amory311 · 1 year
Finished inking!
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amory311 · 2 years
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repost for cheetos jumbo
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amory311 · 2 years
Song. Freaks, by surf cruise
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amory311 · 2 years
Song. Freaks, by surf cruise
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amory311 · 2 years
Please follow my boi. He is a genius when it comes to this funny shit
The prologue of the hit e-rated game OMORI
Here we follow the life of 12yo Sunny. He lives with his 15yo sister Mari! Today Mari ordered pizza for the two of them! While they waited for the pizza delivery guy, Sunny initiated their favorite game: INSTRUMENT TOSSING!!! Sunny did great, yeeting his violin down the stairs.
While Mari walked down the stairs to get her piano, the doorbell rang. PIZZA! Sunny had prepared for the arrival, and didn't fall down the stairs. However, as Mari was on them, she fell down most the staircase.
Mari laid there for a bit while their cat Mewo's big brother Mewutler answered the door, as he had been waiting for something to happen. He picked up Mari, and poured a regeneration potion on her. She woke up, Sunny went down after the AYO effect wore off, and they ate pizza with violin string ramen on the side.
Finished with their dinner, they called their friends Basil, Kel, Hero, and Aubrey over. They lined up in front of the closet in Sunny and Mari's bedroom with Kel in the front and Hero in the back right behind Mari, and they dived into LSD Narnia.
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amory311 · 2 years
2 things,
2 i love this more then life
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amory311 · 2 years
hey guys guess what
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amory311 · 2 years
Really shit drawing i made
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Mainly practice
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amory311 · 2 years
Okay but, why is octavia listening to music like the best thing ever. I can think of so many songs shes listening to tho.
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amory311 · 2 years
Damn lemme see what that tounge do tho 😏
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amory311 · 2 years
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5 posts!
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amory311 · 2 years
I write some shit poetry i know but i wrote this.
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amory311 · 2 years
Evangelion slander
Neon genesis
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amory311 · 2 years
All right, i know saying this is gonna piss some people off. BUT.
Final fantasy 7 is better then the remake. And here is my reasoning
Before i start i should say, i have not played all of final fantasy 7 remake. Because i did not like it
-They changed the music. Look i get it, you want to make your game feel new. And thats great and all, i just personaly feel they should have kept the original soundtrack. The music just makes you feel something.
-The picture quality. I really do understand here, you wanted to make your game feel really new. And im going to say, HOLY SHIT. They really polished the game. Like it looks beautiful, but i dont know. Its like, the old shitty quality has this nice nostalgic, charm to it.
-Also the fighting system is jank as fuck in my opinion. They did great polishing that but i just really think i just like the original system.
-They only did the midgar parts. Because of this i lost instrest in it, if or when they create the other parts. It might make it better. But until then i will favor the original
Now to finish this i need to say this. I am not saying that FFVII Remake is a fucking terrible game. It is a fucking beautiful game, i damn near shed a tear when i see the quality of the game. They did a great job remaking it. And i have a huge artsitic appreciation for it. I just like the original one more personally.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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amory311 · 2 years
Sephiroth really do be poppin off tho after he murders everyone. He got a serious glow up
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amory311 · 2 years
Ok just saying tho, legend of zelda should add in cats if they havent. Like it would be great if i just got back from a fuck-ton of adventuring and fighting, and i find a village and cuddle with a cat. That would be the fucking best
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soft tp boy and his cat 
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