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amresidence · 5 years ago
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AMplanner Berlin-AMresidency 2020
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amresidence · 8 years ago
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International Artist residency Kunstprojektraum Sprudelwasser-AMplanner Berlin2017 국제 아티스트 거주 프로그램 프로젝트 주최자: AMplanner Berlin AMgallery, Amstudio, AMresidency Adress: Anton Saefkow Platz.8 10369 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 15758500042 Email: [email protected] 프로그램 설명 국제 레지던시 공간 네트워크 구축을 통한 젊 은 작가들의 국제 교류를 목적으로 레지던시 프로 그램 “Sprudelwasser"는 프랑스 엘자스 지역 콜마 시에 위치한 슐쯔바크에서 2014년 시작되었습 니다. 이 프로그램의 목적은 미술, 음악, 그림, 사진, 영화, 비디오, 디지털 아트,,등 다양한 예술활동을 하 는 젊은 예술가들을 발굴 및 종합 예술 창작 공간을 지원 함으로서 다채로운 기회의 발판을 제공 하는 것입니다. 국제 교류를 통한 다문화 예술의 공간을 제공합니다. 이�� 행사를 통해 한국 과 유 럽의 새로운 활동 영역을 구축함으로서 ��기적인 국제 교류 행사로 발 돋음 할 수 있는 기 회가 마 련될 것이며 젊은 작가들의 국제적 예술가로 나아갈 수 있는 통로가 마련될 것입니다. 각 지역에서 활동하고 있는 작가들과의 지역성 문제점을 공유하고 재해석하는 공동 작업 및 발표 를 통해 새로운 대안을 마련하게 될것입니다. 이번 국제 레지던시 네트워크 구축을 통해 유럽과 한국 문화를 연결하는 국가 레지던시 교두 보를 구축할 것입니다. 제공 프로그램 : 거주, 세미나, 아티스트 토크, 그룹 전시. 분야 : 미술, 디자인, 설치, 미디어 아트, 퍼포먼스, 사진, 조각, 시각 예술. 위치 : 베를린, 독일 기간 : 1~3개월 2017 AMresidence 모집기간: 8월 1Round 9월 2Round 10월 3Round 11월 4Round 자격 : 현재 작품 활동을 하고있는 예술가들을 대상으로 하며 베를린에 위치한 에이엠 스튜디오 에서 1개월 또는 3 개월간 체류하며 예술가 활동을 경험하게 됩니다. 지원 제출 서류는 경력서와 작품 포트폴리오를 이메일로 보내주시면 됩니다. 자료 및 포트폴리오 지원서 제출은 [email protected] 메일로 전송해야합니다. 추가 참고 자료는 당사 홈페이지 웹 사이트를 참조하기 바랍니다. 자료 마감일: 없음 참가 비용: 스튜디오와 숙박 시설 포함 한 달에 2000€의 비용이 청구됩니다.(숙박, 스튜디오 공간, 그룹 전시포함) 은행 정보: 한국: 예금주: 유영동 은행: 우리은행 계좌 번호: 96201205202001 독일: Account name: Youngdong You Bank name: Deutschebank Account number: 4380739 00 IBAN: DE30100700240438073900 BIC-SWIFT: DEUTDEDBBER 추가 비용: 개인 지출 생활비, 작품 제작비, 항공 티켓 모든 비용은 유료이며 레지던시 참가자들의 몫입니다. 참여를 희망 하시는 분들에게 당사에서 초청장을 보내드립니다. ○ 레지던시 세부 절차 1주: 레지던시 참가자 도착, 프로그램의 프리젠 테이션 작가와의 만남 베를린 지역 탐구 및 조사를 통한 작업 컨설팅 2주~3주: 참가자의 예술 작품및 프로잭트 설치작품 제작 베를린 지역 타 레지던시 공간 방문 및 교류 베를린 지역 예술가 스튜디오 방문 및 교류 일괄 작업 - 공개 계획 및 조직 활동-거주 활동의 문서의 작성 및 작품 제작 4주: 전시 및 작품 발표 - 단체 그룹 전시회로 체류 프로그램 중에 수행 된 작업의 공개 프리젠 테이션 추가 문의 사항이 있으시면 [email protected] 메일 또는 +49 15758500042 연락 바랍니다 International Artist residency Kunstprojektraum AMplanner Berlin Sprudelwasser-AMplanner Berlin 2017 Disciplines: Art Education, Collaboration, Design, Film & Video, Installation, Media Arts, Painting, Performance, Photography, Research, Sculpture, Visual Arts. Location: Berlin, Berlin, Germany Duration: One or three months Eligibility: send CV, artist If you are an active artist, designer, musician, you can apply for one, two or three months at our studios! Support: no Program Description: Project Organizer: Artmedia Planner.Inc AMplanner Berlin-AMgallery, Amart Academy, Amstudio,AMresidence Ceo: Youngdong You Anton Saefkow Platz.8 10369 Berlin Germany +49 15156200377 / +49 15758500042 [email protected] Disciplines: all genres of art- Animation, Film & Video, Installation, Media Arts, Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Visual Arts.. Offered program: residency, seminar, artist talk, exhibition. Location: Berlin, Germany Duration: One or three months Eligibility: send CV, artist If you are an active artist, designer, musician, you can apply for one, two or three months at our studios! Costs: Fees between 2000€ per month. plus maintenance: 300€ key deposit (covers housing costs, studio space, technical assistence and the final show) Korea: Account name: Youngdong You Bank name: WOORI BANK Account number: 96201205202001 Bank Adress: 1585, Sangam-dong, mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea