanda looked around the cold and seemingly empty woods. The only thing keeping her company at the moment was the godforsaken puppet! She wanted to rip off its stupid little head from its even stupider body.. The puppet and the memories were all bringing her so much anger. She needed to calm down, if she didn’t things could get very messy for her very soon. Amanda wasn’t good with her emotions, even as a child she had a hard time processing her emotions. She grimaced and snapped her head to the side a few times before leaving the area. She didn’t want to see that puppet any longer than she had too, she was going to find a way out. She won this game before and she would win it again.  @a-swines-baptism
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