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amoua · 5 years ago
It's been a while since I've written. I'll attempt to do so at least once a week just to check in.
Today's July 5, 2020--10:46PM
It's been a long work week and another will start tomorrow. I've been doing helicopter work for MMCD through most of the last week in the heat. It's been a beating with this weather and it looks to be another one this upcoming week. Hopefully we won't get any major rain again like last week's
My garden at work has been coming along super well! I'm super excited needless to say. I've spent so many hours outside of work on this project that I'm just glad it's coming together well. This is only the second year since I've been gardening at work. I'll post up some photos of it later. This garden is a total expansion from our tire garden last year. Our garden have expanded almost 500-800% from last year. I even have it fenced off too! Many hours have been spent on this project like previously mentioned.
There's too many varieties of vegetables to list but here goes: bush and pole beans, sweet corn, Brussel sprouts, two varieties of kale, at least 8 varieties of peppers, almost the same amount of variety of tomatoes, purple and green cabbage, broccoli, blue berries, spear mint, oregano, lemon basil, Thai basil, rosemary, turnip, cucumbers, watermelons, lemon grass, yellow squash, zucchini, radish, carrots, strawberries, green and red rhubarb, 3 varieties of big bulb onion, garlic chives, buttercup and butternut squash, swish chard, garlic...i almost forgot my 4 varieties of potatoes and asparagus... A lot for a second year attempt at a garden I tell you. It's going very well though. If only you can see this garden in person, I'd think you'd be very surprised how much have been accomplished. A lot of learning is done on the go and from many hours watching YouTube gardening videos. I'm doing better at managing plant disease and hopefully cultivating more yield through pruning. I've recently been dealing with Peter rabbit but with better fencing, we are not worried about him any longer.
I always said at the beginning of the year especially because if covid19, that even if everything is a wash, the garden growing season goes on because of this, there's something to look forward to.
My part-time weekend job is going well too. It's been a year now since I've worked there. I'm still loving it.
I hope all have been well with you too.
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amoua · 5 years ago
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All these years of using "99" for "night night", I always thought I was alone with using the abbreviation. Today, I learn that this isn't new at all. 😆👌 I suddenly don't feel alone and stupid.
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amoua · 6 years ago
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I hangout a lot and I like it =) I usually hangout alone although I'm usually in the company of birds and squirrels. Badger even came around once to say hello. Sitting in a tree for half a day really gives me time to self reflect in the tranquil space of the woods.
This year has been extremely fruitful for me.  I took two deer, doe and buck by archery within ten minutes of each other respectably, on Pheasant Opener to my advantage.  The harvest of these two deer came in well under 20 yards-- One by mechanical broadhead, the other by fixed blade.  I then took a doe during Minnesota Season A, by shotgun slug.  It’s been an incredible year for deer.  Even dad took a doe to break his dry spell.  I haven’t gotten to squirrel as much as I would have liked but I did have a fun weekend plinking red squirrels which I look to do again this up coming weekend to close up my season before I have to really call it quits unfortunately.
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amoua · 6 years ago
Adele vs. Linkin Park - Set Fire To The End (Pulga Mashup) [720p]
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amoua · 6 years ago
Remember us this way- Gaga
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amoua · 7 years ago
“I forgive people but that doesn’t mean I accept their behavior or trust them again. I forgive them for me, so I can let go and move on with my life.”
— Unknown
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amoua · 7 years ago
Chorus frogs have emerged and ensymboled loudly in the wetlands next to work today. Redwing black bird first sighting, as well as brown bats have taken flight to feed. First true sign of Spring indeed.
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amoua · 7 years ago
Cleveland Ohio
The downside to Cleveland is that there aren't many flights from Minneapolis to Cleveland, vice versa. Other than that, it's been great.
There's much more appreciation for Cleveland than I've ever thought possible nor do people give it credit for. I may even dare say that it might be cooler than MSP.
Definitely much diversity here in the City. Good food scene, lots of things to do. Lake Erie is pretty much a fresh water lake and the ocean. West Side Market was fascinating just as Pikes Place was in Seattle, just a tad smaller of course, with smaller seafood options. An indoor year-round marketplace always amuses me, so do botanical gardens.
I made a run up to Niagara falls during this trip because I had such a good opportunity to do so and I did! I spent 7 hours for a mesely hour visit, which was still very worth it of course. I was so close to Toronto that I had wish I would have brought my passport with. At that point, I almost just wanted to keep driving and hitting up all these other big cities that I was so close to. I really wanted to drive the two hours to Pittsburg too. I was amazed how many Indian restraunts were in the vicinity at Niagara. I did attempt to eat at 3 establishments but it didn't work out so I turned back for Cleveland to meet my other items on the agenda.
Apparently the weather is bipolar here and not very constant. I had two nice warm days in the near high 70s then cold rain the last days of my stay. Of course Spring weather like this is also shared similarly in MSP.
Great time over all. I wonder where I'll hit up next!
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amoua · 7 years ago
I strolled through the airport bookstore as I had much time on my hands. I came across a book that featured the author's experience, observing snails.
Sounds pretty simple, and it is. It just reminds me of my childhood back in California where my brother and I would play with snails. At some point, I even had them captive in a taranium. They were actually kinda cool, slow and steady but going about their business. I loved that they had a shell. Slugs on the other hand didn't get so much loving. We had a wood deck in the back that housed many and they would come out at night to do their business. Unfortunately for them, we don't like them for various reasons plus a simple solution to dispatch them is just to use table salt. I bet it must hurt having salt applied straight on open flesh.
But yeah, a simple book, triggers a childhood memory.
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amoua · 7 years ago
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Theres nothing closer than family
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amoua · 7 years ago
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Look what talent my homies can do! #giftforme#welding#snowboarding#loved!
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amoua · 7 years ago
Nplooj siab hlub - Xy Lee ft. Mindy Yang
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amoua · 7 years ago
You hangout with smokers, you become a smoker. =/
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amoua · 7 years ago
Colorado Snowboarding Trip 2/8-13
It’s been weeks since I’ve last been in Colorado to snowboard.  I’ve been wanting to head out to Vail, Colorado ever since I was in Middle School after doing a power point presentation on the tourism aspect of that ski village.  
While there, I snowboarded Keystone, Breckenridge and Vail resorts.  I was up near ten-thousand feet above sea level which made for some rather tough breathing.  I struggled to breath up on the mountain while snowboarding.  I was perhaps getting only 70% of my breaths.  It took me a few seconds to fully grasp myself after even just putting my bindings on.  
Needless to say, I had a great time out there.  Our group leaders were great and I’d go on a trip with them again as I am certainly more than hoping so.  There were 18 of us in total but only 15 are snowboarders.  One of the girls got attitude sickness and was admitted into the local hospital.  All of us flew out back home after the trip except for a few who stayed back with her.  I was certainly shocked to hear about her admittance as this whole new altitude sickness is new to me.  
The mountains were beautiful as I’ve imagined if not more.  The fact that I was able to intermingle with the mountains were more than exhilarating.  It snowed half of the time there and half of the time was blue bird clear as was the temperature.    
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amoua · 7 years ago
You can't make old friends - Kenny Rogers ft. Dolly Parton I've been feeling rather emotional lately. Miss my homies
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amoua · 7 years ago
Nothing like you
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amoua · 7 years ago
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I have finally set foot on top of the Colorado Rockies and riden down its snowy mountain side with my snowboard. A dream come true indeed! Thankful for this opportunity! Where will my travels take me to next =)
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