BIC-SWIFT: HVBKKRSEXXX Germany: Account name: Youngdong You Bank name: Deutschebank Account number: 4380739 00 IBAN: DE30100700240438073900 BIC-SWIFT: DEUTDEDBBER Extra cost: Personal spending, cost of living, and work-pocket cost of materials, Air tickets The applications should be sent electronically to [email protected]. We request an artist’s statement, cv, project proposal and 5 imges with image list. For further details and costs, please see our web-site at or contact Youngdong You Touchette at [email protected]. You will find info on up-coming deadlines for 2017-year round residencies there too. Deadline: no deadline Duration: 2017 - year round CALL FOR ARTISTS: 1Round Aug 2017 2Round Sep 2017 3Round Oct 2017 4Round Nov 2017 Eligibilty: If you are an active artist, designer, musician and writer, you can apply for one, two or three months at our studios! All costs must be covered by the artists. When selected and after booking the studio we can send invitations to artists who want to apply for funds. AM Kunstprojektraum is an autonomous initiative started by artists in 2017. It runs without any external funding. Since 2011 the residency has become the central element of the project. 4 rooms are set up as an Artist Residency program, designed to host active artists visiting Berlin. The work rooms are the core elements of this effort. The main goal of the residency program is to provide artists visiting Berlin quick access to an environment that will foster their creative energies. Participating artists are invited and expected to explore their creative paths. These residencies are offered as an opportunity, but it is up to the artist to make full use of it. We do our best to assist and support, but each artist is responsible for their own activities. Program: At the beginning of your stay AMplanner organizes an initial meeting to give everybody the chance to introduce their projects to the group. Every week we have a AMplanner talk with a visiting artist/curator at the AM studios where residents are asked to show and discuss their new works and get critics. We also have a weekly event to show you around (these can be gallery visits, concerts, studio visits of Berlin based artists and visits of collections in town) We do our best to assist and support, but we don’t guide the groups and we are not responsible for contacts between artists and galleries. Each artist is responsible for their own activities. We can’t connect you with the whole art scene of Berlin, we only can suggest you which opening you should visit etc. - you need to be able to find your own way! URL:
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amresidence · 9 years ago
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International Artist residency “Sprudelwasser-Reflection” from July to August 2016 in Berlin, Germany. The residence “Sprudelwasser” is a trinationnal exchange program taking place in Soultzbach in France (2014), Busan in South-Korea (2015) and Berlin in Germany (2016). 프랑스 (슐쯔바크 Les Anciens Thermes Association 2014), 한국 (부산 Artdistrict_P 2015), 독일(베를린 AMplanner Berlin 2016) Openstudio Exhibition AMgallery Open 26.Aug 6pm ~ 9pm 26.Aug-29.Aug 2016 / 2016년 8월 26일(목)-8월 29일(수) 12~6pm AMresidence Artist-Residency & Exhibition Artist-레지던시 및 전시 참여작가 Gema Intxausti (Spain) Hyunkyung Lee (Korea) AMartist-Exhibition Artist-전시 참여작가 Christoph Rode (Germany) Ida Choi (Germany) Younhee Yang (Germany) Open Event 26.Aug 2016 7pm~8pm Gayageum : Bora Ju (Korea) Handpan : Sungeun Jin (Korea) Dance : Hyerim Jang (Korea) Project Organizer AMplanner Berlin AMgallery,Amstudio,AMresidence Ceo: Youngdong You Hochstraße45 13357Berlin Germany +4915156200377(GER) / +4915758500042(GER) / +821042089599(KOR) / [email protected]
