amrenayers ¡ 4 years
“how have you been enjoying the…weather?” vaughn asks, voice tired as per usual. the man hardly slept, and when he did, it was fitful. it had been decades since he’d lost his wife, and he had taken no other. however, his rest would always be fitful, it seemed. no matter. he had more important work to do, and the evening air of kahlo was nice. if not a bit hot.
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“it’s a bit stuffy, but i suppose i’m used to the chilly weather of velaris.” he hums to himself before reaching to grip the bar of the balcony as he looked out. “can you not sleep either? or does something else bring you out tonight?”
so he was a northerner . it appeared as far north as it went . aleria was on its own ; away from most other kingdoms and amren must admit that she preferred it that way .   ‘   the sun shines here . in aleria we don’t have much of that . the clouds are our best friends , but it appears that kahlo finds comfort in the sun .   ’   her eyes averted to the man that stood before her ; it appeared from what he said that he couldn’t find comfort in the weather that chased about in kahlo .   ‘   this entire trip has brought change in scenery and territory ; i’m just trying to adjust and it’s taking some time .   ’
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amrenayers ¡ 4 years
for amren ’ s intro please click here .
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amrenayers ¡ 4 years
“these flowers are all wrong. really it looks as though a child arranged them,” she grumbled. “what do you think?” she asks the person closest to her. kahlo was a beautiful island, no doubt, and miriam had enjoyed the splendor that it held. however, the mornings… and evenings… and sometimes middays of kahlo were tragically ruined for miriam. the little beast growing inside her was very much a hassle. she had been sick most days, and tragically, the sea air did little for her. it was different from the sea air of solia.
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“is it just me? i really cannot seem to get over the flowers. we should go pick some. would you care to walk with me to the gardens?”
her head turned as the voice spoke . amren knew that each kingdom had their own specialties and flowers certainly weren’t aleria’s . she felt there was no place for her to speak on such matters .   ‘   we don’t have many flowers in aleria . i am afraid that i could not arrange any even if guidance was given to me .   ’   she grinned , a little chuckle passing her lips as she did so .   ‘   however , i would not be opposed to picking some from the gardens ; i just can’t promise that i will pick the right ones or have any idea how to arrange them .   ’
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amrenayers ¡ 4 years
throughout her life, lysandra had never left velaris — and, were it not for the title that hung above her head, the bright haired royal knew that she would have remained where she was comfortable. alas, her people and her kingdom needed her, and their king, to come to a strange land, surrounded by strange things. “kahlo certainly knows what they are doing when it comes to wine, do they not?” the velaris queen commented, words flying by whoever’s ears were close. there was no fear in her voice; apart from the couple of guards standing only a couple of steps away from her (just in case, of course), the queen knew none should be stupid enough to attack a queen so openly — not when peace was still so fickle. “would you join me?” she offered, pouring a second glass of wine at the table she was passing time at.
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brunette locks that were encapsulated in streaks of auburn framed her face waving freely as she stood near unfamiliar faces . amren couldn’t remember the last time she felt the sun as closely as she was now . the heat that radiated from the surface of which she stood filled her inside and out ; surprisingly enough she kind of enjoyed it . it was different , and to mix it with a bit of wine .. well , she was feeling good .   ‘   i believe they save the best for themselves if i’m honest . our wine comes from across the sea , but it’s never this wonderful .   ’   she commented , a smile gracing her features . amren wasn’t here to fight ; she had seen enough of it .   ‘   i have already had a bit ; a little more though , it could not hurt .   ’
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amrenayers ¡ 4 years
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amrenayers ¡ 4 years
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@nightbloodnetwork event one: deceased characters
⇻ Luna Kom Floukru
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