amritha12-tc · 2 years
Looking to get glowing skin .Many DIY face scrubs are based on the traditional remedies whether the skin is dry, acne prone oily or aging there is a homemade natural face scrub for your needs.
Face scrub for glowing skin
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Coffee scrub
Coffee has many rejuvenating benefits for skin it instantly wakes up your face while gently exfoliating. Take half cup of ground Coffee next half cup of yogurt or milk and one tbsp of honey,mix the ingredients together and apply on the skin. Rinse it with water.
2. Face scrub for acne.
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Strawberries acts as an astringent so it helps to clean the pores. It contains salicylic acid to brighten dull skin. Take one cup plain yogurt mix it with half cup of mashed strawberries and add a splash of raw apple cider vinegar. Apply it on your skin and see the results.
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amritha12-tc · 2 years
Journalism as the fourth estate.
Journalism informs and educates the public while simultaneously acting as the watchdog for elected officials. The very relationship the press and the government have is something extraordinarily unique and a distinction in democracies from dictatorship and authorities regimes seen around the world.While journalism plays various roles in society perhaps its the most important is how it serves as a bridge of information from the government to the common citizen. America journalism has been bringing vital information to public since the beginning of the nation in 1776. From local office to highest position in the country,journalists have been there to cover the good bad and even the ugly.In many ways it serves as a balance of power in democracy. It keeps elected politicians in checking holds them accountable for thier actions while in office. It also prevent anyone from gaining to much power as the press is free to criticize anyone in a government role.
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