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amresidence · 9 years ago
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International Artist residency "Sprudelwasser" from April to October 2016 in Soultzbach, France. The residence "Sprudelwasser" is a trinationnal exchange program taking place in Soultzbach in France (2014), Busan in South-Korea (2015) and Soultzbach in France (2016). The objective of this program is to support multidisciplinary artistic creation: art, music, drawing, photography, film, video, digital art, performance... The program gives our guests a space to work stimulated by fertil exchanges and intercultural dialogue. After three weeks of work, the participants will organize an exhibition that will open to the local public. The exhibition will present the work done during the residency. URL: Project Organizer Artmedia Planner.Inc AMplanner Berlin-AMgallery, Amart Academy, Amstudio,AMresidence Ceo: Youngdong You Hochstraße 45 13357 Berlin Germany +49 15156200377 / +49 15758500042 [email protected] Association Les Anciens Thermes Ceo: Jacques Roth 23, rue des Bains 68230 Soultzbach-les-Bains tel. +33 3 68 07 47 23 / +33 6 27 57 08 36 anciensthermes Siret: 52151238400012 Disciplines: all genres of art- Animation, Film & Video, Installation, Media Arts, Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Visual Arts.. Offered program: residency, seminar, artist talk, exhibition. Location: Colmar, France Duration: One or three months Eligibility: send CV, artist If you are an active artist, designer, musician, you can apply for one, two or three months at our studios! Costs / Support: Fees between 1500-2000€ per person depending on size of the studio plus maintenance: 100€ key deposit (covers housing costs, studio space, technical assistence and the final show) Extra cost: Personal spending, cost of living, and work-pocket cost of materials, Air tickets The applications should be sent electronically to [email protected]. We request an artist's statement, cv, project proposal and 5 imges with image list. For further details and costs, please see our web-site at or contact Lori-Ann Touchette at [email protected]. You will find info on up-coming deadlines for 2016-year round residencies there too. Program Description: AMplanner Berlin-AMgallery, Amart Academy, Amstudio,AMresidence Ceo: Youngdong You Hochstraße 45 13357 Berlin Germany +49 15156200377 / +49 15758500042 [email protected] Location: Soultzbach-les-Bains, Colmar, France Deadline: no deadline Duration: 2016 - year round CALL FOR ARTISTS: 1st - 27 May 2016 to 19 June 2016 2st - 1 July 2016 to 24 July 2016 3st - 5 August 2016 to 28 August 2016 4st - 9 September 2016 to 2 October 2016 Language: English / German / Korean Eligibilty: If you are an active artist, designer, musician and writer, you can apply for one, two or three months at our studios! Cost: We host -20 friendly residency apartments at one back street of Soultzbach-les-Bains with all in all 20 live and work studios! Fees between 1500-2000€ per person depending on size of the studio plus maintenance: 100€ key deposit All costs must be covered by the artists. When selected and after booking the studio we can send invitations to artists who want to apply for funds. Competition Guidelines 1. Recruitment sector The first refers to the concept and process of the artist or the beginning think of all genres (art, architecture, crafts, photography, dance, literature, fashion, etc.) Eseukiseu with text, symbols, and a model to. Photographers who actively work activities for more than one solo after college, working mainly as a medium artist pictures Musicians have not released a full album No distinction between genres, available in both solo or band 2. Residency Program Duration: 1st - 27 May 2016 to 19 June 2016 2st - 1 July 2016 to 24 July 2016 3st - 5 August 2016 to 28 August 2016 4st - 9 September 2016 to 2 October 2016 3. Recruitment for: all genres of art 4. recruitment: people (including foreign, domestic) 5. Move Duration: 3 week (at the time of application Required Fields) 6. Recruitment Method: invite people (foreign, domestic) Contest people (foreign, domestic) 7. Residency place 23, rue des Bains 68230 Soultzbach-les-Bains Artist residency "Sprudelwasser" program 2016 International Artist residency "Sprudelwasser" is an autonomous initiative started by artists in 2016. It runs without any external funding. Since 2014 the residency has become the central element of the project. 20 rooms are set up as an Artist Residency program, designed to host active artists visiting Colmar. The work rooms are the core elements of this effort. The main goal of the residency program is to provide artists visiting Colmar quick access to an environment that will foster their creative energies. Participating artists are invited and expected to explore their creative paths. These residencies are offered as an opportunity, but it is up to the artist to make full use of it. We do our best to assist and support, but each artist is responsible for their own activities. Program: At the beginning of your stay AMplanner organizes an initial meeting to give everybody the chance to introduce their projects to the group. Every week we have a AMplanner talk with a visiting artist/curator at the AM studios where residents are asked to show and discuss their new works and get critics. We also have a weekly event to show you around (these can be gallery visits, concerts, studio visits of Berlin based artists and visits of collections in town) We do our best to assist and support, but we don't guide the groups and we are not responsible for contacts between artists and galleries. Each artist is responsible for their own activities. We can't connect you with the whole art scene of Berlin, we only can suggest you which opening you should visit etc. - you need to be able to find your own way! * Artist residency program pay for 3week: 2000€ -Workshops & Tour Program -Promotions -support and exhibition -Studio rent Extra cost: Personal spending, cost of living, and work-pocket cost of materials, Air tickets AMplanner Berlin Support for: ■ Common - Residential Studio - 24 hours available studios offer (bed, desk, chair, cabinet, providing restaurant) - Electricity, water bills, such as utilities offer - Lunch, Diner (Mon-Fri) - By default, shared kitchen available - One Group exhibition - Promotions, support and exhibition leaflet - Workshops and exhibition support - Residency results reported domestic production and related agencies for distribution to former - With other local area network and international exchange programs - Regional Cultural Tour Program Participation 1st Program 24 May 2016 The organizer Youngdong You meet in Soultzbach-les-Bains at the Local Association Les Anciens Thermes, to prepare for the reception of participants: Preparation and Setting up of the workingspace for the Residence. 27 May, 2016 - Arrival of participants, presentation of the program From 16 April to 4 May 2015 - Artistic work of the participants. - Consulting work by our organizer team. - Meetings with local artists (once per day) - Collective Tasks (meals, housekeeping, purchasing) - Planning and organizing activities open to the public Educational workshop for adults and children Creation of a documentation of activities of the residence. 15 – 19 Jun 2016 Exibition, open to the public Public presentation of the work done during the residence programme as a collective exhibitions. Invitation of the partners how supported the project, Invitation of the local presse (journalisme). Communication List of communication media : - Flyer / Poster - Website - Social media - Mailling - Residence Catalog ❑ Main: ❑ Contact: [email protected] * Telephone inquiries are not accepted
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amresidence · 9 years ago
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International Artist residency Kustprojektraum AMplanner Berlin2016 국제 아티스트 거주 프로그램 - Kustprojektraum - AMplanner - Berlin2016 프로젝트 주최자: Artmedia Planner.Inc AMplanner Berlin-AMgallery, Amstudio, AMresidence CEO : Youngdong You Hochstraße 45 13357 Berlin Germany +49 15156200377 / +49 15758500042 [email protected] 프로그램 설명 국제 레지던시 공간 네트워크 구축을 통한 젊 은 작가들의 국제 교류를 목적으로 레지던시 프로 그램 "Sprudelwasser"는 프랑스 엘자스 지역 콜마 시에 위치한 슐쯔바크에서 2014년 시작되었습 니다. 이 프로그램의 목적은 미술, 음악, 그림, 사진, 영화, 비디오, 디지털 아트,,등 다양한 예술활동을 하 는 젊은 예술가들을 발굴 및 종합 예술 창작 공간을 지원 함으로서 다채로운 기회의 발판을 제공 하는 것입니다. 국제 교류를 통한 다문화 예술의 공간을 제공합니다. 이번 행사를 통해 한국 과 유 럽의 새로운 활동 영역을 구축함으로서 장기적인 국제 교류 행사로 발 돋음 할 수 있는 기 회가 마 련될 것이며 젊은 작가들의 국제적 예술가로 나아갈 수 있는 통로가 마련될 것입니다. 각 지역에서 활동하고 있는 작가들과의 지역성 문제점을 공유하고 재해석하는 공동 작업 및 발표 를 통해 새로운 대안을 마련하게 될것입니다. 이번 국제 레지던시 네트워크 구축을 통해 프랑스 (Les Anciens Thermes Association 2014), 한국 (부산 Artdistrict_P 예술지구P 2015), 독일(AMplanner Berlin 2016), 프랑스 (Les Anciens Thermes Association 2017) 유럽과 한국 문화를 연결하는 국가 레지던시 교두 보를 구축할 것입니다. 제공 프로그램 : 거주, 세미나, 아티스트 토크, 그룹 전시. 분야 : 미술, 디자인, 설치, 미디어 아트, 퍼포먼스, 사진, 조각, 시각 예술. 위치 : 베를린, 베를린, 독일 기간 : 1~3개월 2016 AMresidence 기간: 7월 1Round 8월 2Round 9월 3Round 10월 4Round 자격 : 현재 작품 활동을 하고있는 예술가들을 대상으로 하며 베를린에 위치한 에이엠 스튜디오 에서 1개월 또는 3 개월간 체류하며 예술가 활동을 경험하게 됩니다. 지원 제출 서류는 경력서와 작품 포트폴리오를 이메일로 보내주시면 됩니다. 자료 및 포트폴리오 지원서 제출은 [email protected] 메일로 전송해야합니다. 추가 참고 자료는 당사 홈페이지 웹 사이트를 참조하기 바랍니다. 자료 마감일: 없음 URL: 참가 비용: 스튜디오와 별도의 숙박 시설의 크기에 따라 한 달에 1200€~1800€ 사이의 비용이 청구됩니다. 추가로 300 €의 보증금 (숙박, 스튜디오 공간, 그룹 전시포함) 은행 정보: 한국: 예금주: 유영동 은행: 우리은행 계좌 번호: 96201205202001 독일: Account name: Youngdong You Bank name: Deutschebank Account number: 4380739 00 IBAN: DE30100700240438073900 BIC-SWIFT: DEUTDEDBBER 추가 비용: 개인 지출 생활비, 작품 제작비, 항공 티켓 모든 비용은 유료이며 레지던시 참가자들의 몫입니다. 참여를 희망 하시는 분들에게 당사에서 초청장을 보내드립니다. ○ 레지던시 세부 절차 1주: 레지던시 참가자 도착, 프로그램의 프리젠 테이션 작가와의 만남 베를린 지역 탐구 및 조사를 통한 작업 컨설팅 2주: 참가자의 예술 작품및 프로잭트 설치작품 제작 베를린 지역 타 레지던시 공간 방문 및 교류 3주: 베를린 지역 예술가 스튜디오 방문 및 교류 일괄 작업 - 공개 계획 및 조직 활동-거주 활동의 문서의 작성 및 작품 제작 4주: 전시 및 작품 발표 - 단체 그룹 전시회로 체류 프로그램 중에 수행 된 작업의 공개 프리젠 테이션 추가 문의 사항이 있으시면 [email protected] 메일 또는 +49 15758500042 연락 바랍니다 International Artist residency Kustprojektraum AMplanner Berlin2016 International-Artist-residency-Kustprojektraum-AMplanner-Berlin2016 Disciplines: Art Education, Collaboration, Design, Film & Video, Installation, Media Arts, Painting, Performance, Photography, Research, Sculpture, Visual Arts. Location: Berlin, Berlin, Germany Duration: One or three months Eligibility: send CV, artist If you are an active artist, designer, musician, you can apply for one, two or three months at our studios! Support: no URL: Program Description: International Kustprojektraum AMplanner Berlin2016 Artist residency Berlin Germany Project Organizer Artmedia Planner.Inc AMplanner Berlin-AMgallery, Amart Academy, Amstudio,AMresidence Ceo: Youngdong You Hochstraße 45 13357 Berlin Germany +49 15156200377 / +49 15758500042 [email protected] Disciplines: all genres of art- Animation, Film & Video, Installation, Media Arts, Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Visual Arts.. Offered program: residency, seminar, artist talk, exhibition. Location: Berlin, Germany Duration: One or three months Eligibility: send CV, artist If you are an active artist, designer, musician, you can apply for one, two or three months at our studios! Costs: Fees between 1200€~1800€ per month depending on size of the studio and separate Accommodation. plus maintenance: 300€ key deposit (covers housing costs, studio space, technical assistence and the final show) Korea: Account name: Youngdong You Bank name: WOORI BANK Account number: 96201205202001 Bank Adress: 1585, Sangam-dong, mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea BIC-SWIFT: HVBKKRSEXXX Germany: Account name: Youngdong You Bank name: Deutschebank Account number: 4380739 00 IBAN: DE30100700240438073900 BIC-SWIFT: DEUTDEDBBER Extra cost: Personal spending, cost of living, and work-pocket cost of materials, Air tickets The applications should be sent electronically to [email protected]. We request an artist's statement, cv, project proposal and 5 imges with image list. For further details and costs, please see our web-site at or contact Youngdong You Touchette at [email protected]. You will find info on up-coming deadlines for 2016-year round residencies there too. Deadline: no deadline Duration: 2016 - year round CALL FOR ARTISTS: 1Round July 2016 2Round Aug 2016 3Round Sep 2016 4Round Oct 2016 Language: English / German / Korean Eligibilty: If you are an active artist, designer, musician and writer, you can apply for one, two or three months at our studios! All costs must be covered by the artists. When selected and after booking the studio we can send invitations to artists who want to apply for funds. AM Kunstprojektraum is an autonomous initiative started by artists in 2016. It runs without any external funding. Since 2011 the residency has become the central element of the project. 4 rooms are set up as an Artist Residency program, designed to host active artists visiting Berlin. The work rooms are the core elements of this effort. The main goal of the residency program is to provide artists visiting Berlin quick access to an environment that will foster their creative energies. Participating artists are invited and expected to explore their creative paths. These residencies are offered as an opportunity, but it is up to the artist to make full use of it. We do our best to assist and support, but each artist is responsible for their own activities. Program: At the beginning of your stay AMplanner organizes an initial meeting to give everybody the chance to introduce their projects to the group. Every week we have a AMplanner talk with a visiting artist/curator at the AM studios where residents are asked to show and discuss their new works and get critics. We also have a weekly event to show you around (these can be gallery visits, concerts, studio visits of Berlin based artists and visits of collections in town) We do our best to assist and support, but we don't guide the groups and we are not responsible for contacts between artists and galleries. Each artist is responsible for their own activities. We can't connect you with the whole art scene of Berlin, we only can suggest you which opening you should visit etc. - you need to be able to find your own way! URL:
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amresidence · 9 years ago
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Artist residency “Sprudelwasser” 프랑스 (슐쯔바크 Les Anciens Thermes Association 2014), 한국 (부산 Artdistrict_P 2015), 독일(베를린 AMplanner Berlin 2016) AMplanner Berlin Artist residency “Sprudelwasser” Artist-residency-Sprudelwasser Disciplines: Animation, Film & Video, Installation, Media Arts, Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Visual Arts. Location: Busan, Busan, Korea, Republic of Duration: From 16 Nov 2015 to 6 Dec 2015 AMplanner Berlin Residency Exchange Exhibition in Art District_p 에이엠 플레너 베를린 국제 레지던시 교류전 03.DEC-09.DEC 2015 / 2015년 12월 3일(목)-12월 9일(수) Art District_p ADC 1Exhibition Place / 예술지구P ADC 1관 전시장 Residency & Exhibition Artist-레지던시 및 전시 참여작가 Aisuke Kondo (Germany/Japan) 아이스케 콘도(독일/일본) Katie Ho (Hong Kong) 케이티 호(홍콩) Elie Roth (France) 엘리 로스(프랑스) Exhibition Artist-전시 참여작가 Bettina Weiss(Germany) 베티나 바이스(독일) Charlotte Bastian(Germany) 샬로테 바스티안(독일) Gleb bas(Germany) 글렙 바스(독일) Kerstin Serz(Germany) 케어스틴 세쯔(독일) Art District_p 예술지구P 609-845 부산광역시 금정구 개좌로 162 162, Gaejwa-ro, Geumjeang-gu, Busan, Korea / [email protected] T 070.4322.3112 F 051.797.8555 AMplanner Berlin AMgallery, AmartAcademy, Amstudio, AMresidence Hochstraße4513357BerlinGermany +4915156200377(GER) / +4915758500042(GER) / +821042089599(KOR) / [email protected]
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amresidence · 10 years ago
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AMplanner Berlin Artist residency “Sprudelwasser”edit post delete post Deadline: 22 Oct, 2015 Artist-residency-Sprudelwasser Disciplines: Animation, Film & Video, Installation, Media Arts, Performance, Photography, Sculpture, Visual Arts. Location: Busan, Busan, Korea, Republic of Deadline: 22 Oct, 2015 Duration: 16 Nov 2015 to 6 Dec 2015 Eligibility: The first refers to the concept and process of the artist or the beginning think of all genres (Painting, Drowing, Sculptur , photography, Installation, etc.) Costs / Support: Support by Room and meals are provided to residents, as well as a studio and Exhibition URL: Program Description: Artist residency "Sprudelwasser" from 16 Nov to 6 Dec 2015 in Busan, South Korea. The residence "Sprudelwasser" is a trinationnal exchange program taking place in Soultzbach in France (2014), Busan in South-Korea (2015) and Berlin in Germany (2016). The objective of this program is to support multidisciplinary artistic creation: art, music, drawing, photography, film, video, digital art, performance... The program gives our guests a space to work stimulated by fertil exchanges and intercultural dialogue. After three weeks of work, the participants will organize an exhibition that will open to the local public. The exhibition will present the work done during the residency. Project Organizer Artmedia Planner.Inc AMplanner Berlin-AMgallery, Amart Academy, Amstudio, AMresidence Ceo: Youngdong You Hochstraße 45 13357 Berlin Germany +49 15156200377 / +49 15758500042 [email protected] Art district_p 162-B, Gaejwa-ro, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, Korea +82 70-4322-3113 [email protected] Competition Guidelines 1. Recruitment sector Writers of all genres that are based on the drawing⇀ drawing Iran The first refers to the concept and process of the artist or the beginning think of all genres (Painting, Drowing, Sculptur , photography, Installation, etc.) 2. Residency Program Duration: 16 Nov 2015 to 6 Dec 2015 3. Recruitment for: all genres of art 4. recruitment: people (including foreign, domestic) 5. Move Duration: 3 week (at the time of application Required Fields) 6. Recruitment Method: invite people (foreign, domestic) Contest people (foreign, domestic) 7. Documents to be submitted: Max 5 work material (in excess of what the other review excluded) * Create a file with the given form File format for the video work is * .avi, * .mov, * .wmv file and cut each image within Chapter 5(All images work should be compatible with pc and mac) Support application (cover letter, action plan within -10 bar) * file written in the form provided BIOGRAPHY – Annex two or more portfolios for the project - creating the image * By mail: The free-form with A4 size portfolio Oct 22th 18:00 only (punctuality) ※ AMplanner Berlin: online registration by mail- [email protected] 8. Schedule - Resident artist contest period: Sep 15th, 2015 - Oct 22th, 2015 - Collusion screening method: Primary Document Review - Submission deadline: Oct 22th, 2015 (punctuality) - Collusion review: The primary document review - Oct 22th, 2015 - How to submit: Internet reception - [email protected] - Support filing fee: None - Inviting resident artists selected: Oct 23th, 2015 9. Residency place Art district_p 162-B, Gaejwa-ro, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, Korea Artist residency "Sprudelwasser" program 2015. Art district_p Support for: ■ Common - Residential Hybrid Studio - 24 hours available studios offer (bed, desk, chair, cabinet, providing restaurant) - Scanner required in the project (flat and drum scanners), photo studio available - Electricity, water bills, such as utilities offer - Lunch (Mon-Fri) - By default, shared kitchen available - Use a guest room - Two exhibition (Area 85㎡, 183.03㎡) - Promotions, support and exhibition leaflet - Workshops and exhibition support - Residency results reported domestic production and related agencies for distribution to former - With other local area network and international exchange programs - Regional Cultural Tour Program Participation * I pay: cost of living, and work-pocket cost of materials, Air tickets ■ Creation Space _p, photons - Three-dimensional work equipment provided (drill, jigsaw, welders, grinders, etc. - Large forehead con film scanner, Epson digital printing system, various lighting equipment and photo studio available ❑ Main: ❑ Contact: [email protected] * Telephone inquiries are not accepted Programme 14 Nov 2015 The organizer Yungdong You meet in Busan at the Local Art distric P, to prepare for the reception of participants: Preparation and Setting up of the workingspace for the Residence. 15 Nov, 2015 - Arrival of participants, presentation of the program From 16 Nov to 3 Dec 2015 - Artistic work of the participants. - Consulting work by our organizer team. - Meetings with local artists (once per day) - Collective Tasks (meals, housekeeping, purchasing) - Planning and organizing activities open to the public Educational workshop for adults and children Creation of a documentation of activities of the residence. 4 – 11 Dec 2015 Exibition, open to the public Public presentation of the work done during the residence programme as a collective exhibitions. Invitation of the partners how supported the project, Invitation of the local presse (journalisme). URL:
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amresidence · 10 years ago
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amresidence · 10 years ago
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